The Vault Settings dialogue

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The Vault Settings dialogue

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You access the Vault Settings dialogue from the Module pull-down menu in the Project Module. Select the Settings for Autodesk Vault... command, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 255: The "Settings for Autodesk Vault..." command invokes the Vault Settings dialogue box that is shown in the figure below.

Figure 255: The "Settings for Autodesk Vault..." command invokes the Vault Settings dialogue box that is shown in the figure below.


Figure 256: The Vault Settings dialogue box

Figure 256: The Vault Settings dialogue box


With the Vault Settings dialogue box, shown in the figure above, it is possible to:


Select the Vault version to work with.


Install the Vault Client Extension. (Please refer to The Vault Client Extension sub-topic).


Clear login info


Configure Automatic e-mail notifications. (Please refer to a separate sub-topic).