External wire list by location (two-way) (0X_E_EMA002)

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External wire list by location (two-way) (0X_E_EMA002)

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This wire-list is external, bi-directional and divided by location.


In words that are more down-to-earth, this report shows all external wires for each location. An external wire is defined as a wire between locations. Please note that cables are not included, only wires.


Since each location will have its own section in this report, each wire will turn up twice, once for each end of the wire. Thus, a wire from +S1 to +S2 will be presented under +S1 as a wire to +S2, but it will also be presented under +S2 as a wire to +S1.  


All external wires are included, regardless of whether they connect devices, terminals or connectors.


The filter excludes cables and internal wires.


Figure 1414:  In combination with the associated filter expression V1&V2, this filter definition excludes internal connections and cables. 

Figure 1414:  In combination with the associated filter expression V1&V2, this filter definition excludes internal connections and cables. 


Sorting and page break is defined for function/plant, location and "sort-area".


Sorting but no break is defined for wire-number.


Figure 1415:  The sorting of 0X_E_EMA002

Figure 1415:  The sorting of 0X_E_EMA002