The file format of USERPROJPAR.INI

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The file format of USERPROJPAR.INI

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The format of the USERPROJPAR.INI configuration file is described below.


Figure 286:  Example of USERPROJPAR.INI content.

Figure 286:  Example of USERPROJPAR.INI content.


The USERPROJPAR.INI configuration file currently contains one section only. The name of that section is:




Each central user defined project parameter definition consists of one line in the INI file.


The line begins with a key, which is the same as the key described above for all user defined project parameters.

After the key comes an equal sign.


After the equal sign comes a text string, separated in four parts by vertical bars:


The first part is the maximum number of characters that the parameter may contain.

The second part is a number specifying whether or not the parameter is write protected. (Write protected? 0=No. 1=Yes).

The third part is the prompt.

The fourth and last part is a number specifying whether or not the parameter should be cleared in a new project. (Clear in new project? 0=No. 1=Yes).




DEPART=20|0|Responsible department |0


The key is named DEPART.

The maximum number of characters for this parameter is 20.

The parameter is not write protected, which means that a user can change the value.

The prompt is Responsible department, which is the headline that the user will see when editing project parameters.

The parameter will not be cleared in a new project, which means that the content of the parameter will be copied from the prototype project when a new project is created.