Calculation basis for spare parts lists in PERCENT

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Calculation basis for spare parts lists in PERCENT

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In this section, you can specify the calculation basis in percent for nine predefined wear groups. You can specify an individual percent value for each group. That value is used as basis for calculation of a suitable quantity of spare parts from the quantity of devices of each type.


A similar calculation in pieces is also made. The larger of the two will prevail.




20 pieces

Wear group 2 specified with 15 % spare parts

15 % of 20 is 3


If the calculation basis in pieces is greater than 3, that value will be used. If the calculation basis in pieces is less than 3, the value of 3 will be used.


Figure 328: The sub-section for "PERCENT"

Figure 328: The sub-section for "PERCENT"


The total quantity without spare parts, the quantity of spare parts and the sum of the two, will be stored in the *L.DBF and *2.DBF TARGET databases, which are created for use in the Report Generator.