Set texts to default values in existing drawing sheets

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Set texts to default values in existing drawing sheets

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Figure 677:  The "Set texts to default values" sub-menu of the "Module" pull-down menu.

Figure 677:  The "Set texts to default values" sub-menu of the "Module" pull-down menu.


In the mask file, default values for different fields in the Drawing Manager can be specified. These default values are used, among other things, in the creation of drawing sheets. The default values can be either fixed texts or information that is calculated or retrieved from somewhere, especially from the project parameters.


Regardless of which, in some cases there may be reason to apply these preselected values afterwards, in other words to replace existing texts in the Drawing Manager and the title fields with corresponding default values.


You can accomplish that using commands in a sub-menu of the Module pull-down called Set texts to default values.


You can either perform that operation for all default values specified by the mask file, or to do so only for such default values that are retrieved from the project parameters, meaning not for fixed values.


Command variant



All default values will be applied, even fixed ones. For projects using the ELSA390 mask, that would for instance mean that the revision field is set to "-" (the initial value). In many cases that would not be a desired outcome.


Only data fetched from project parameters

Fixed default values are ignored. For projects using the ELSA390 mask, the revision field would therefore not be affected. That might in many cases be a better choice. Please refer to the previous option, described in the row above.