Lock mirrored attribute values for editing

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Lock mirrored attribute values for editing

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If this feature is on, the mirroring is forced. You can not override it, even if you try. If this feature is off, you can override the mirroring for individual attribute in individual symbols.


If you activate this feature, mirrored attributes in help symbols will be locked for editing.
The reason that you might want to lock them in that way, could b to avoid a possible unwanted mismatch between main and help symbols.
If, for instance, remark is mirrored, the remark will be editable in the main symbol but not in the help symbol.


If you deactivate this feature, change sin attribute values will be mirrored from main symbols to help symbols, only when the receiving attribute is either empty or contain a value that initially is identical with the corresponding value in the main symbol. It is possible to manually change the value of a mirrored attribute in the help symbol. If you do that, the mirroring to that attribute is broken, so that the new value can be kept. If the attribute in question is emptied of its value, the mirroring will be activated once again.
Mirrored attributes are emptied automatically if the association with the main symbol is broken, for instance if the main symbol is deleted, or if the item designation of the in the main or the help symbol is changed.


If the Lock mirrored attribute values feature is turned off, you can change the values of some attributes that are otherwise mirrored, and thereby break the mirroring for those particular attributes. The value will differ between main and help symbols for them. In such a situation, if you suddenly turn the feature on, the full power of the feature will be obvious, when all such attributes are immediately forced to have identical content with the corresponding attribute in the associated main symbol. Any mismatches will immediately disappear.