List of changed wires (0X_E_EBH002)

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List of changed wires (0X_E_EBH002)

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This list shows wires that have been added, removed or changed from one revision to another.


The list has a look that is similar to an ordinary wire-list, but it features an additional column specifying which change (added, removed or changed) that has been detected for the wire in question.


Wires that have not been changed will be omitted from the list.


The identity of a wire is defined by the item designations and connection numbers to which each end is connected.


Please refer to the separate Revision Handling chapter for more details about revisions and lists of changes.


The filter specifies that only added, removed and changed wires between devices are included.


Figure 1430:  The filter expression is V1&V2. V1 specifies that only wires between devices are included. V2 specifies that unchanged wires are not included.

Figure 1430:  The filter expression is V1&V2. V1 specifies that only wires between devices are included. V2 specifies that unchanged wires are not included.


Sorting is made in a conventional way for wire lists. Please refer to standard wire-lists for more detailed information about that.


Figure 1431:  Sorting is made on sort-area and wire-number.

Figure 1431:  Sorting is made on sort-area and wire-number.