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Navigation:  Project Module > Project parameters (detailed description) > Drawing manager 2 tab > Numbering > Columns >


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By default, the column numbering is done in an ascending (increasing) manner. If you check the Descending parameter, the numbering will instead be  made in a descending (decreasing) manner.


If Descending is not active, the step value is considered to be positive, i.e. the column number is incremented for each column. (Example: start value 1, step value 1,  give the result 1, 2, 3, and so forth).


If Descending is active, the step value is considered to be negative, i.e. the column number is decremented for each column. (Example: start value F, step value 1, and descending give the result F, E, D, C, and so forth).


You can activate or deactivate Descending with this check-box.