Directly visible commands

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Directly visible commands

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Printer Settings…

This command enters the plotter settings. (The standard AutoCAD CONFIG command).


Print Preview

Standard AutoCAD PREVIEW command to show a plot preview for the current sheet.



Standard AutoCAD PLOT command, to print the current sheet.


Plot Script 1 – 5

The Script Generator executes one of the script sequences PLOT1PLOT5 for the current sheet.


Please refer to the relevant Script Generator topic.


Shift to previous sheet, save current sheet

Open the previous sheet. If changes have been made to the current sheet it is first automatically saved.


Shift to next sheet, save current sheet

Open the next sheet. If changes have been made to the current sheet it is first automatically saved.


Shift to any sheet

Open any sheet of the project selected in a dialogue box. The user specifies whether the current sheet should be saved or not using a check-box.


Please refer to a dedicated and detailed description in the Sheet Shift feature topic.


Save DXF

Saves current drawing sheet unconditionally.



Standard AutoCAD PURGE command, which removes unreferenced definitions from the drawing sheet, thus reducing file size and improving performance.



Exit the Drawing Environment.