The “Grid and Snap” panel

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The “Grid and Snap” panel

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Figure 762:  The "Grid and Snap" panel

Figure 762:  The "Grid and Snap" panel


The Grid and Snap panel does not have a slide-out panel. All commands are directly visible and explained below.




Snap 0.1

Set the snap spacing to 0.1 mm.


Snap 0.5

Set the snap spacing to 0.5 mm.


Snap 1.0

Set the snap spacing to 1 mm.


Snap 5.0

Set the snap spacing to 5 mm.


Snap 10.0

Set the snap spacing to 10 mm.


Grid 2

Set the grid spacing to 2 mm.


Grid 5

Set the grid spacing to 5 mm.


Grid 10

Set the grid spacing to 10 mm.


Grid 20

Set the grid spacing to 20 mm.


Grid 50

Set the grid spacing to 50 mm.