Connection point numbers in item designations

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Connection point numbers in item designations

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Figure 359:  The "Connection point numbers in item designations" section

Figure 359:  The "Connection point numbers in item designations" section


Connection point numbers (the designations or numbers of individual connection points on a device) are not part of the item designation for conventional devices. This is different from the terminals, where the terminal number is a part of the item designation of a terminal. The reason for this difference is of course that individual terminals are regarded as separate devices, while the connection point numbers of a regular device, like a motor, are not.




Complete item designation



















In conventional circuit diagrams, there is never a need to include connection point numbers in the item designations. Connections point numbers are always located in separate attributes.


For terminals, cadett ELSA supports specifying the terminal number in a separate terminal number attribute, or directly in the terminal group attribute. That means, that for a terminal like X1:1, it is possible to specify X1:1 in the terminal group name attribute, as an alternative to the conventional way of specifying X1 in the terminal group name attribute and 1 in the terminal number attribute.


In some other document types than the most common ones, a need to specify connection point numbers in the designation attribute, similar to what is possible for terminals, may occur. Normally, specifying for example -F1:1 in the designation attribute, would be considered an error. With the Allow connection point numbers in item designations parameter activated, it will however be possible to do so.