Transferred translation

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Transferred translation

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In a transferred translation a word or a phrase located in an attribute of a block will be translated and the translation placed in another attribute of either the same block or of a different block. A typical use of this feature is for translations within the title field.


A transferred translation where the translation is placed in the same block as the original text, is called internal. A transferred translation where the translation is placed in another block, is called external.


The details of the needed settings are all described in the two tables below.


Definitions for transferred translation





External transferred translation, meaning from one block to another


Internal transferred translation, meaning from one attribute to another within one and the same block


Refers to the name of the block in which the attribute that contains the original text is located


Refers to the name of the attribute that contains the original text


For external translation this refers to the name of the block in which the attribute that the translation should be entered is located. For internal translation this setting is irrelevant.


Refers to the name of the attribute in which the translation is going to be entered.


Syntax for specification of compare values in definitions of transferred translation




An arbitrary number of arbitrary characters, but not an empty string


An arbitrary number of arbitrary characters, including an entirely empty string

Empty string


One single arbitrary character