The DC block

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The DC block

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An invisible block named DC with 10 attributes accommodates information about document codes and drawing frame name. DC simply means Document Code. Saving this information in the title field, instead of only letting the drawing manager handle it, enables the information to be transferred in a more secure way, for instance when copying sheets from one project to another.


The attributes of the DC block are located in the HIDE layer, which is normally frozen. Therefore, you will normally not see the DC block, even if it contains information. One way of getting a glimpse of it, is to thaw the HIDE layer temporarily. The easiest way of doing that, is to simply click the Show command in the Text and Attributes ribbon menu found in the Home tab, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 717:  The "DC" block displayed using the Show command

Figure 717:  The "DC" block displayed using the Show command


The DC block is located to the left of the cadett logotype, as shown in the figure above.


The DC block has been made in a generalised way, so that it does not only support the IEC1355 implementations in cadett ELSA R39 and later, but also is able to support many other and even more complex implementations of other standards as well. (For instance, in the provided example of user defined document codes, the DC block contains information about the position within a four level plant structure). Therefore, it contains a number of currently unused attributes that are reserved for future use.


Figure 718:  The "DC" block edited with the Extended Attribute Editing feature

Figure 718:  The "DC" block edited with the Extended Attribute Editing feature


The picture above shows the DC block edited using the Extended Attribute Editing feature. As you can see, the FRAME attribute is used to store the name of the drawing frame, and the ZDC1ZDC9 attributes are intended for storage of document code information, in accordance with the table below.


The DC block





IEC1355 implementation




Drawing frame

Drawing frame name

Drawing frame name


Document code 1

DCC technical area

Not used


Document code 2

DCC main class

Not used


Document code 3

DCC sub-class

Not used


Document code 4

Counting number

Not used


Document code 5

Not used

Complete DCC code


Document code 6

Reserved for future use

Reserved for future use


Document code 7

Reserved for future use

Reserved for future use


Document code 8

Reserved for future use

Reserved for future use


Document code 9

Reserved for future use

Reserved for future use