Link settings

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Link settings

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The Link settings detailed view contains information on how terminals can be linked. For types of resources other than terminals, this detailed view has no use.


The data from here is used in the link analysis that can be performed in connection with generation of terminal lists, both in Dynamic OnLine I and in the Report Generator (for example the report definition 0X_E_EMA004).


Roughly, it can be said that connections on the same side of terminals within the same terminal group are considered as links if they fall within the restrictions specified in the catalogue, in the Link settings detailed view.


There are four indications per terminal side (internal and external). They are about how long a link can be, how many terminals a link can "jump over", how many parallel links there may be, and how many links can be connected on each terminal side at the same time. Links that, so to speak, "lie in the middle", or in other words cannot be considered to belong to either the internal or external side, may simply be regarded as belonging to either one of the sides. However, this should be done consistently. A suggestion to start with is to treat them as internal.


Figure 1631:  The "Link settings" detailed view

Figure 1631:  The "Link settings" detailed view




Internal side

Length (number of terminals)

Maximum length expressed in number of terminals for an individual jumper on the internal side (jumper plate or equivalent). Corresponds to the BLI variable used in older versions.


No. of terminals to skip

Maximum number of terminals on the internal side that a jumper can pass without being connected. Corresponds to the BHI variable used in older versions.


No. of parallel jumpers

Maximum number of parallel jumpers on the internal side. Corresponds to the BPI variable used in older versions.


No. of connected jumpers per terminal

Maximum number of simultaneously connected jumpers on the internal side of each individual terminal. Corresponds to the BAI variable used in older versions.


External side

Length (number of terminals)

Maximum length expressed in number of terminals for an individual jumper on the external side (jumper plate or equivalent). Corresponds to the BLE variable used in older versions.


No. of terminals to skip

Maximum number of terminals on the external side that a jumper can pass without being connected. Corresponds to the BHE variable used in older versions.


No. of parallel jumpers

Maximum number of parallel jumpers on the external side. Corresponds to the BPE variable used in older versions.


No. of connected jumpers per terminal

Maximum number of simultaneously connected jumpers on the external side of each individual terminal. Corresponds to the BAE variable used in older versions.