The “Object selection” panel

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The “Object selection” panel

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Figure 777:  "Object selection"

Figure 777:  "Object selection"


Here you find ordinary AutoCAD object selection tools, such as Window and Crossing. These special selections are seldom needed, since a flexible object selection is embedded in all commands. You can pick an object directly, you may drag a window to the right to get a Window, and you may drag window to the left and it will turn into a Crossing. This covers most needs. In some situations however, additional options might be needed, and here you will find them.


The Object selection panel does not have a slide-out panel. All commands are directly visible and explained below.




Object selection Window

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Crossing

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Group

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Previous

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Last

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection All

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Window Polygon

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Crossing Polygon

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Fence

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Add

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Remove

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.


Object selection Filters

Standard AutoCAD. Please refer to AutoCAD’s documentation.