Field update

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Field update

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Figure 1622:  The "Field update" tab

Figure 1622:  The "Field update" tab


In the Field update tab, all fields that are defined in the template will be listed. You can define for each one of them, how the field in question should be treated in case of a re-import of the same resource.


In other words, if you import the same resource once again at a later point in time, what should happen? Should you overwrite the old information? Should you avoid overwriting all together? And what should happen if you have edited the imported information manually in the Catalogue after the first import? Should those changes be overwritten or not? All of that can be controlled by the settings in this tab.


For each field you have three options, which are explained in the table below.





In case of an update, this field will stay untouched. No update will be made of the information in this particular field.



In case of an update, the information in this field will be overwritten with the corresponding new information from the import.



In case of an update, the information in this field will be overwritten only if the imported information for the field has been changed compared to the previous report. In other words, manual changes made in the Catalogue will not be overwritten, unless the imported information (for example from a supplier) has been changed for this particular field compared to the previous import. This means that you can safely improve the imported information in the Catalogue manually without risk for it unnecessarily being overwritten by a new import, but still never miss new information from the supplier.



Resources are identified using the field key that is defined in the previous tab. If the complete field key as defined there is identical, it is considered to be the same resource, and a new resource in the Catalogue is not created. Instead, the already existing one is updated. This could for example concern updated information from a suppler with new prices or discounts.


It is recommended that the fields of the complete field key are never updated.


You have the following button and other editing tools at your disposal to make the desired settings for all available fields:




