Use separate extended PLC database

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Use separate extended PLC database

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Figure 350: The "Use separate extended PLC database" check-box

Figure 350: The "Use separate extended PLC database" check-box


The Use separate extended PLC database check-box controls whether the Extended PLC database feature should be active or not.


For super projects, this feature is invaluable, so you should definitely activate it in all your super projects. Please note, that this parameter must be set in the super project. The corresponding parameter in the sub-projects is mirrored from the super project.


In conventional projects, the Extended PLC database is very nice to have as well. It can save you a lot of time and prevent frustration when mistakes are made. Being able to easily restore information that has been unintentionally deleted, is certainly a possibility that few will turn down.


Please refer to the parent topic for a detailed description of the Extended PLC database.