File names

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File names

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Figure 597:  Here, seven drawing sheets have been created. They are all circuit diagrams with DCC code &EFS. The function designation varies however. Hence the variation in the document codes thereafter.

Figure 597:  Here, seven drawing sheets have been created. They are all circuit diagrams with DCC code &EFS. The function designation varies however. Hence the variation in the document codes thereafter.


The figure above shows seven circuit diagram drawing sheets. The area, class and subclass are defined as "EFS". The counting number is undefined. Therefore, the first six characters of the file names are "EFS___" for all seven sheets.


The following eight characters define the location in the plant structure - the function designation - in four levels. Please note that all seven sheets in the figure above, have function designations defined in three levels only. Therefore, the fourth level is undefined, which is represented with underscores in the file names.


Please refer to the File name composition topic for a detailed description of the composition of file names in the example.