IEC1346 transitions

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IEC1346 transitions

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Figure 378:  The "IEC1346 transitions" section

Figure 378:  The "IEC1346 transitions" section


The background for the settings that are found in the IEC1346 transitions section, is discussed in the two sub-topics that are listed below.


Background IEC1346 transitions

Implementation of IEC1346


Two project parameters control how to handle IEC1346 transitions. They are described in two separate sub-topics, one for each parameter.


Reduce double separator characters

Separator characters for reduction


In a separate sub-topic listed below, you will find a documentation of all relevant project parameters that are used for IEC1346 item designations according to the "ultra-liberal" interpretation that is discussed above, and which the Exercise IEC1346/1355 sample project is an example of.


Relevant IEC1346 project parameters