Standard layers and colours

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Standard layers and colours

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cadett ELSA is very flexible when it comes to layers and colours. The reconfigurability is extensive.


However, at least two complete layer sets have been maintained over the last four decades. One for IEC standard and one for DIN standard.


Both have been continuously developed. The most profound change was made when support for white background colour was introduced. The colours were then adapted to achieve full readability and improved ergonomics for both black and white background colour.


Today, we have support for two layer sets, one for IEC and one for legacy DIN. Each one of those has two colour sets, one contemporary and one legacy.


The IEC layer set with the contemporary colour set is the preferred choice, unless you are using the legacy DIN5 symbol library, in which case the DIN5 contemporary colour set is recommended.


Layer set

Colour set




Current standard, supports all new functionality including black and white background colours



Only black background

DIN5 Legacy


Both black and white background colour

DIN5 Legacy


Only black background


In cadett ELSA R39, the colours of the layers were adjusted and completed to support new smaller and bigger texts, while still being compatible with old projects, both IEC and DIN. At that time, the layer sets were also extended with layers for smaller and bigger text heights.


Two sub-topics describe the IEC and the DIN5 extended layer sets with contemporary colours:


The complete IEC Extended layer set

The complete DIN5 Extended layer set


The standard colours of cadett ELSA are described in two sub-topics:


All standard colours in cadett ELSA

Colours added in cadett ELSA R39


The extension of the layer sets that were made in cadett ELSA R39 to support smaller and bigger texts, is described in a separate sub-topic:


Layers added in cadett ELSA R39


If you are not already using the contemporary layers sets with contemporary colours, a separate topic with a number of sub-topics, describes what you should do to utilise the new sets:


How to utilise current layers and colours


Converting existing drawing sheets to the contemporary layer set with contemporary colours is described in yet another sub-topic:


Convert drawing sheets to current layer set