New template

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New template

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The New template button is used to create a new template from scratch.


When you press the button, the New template dialogue box is displayed, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 1579:  The "New template" dialogue box as it is displayed when the "New template" button is pressed

Figure 1579:  The "New template" dialogue box as it is displayed when the "New template" button is pressed


In that dialogue, you can enter the name of the template that you are going to create, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 1580:  A creative name has been entered.

Figure 1580:  A creative name has been entered.


When you have confirmed the new name using the Ok button, you will enter the Template editor, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 1581:  The "Template editor" as it is displayed when creating a new template from scratch

Figure 1581:  The "Template editor" as it is displayed when creating a new template from scratch


The Template editor is described in a separate sub-topic with that very name. Please use the link for a detailed description.