Change the colour of an option

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Change the colour of an option

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There are two different ways of changing the colour of an option. Either you type the colour code, or you select a suitable colour in a dialogue box.


To manually type a new colour code, simply type a new code in the range 1 to 255 directly in the Colour index column of the option list.


To perform a selection, simply double-click either in the colour index column or in the Colour column for the option in question. A dialogue box will then be displayed in which you can select any colour that you like.


Please note that only so-called index colours are supported, meaning colours defined by a single integer in the range from 1 to 255. True colour and colour books are not supported. If you try to select such a colour, the closest index colour will be used instead.


The colour of the selected option will directly be changed. If the option was visible in the current drawing sheet you will also see directly that the colour of it has changed.


Please note that not only the current sheet but all sheets of the project are affected when you change the colour of an option like described above.