Reports in DXF format

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Reports in DXF format

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For reports in DXF format, you use the Drawing Manager and the usual Drawing Environment to study the result. To do so, you activate the Drawing Manager, and check the TARGET directory for newly created reports.


Please note however, that it is possible, but not recommended, to place your reports in the SOURCE directory instead. In many cases, that is a bad idea that may create serious problems. It is the report definition that controls where the reports will be created. Please use the TARGET directory for best performance and stability.
Please also note, that when the reports are created in either the TARGET or the SOURCE directory, the Drawing Manager is initially unaware of that, and nothing will be displayed. A collect is necessary to update the Drawing Manager with the newly created sheets. That collect, can be performed manually using the Collect button in the toolbar, or automatically by activating a special option in the report definition, which will make the Report Generator send an ActiveX command to the Drawing Manager when the report is done, making it perform the collect without user involvement.
You can then open the reports in the same way as any other drawing sheets. If you want to have the reports on paper, you can plot the report in the same way as other drawing sheets are plotted, preferably using the Script Generator.