Reading the supplier file

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Reading the supplier file

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Figure 1629:  Information about the process is displayed in the language that you have selected. (This example is in Swedish). The progress bar in the bottom of the dialogue indicates how far you have reached.

Figure 1629:  Information about the process is displayed in the language that you have selected. (This example is in Swedish). The progress bar in the bottom of the dialogue indicates how far you have reached.


The Catalogue import feature will check which resources in the supplier file that should be imported, a progress bar will show how far the process has come, and debugging information will be displayed, as shown in the figure above.


Only the Cancel button is available at this stage in the process. The table below explains the use of that.





A dialogue box will be displayed where you can select whether to abort or not. If you abort, you will return directly to the Catalogue.



When the supplier file in its entirety has been read, you will automatically proceed to the next step of the import procedure, namely the presentation of statistics.