**************************************************************** **************************************************************** ** Revision history ** ** cadett ELSA ** **************************************************************** **************************************************************** This document describes the differences between different revisions of cadett ELSA. Please note that this list aims at giving a general overview of the changes that have been made between the different revisions of the software. Other changes not in the list may also have been made. Especially new functions between the versions are not described in detail in the list. The oldest versions (until the autumn of 2002) are described in Swedish only. The newest versions (the autumn of 2002 and later) are described in English only. The development of MG-CAD/cadett ELSA starts ============================================ 1.0: ==== The first version of "MG-CAD" is developed in Germany by MG-Data GmbH. In parallel, a product called "elNett" is developed in Swedeb by cadett ab. 1985 ==== MG-CAD version 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0: ==== The products "elNett" and "MG-CAD" are merged to "cadett ELSA" in connection with major revision of the products. 1987 ==== cadett ELSA version 2.01 ---------------------------------------------------------------- The product is available entirely in Swedish, as well as in German. 1988 ==== cadett ELSA version 2.02 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Corrections and improvements. 1989 ==== cadett ELSA version 2.05 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0: ==== - Reprogramming of the entire system - Entirely new progran structure - New menu system - New Script Generator - New Report Generator - New Translator - New database generator - New symbol library - New Drawing Environment - New documentation - New post processing - Not one single line of code left from 2.0! 1990-09-07 ========== cadett ELSA version 3.04 revision - is ready -------------------------------------------- - New extended help file. - Parameters of the connection tables adjusted for better results during report generation. - Text selection ("Text Out", "New Text", "Replace Text") fixed. Now works significantly better for attribute text. - Generic symbols ("Gen-symb"). Works together with symbol LBERAM.DWG. - ddlmodes inserted into the drop-down menu ("Layer Dialogue"). - "Remove" handles terminals with a diameter up to 2.5. - Simple cable markings no longer leave a line in layer KAB with the same start and end point. - Demo project adjusted. - PROJDBF.DBF extended. 1990-09-18 ========== cadett ELSA version 3.04 revision A is ready -------------------------------------------- - New symbols for contactors with component type Q have been added (SREL4Q, SREL5Q, LREL4Q and LREL5Q). - The symbol DREHEN.DWG replaced by GEDREHT.DWG which means that the terminal numbering logic, where the "DREHEN" symbol changes the direction from horizontal to vertical, now works. GEDREHT.DWG separated from DREHEN.DWG in that it is missing the four small circles in the ends of the "cross", and that the arrows point clockwise. - The symbol generator corrected with respect to various attribute modes (step 1). Now able to define attributes with all four modes (Invisible, Constant, Verify and Preset). - Circuit 2 in the motor macro has been corrected. - Preliminary cabinet layout module added. The module consists of 3 toggle menus as well as a new symbol standard with an associated symbol library, LAYOUT. The module occupies approximately 1 MB. - Menu item 2.2 (Editing of numbering algorithm assignments) with its sub-menus has been moved to menu item 1.2. The problem with chosen vs. active project is thus fixed. - "Create new device" menu item in the "Catalogue" drop-down menu renamed to the more accurate "Device Catalogue". You don't need to necessarily create some device... - Fixed the Explode command in the tablet and dropdown menus. - The form 0PLTKAB.DXF corrected. Internal cable core numbers became shifted one row "down". - The text commands under "Write text" on tablet surface 1 (16 pcs) and corresponding in the drop-down menu modified. The commands are still repetitive but if the question "Text insertion point" is answered with , the command is exited nice and neat while restoring the active layer. However, if the command is cancelled with , the previously active layer will not be reset. - Graphical external connection diagrams have been implemented. See description of the report 0KABGRAF and the script sequence KABGRAF. NOTE! This first version requires that the component types for the devices follow the standard in terms of prefix characters, i.e =plant+location-item:connection number. - The MUSTER project has been set according to DEMO30. - Global report variables are supplied in two sets in the files PROJVAR.CAN and PROJVAR.HP located in the \MG30\SYSTEM library. By copying the desired file to PROJVAR.DBF, printer codes are obtained for either Canon LBP or HP Laserjet. Canon LBP is default upon delivery, as before. - New script sequences added for plotting against HP Laserjet. - Script sequence _PLOT_LBP-LF fixed, now plots against port instead of file. - Version 3.05 EXE files implemented. Includes, among other things, the following: - Functions (copy) and (copy in between) in the drawing manager corrected. Previously gave rise to various forms of "hangings" of the system. - The option to make DXF file out of DWG file when both drawings found in the drawing manager corrected. Previously stopped in the script at QUIT - J (= German). - The old trap when starting cadett ELSA without proper path has been eliminated. If the MG30 directory is missing in the path, a message is given accordingly and the program ends. No incorrect MGVER.DBF in MG30\PROJ anymore, that is! - The worries of DOS 4.x is now a thing of the past. Compiler change etc. has entailed that cadet ELSA, including version 3.05, is DOS 4.x compatible. - Error messages and program interruptions in phase 4 of the post processing have been eliminated. Now, the errors are logged as warnings in the Error and message list instead. - A new SET variable, MGACAD, has been implemented. With MGACAD a program of your choice can be made to start in place of AutoCAD at invocation of the drawing editor from the drawing manager. The program that is called like that should in turn launch AutoCAD. - Object snap ENDpoint on digitizer and in screen menu corrected. Object snap "endp" is given instead of the somewhat risky "end". - The commands for text 3.5 in the dropdown menu fixed. Was previously 3.8. - Layer selection "Dekor" in the dropdown menu fixed. The correct layer is TXT25, not TXT18. - Default values for "n-phase" and "n-rel." implemented. 3 phases and 5.0 mm are fixed by default. If the number of phases is set to 1, the question of "phase correct line drawing" is also omitted. - "Align New Text" optimized for AutoCAD V11. No adjustment of TEXT entities required for V11. Works as usual if V10 is used. - Two reports modified (see manual for description). These are "Cable diagram graphic DXF" and "Cable & terminal table DXF". - Automatic preselection to index for terminals and cables. The default is "NO_INDEX". - Insert of device from catalogue modified. Item designations with with "*" are adjusted so that the item designation in any associated help symbol does not contain "*". The insert is also "silent". - The macro for boundary boxes has been modified so that attribute values are entered via dialogue boxes instead of prompts. - Generic symbol macro modified. The box can now be drawn as a first step (previously you had to select a boundary box). Attribute values to the box are entered via dialogue box. Item designation must be entered, otherwise the macro is aborted. Index has been given "NO_INDEX" as the default value. - "Rtext" fixed. Now works with the text alignments right/center/center. - Changes to the tablet menu, menu area 1: - AutoCAD's DDLMODES command has been replaced by the command "Control" in the "LAYER SELECTION" command group. "Control" now replaces the "Save DWG" command in the "SAVE/EXIT" command group. "Save DWG" has been completely removed. - The menu area "MENU MANAGEMENT" has been renamed to "MENU MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION". A new command group, "INFO", has been added. In this AutoCAD's LIST and ID commands are found. - The command "DDatte" in command group "EDIT" has been renamed "DDedit/atte". A LISP macro automatically calls AutoCAD's DDATTE- or DDEDIT command depending on which entity is selected. - AutoCAD's ATTEDIT command has been added to the bottom of the command group "EDIT". - Command group "BLOCK/WBLOCK" has been expanded with two new commands, AutoCAD V11's XREF and XBIND. The command group "DRAW - COMMANDS" has been squeezed one row to accommodate these. - Changes in the drop-down menus: - In the drop-down menu "Drawing help" LIST and ID have been entered. - XREF and XBIND have been added to the "Draw" drop-down menu. - "DDatte" has been renamed to "DDatte/ed" in the "Edit_text" drop-down menu. In the same drop-down menu, ATTEDIT has been added. - Changes to the screen menu: - In the main menu, the "Save DWG" command has been discontinued and replaced with "Control". 1991-03-15 ========== cadett ELSA version 3.05 revision - is ready -------------------------------------------- The entire system is reprogrammed again: - New database format. The databases are handled with relations to save space. Item designation information is stored in a separate database table. - Entirely new way of handling item designations: o Completeing av fixed item designations according to current composition o Redundancy reduction of complete item designations - Additional processing with complete wire-numbering - Automnatic insertion of wire-numbers in circuit diagrams - Entirely new cabinet layout module - Optimization of wiring according to cabinet layout - Entirely new documentation - New extended Report Generator - Automatic generation of external connection diagram - PLC module included in the product (previously sold as a separate product) - Completely reworked Drawing Environment: o Command repetition o Plot script within the Drawing Environment o "Elschemagruppens standard för ritningsmärkning" is supported. (The standard for marking of drawings issued by "The Swedish Circuit Diagram Group" is supported). o Automatic drawing sheet control when opening - Catalogue import supporting the PAI standard, and more - Entirely new standard report definitions - Multi-terminals - user defined symbols for terminals - Possible to freeze projects and manage revisions - Handling of spare terminals and spare cable cores - Support for AutoCAD R11 and R12. - Much more 1992-10-16 ========== cadett ELSA version 3.80 revision - is ready -------------------------------------------- 1992-11-14 ========== cadett ELSA version 3.81 Beta - 2 is ready ------------------------------------------ - Layer dialogue (R12) has been corrected. Line width 0.25 is now working. - The INSTTXT.DBF and INSTTXT.NDX files (screen texts for installation program) has been updated. - INVER.NDX has been added. - INSTTXT.SDF has been removed. 1992-12-04 ========== cadett ELSA version 3.81 Beta - 3 is ready ------------------------------------------ - New Swedish help file HELP.DBF has been added. - PM.EXE (Project Module) has been corrected. Previously it could derail. - SETUP38.EXE has been updated with extended functionality. - MGMTXT.DBF and STDTXT.DBF have been updated. 1993-02-10 ========== cadett ELSA 3.8 version 3.81 revision - is ready ------------------------------------------------ - FBCREATE.EXE (create wire number database) - Incorrect formatting of wire numbers with "*". If the asterisk was placed as first character, the last character in the wire number occured twice when the asterisk was removed ("*03" -> "033"). - The interpretation of item designations has been adjusted so that space in plant and location designations is now accepted. Suffix after counting number using function, plant, or location is now allowed. Programversion 1.1/930624. - FBRENUM.EXE (0-numrering). - Befintliga nollnummer i förbindningstyp vars numrering är avstängd detekterades inte. Rättat; 0-nummer "023?1-" betyder att löpnummer- räknare 1 krockar med 0-nummer i en för bindningstyp som inte numreras. - Kontrollen mot befintliga 0-nummer generellt felaktig pga felaktig formattering av index. Rättat. - Avbrott i numreringsföljd vid utgång från befintlig 0-nummervirkning, i kombination med avstängd layoutstyrning. Rättat. - Vid numrering i projekt med befintliga 0-nummer, initierades löpnummer- räknarna ibland felaktigt till för låga startvärden, vilket gav kolli- sion mellan befintliga och nya 0-nummer. Programversion 1.1/930622. - FBUPDBF.EXE (generering av A- och B-databas). - Mindre detaljer. Koden optimerad. Programversion 1.1/930622. - FBALGO.EXE (addering av kabelparter och reservplint). - Kontroll på tomma databaser adderat (inga stopp längre pga. "kan inte läsa databas ..."). - Indexfel vid stora projekt gav felaktigt resultat (fel antal reserv- plintar/kabelparter, ur fel nummerserier etc). Rättat. Programversion 1.2/931227. - FBUPDXF.EXE (införande av 0-nummer i scheman). - Bortfall av 0-nummer och felaktigt införda 0-nummer. Rättat. - Kontroll på tom A-databas adderad (inget stopp längre pga. "kan inte läsa databas ..."). Programversion 1.2/930622. - PHASE2.EXE (komplettering av fasta postbeteckningar). - Felmeddelanden av typen "Hjälpsymbol utan huvudsymbol" orsakade av komplettering avhjälpt. Programmet kompletterade under vissa förutsättningar hjälpsymboler med "logiska" postbeteckningar i tron att de var fasta, varvid nämda fel uppstod. - Tolkningen av postbeteckningar justerad så att mellanslag accepteras i anläggning- och placeringsbeteckningarna. Suffix efter löpnummer med hjälp av funktions-, anläggnings- eller placeringsbyggblock nu OK. Programversion 1.2/930624. - NEULST.EXE (bearbetning av fasta postbeteckningar, steg 2). - Tolkningen av postbeteckningar justerad så att mellanslag accepteras i anläggning- och placeringsbeteckningarna. Suffix efter löpnummer med hjälp av funktions-, anläggnings- eller placeringsbyggblock nu OK. Programversion 1.2/930624. - AUTOLST.EXE (egna-program exekvering). - Behandlingen av programstarter med AUTOSCR.EXE förbättrat. Detektion på programnamn "AUTOSCR" och "AUTOSCR.EXE". Skydd av temporärfil i roten på enhet C: (i stället för felaktigt, default bibliotek som tidigare). Programversion 1.1/930622. - PM.EXE (filhanteraren). Filutval vid kopiering och radering av projekt justerat så att även slide-filer får vara med. - ICONBFIX.EXE (justerar egna ikonmenyer för R12). Ikonmenynamnen blir nu alltid "**_1". "_1" hårdkodat, Kringgår fel i ICONLINK.EXE. - Funktion för editering av databas för apparatlista implementerad. GEDIT.EXE (ver 2.01) anropas via SYSTEM.EXE och GRUN.BAT. 940519 ====== cadett ELSA 3.8 version 3.82 revision - är klar ----------------------------------------------- - Övningsprojekt OEVNING med 2 ritningsblad adderat. - Prototyp-projekt PROTO utan ritningsblad adderat. - Nytt demoprojekt, DEMO385, innehållande skåplayout adderat. - Katalog DEMO38 rättad och uttökad med bl.a layoutdata. - Nya numreringsalgoritmer för kablar adderade. - Ny version (2.03) av LTSELECT.EXE. Separat kolumn för antal ej begränsad till ett tecken. Utökad funktionalitet. - PROJDBF.DBF (projektdatabasförteckning) rättad. - AUTODIC.DBF (lexikon) kompletterat och rättat. - Nya uppdaterade MGMTXT.DBF och STDTXT.DBF. Bl.a fullständig genomgång av alla felmeddelanden. - Uppdateringsprogram för gamla projekt till 3.85. UPD385.EXE ver 1.0. - AUTODBF.EXE (databasgenerator) korrigerad. - PM.EXE (filhanteraren). Filutval vid kopiering och radering av projekt justerat så att även CDX-indexfiler får vara med. - Formulär för protokollutskrift förbättrade. Bättre anpassade fältlängder. Berör 0PROTO.FMT och 0PROT_U.FMT. - FBUPDXF.EXE (införande av 0-nummer i scheman). - Hantering av HANDLES tillagt. - Följdfel i form av uteblivna 0-nummer pga. postbeteckningsdubletter åtgärdat. Programversion 1.3/940518. - Vidareutveckling av ritmiljön: - OnLine har integrerats i ritmiljön, med ny rullgardin, och omdefinierade kommandon. Följande kommandon berörs (utöver cadett ELSA:s kommandon): INSERT, U, EXPLODE, STRETCH, MOVE, ERASE, COPY, DDATTE och CHANGE. (Fler kan komma att omdefinieras i framtiden.) - Den automatiska kommandorepetitionen har tagits bort, för att tillåta ett ritsätt där "pickfirst" effektivt kan utnyttjas. ("Pickfirst" innebär att du först kan peka på objekten och därefter välja önskat kommando.) Kommandorepetition av senast valda kommando får nu ske på "vanligt AutoCAD- manér", dvs med vid "Command:"-prompten. Detta gäller även även cadett ELSA:s kommandon, så som katalogval etc. - COPY tipsar inte längre om att för kopiering av kablar är COPY/EDIT lämpligare, nu anropas COPY/EDIT automatiskt när det behövs! - Kalkylatorn fungerar! - Bladväxlaren har förbättrats avsevärt. För att göra livet lättare för dig som kör enskärmslösning har hoppen mellan text- och grafikmod tagits bort. Val av ritningsblad att växla till kan nu ske direkt med "dubbelklick" i urvalslistan. Direktval för nästa och föregående blad, så som i 3.05, har lagts till igen. "Bandspelarknapparna" <- och +> på tablettmenyn ger föregående resp. nästa blad igen. I rullgardinsmenyn "Fil" finns även alternativ för nästa och föregånde blad, med eller utan sparande av aktuellt blad. - AVSLUTA och Spara DXF döper om den befintliga DXF-filen till extension "BAK", innan ny DXF-fil genereras. Detta för att förhindra att all information går förlorad om DXF-filgenereringen avbryts med . Gäller speciellt AVSLUTA-kommandot. BAK-filerna får raderas för hand, liksom återställas till DXF ifall ovanstående fadäs skulle inträffa. - Funktionerna för LAYOUT har integrerats i rullgardinsmeny "Rita". - Växelmeny LAYOUT har rättats med avseende på antal rader och kolumner. Menyn var för lång, vilket gav en förskjutning av kommandona i växel- meny 2 om LAYOUT valdes som växelmeny 1. - Menyvalet "Gnd.meny" i skärmmenyn skapar nu en ny menyfil med LAYOUT- och TELEMECANIQUE-växelmenyer, i enlighet med tablettmenyn. - Setup-förfarandet har förändrats. Ritningsstatus etc. som tidigare skrevs ut på textskärmen vid inläsning av en ny ritning, presenteras nu i en dialogbox. Extra varningar etc. har lagts till för att undvika fel vid efterbearbetning och missar vid uppdatering. Scriptet SETUP.SCR, med dina egna grundinställningar, körs numera alltid (möjligheten att välja mellan att köra det eller ej har tagits bort). - LAYOUT-funktionerna har modifierats generellt. De kommandon som begär dimensionsangivelser accepterar nu både inmatning från tangentbord och pekdon. - Genereringen av urvalslistan för insättning av apparatgrupp i LAYOUT har skrivits om. Ett indexfel gav tidigare, för större projekt, en urvalslista som bara delvis var sorterad. Nu blir den rätt! - Avbrott med gav tidigare ibland ett lagerbyte till felaktigt lager. Åtgärdat. - Angivelse av textrotation i rullgardinsmenyn har rättats. - Ritmiljön har gjorts AutoCAD-språkoberoende. 940519 ====== cadett ELSA 3.8 version 3.85 revision - är klar ----------------------------------------------- - OnLine har prestandaförbättrats med hjälp av bl.a smartare hantering av datum och tid. - OnLine: Huvud/hjälp/KSP-dialoger säkrare. "Rymning" när både OK och Cancel "gråats ut" förhindras nu. - OnLine huvudsymboldialog: dubbla postbeteckningar spärrade. - OnLine kontakt/KSP-dialog: Val av kontakttyp i kontakttypsfiltret nu implementerat. Ny dialogruta. - OnLine kontaktuppsättning valbar med dubbelklick. - OnLine: Senaste placering av attributdialog sparas. - OnLine attributdialog för postbeteckningar: förbättrad filterhantering med bl.a automatisk filterreduktion. - OnLine: tomma postbeteckningar borttagna från postbeteckningsdialogen. - OnLine: Förbättrad sortering av symboliska postbeteckningar. - OnLine: Långa postbeteckningar i kombination med långa korsreferenser kunde tidigare inte presenteras över en viss gräns. Detta har nu lösts med ett skjutreglage direkt under listorna. - Dubbelklick i postbeteckningslistorna resulterar nu i direkt återhopp till ursprungsdialogen. Snabbare. - OnLine: Inmatning av postbeteckning i Val ger automatisk repositionering av huvud- och hjälpsymbollistorna. - Tidigare problem vid aktivering av OnLine före DXFIN löst. Ger nu ett felmeddelande. - OnLine: Flera huvudsymboler med samma postbeteckning hanteras bättre. - OnLine: Förbättrad hantering av symboliska och fasta postbeteckningar. - OnLine: Programfel vid inläsning av DXF-fil innehållande GEDREHT.DWG åtgärdat. - OnLine: Ändrad sortering av ritningsblad (sker nu på filnamn). - OnLine: Automatisk garbage collect av oanvända postbeteckningar införd. - OnLine: Kablar kan hanteras av OnLine-dialogerna, även med kabelspegel. - U och REDO implementerade. Fungerar nu 100% tillsammans med OnLine. - DEMO385 och OEVNING-projekten uppdaterade och rättade. - Skärmbilder och texter för installationsprogrammet justerade. - Förbättrad mer innehållsrik EL.BAT. - Detektering och felmeddelande vid försök att installera när inte A: är aktiv enhet. (Felmeddelande på A:INSTALL). - IBAUM.DBF modifierad för korrekt sorteringsordning bland apparatgrupper i symbolgeneratorn. - Ny starkt förbättrad version av PLC-editorn (version 1.1). - Felaktighet i scriptsekvensen DXF-PURGE-DXF rättad. - Språkoberoende AutoCAD-kommandon i LAYOUT. - COPY/EDIT Edit på kablar gav tidigare "Bad argument type". Nu åtgärdat. - Symbolgeneratorn: defaultvärdet på antal pol-par fungerade tidigare inte. Nu åtgärdat. - Liggande/Stående symboler kan nu togglas genom att klicka på LIGGANDE eller STÅENDE i skärmmenyn. - Beskrivning i apparat INDEX i katalog DEM385 ändrad. - Dubbla liggande strömningsvakter i skärmmeny avlägsnade. 940620 ====== cadett ELSA 3.85 Professional OnLine revision A är klar ------------------------------------------------------- - Ny funktion i rullgardinsmenyn fil i ritmiljön: Rädda DXF. Korrigerar och laddar in DXF-fil som havererat till följd av textentitet utan handle. Detta fenomen inträffar om text raderats från ritningshuvudet och sedan återförts via ritningsarkivet. Löst genom en ny funktion i UPD385.EXE. - OnLine: I kontaktspegel-, huvud- och hjälpsymbolsdialogerna är numera första fältet förvalt (index / postbeteckning). - OnLine: Korsreferenser innehållande anläggning och/eller placering avser nu ritningshuvudet och inte en eventuell omgivande byggenhetsram. - OnLine: Ett indexeringsfel p.g.a en bugg i databashanteringspaketet har rättats. Felet kunde tidigare visa sig i att vissa kontakter inte fick korsreferens och anslutningsnummer. - OnLine: Hanteringen av QUIT i samband med ändring av postbeteckningar korrigerad. - IBAUM.DBF som ingick i revision A hade fallit bort. Nu tillagd. - Ny version (2.3) av apparatdatabaseditorn GEDIT.EXE (menypunkt 1.2.9: - Nu är funktionen för val av index via katalog (F6) implementerad. - Prestanda vid avslut av editorn har förbättrats dramatiskt. - "Termometrarna" har fått liv. Visar nu korrekt hur databasbearbetningar sker. - Ny version (2.05) av LTSELECT.EXE. (Val av apparatgrupp i skåplayout). Detaljförbättrad. - Ny version (1.1) av PLCEDIT.EXE. (PLC-editorn). Detaljförbättrad. - Nytt installationsprogram (INSTPROG.EXE) för mindre uppdateringar (revisioner). Uppdaterar denna gång från revision A till revision B. - Produktnamn, versions- och revisionsnummer i applikationsfältet. Ny rubrik för huvudmenyn. Lättare att identifiera versionen. Berör filerna MGVER.DBF och STDTXT.DBF. 940817 ====== cadett ELSA 3.85 Professional OnLine revision B är klar ------------------------------------------------------- - RITMILJÖ - FLERFASLINJER Vid ofasriktig (ursäkta norrländskan) linjedragning används polylines. Om dessa har en förvald bredd blev resultatet tidigare besynnerligt. Felet är nu avhjälpt. - RITMILJÖ - CHANGE Vid editering av textobjekt matades "\" automatiskt in som ny text. Rättat. - RITMILJÖ - STRETCH Den automatiska inmatningen av efter 1:a objektvalet har ogillats av flera gamla AutoCAD-rävar, och därför tagits bort. - RITMILJÖ - PENNBREDD 0.35 Blev tidigare röd. Nu blir den vit. - RITMILJÖ - UTTAG/STIFT/HYLSA Missvisande ledtext om "hylssida" rättad. - RITMILJÖ/LAYOUT - PLINT Frågorna om stegvärde och luftspalt är irrelevanta om antalet plintar sätts till ett. Rättat. - RITMILJÖ/LAYOUT - PLACERINGSRAM Ledtexterna "Huvudplacering" och "Placering" i attributdialogen är miss- visande. Ändrat till "Placering" och "Underplacering". - RITMILJÖ/LAYOUT - PLINT/APPARAT/APPARATGRUPP Om luftspalt givits ett värde skilt från noll, gick det tidigare inte att återställa till noll. Rättat. - RITMILJÖ/LAYOUT - PLINT/APPARAT/KABELKANAL/MONTAGESKENA Ortho har satts aktivt vid dimensionsangivelse genom pekning. - RITMILJÖ/LAYOUT - KABELKANAL Förvirrande ledtexter om "bredd"/"höjd" vid dimensionsangivelse. Rättat. - RITMILJÖ/LAYOUT - APPARAT Felaktig avståndsberäkning för insättning av ny apparat när apparat- dimensionen ändras mitt i en insättningsföljd. Rättat. - RITMILJÖ/ONLINE - ANMÄRK Anpassat för OnLine. - RITMILJÖ/ONLINE - BYT TEXT Anpassat för OnLine. - RITMILJÖ/ONLINE - INSERT Vid insättning av söndersprängt block (t.ex motorkrets) fångades bara den första delsymbolen upp av OnLine. Rättat. - RITMILJÖ/ONLINE - WBLOCK Anpassat för OnLine. - RITMILJÖ/ONLINE - PLC PLC gick tidigare ej att använda när OnLine aktiverats, p.g.a låsning i en OnLine-dialog. Rättat. - ONLINE - BUGFIXAR MM. OnLine hanterade tidigare AutoCAD HANDLES (ett slags id-nummer för bl.a symboler och attribut) upp till en gräns på 65,535. Detta har visat sig vara en för snävT satt gräns. talområdet har därför utökats till 4,294,967,295 (vilket bör räcka en stund!). Fel orsakade av denna begränsning var t.ex: o Felmeddelandet "Hittar inte attribut-handle [0x....]", samt utebliven uppdatering av korsreferens. o Felaktiga korsreferenser. o Korsreferenser inskrivna i andra attribut än korsreferensattributen, t.ex i postbeteckningar. OnLine-programmet har aven genomgått en revidering för att göra det mera okänsligt för ritfel, obskyra symboldefinitioner etc. Detektion och parering för bl.a följande fel har adderats: o Attribut i kontaktspegelsymboler som inte överrensstämmer med kontaktspegeldefinitionen i databasen SYMBDEFC.DBF. o Symboler som trots att de är definierade i symboldatabasen SYMBDEF.DBF är i avsaknad av postbeteckningsattribut ("BEZ"). o Huvudsymboler som trots att de är definierade i symboldatabasen SYMBDEF.DBF är i avsaknad av indexattribut ("IND"). o Ritningsfiler (DXF-filer) med mindre än 8 tecken i filnamnet. o Ritningsblad som saknar bladnummer. o Dialogfel vid inmatning av kontaktnummer med inledande tomma nummer (t.ex editering av "1,2,3,4,5,6" till ",,,1,2,3") gav kontaktnummer på fel ställe symbolen. Rättat. Vid systemfel i OnLine-databaserna (t.ex orsakade av ofullständigt upp- daterade databaser p.g.a AutoCAD-krasch) genererades tidigare i bästa fall ett internt felmeddelande tvärs över grafikskärmen. Internfel fångas nu upp och rutiner för att hantera dessa har adderats. - ONLINE - ANSLUTNINGSNUMMER FÖR HJÄLPSYMBOLER Numreringen av anslutningar på hjälpsymboler har modifierats. Tidigare numrerades samtliga hjälpsymboler (t.ex slutande och brytande kontakter) alltid från respektive kontaktspegel. Vid avsaknad eller överbeläggning av kontaktspegel ersattes numreringen med "*", för i ritningsbladen direkt visa detta. Numreringen har nu modifierats så att byte till "*" bara sker i de fall en kontaktspegel finns tillgänglig, och är överbelagd. I annat fall (t.ex avsaknad av kontaktspegel) är det fritt fram att skriva in vilka anslutningsnummer som helst. Överbeläggning meddelas även direkt i hjälpsymboldialogens statusfält. - EFTERBEARBETNING - KOMPLETTERING AV FASTA POSTBETECKNINGAR TYP "1000" Tidigare kompletterades beteckningar enbart bestående av löpnummer med övriga byggblock enligt postbeteckningssammansättningen. Detta gav upphov till olika beteckningar i huvud- och hjälpsymboler, med påföljande fel vid generering av korsreferenser etc. Detta är nu åtgärdat - beteckningar med enbart löpnummer lämnas orörda. - EFTERBEARBETNING - KOMPLETTERING AV FASTA POSTBETECKNINGAR TYP "-K7b" I denna typ av postbeteckning, där sammansättningen enligt projekt- parametrarna löd ...[-Postart][Löpnummer], klipptes tidigare det sista tecknet bort och beteckningen tolkades som "-K7". Detta fick som följd en mängd felmeddelanden av typ "Huvudsymboler med lika postbeteckning" etc. Felet är nu åtgärdat, "-K7b" tolkas som "-K7b". Observera dock att eftersom beteckningen inte stämmer överrens med det utseende som defini- erats i projektparametrarna, kan den inte heller kompletteras med t.ex anläggning och/eller placering! - EFTERBEARBETNING - KÄLLHÄNVISNINGAR Källhänvisningar (markerade med "!" i hänvisningsnamnet) fick tidigare utropstecknet borttaget i de bearbetade ritningsbladen. Detta gjorde det omöjligt att kopiera upp ritningarna från SLUT-biblioteket för fortsatt arbete. Bearbetningen av hanvisningarna har nu mdiferats så att utrops- tecknet bibehålls. För att avlägsna utropstecknet vid utplottning har en ny script-sekvens definierats. - EFTERBEARBETNING - KABEL/KABELPARTTABELLER Placeringen av apparater i A- resp. B-kolumnen i kabel- och kabelpart- tabellerna bestämdes tidigare för varje kabelpart för sig. Detta ledde i vissa fall till omkastade A- och B-kolumner inom en och samma kabel. Detta är nu åtgärdat. I A-kolumnen för den första kabelparten i en kabel (sorterat på part- numret) hamnar den apparat som befinner sig på det första bladet, ifall kabeln går över flera blad, eller ifall båda anslutningarna finns på samma blad, den anslutning som är högst upp eller längst till vänster (bestäms av vilket avstånd som är längst). Övriga kabelparter placeras in så att apparaterna hålls ihop i respektive kolumn. - EFTERBEARBETNING - NOLLNUMRERING Omnumrering av 0-nummer utfördes inte till 100%. Rättat. - Editeringen av apparatlista (menypunkt 1.2.8) kompletterad så att den alltid framtvingar en regenerering av OnLine-databaserna i förekommande fall. Detta för att undvika eventuella kollisioner mellan dessa bägga funktioner. - Editering av apparatlista (menypunkt 1.2.8, GEDIT.EXE) uppfräschad. Förbättrat stöd för färger. Detaljförbättringar. - PLC-editorn uppfräschad. Förbättrat stöd för färger m.fl mindre förbättringar. - Val av apparatgrupp i skåplayout uppfräschad med bl.a förbättrat stöd för färger, m.fl mindre förbättringar (LTSELECT.EXE). - Mindre korrigeringar i menyer och informationstexter (MGMTXT.DBF och STDTXT.DBF). - Nytt installationsprogram för uppdatering från 3.85B till 3.85C. Uppdaterar MG_OP.DBF med revisionsnummer. 950414 ====== cadett ELSA 3.85 Professional OnLine revision C är klar ------------------------------------------------------- - Stöd för nätverk. - Stöd för tvångsstyrda förbindningar ("Siemens lufthaken"). - Ny utökad plinthantering. - Stöd för grafiska byglingar i plinttabeller. 950130 ====== cadett ELSA 4.1 Professional OnLine revision A är klar ------------------------------------------------------ - Kraftig prestandaförbättring i OnLine i nätverksläge. Uppemot 100 gånger snabbare än tidigare i kritiska lägen. Väntetiden för dialogrutor i OnLine reducerad från 1 - 5 sekunder till under 0.06 sekunder. - Nätverksstödet förbättrat. Låsningen sker nu "mjukare". Om en användare utestängs från en databas, läggs han automatiskt i vänteläge och får åtkomst så snart filen är ledig. - OnLine förbättrad. Buggar rättade. - Växelmenyredigeringen rättad. - Installationsprogrammet vidareutvecklat och förbättrat. Buggar rättade. - Ny funktion. Menypunkt 9.9.9. Uppdatering av lokalt WS-bibliotek från server. Används på varje arbetsstation sedan cadett ELSA uppdaterats till ny version eller revision. - Hela ritmiljön genomgången och förbättrad. Samtliga LISP-filer uppdaterade. - Biblioteksavsökningen kraftigt förbättrad. -varianten i t.ex script- generatorn är ca 50 gånger snabbare än tidigare. Den generaliserade varianten under menypunkt 9.9.3. är ännu snabbare och inte längre begränsad till 512 underbibliotek (nu 4096). En begränsning till 500 bibliotek per enhet har dock införts för att undvika minnesproblem i scriptgeneratorn m.fl programmoduler (samma begränsning som vid ). - Stödet för LAN Manager, Pathworks m.fl nätverk som inte stödjer hantering av filer som "sharable" i "compatibility mode" starkt förbättrat. En ny variabel (!READ_MODE) har införts i MGVER.DBF. Satt till ON ger detta konventionell nätverkshantering anpassad för Novell Netware. Satt till OFF fås istället en hantering anpassad för LAN Manager m.fl. 950213 ====== cadett ELSA 4.1 Professional OnLine revision B är klar ------------------------------------------------------ - Ritmiljö: Lager SYM_G nu initalt OFF. - Nollnumrering: minnesproblem (Error -920 - Out of memory) åtgärdat. (FBRENUM.EXE) - Tvångsstyrda förbindningar: FBTRACE.EXE korrigerad. - Grafiska byglingar: Tyska och engelska variabelnamn för definition av byglingsegenskaper för plintar i katalogen korrigerade (FBUPDBF.EXE). - Ritmiljö: SparaDXF växlar nu till grafikskärm när kommandot är slutfört. Bra vid enskärmslösning. - Ritmiljö: Vid ikonmenygenerering växlas automatiskt till grafikskärm när kommandot är slutfört. Bra för enskärmslösningar. - Symbolgenerator: Genereringen av ikonmenyfil för egna symboler rättad. Kunde tidigare ge felaktig menyfil som därvid missade symboler. - Ritmiljö: Pennbredd 0.35 vald från tablettmenyn eller rullgardinsmenyn ger nu konsekvent färg vit istället för tidigare röd, vit eller grå. Det nya beteendet överensstämmer med dokumentationen (Övningsboken). - Bearbetning: Texten "FESTEBKZ bearbeitung AUS" som kom fram vid start av bearbetningen i 4.1B är nu borttagen (PHASE1.EXE). - Symbolgenerator: Växelmenyhanteringen uppdaterad och förbättrad. Central hantering med nätverkslåsning införd. - Symbolgenerator: Genereringen av menyfil för egna växelmenyer korrigerad. Kunde tidigare ge felaktig menyfil eller ingen menyfil alls. - Symbolgenerator: Korrigerad vad avser förvalda värden för lager och texthöjd. - OnLine: Buggar rättade. - Översättare: Nätverkslåsningen i översättaren korrigerad. - Ritningsarkiv: ZV.EXE korrigerad vad avser nätverkslåsning i samband med andra nätverk än Novell Netware (bl.a Pathworks och LAN Manager). - Ritmiljö: Dialogtexter för plintar korrigerade. "Placering" utbytt mot det mer korrekta "insättningspunkt". - Ritmiljö: Felaktig texthöjd för plintgruppnamn (1.8 mm) korrigerad (2.5 mm). (Detta fel finns endast i 4.1B). - Rapportgenerator: Ny sorteringsordning för standard inre förbindnings- tabeller. Variabeln !0NR utnyttjas. Ger korrekt sortering även när skåplayout används. - Rapportgenerator: Rapportdefinitionen för kabelparttabell i DXF-format kunde i 4.1B efter installation vara oåtkomlig. Korrigerat. - Installation: Biblioteken \MG40\MG-INST och \MG40\MG-UTIL med diverse oöversatta och icke använda programrutiner har tagits bort. Spar utrymme. - Installation: CHGDRV.EXE har fått bättre hjälptext vid anrop med parametern -?. Förklarar nu vilka parametrar som skall användas. - Installationsprogram: Ökad säkerhet. Ger alltid kontrollfråga innan gammal installation raderas. Kontrollerar att säkerhetskopieringen inte avbrutits. - Program för upprättande av ny arbetsstation samt för underhåll av definierade arbetsstationer (MG_LOG.DBF) har tillkommit (WSCREATE.EXE). Den nya databasen STATIONS.DBF i \MG40\SYSTEM används för denna administration. - Ny menypunkt 9.9.7 för underhåll av arbetsstationsdefinitioner i MG_LOG.DBF och STATIONS.DBF. - Nya arbetsstationer kan nu upprättas med kommandot NEWWS. Skall startas från MS-DOS prompt på den arbetsstation som skall upprättas och med serverns MG40-bibliotek aktivt. - Editering av apparatlista (menypunkt 1.2.8) tvingar nu alltid fram en regenerering av OnLine-databaserna. Detta för att undvika eventuella konflikter mellan dessa bägge funktioner. - Val av apparatgrupp i skåplayout (LTSELECT.EXE) uppdaterad. Mindre justeringar. - Numreringsalgoritmerna kompletterade för att understödja övningsexemplet och DEMO-projektet fullt ut. - NY ICONBFIX.EXE (version 2.0) löser kvarvarande problem med egna ikonmenyer. ======== 95-04-05 cadett ELSA 4.1 Professional OnLine revision C är klar ------------------------------------------------------ * RITMILJÖ - "PICKFIRST" Ett antal av de kommandon som tillåter ett ritsätt med "pickfirst", släppte inte det objektval som gjorts med pickfirst, även om urvalsmarkeringarna försvann från skärmen! Åtgärdat. * RITMILJÖ - LAYOUT APPARATGRUPP Plintgrupper sorterades tidigare in fel, alternativt slogs samman i urvals- listan i de fall där sammansättningen av plintgruppbeteckningarna var annorlunda uppbyggd än sammansättningen av apparatbeteckningarna, med avseende på anläggnings- och placeringsinformation. Åtgärdat. * ONLINE - KONTAKTSPEGEL- & ANSLUTNINGSNUMMERDATA I vissa lägen dubblerades kontaktspegel- alternativt anslutningsnummer- informationen i OnLine-databaserna, varvid kontaktspegelbeläggning och/eller anslutningsnumrering uteblev eller blev felaktig. Åtgärdat. * ONLINE - ANSLUTNINGSNUMMERDATA Editering av anslutningsnummer i huvudsymboler och anslutningspunkter i generiska symboler återspeglades inte i OnLine-databaserna. Åtgärdat. * ONLINE - ANSLUTNINGSNUMMER / KONTAKTSPEGELDIALOG Informationen i KSP / anslutningsnummerlistan uttökad - visar nu även anslutningsnummer i generiska symboler. * ONLINE - GENERISKA SYMBOLER Komplett postbeteckning visas numera i huvud- och hjälpsymboldialogerna även för generiska symboler, där beteckningen ärvs från den omgivande byggenhetsramen. * EFTERBEARBETNING - TVÅNGSSTYRNING AV FÖRBINDNINGAR Oändliga loopar (hängning av programmet) orsakade av flera hänvisningar med samma beteckning OCH korsreferens, samt flera 45-gradiga linjer ovanpå varann, åtgärdade. Felmeddelande ges i fel- och meddelandelistan. * EFTERBEARBETNING - SORTERING AV PLINTTABELL Plintar med plintnummer utan motsvarighet i den till plintgruppen associ- erade numreringsalgoritmen placerades tidigare FÖRE de plintnummer som ingick i algoritmen. Nu placeras dessa sist. 950421 ====== cadett ELSA 4.1 Professional OnLine revision D är klar ------------------------------------------------------ - Ny OnLine funktionalitet: Korsreferenser till hänvisningar OnLine. - Helt ny funktion: Utökad filhantering, s.k projektarkivering. o Valfria projekt kan arkiveras på valfri enhet i valfritt bibliotek, med eller utan komprimering. o Inläsning på motsvarande sätt. o Hantering av utbytbara media. - Korrigerad OnLine-hantering av plintjord. - Ny menypunkt för val av AutoCAD version. Idag endast R12 tillåtet. - Menypunkt för val av READ_MODE, dvs stöd för nätverk som inte stödjer fildelning i kompatibilitetsmod, t.ex LAN Manager, Pathworks eller Windows NT Server. - Installationsprogrammets stöd för nätverksinstallation förbättrat och utökat. - COPY sätter inte SNAP 2.5 och ORTHO på längre. - Symbolgeneratorn har fått nya ordval, både i rullgardinsmenyn och i rubrikerna till LISP-snuttarna. - LAYOUT-LISP:en är genomgången. Texter justerade. - Insättning av KSP enligt Telemec->Serie DN->Relä och block->2S+2O, alternativ "4S+4O" är rättat. Skulle heta "2S+4O" i skärmmenyn, dvs. rätt symbol men fel rubrik tidigare. - Mindre fel avseende vakter i skärmmenyn åtgärdat. "Strömning" förekom två gånger. - Setup-LISP:en är modifierad. Startas programmet med någon annan AutoCAD- version än R12 fås felmeddelande. - I ritningsarkivet anges nu i klartext på skärmen att skall användas för att starta AutoCAD (STDTXT.DBF). - Biblioteket \MG40\SYSTEM\DCL borttaget. Filerna i det biblioteket utnyttjades inte. - Ny MLI.EXE löser problem med val av katalog vid preparering av katalog för utskrift med rapportgeneratorn. - WSCREATE.EXE version 1.1 gör kommandot NEWWS för att skapa nya arbets- stationer i en nätverksinstallation säkrare. Kunde tidigare blanda ihop en eventuell lokal installation med den centrala nätverksinstallationen. - Uppdateringsfunktionen i installationsprogrammet väsentligt snabbare vad avser kataloger. Ny teknik med fler samtidiga databaser öppna medger detta. - Medföljande projekt DEMO385 respektive OEVNING uppdaterade för version 4.13. - Sorteringskriterium i rapport 0APPARAT korrigerat. 950421 ====== cadett ELSA 4.13 Professional OnLine revision - är klar ------------------------------------------------------- Ritmiljö ======== Generellt Fillåsningsproblem efter manuellt avbrott med i ritmiljön rättat. PLOT1 - 5 i skärmmeny Rättat. SHELL/ELSHELL i Windows Öppnar ett DOS-fönster på samma sätt som DOS-prompten i Windows. Vill du ha miljöareaparametrarna satta för att köra ELSA (sökväg till MG40 + SET MGCAD=...) skriver du ELSHELL istället för SHELL. Ägar-ID Rättat. MAC02.LSP Kommando "Justera text & attribut" förbättrat. Om flera objekt väljs och referensobjektet roteras ges möjlighet att rotera övriga objekt sammanhållet (t.ex en grupp attribut vid en symbol) eller individuellt (t.ex ett antal postbeteckningar i olika symboler). MAC10.LSP Bladväxlardialogen förenklad. MAC12.SLB Intern/Extern färganvisningar adderade till "tårtbitarna" i plintmakrot. ONLINE.EXE/EXP LAYSYM* aktiverade. Grafisk termometer. Windows- och DOS-kod. Redundansreduktion av anl./plac. även när denna satts till "nej" i parametrarna rättat. DXF-filnamn med mindre än 8 tecken ignorerades - rättat. Fel i OnLine-databasen vid editering av byggenhetsramar/gen.symboler följt av QUIT rättat. Hänvisningsdialogen utökad med [Editera samtliga attribut...] - knapp för att möjliggöra åtkomst av Anmärkningsattributet. MAC13.LSP Nytt Byggenhetsram- och Generisk Symbol-makro. Ger möjlighet att välja grafiskt utseende. Editering nu möjlig även av det grafiska utseendet. KARTLINK.EXE Växelmenylänkaren modifierad för AutoCAD R13. MGPOP.MNU cadett ELSA och egna symboler definierade som slides åtkomliga via rullgardinsmenyn "Rita". Projektbearbetning ================== SYSTEM.EXE Kompatibel med DOS 6.0, 6.2 och 6.22. PHASE1.EXE, PHASE1B.EXE Tomplint/uttag enligt algoritm nu utan korsreferens och anmärkning mm i plint/uttags-tabellerna. PHASE2.EXE Felaktig bearbetning av postart "X" rättad. FBTRACE.EXE Upptrassling av "kortslutna" hänvisningar samt diverse rättningar i förbindningsdatabaserna. Det är numera möjligt att använda flera hänvisningsnamn inom samma elektriska potential vilket tidigare gav en felaktig förbindnings- tabell. Felmeddelandet "kortslutning" finns av kompatibilitetsskäl kvar i protokollet, men kan konfigureras bort med hjälp av den nya funktionen för konfigurering av protokollet. FBCREATE.EXE Dimensionsangivelse i nollnummersymbol placerad vid plint kopierades till samtliga anslutningar till plinten. Fick FBUPDBF.EXE att spåra ur ifall kabelpart anslöt. Rättat. FBRENUM.EXE "Fel vid synkronisering..." åtgärdat. Det går nu att ha samma anslutnings- nummer flera gånger för samma apparat (även om det inte rekommenderas!). Bortfiltreringen av de postarter som INTE ska nollnumreras enligt projekt- parametrarna var felaktig. Rättat. Extrahering av anläggning och/eller placering blev fel i de fall anläggning/placering ingick i postbeteckningen och "omgivande" anläggning/placering var en annan. Rättat. FBALGFIX.EXE Algoritmdefinitionerna utökade med en metod att ange special-tecken. Följande har fördefinierats: - Symbol för skyddsjord (cirkel med jordräfsa) - 'å' - 'ä' - 'ö' - 'Å' - 'Ä' - 'Ö' - Ger tecknet med ASCII-kod nnn. T.ex <148> = 'ö'. Observera dock att teckenfonten i AutoCAD, ELISO.SHX, inte innehåller en komplett teckenuppsättning! I algoritmdefinitionen kan man t.ex skriva så här: ...;Grn;... vilket är detsamma som ...;Grön;... FBUPDBF.EXE Plintbeteckning med "/" som sista byggblock ([=ANL][+PLAC][-PLINT] [:LÖPNR][/]) fick sammanhållningen av kabelparttabellanslutningar att spåra ur. Rättat. Plintgrafik för både Intern/Extern och Extern/Intern kolumnordning adderad. Tillät tidigare endast Intern/Extern. Statusfältet "ALGOSTAT" för plint/algo-match adderat i B-databasen. Fältet kan innehålla följande värden: 0 - Plintnumret återfinns inte i algoritmen (ritfel?) 1 - Plintnumret finns i algoritmen 2 - Plintnumret har adderats från algoritmen A-databasen (inre förbindningar) utökad med ett nytt fält, "SIGNAL". För varje post ifylls i SIGNAL hänvisningsnamnet ifall förbindelsen i någon del av sin sin utbredning går via hänvisningar. "Fel vid synkronisering..." åtgärdat. Det går nu att ha samma anslutnings- nummer flera gånger för samma apparat (även om det inte rekommenderas). Tomplint/uttag enligt algoritm nu utan korsreferens och anmärkning mm i plint/uttags-tabellerna. FBUPDXF.EXE Anpassad för AutoCAD R12 och R13 samtidigt. Övrigt ====== VAR.DEC och VARDEC.DBF (Variabeldeklarationer för rapportgenerator) !3BY och !4BY adderade för plinttabellformulär med externsida i vänster kolumn och internsida i höger kolumn. !ALGOSTAT adderad för plint/algoritmstatus. "!SIGNAL" adderad för signalnamn. (Se FBUPDBF.) Definitioner för den nya projektdatabasen *2.DBF (utökade styck- och apparatlistor) tillagda. Den globala rapportvariabeln !_CHAR_SET_PC8 för val av teckenuppsättning har definierats. SUPPORT-biblioteket =================== SUPPORT\12BLK[R|O|L|U].DXF - Nya DXF-filurklipp för 0-nummer (se FBUPDXF.EXE) SUPPORT\12INS[R|O|L|U].DXF - Nya DXF-filurklipp för 0-nummer (se FBUPDXF.EXE) SUPPORT\13TAB[R|O|L|U].DXF - Nya DXF-filurklipp för 0-nummer (se FBUPDXF.EXE) SUPPORT\13BLK[R|O|L|U].DXF - Nya DXF-filurklipp för 0-nummer (se FBUPDXF.EXE) SUPPORT\13INS[R|O|L|U].DXF - Nya DXF-filurklipp för 0-nummer (se FBUPDXF.EXE) SUPPORT\FBUPBLK.DWG - Grundritning för generering av nya 0-nummer- symboler. Minneshantering / DOS-versioner =============================== Det tidigare kravet att antingen konfigurera EMM386 med parametern NOVCPI eller använda SET-variabeln CLIPPER=E:0 har bortfallit. Ingenting av detta behövs längre! Nätverk / OLDWSCODE =================== I tidigare nätverksversioner av cadett ELSA (4.0, 4.1 och 4.13) fanns en inkonsekvens i användningen av arbetsstationskoderna (WS-koderna) som gjorde att onödiga och/eller ologiska låsningar i nätverket kunde uppstå. Detta är korrigerat i 4.13A. (Tekniskt har positionen för respektive WS-kod i databasen MG_LOG.DBF förskjutits från WS-kodens ASCII-värde till ASCII- värdet + 1). Detta innebär att den tidigare använda SET-variabeln OLDWSCODE (som användes vid blandade programversioner) nu INTE LÄNGRE FÅR ANVÄNDAS!!! XNETCTRL ======== eXtended NETwork ConTRoL. Utökad nätverkskontroll. Grundprincipen är att programmet arbetar med lokala kopior av viktiga centrala databaser för att minimera de olika arbetsstationernas låsningar av varandra. De lokala kopiorna underhålls automatiskt av XNETCTRL. Hela detta mycket omfattande paket kan konfigureras med meny Utökad nätverkskontroll. Behovet av denna funktionalitet varierar beroende på storlek och typ av nätverk. Behovet är störst i nätverk som inte stödjer fildelning i compatibility mode där felmeddelandet "sharing violation" är ett vanligt problem. (Detta gäller bl.a LAN Manager, Windows NT Server och Pathworks. Exempel på ett nätverk som stödjer fildelning i compatiblity mode och där behovet av utökad nätverkskontroll således är mindre är Novell Netware). Även användare av Novell kan dock ha nytta av XNETCTRL, bl.a för över- sättaren eller om nätverket är underdimensionerat, dvs om prestanda är dåliga. Följande moduler/funktioner i cadett ELSA berörs: o Automatisk projektbearbetning. Samtliga berörda centrala databaser. Detta konfigureras med menypunkt o Lokal bearbetning vid automatisk projektbearbetning. Detta innebär att SYSTEM- och SLUT-biblioteken flyttas till lokala temporärbibliotek för att på så sätt minimera belastningen på nätverket. Detta är användbart vid underdimensionerade nätverk. Konfigureras med menypunkt o Rapportgeneratorn. Styrs av menypunkt o Scriptgeneratorn. Styrs av menypunkt o Översättaren. Styrs av menypunkt o OnLine. Styrs av menypunkt o Apparatval ur förvald- respektive valfri snabbkatalog från ritmiljön. Styrs av menypunkt Vid användande av utökad nätverkskontroll slår systemet om mellan två arbetsmoder. De båda arbetsmoderna betecknas "lokalmod" respektive "nätverksmod". I lokalmod arbetar systemet mot lokala kopior av aktuella databaser. Om du skulle råka ut för ett haveri av någon anledning, kan systemet "bli kvar" i fel mod. Du upptäcker det genom att det inte finns några projekt att välja bland. För att råda bot på detta problem har en ny menypunkt tillkommit, nämligen 9.9.6. Återställning av utökad nätverks- kontroll. Välj den menypunkten och kvittera med så fungerar allt normalt igen! Uppdatering av lokalt WS-bibliotek från server (WSUPDATE.EXE) ============================================================= Denna funktion utnyttjas för att uppdatera de lokala stationernas arbetsstationsbibliotek efter t.ex en uppdatering av serverinstallationen. Även sedan systemoperatören infört ändringar i det centrala WS-prototyp- biblioteket (\MG40\WS) kan de lokala arbetsstationerna uppdateras med dessa förändringar med denna menypunkt. I tidigare versioner fanns tyvärr vissa programfel i denna rutin, men de har nu rättats. (Bl.a blev konfigureringen av delmoment i tilläggs- bearbetningen fel efter en uppdatering). Omnumrering av bladnummer ========================= Via menypunkt 1.9.5. är det nu möjligt att omnumrera bladnumren i ARBETS- eller SLUT-biblioteken för det aktuella projektet. Användbart t.ex om det uppstått "luckor" i bladnumren därför att blad raderats, eller om du vill ha en kontinuerlig bladnummerserie som även omfattar rapporterna. Utplottning av symbolbibliotek ============================== En helt ny funktion som gör det möjligt att på ett enkelt och elegant sätt plotta ut ett helt symbolbibliotek så som det definieras av symbol- databasen, t.ex hela IEC-symbolbiblioteket inklusive egna symboler, eller samtliga block i ett angivet bibliotek. Funktionen återfinns under meny- punkt 1.9.7. Ikonmenygenerering - ICONLINK.EXE ================================= Genereringen av ikonmenyer spårade tidigare ur om det fanns en eller fler egna symboler i apparatgrupperna 0 - 9. Detta fel är nu korrigerat. Samtidigt har tre nya funktioner införts. - Det har blivit möjligt att använda linjebrytning för symboler i ikonmenyerna, inklusive egna symboler. Funktionen kan slås av eller på med menypunkt - Det går nu att välja ordningsföljden för de egna symbolerna i ikonmenyerna. Med menypunkt kan antingen alfabetisk eller kronologisk ordningsföljd väljas. (Kronologisk ordningsföljd innebär att symbolerna presenteras i den ordningsföljd som de skapats). - Det är nu möjligt att ta med symboler som inte har definierats i symbol- databasen, t.ex layout-symboler. Denna funktion kan slås av eller på med menypunkt Scriptgeneratorn - defaultgenerering ==================================== Scriptsekvenser med namn som avslutas med bokstaven Q får ARBETS-biblioteket för aktuellt projekt som förvalt värde för biblioteks- valet vid start av sekvens. Är sista tecknet i namnet istället Z kommer SLUT-biblioteket för det aktuella projektet att vara förvalt värde. Är sista tecknet vare sig Q eller Z, kommer föregående val för den aktuella sekvensen att vara förvalt värde. Funktionen att ta hänsyn till scriptsekvensnamnets sista tecken kan slås på eller av med hjälp av menypunkt Scriptgeneratorn - nya scriptsekvenser ====================================== BYT_RAM_Q Exempel på sekvens som byter ritningsram. Om detta utföres på ett korrekt sätt (se anvisningen) så kan texterna i ritningshuvudena överföras till den nya ramen helt automatiskt. cadett ab rekommenderar starkt att ritningsramar med block och attribut används istället för den äldre typen med lösa entiteter och texter. Den gamla ritningsramtypen ställer dessvärre till en hel del problem med nya versioner av cadett ELSA och AutoCAD. Observera att sekvensen måste justeras för den enhet på vilken cadett ELSA är installerad, samt för eventuell egen ram. Med denna scriptsekvens kan du automatiskt byta till ny ritningsram. Arbetar i ARBETS-biblioteket för valt projekt. Stödjer samtliga AutoCAD- versioner. BYT_RAM_Z Som ovan men arbetar i SLUT-biblioteket för valt projekt. DXF-DWG_Q Konverterar DXF-filerna i ARBETS-biblioteket till DWG-format. Stödjer samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. DXF-DWG_Z Konverterar DXF-filerna i SLUT-biblioteket till DWG-format. Stödjer samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. DXF-HANDLES-DXF_Q Slår på HANDLES för alla ritningsblad i ARBETS-biblioteket i det aktuella projektet. Stödjer endast AutoCAD R12 DOS och Windows (i AutoCAD R13 är HANDLES alltid på). DXF-HANDLES-DXF_Z Som ovan men arbetar i SLUT-biblioteket för det aktuella projektet. DXF-PURGE-DXF_Q Minimerar det utrymme som ritningsbladen upptar genom att ta bort oanvända blockdefinitioner mm. Arbetar intelligent så att ingenting som behövs tas bort (till skillnad från AutoCAD:s PURGE). Arbetar i ARBETS-biblioteket för aktuellt projekt. Stödjer samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. DXF-PURGE-DXF_Z Som ovan men arbetar i aktuellt projekts SLUT-bibliotek. DXF-SLIDE_Q Skapar SLIDES för samtliga ritningsblad i ARBETS-biblioteket. Samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. DXF-SLIDE_Z Skapar SLIDES för samtliga ritningsblad i SLUT-biblioteket. Bra att köra efter automatisk projektbearbetning och rapportgenerering för att bladväxlaren skall stödja "preview". Samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. DXF-TXT_Q Utför attributextrahering för ritningsbladen i ARBETS-biblioteket. Samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. DXF-TXT_Z Utför attributextrahering för ritningsbladen i SLUT-biblioteket. Samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. KABJOUR_Q Omgenerera kabeljournalen för aktuellt projekt. Samtliga AutoCAD-versioner. PLOT_DXF_Q PLOT av alla ritningsblad i ARBETS-biblioteket för det aktuella projektet. Anpassad i första hand för HP LaserJet. Kan lätt modifieras för andra skrivare. PLOT_DXF_Z PLOT av alla ritningsblad i SLUT-biblioteket för det aktuella projektet. Anpassad i första hand för HP LaserJet. Kan lätt modifieras för andra skrivare. RADDA_DXF_Q Kör funktionen RäddaDXF för valda ritningsblad i ARBETS-biblioteket för aktuellt projekt. Stödjer enbart AutoCAD R12 DOS och Windows. RADDA_DXF_Z Kör funktionen RäddaDXF för valda ritningsblad i SLUT-biblioteket för aktuellt projekt. Stödjer enbart AutoCAD R12 DOS och Windows. RST_HANDLES_DWG Stänger av handles för symboler i valt bibliotek (t.ex WS-biblioteket eller symbolbiblioteket). Lämpligt att använda om du råkat ut för problemet "ERROR 26" i OnLine. Scriptsekvensen stödjer enbart AutoCAD R12 DOS och Windows. (Den bakom- liggande orsaken till det problem som den här scriptsekvensen skall lösa var en bugg i AutoCAD R12). RST_HANDLES_DXF_Q Nollställer handles för alla ritningsblad i ARBETS-biblioteket på det aktuella projektet. Lämpligt att använda om du råkat ut för problemet "ERROR 26" i OnLine. Scriptsekvensen stödjer enbart AutoCAD R12 DOS och Windows. (Den bakom- liggande orsaken till det problem som den här scriptsekvensen skall lösa var en bugg i AutoCAD R12). UPPDAT38_Q Uppdatering av färger och lager från versionerna 3.04 och 3.05. Arbetar automatiskt i ARBETS-biblioteket för aktuellt projekt. Samtliga AutoCAD- versioner. UPPDAT38_Z Uppdatering av färger och lager från versionerna 3.04 och 3.05. Arbetar automatiskt i SLUT-biblioteket för aktuellt projekt. Samtliga AutoCAD- versioner. Rapportgeneratorn ================= 0XAPP - Apparatlista med antalsfält (DXF) Ny rapportdefinition och formulär avsedd för de nya apparatlistorna med antalsfält. Möjliggörs av den nya XCOMPLST.EXE-funktionen i den automatiska projektbearbetningen. FMT-formulär Samtliga textformulär har uppdaterats med den nya programversionen, den nya globala rapportvariabeln !_CHAR_SET_PC8 som används för att välja teckenuppsättning, samt de gällande terminologiska konventionerna. DXF-formulär Samtliga DXF-formulär har uppdaterats med den nya ritningsramen med block och attribut. Rubrikerna har korrigerats med avseende på gällande terminologiska konventioner. Ägar-id har nollställts. Utökade apparat- och stycklistor (XCOMPLST.EXE) =============================================== En ny projektdatabas - *2.DBF - kan nu skapas i projektbearbetningens tilläggsbearbetning. Den nya databasen gör det möjligt att ta fram fyra nya typer av rapporter: Apparatlista med antalsfält. Inom varje postbeteckning summeras antalet av varje komponent (INDEX), istället för att som i en konventionell apparatlista upprepas det antal gånger som komponenten ifråga har. Detta är speciellt värdefullt för t.ex plintar. Denna rapporttyp fås med urvalet !ANTALSTYP == BEZ. Stycklista summerad per placering, istället för som den konventionella stycklistan som är summerad för hela projektet. Denna typ av stycklista lämpar sig t.ex väl för kopplingar till MPS-system. Denna rapporttyp fås med urvalet !ANTALSTYP == ORT. Stycklista summerad per anläggning. Som ovan. Fås med urvalet !ANTALSTYP == ANL. Stycklista summerad per kombination av anläggning och placering. Som ovan. Fås med urvalet !ANTALSTYP == AUO. För att databasen för ovan angivna rapporter skall skapas krävs att anrop av XCOMPLST.EXE finns med som delmoment i tilläggsbearbetningen. Parameter till detta program skall vara //E:0. TREEINFO.EXE ============ Detta program anropas normalt från menypunkt 9.9.3. Det söker igenom valda enheter och skapar de bibliotekslistor som utnyttjas för val av bibliotek på olika platser i cadett ELSA-systemet. Nu kan detta program anropas i batch. Format: TREEINFO.EXE //E:0 CDE I exemplet ovan genomsöks enheterna C:, D: och E:. AutoCAD-stöd ============ cadett ELSA 4.13 stödde enbart AutoCAD R12 för DOS. Revision A däremot stödjer fyra olika versioner av AutoCAD, nämligen: - AutoCAD R12 DOS (samtliga) - AutoCAD R12 Windows (enbart c4a) - AutoCAD R13 DOS (c1 eller nyare) - AutoCAD R13 Windows (c4 eller nyare) Stöd för operativsystem ======================= MS-DOS, MS-Windows 3.1 och 3.11 samt MS-Windows 95 stöds av cadett ELSA 4.13 Professional OnLine revision A. (Tidigare understöddes endast MS-DOS). För MS-DOS rekommenderas AutoCAD R12 DOS eller AutoCAD R13 DOS c1 eller senare. Bägge fungerar bra. För Windows 3.1 eller 3.11 rekommenderas AutoCAD R12 Windows c4a. Inga andra versioner än c4a fungerar. AutoCAD R13 Windows fungerar mycket dåligt under Windows 3.1/3.11. Vi avråder bestämt från den kombinationen. För Windows 95 rekommenderas AutoCAD R13 Windows c4 eller senare. Tidigare versioner än c4 fungerar dåligt under Windows 95. AutoCAD R12 Windows är instabil under Windows 95. Vi avråder från den kombinationen. Symbolbibliotek =============== Korsreferenserna för hjälpsymbolerna har flyttats från lager TXT18 till lager QVW_L. Ett symbolbibliotek med attributfrågetexter anpassade för Windows tecken- uppsättning ingår numera och installeras automatiskt vid val av en Windows- version av AutoCAD. IEC1082 ======= Ett symbolbibliotek enligt den nya standarden IEC1082 finns nu tillgängligt som extra tillbehör (ingår ej som standard i cadett ELSA 4.13A). CHGNORM.EXE =========== Ersatt med nytt program som stödjer XNETCTRL. Numreringsalgoritmer (XALGO.EXE) ================================ Presentationen av kopplingar mellan plintgrupper och algoritmer har omprogrammerats totalt. Även kopieringen av kopplingar mellan plintgrupper och algoritmer har programmerats om (XALGO.EXE). Detta berör menypunkterna och De tidigare begränsningarna av antalet projekt är borta och nätverksstödet är förbättrat. Editering av MGVER.DBF - MGVER_E.EXE ==================================== Vid användning av XNETCTRL är det synnerligen viktigt att MGVER_E.DBF utgör en uppdaterad kopia av MGVER.DBF. Vid editering av MGVER.DBF med menypunkt 9.8. fanns tidigare risken att man glömde att kopiera MGVER.DBF efteråt. Detta problem är ett minne blott. När man lämnar menypunkt 9.8. ges nu en fråga om MGVER.DBF skall kopieras till MGVER_E.DBF. Svarar du Ja så kopieras databasen automatiskt. Översättaren ============ Tidigare var det nödvändigt att manuellt välja i vilket bibliotek de ritningsblad som skulle översättas låg. Nu kan du istället välja mellan ARBETS- eller SLUT-biblioteken för det aktuella projektet. (Det är även möjligt att göra ett manuellt val som tidigare om du skulle föredra det). Denna funktion kan slås på eller stängas av med menypunkt Utökad filhanterare - XPM ========================= Den utökade filhanteraren - XPM - har förbättrats kraftigt. Ny funktionalitet är bl.a följande: - Möjlighet att spara fler projekt till ett bibliotek på ett utbytbart medium (t.ex en diskett) där du tidigare lagrat projekt. - Möjlighet att ange en ny lokalisering av ett projekt vid återläsning. - Möjlighet att ge ett nytt namn åt ett projekt vid återläsning. Säkerhetsnivån har höjts kraftigt. Tidigare arbetade programmet delvis "på slak lina", dvs alla operationer kontrollerades inte i efterhand. Numera kontrolleras alla operationer. Om ett fel uppstår så stannar programmet och frågar hur du vill hantera problemet. Alla fel, oavsett hur obetydliga de kan förefalla, leder till att en eventuell begärd radering inställs. RäddaDXF (UPD385.EXE) ===================== Funktionen RäddaDXF används när TEXT-objekt utan handles fått ett ritnings- blad att krascha. Orsaken till detta problem är användande av den gamla typen av ritningsram med texter istället för attribut. Med den nya ritningsramen som består av ett block med attribut kan detta problem inte uppstå. Texter som hade linjetyper misstolkades tidigare av RäddaDXF. Detta ledde till att en DXF-fil som korrigerats samtidigt fick ett nytt fel lika allvarligt som det ursprungliga felet. Den nya upplagan av UPD385.EXE tolkar alla objekt korrekt och har även förmågan att korrigera fel som den gamla versionen skapat. RäddaDXF kan numera också köras av scriptgeneratorn för ett helt projekt (scriptsekvensen RADDA_DXF_Q). Funktionen RäddaDXF stödjer dock f.n INTE AutoCAD R13. Konfigurering av protokoll (FMODIFY.EXE) ======================================== Det har blivit möjligt att konfigurera protokollet. Valfria felmeddelanden kan uteslutas eller ändras. Det kan placeras i en annan kategori (t.ex flyttas från fel till varning) eller få en annan ordalydelse. Konfigureringen görs i den centrala databasen F_CONFIG.DBF som ligger i biblioteket \MG40\SYSTEM. (Detta innebär att samtliga arbetsstationer i ett nätverk normalt har samma konfiguration av protokollet. Om du istället önskar individuella konfigurationer kan du flytta F_CONFIG.DBF till det lokala WS-biblioteket. Glöm inte att ändra sökvägen i MGVER.DBF med hjälp av menypunkt 9.8). För att den nya funktionen skall fungera krävs att FMODIFY.EXE anropas som ett delmoment i den automatiska projektbearbetningen (menypunkt 9.3.4). Parameter skall vara //E:0. Ändrade protokoll (AUTOLST.DBF) =============================== Funktionen för konfigurering av protokoll har gjort det möjligt att göra de olika alternativen för protokollutskrift enklare och mer överskådliga. Alternativen är nu: - Bara FEL - FEL och RUBRIKER (rekommenderas i de flesta fall) - FEL, RUBRIKER och VARNINGAR. - FEL, RUBRIKER, VARNINGAR och INFORMATION (allt). Enklare konfigurering för ritmiljön (LOCALPAR.EXE) ================================================== Med hjälp av så kallade signalfiler var det tidigare möjligt att styra vissa funktioner i ritmiljön (generering av BAK-filer, SLIDE-filgenerering och SETUP-kontroll vid inhopp i ritningsblad). Numerar styrs detta enkelt och elegant från menypunkterna, och Dessa inställningar är individuella för varje arbetsstation. Korrigerat problem för rapportgeneratorn (XNETCTRL.EXE) ======================================================= Det förekom tidigare att vissa rapporter såg ut att försvinna. Detta var speciellt vanligt vid användande av utökad nätverkskontroll. Orsaken var att rapporten ifråga markerats som aktiv av en annan arbetsstation än den f.n aktiva. Genom ett korrigerande svep genom databasen före varje anrop av rapportgeneratorn har detta problem förpassats till historien. Ritningsarkivet (ZV.EXE) ======================== Utökat för att stödja både AutoCAD R12 och AutoCAD R13. Editering av databas för apparatlista (GEDIT.EXE) ================================================= Denna funktion har förbättrats på en rad punkter. Bl.a detekterar programmet numera om AutoCAD för Windows ligger aktivt i bakgrunden och blockerar OnLine-databaserna p.g.a att DDE utnyttjas. Detta ledde tidigare till programkrasch men så inte längre. Halvautomatisk skåplayout (LTCREATE.EXE och LTSELECT.EXE) ========================================================= Funktionen för val av apparatgrupp (automatiskt val av symboler) i skåplayouten har utökats med flera nya möjligheter. Bl.a är det numera möjligt att välja antingen hela apparatgruppen direkt, eller också enskilda komponenter ur gruppen (tidigare endast hela gruppen). Demonstrationsprojekt DEMO413 ============================= Det gamla demoprojektet DEMO385 har uppdaterats med ny ritningsram och med skåplayout utförd med OnLine. OnLine-databaserna är uppdaterade med senaste OnLine-utgåvan. Nytt övningsexempel KURS413 =========================== Det gamla övningsprojektet OEVNING har uppdaterats med ny ritningsram. OnLine-databaserna är uppdaterade med senaste OnLine-utgåvan. Underhåll av arbetsstationsdefinitioner (WSCREATE.EXE) ====================================================== Kompletterad med funktionalitet som korrigerar positionerna för samtliga definierade arbetsstationskoder i MG_LOG.DBF. Detta gäller även upprättande av nya arbetsstationer (NEWWS). Installationsprogrammet ======================= Har korrigerats på flera punkter, speciellt vad avser uppdateringar. Vidare har funktionaliteten utökats så att numera fyra olika AutoCAD-versioner för tre olika operativsystem stöds av samma diskettuppsättning och samma installationsprogram. Uppdateringsdelen av installationssystemet (UPDATE.EXE) har kompletterats med en funktion som korrigerar eventuella felplacerade arbetsstations- koder i fältet LOG_MGUSER i posten USERCODE i databasen MG_LOG.DBF. WINELSA.EXE =========== Har anpassats för Windows 95. Två olika varianter av WINELSA.PIF finns nu beroende på AutoCAD-version. För AutoCAD R12 Windows installeras en PIF- fil anpassad för Windows 3.1. För AutoCAD R13 Windows installeras en PIF- fil anpassad för Windows 95. UPDATE.EXE ========== Uppdateringsdelen av installationsprogrammet har anpassats för att hantera användardefinierade symbolbibliotek. Vidare finns i IEC-biblioteket en batch-fil med namnet UPD_NORM.BAT som används för att föra över behövliga filer från cadett ELSA:s standard symbolbibliotek IEC till av användaren definierade symbolbibliotek. (Filen UPD_NORM.BAT anpassas automatiskt till vald AutoCAD-version vid installationen av cadett ELSA). WSUPDATE.EXE ============ Uppdatering av lokalt WS-bibliotek hanterar nu också databasen LOCALPAR.DBF. ZUGRIFFE.INF ============ Filen ZUGRIFFE.INF som styr skapandet av egna symbolbibliotek har implementerats för alla fyra understödda AutoCAD-versioner. I tidigare cadett ELSA-versioner i 4.X-serien har detta stöd saknats. Även databasen SYMBD.DBF har korrigerats för att möjliggöra skapandet av egna normer och symbolbibliotek. ======== 96-05-30 cadett ELSA 4.13 Professional OnLine revision A är klar ------------------------------------------------------- Ritningsarkivet (ZV.EXE och MGVER.DBF) ====================================== - I 4.13A kunde ritningsarkivet misslyckas med detektereingen av R13 DXF-filer, vilket ledde till kraschade DXF-filer. Korrigerat i en ny version av filen ZV.EXE. - FALSE.NDX hade en olycklig central placering som gjorde att om flera användare i ett nätverk av typ Windows NT Server eller liknande försökte använda filterfunktionen i ritningsarkivet samtidigt kunde detta resultera i felmeddelandet "sharing violation". FALSE.NDX ligger numera i det lokala WS-biblioteket vilket löser problemet. (Novell har aldrig påverkats av detta problem). Tablettmenyn för R13 Windows ============================ - Vid omlänkning av menyfilen MGCADE.MNU erhölls i 4.13A inga radbrytningar mellan de olika avsnitten. I R13 Windows ledde detta till att tablett- menyn inte fungerade. Korrigerat i en ny version av filen MNULINK.DEF. (Denna förändring berör enbart R13 Windows). Konfigurering av tablettmenyn i R13 Windows (MGSCR.MNU) ======================================================== - Kommandot för att konfigurera tablettmenyn (Tab.cfg) i R13 Windows tog inte hänsyn till de dubbla pekytor som förekommer där. Ledde till svårigheter att peka ut tablettmenyytorna. Korrigerat i en ny version av filen MGSCR.MNU. Plottscript i ritmiljön (ACAD.LSP) =================================== - Fungerade inte - trots tidigare korrigering - p.g.a en konflikt med den utökade nätverkskontrollen. Korrigerat. Utökad nätverkskontroll (XNETCTRL.EXE) ======================================= - Indexfilhanteringen kunde ibland ge felaktigt resultat vilket bl.a kunde visa sig så att efterbearbetningen inte uppfattade nyligen definierade egna symboler. Korrigerat. - Utökad nätverkskontroll för OnLine läste databasen SYMBD.DBF utan korrekt nätverkslåsning vilket i sällsynta fall kunde leda till felmeddelandet "sharing violation" i samband med inhopp i ritmiljön första gången i ett arbetspass (om AutoCAD för Windows med aktiverad DDE användes). Vid användning av AutoCAD för DOS, eller om DDE inte var aktiverad, kunde detta i princip hända vid alla inhopp i ritmiljön från ritningsarkivet (F10). Korrigerat. - Kontroll av aktivt bibliotek för samtliga funktioner. För scriptgene- ratorn dessutom automatiskt avbrott om AUTOSCR.NO finns i WS-biblioteket med den kontrollerande kommandofilen missat detta p.g.a att fel bibliotek var aktivt före anropet av XNETCTRL.EXE. Uppdatering av lokal arbetsstation från server (WSUPDATE.EXE) ============================================================== - Berörde menypunkt 9.9.9. Felmeddelande kunde erhållas vid uppdateringen av signalfilerna för eden utökade nätverkskontrollen. Korrigerat. - Uppdatering / underhåll av lokal kopia av SUPPORT-biblioteket har till- kommit (sköts helt automatiskt vid behov). - Uppdatering av filen ACAD.EXE sköts numera automatiskt. - STDTXT.DBF uppdateras numera automatiskt lokalt. - Om det fanns filer i det lokala WS-biblioteket som var markerade read only, kunde dessa inte uppdateras med menypunkt 9.9.9. Numera tas denna markering automatiskt bort. Menyfilen MGCADE.MNU ==================== - Eftersom en omgenererinegr av denna krävs för att det skall vara möjligt att dra nytta av eventuella nyheter efter en uppdatering - och det kan vara lätt hänt att glömma detta, har en ny funktion tillkommit. Direkt efter en uppdatering finns numera bara ett enda kommando tillgängligt i menyerna, nämligen omlänkning av menyn! (Berör filen MGCADE.MNU). Ritmiljön (MGPOP.MNU, MGSCR.MNU, MGTAB1.MNU) ============================================ - Kommandot "Avsluta+Fas1" har fasats ut. OnLine ersätter denna funktionalitet i sin helhet. Installationsprogrammet ======================= (Nedan angivna förändringar i installationsprogrammet gäller enbart den kompletta diskettuppsättningen omfattande 10 disketter. Den förenklade installationsdisketten för 4.13B har ett eget installationsprogram, INST413B.EXE). - Uppdateringsprogrammet (UPDATE.EXE) tog inte hänsyn till eventuella INI- filer i egna symbolbibliotek, eller i standard symbolbibliotek. Numera ges information till användaren om hur uppdateringen skall hanteras (manuell editering av aktuella textfiler). En kopia av de gamla filerna sparas med filtypen 001. - P.g.a ett fel i filen MGVER.OFF (temporär under installationen) blev nätverksinstallationer för Windows NT Server m.fl nätverk felaktiga (Novell fungerade bra). Ledde bl.a till att OnLine inte startade. Korrigerat (MGVER.DBF). - Om filer i en originalinstallation markerats read only kunde installationsprogrammet inte uppdatera dem. Korrigerat (INST413.EXE, UPDATE.EXE och WSUPDATE.EXE) - Egna införanden i MGVER.DBF i lokala installationer försvann vid uppdatering. Numera bibehålls alla poster om inte uppdateras (UPDATE.EXE). - Databasen STATIONS.DBF som innehåller kommentarer till samtliga arbetsstationsdefinitioner i en nätverksinstallation tappade sitt innehåll vid en uppdatering. Detta har korrigerats (UPDATE.EXE). - Stöd för installation från CD-ROM har tillkommit. - Programmet CHGDRV.EXE har korrigerats avseende tillvalet -NOPROJ för enhetsbyte av enbart programvaran. (Ej projekt med undantag för de som ligger i MG40-strukturen). Detta tillval fungerade tidigare ej till 100% (användes ej i normala installationer). - Installationsprogrammet tar numera hänsyn till gjorda PLC-symbol- definitioner (PLC.DBF). Rädda DXF (UPD385.EXE och MGPOP.MNU) ==================================== - Funktionen - som bara är aktuell för AutoCAD R12 - fungerade inte för AutoCAD R12 Windows om DDE var aktiverat. Korrigerat. Databasgeneratorn (AUTODBF.EXE) =============================== - Kosmetisk korrigering. Tabellen med tillgängliga fält för val har fått en bättre utformning (ingår ej på den förenklade installations- disketten för 4.13B). Bladomnumreringsfunktionen (SHEET.EXE) ====================================== - Har gjorts säkrare. Kontrollerar att OnLine inte är aktivt i samband med aktiv DDE för AutoCAD för Windows. - Körs bladomnumreringen i ARBETS-biblioteket framtvingas automatiskt en regenerering av OnLine-databaserna vilket gör att användaren slipper ett antal irriterande felmedddelanden. Omgenerering av menyfil ======================= - Kommandot "Gnd.meny" och andra operationer som framtvingar omgenerering av menyfilen (t.ex om egna symboler skapas) laddar nu specifikt filen MGCADE.MNU (tidigare MGCADE enligt default). Detta förhindrar eventuella problem i AutoCAD R13 Windows med att den omgenererade menyfilen inte läses in, t.ex efter att menyfilen manipulerats manuellt. Förbindningsgenerering (FBCREATE.EXE, FBTRACE.EXE, FBUPDXF.EXE) =============================================================== - Projekt helt utan förbindningar gör nu inte längre att efterbearbetningen stannar med ett felmeddelande. - Kabelparter på tvångsstyrda förbindningar kommer nu med i databaserna. Ikonmeny för symbolmakron (MGICON.MNU) ====================================== - Å, Ä och Ö för AutoCAD R12 DOS och R13 DOS har korrigerats i de beskrivande texterna. Installationsdiskett för enbart revision B ========================================== - Ett förenklat installationsprogram har tagits fram, vilket utgör grund för en enkel installationsdiskett med vars hjälp uppdatering direkt från 4.13A till 4.13B kan göras. Denna enda diskett ersätter de 10 disketter som annars krävs, i de fall man utgår från 4.13A. ======== 96-09-04 cadett ELSA 4.13 Professional OnLine revision B är klar ------------------------------------------------------- Rättad ICONLINK.EXE =================== - Tar hänsyn till en bugg i AutoCAD R13 för Windows som gör att slides i ikonmenyer inte visas. Rättad FMODIFY.EXE ================== - Snyggare termometer. Tidigare skrevs skärmen "sönder" längst till höger. (Berörde projektbearbetningens absolut sista moment, de konfigurerings- bara protokollen). Stöd för Windows NT =================== - Implementerat. Övrigt ====== - Samtliga EXE-filer har anpassats till nytt hårdvarulåssystem. - Okänslig för "current directory". (Förändringarna avser de batchfiler som i första hand XNETCTRL utnyttjar). En begränsning har införts i och med denna förändring av hanteringen, nämligen att SET-variabeln MGCAD nu inte längre kan innehålla fler än ett bibliotek. Den får heller inte avslutas med backslash. - Ny 32-bitars WINELSA.EXE. Nytt bibliotek \MG40\WIN32 för 32-bitars Windows-miljö (Windows 95 och Windows NT). Ny WINELSA.PIF anpassad till denna. - Ny buggfixad FBTRACE.EXE. - SYMBDEF.EXE (symbolgeneratorn) har fått nya förvalda värden. Nu i överensstämmelse med den nya standarden IEC1082. - Stöd för Windows NT skrivarköer har implementerats. I rapportgeneratorn skall generering av fil aktiveras för FMT-rapporter. Filnamn skall anges fast, med sökväg, utan filtyp och med ett filnamn av en maximal längd om 7 tecken exklusive sökväg (t.ex "C:\MG40\WS\MGPRINT"). Två omgivnings- variabler styr överföringen till skrivarkön. "MGQUEUE" skall ange skrivar- köns namn (t.ex "\\SERVER_NAME\PRINT_QUEUE_NAME"). "MGTEMP" skall ange den temporära fasta filens namn (samma som angivits i konfigureringen av rapportgeneratorn) (t.ex "C:\MG40\WS\MGPRINT"). Två filer skapas av rapport- generatorn. I exemplet blir deras namn MGPRINT.TXT och MGPRINT1.TXT. När rapportgeneratorn arbetat klart kopieras automatiskt MGPRINT1.TXT till angiven skrivarkö, varefter båda temporärfilerna automatiskt raderas. Kontrollen av ovanstående hanteras av batchfilen AUTOLST.BAT. För att utföra ovan beskriven kopiering har programmet NTPRINT.EXE tillkommit (COPY fungerar dessvärre inte i detta avseende). - Motsvarande ovanstående punkt har implementerats för automatisk projekt- bearbetning. Detta administreras av XNETCTRL.EXE. En begränsning härvidlag är att maximalt en styck FMT-rapport kan utnyttjas per bearbetning. (Annars kommer efterföljande rapporter att skriva över av tidigare rapporter genererade temporärfiler innan utkopiering mot kön av dessa sker). - WINELSA.EXE har modifierats för att ge tillgång till en enkel konfigurering av de båda omgivningsvariabler som anges i ovanstående beskrivning. - Ny ACAD.EXE och ACAD.LSP som mer intelligent än tidigare hanterar start av AutoCAD. Detta innebär framförallt att prestanda förbättrats och att de timingproblem som tidigare kunde uppstå i vissa situationer där ELSA uppfattade att AutoCAD terminerats när den verkliga situationen var att AutoCAD ännu inte startat nu är ett minne blott. - Bladomnumreringsfunktionen korrigerad avseende minneshanteringen. Klarade inte frånvaro av EMS-minne i MS-DOS 6.0 eller senare om inte samtidigt parameterna NOVCPI använts för EMM386 i CONFIG.SYS. Korrigeringen berör filerna ALERT.DBF och MGMTXT.DBF. Detta innebär att behovet av NOVCPI nu är helt borta. - Bladomnumreringsfunktionen har utökats så att den nu hanterar upp till 5 tecken i bladnumren (tidigare maximalt 3 tecken). Ändringen berör SHEET.EXE. - Filen EL413.BA har bytt namn till EL415.BA, förbättrats något och anpassats till version 4.15. - Uppdateringsprogrammet UPDATE.EXE har förbättrats och korrigerats på ett antal punkter. Bl.a har hanteringen av uppdateringar från version 3.85 och tidigare förbättrats. Vidare utförs en så kallad mjuk filkopiering från originalinstallationens WS-bibliotek till den nya installationens WS- bibliotek. Detta medför att t.ex en AutoCAD-konfigurering som placerats i detta bibliotek "överlever" en uppdatering. Även eventuella egna lokala WBLOCK klarar på detta sätt en uppdatering utan manuella kopieringar. - Ny version och nytt datum i MGSCR.MNU (skärmmenyfil). - Installationsprogrammet INST413.EXE har bytt namn till INST415.EXE och utsatts för smärre kosmetiska förbättringar. INSTALL.BAT har korrigerats i enlighet med detta. - Nytt program ZV.EXE. Gamla ZV.EXE har bytt namn till ZVB.EXE. Detta löser ett kompatibilitetsproblem med Windows NT 4.0 som fanns i ritningsarkivet. - Kommandot Återställ i rullgardinen Lager har korrigerats. (Berör filen MGPOP.MNU). - Lagerinställningen i ritningsramen ELSA41.DXF har korrigerats. - Versionsnummer justerat i menyfiler m.fl platser. - Ett nytt kommando har tillkommit i rullgardinsmenyn "Symboler" för AutoCAD R13 Windows. Kommandot heter "ELSA Toolbar" och tar fram de bägge toolbars som används för insättning av symboler. - Drivrutiner för SENTINEL hårdvarulås för DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95 och Windows NT ingår numera. De ligger samlade under biblioteket \MG40\HWLOCK. (Dessa drivrutiner är kompatibla med motsvarande AutoCAD-drivrutiner varför separat installation sällan är nödvändig). cadett ELSA och AutoCAD R13 använder numera samma typ av hårdvarulås och därmed samma typ av drivrutin. För Windows NT krävs alltid en drivrutin. För Windows 95 är det en fördel att använda en separat drivrutin, även om cadett ELSA är körbar även utan. För Windows 3.1 och DOS är drivrutinen onödig. ========== 1996-12-12 cadett ELSA 4.15 Professional OnLine revision - är klar ------------------------------------------------------- - Anpassning för AutoCAD R14. - Enbart Windows 95 och Windows NT stöds nu. - Nytt menysystem i ritmijön: - Helt nya rullgardinsmenyer enligt Windows standard. - Alla vanliga kommandon tillgängliga i verktygsfält (toolbars). - OnLine och bladväxlare i ObjectARX 2.0. - Ny WINELSA.EXE anpassad till AutoCAD R14. - All lisp anpassad till AutoCAD R14. - Ny syntax för scriptsekvenser. - Alla standard scriptsekvenser omskrivna enligt den nya syntaxen. - Ny UPD385.EXE (RäddaDXF) som hanterar R13 och R14 DXF. - FBUPDXF.EXE anpassad till nya R14 DXF-formatet (automatisk nollnumrering). - Nytt uppdateringsprogram för uppdatering direkt från 4.15 för AutoCAD R13 Windows (INST_R14.EXE). - Nytt kabelmakro utan kabeljournal. - HANVISN.LSP tar bort utropstecken både först och sist i käll- hänvisningar. - REVHIST.TXT (detta dokument) i ANSI-kod (istället för ASCII som tidigare). Bättre anpassat till Windows. Läses lämpligen med t.ex WordPad. - Formuläret för plinttabell med byglingar korrigerat (0FBTPLT1.DXF). - Ny version av ikonmenylänkaren ICONLINK.EXE. Stödjer slidebibliotek bättre. ========== 1997-05-29 cadett ELSA 4.15 för AutoCAD R14, revision - är klar ---------------------------------------------------- cadett ELSA 5.0: - Ny s.k ramapplikation som knyter samman systemet: FRAME.EXE. - Ny projekthantering. - Nytt ritningsarkiv. - Ny katalog. - Ny OnLine med första steget av förbindningshanteringen. - Nya installationsrutiner baserade på gamla INST415.EXE. - Nya rutiner för upprättande och uppdatering av arbetsstations- definitioner i nätverk. NEWWS: Skapa arbetsstation. UPDATEWS: Uppdatera arbetsstation. De nya rutinerna baseras på gamla NEWWS samt menypunkt 9.9.9. - Nya uppdateringsrutiner för uppdatering cadett ELSA 3.8, 3.85, 4.1, 4.13, 4.15 samt 5.0 till 5.0. Baseras på gamla UPDATE.EXE. - IEC1082 symbolbibliotek i slutlig version kompletterar det gamla IEC- biblioteket. - DEM385-katalogen konverterad för nya katalogen samt symbolangivelser för IEC1082 tillagda. - Nytt prototyp-projekt 0_1082 för IEC1082. - Två moduler för kompatibiltetsfunktioner dvs åtkomst av gamla DOS-program från Windows-miljön via modernt Windows-gränssnitt. Övergripande: Icke projektknutna funktioner som t.ex numrerings- algoritmer. Proj.bundet: Projektknutna funktioner som t.ex projektbearbetning. - XNETCTRL.EXE (den utökade nätverkskontrollen) har byggts ut och modifierats för att stödja den nya miljön. - RäddaDXF i ny version (UPD385.EXE version 3.1). Klarar nu att lösa det gamla HANDLES-problemet fullt ut genom att omnumrera handles i ritningsblad med alltför höga värden. I DXF-filer från AutoCAD R13 och R14 har detta tidigare varit omöjligt. Funktionen RäddaDXF har flyttats till de projektbundna kompatibili- tetsfunktionerna. (Borttaget från ritmiljö och scriptgenerator). - Biblioteksavsökningsfunktionen (TREEINFO) har korrigerats genom en förändrad arbetsprincip så att de tidigare minnesproblemen vid mycket djupa biblioteksstrukturer har försvunnit. - Den utökade filhanteraren har uppdaterats och anpassats till den nya miljön. Den nya TREEINFO-funktionen har införts. - Ritmiljön uppdaterad. Ny LISP som känner av alla förändringar som påverkar förbindningar, vilket rapporteras vidare till nya OnLine. Diverse buggfixar och förbättringar, bl.a vad avser skåplayouten. - WINELSA-paketet helt ersatt av nya FRAME.EXE. Motsvarande konfigura- tionsmöjligheter erbjuds via rullgardinsmenyn VISA. - Rapportgeneratorn: Formulär-prototypen var felaktig. Ersatt. - Mallen GNDFORM saknades i MASKEN.DBF. Korrigerat. - Ny ritningsram ELSA41.DXF i AutoCAD R14-format. Detta leder till att alla gamla problem med ÅÄÖ i samband med kommunikation mellan ritmiljö och ritningsarkiv är borta. Observera dock att kundspecifika ritnings- ramar måste uppdateras genom att sparas i R14 DXF-format för att dessa skall fungera med avseende på de nationella tecknen. - Äldre ej längre aktuella scriptsekvenser borttagna. - Installationsprogrammet ändrat så att installation sker utan diskett, dvs direkt från CD:n. - Installationsprogram och arbetsstationsupprättande- och uppdaterings- program kompletterade så att de registrerar programmet i registret samt skapar lämpliga programstarter i start-menyn. - Nya kommandon under Rithjälp för att betrakta förbindningar. ========== 1998-02-01 cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 1.0 är klar ------------------------------------ - Samtliga DLL:er ligger numera i ELSA50-biblioteket för att undvika problem med individuella arbetsstationer. - Uppdateringsprogrammet justerar formatet på katalogen automatiskt för att ge ett proprare utseende efter uppdatering. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 1.1 är klar ------------------------------------ - Layout-symbolerna juisterade med avseende på texthöjd mm. - AutoCAD-starten justerad vad avser hur symbolbiblioteket identifieras. Sker nu via normen vilket är det korrekta sättet. - DEMO500-projektet justerat. ========== 1998-02-26 cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 1.2 är klar ------------------------------------ - Ett flertal förbättringar och korrigeringar däribland följande: - Tolkningen av mallfilen korrigerad vad avser första kolumn. (Första kolumnen visades tidigare inte). - Kopplingen från ritningsarkivet till ritningshuvudet korrigerad. Kunde tidigare missa överföringen. - Vid "skapa nytt projekt" har funktionen att kunna välja om filerna i prototyp-projektet skall kopieras med korrigerats. - Grafisk utformning av projektparametrarna korrigerad. - Projektet DXFFORM skonas från uppdatering av APP_ID, dvs ägarinfor- mation mm. - Installationsprogrammet uppdaterar CONFIG.NT vid behov. - Installationsprogrammet lägger automatiskt upp programstarter för cadett ELSA och för uppdatering av arbetsstation i nätverk. - Installationsprogrammet lägger upp korrekta inställningar i WINELSA-dialogen (sökvägar mm). - Katalogkopplingen från ritmiljön implementerad. - Anrop av ICONLINK.EXE via ritmiljön justerat. Tidigare kunde ikon- menyn för egna symboler sakna bilder på vissa symboler. Anledningen var ett alltför stort antal öppna filer samtidigt. - Val av Canon / HP för rapportgeneratorns textrapporter har justerats. 1998-03-03 ========== cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 1.3 är klar ------------------------------------ - Ett flertal förbättringar och justeringar däribland följande: - Lisp förbättrad med avseende på laddning av ARX-modul för katalog- hantering. Kunde tidigare leda till ras. - Aktivering av ritningsarkivet vid QUIT/AVSLUTA implementerat. Tidigare hamnade man i katalogen vid uthopp om man använt katalogen från ritmiljön. - XNETCTRL hantering av översättaren förbättrad med avseende på indexfil för lexikon. Tidigare kunde översättaren missa att hitta texter i lexikonet p.g.a problem med datum/tid för indexfilen. - Kontroll av max antal tecken i fältet "Ritningsram" i projektpara- metrarna utökat till korrekt antal (70 tecken). Var för lågt satt tidigare. - Körs rapportgeneratorn avaktiveras numera ritningsarkivet, för att kunna komma åt *Z.DBF för generering av ritningsförteckning. Denna fil var tidigare låst. - Projektbearbetningen avaktiverar numera ritningsarkivet för att XNETCTRL skall kunna flytta SLUT-biblioteket utan att råka ut för fildelningsfel p.g.a att *Z.DBF är öppen/låst. - Möjlighet att använda lång sökväg för AutoCAD, inklusive mellanslag, t.ex default installationssökväg, har implementerats. Ingen begränsning vad avser längden på sökvägarna finns längre kvar. - Ritningsarkivet förbättrat vad avser start av projekt vars bibliotek inte existerar. - Knapp för minnestest implementerad under Globala kompatibilitets- funktioner. - Knapp för att öppna DOS-fönster med korrekt uppsättning av environment implementerad bland Globala kompatibilitetsfunktioner. - Aktivering av ritningsarkivet vid återhopp från ritmiljön imple- menterat. Om katalogen använts från ritmiljön hamnade man tidigare i den modulen vid uthopp. - Z och M-tabellerna i standardprojekten uppdaterade till 5.0-format. Detta gör att uppdatering mellan revisioner av 5.0 löper smidigare. - Installationsprogrammet uppdaterar numera CONFIG.NT direkt vid installationens början när det rör sig om uppdateringar. Detta gäller även vid nätverksinstallationer. Installationen måste åter- startas efter en sådan uppdatering för att ändringen skall få effekt. (Ändringen krävs för att själva uppdateringsprogrammet skall fungera). - OnLine version 2.09 med ny hantering av hänvisningar. Numera är OnLine:s beräkning av hänvisningskedjor kompatibel med bearbet- ningens. Detta innebär att hänvisningar mellan blad alltid har högre prioritet än hänvisningar inom ett blad. Vidare har begräns- ningen att hänvisningar inom samma kolumn eller rad inte är möjlig tagits bort. Nu krävs endast att hänvisningarna inte har samma koordinater. - Bugg i ritningsarkivet har korrigerats. Medförde tidigare ett programavbrott om ett projekt som öppnades inte hade riktigt indexerade databasfiler (t.ex ett gammalt projekt) och man dessutom dessförinnan öppnat ett annat projekt. - Stöd för nätverksbaserat hårdvarulås, dvs flytande licenser imple- menterat. 1998-03-13 ========== cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 1.4 är klar ------------------------------------ - DEMO500 har justerats med avseende på kabelsymbolerna som bytts till senaste version samt symbolen GEDREHT som nu finns på de två liggande manöverkretsschemana. - Ledtext till RäddaDXF i ritmiljön korrigerad. - Kommandot DDATTE/EDIT utökat för att stödja MTEXT-objekt. - Ny AUTOLST.BAT som hanterar textutskrifter i nätverk av typerna Windows NT Server och Novell Netware 4.0 bättre. Krävde tidigare att filen manuellt justerades. (Gällde enbart Windows NT workstation operativsystem, inte Windows 95. Numera känner BAT-filen själv av vilket operativsystem som används och anpassar sig till det). - Justerad katalog. Bättre på att hantera omindexering av gamla kataloger. Kunde leda till systemkrasch tidigare. - Projektparametrarna justerade med avseende på bearbetning av post- beteckningar med respektive utan stjärna. - Skapandet av filen W_ACRUN.BAT justerat. Syntaxfel i filen som bl.a hade som konsekvens att plott-script från ritmiljön inte fungerade har åtgärdats. - KLSBAUM.DBF kompletterad med utökade apparatlistor. - Ritningsarkivet justerat vad avser överföringen av bladnummer från arkiv till ritningsblad. Detta blev ej korrekt i samband med reorganisering. - Lagerkommandot ÅTERSTÄLL kompletterat så att det också sätter lager 0 som aktivt lager. Gäller tablett-meny, verktygsfält samt rull- gardinsmenyn. - Installationsprogrammet justerat. Om man angav att det rörde sig om en nätverksinstallation trots att installationsprogrammet detekterat en lokal installation, så upprepades frågan i det oändliga. Justerat. - Textplaceringstolerans hanteras nu i enlighet med dokumentationen. I tidigare 5.0-revisioner användes ett lågt satt default-värde. - Spärr införd för att förhindra att flera sessioner av cadett ELSA med samma arbetsstationskod skall kunna startas. (Om detta gjordes kunde tidigare flera oväntade saker inträffa, som t.ex att ett projekt syn- barligen försvann, samt att ett projekt dök upp två gånger i projekt- listan). - Redigeringen av projektparametrar förbättrad. Bl.a tar nu exemplet för korsreferenser hänsyn till de startvärden som valts för denna numrering. - Katalogval via VAL-knapp i OnLine-dialogen krävde tidigare att artikeln som valdes hade en giltig symbolkoppling. Detta krävs nu inte längre. - Ändringar i projektparametrarna av projektbeskrivning uppdaterar numera automatiskt projektlistan. Tidigare krävdes att cadett ELSA avslutades för att detta skulle ske. - Sökningar i katalogen kan nu göras utan hänsyn till små/STORA bokstäver. - Vid katalog-VAL från OnLine-dialogen sätts numera ett filter för den apparatgrupp till vilken den valda symbolen hör. - Indexeringsproblem i katalogen korrigerat. (Reindexering av katalog kunde leda till problem om annan katalog dessförinnan varit öppnad). - PLOT-scripten PLOT1-PLOT5 har strukits ur standardinstallationen eftersom dessa annars skriver över egna sådana anpassningar i samband med uppdate- ringar. - BETA-versionen av de nya kommandona för KOPIERA (COPY), FLYTTA (MOVE) och BRYTA (BREAK) har placerats i rullgardinsmenyn EDITERA. De nya kommandona implementerar linjebrytning vid COPY och MOVE av symboler, samt återslut- ning av ledare vid MOVE av symbol. Vidare kan linjer dras rakt över/genom en symbol varvid linjebrytning kan aktiveras i efterhand (BRYTA). - Filerna PRUNIQUE.DBF och PRMAINDB.DBF saknades i \ELSA50\SUPPORT. (Används av funktionen RäddaDXF). Korrigerat. - Scriptsekvenserna BYT_RAM_Q och BYT_RAM_Z justerade vad avser sökväg till ELSA41.DXF. - DDATTE OnLine VAL på INDEX, dvs kataloganrop, korrigerat för plintar och generiska symboler. - Filter sätts nu automatiskt i katalogen när index skall hämtas därifrån till befintliga symboler. - Grafiska justeringar i projektparametrarna. - Utökat ActiveX-stöd. - Kontroll i katalogen att ett index verkligen skrivits in har införts. Detta har speciellt stor betydelse om den automatiska genereringen av index har stängts av, vilket tidigare ledde till fel. - I ritningsarkivet har det gjorts möjligt att hantera markerade texter även om det maximala antalet tecken för ett fält har nåtts (överskrivning). - UPD_NORM.BAT uppdaterad för nya 5.0 ritmiljön. Batchfilen utnyttjas för uppdatering av egna symbolbibliotek (egna normer). - ICONLINK.EXE ersatt med ny version 3.0. (Denna EXE-fil skapar ikonmenyer för egna symboler). 1998-04-04 ========== cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 1.5 är klar ------------------------------------ - AUTOLST.DBF uppdaterade med avseende på angivelse av utskriftfil, angivelsen av huruvida utskrift till fil skall göras eller ej, samt utskrift till skrivare (lokal LPT1) och skärm. Anpassning har gjorts till den för Windows NT anpassade tekniken med utskrift till temporärfil som senare kopieras direkt till en angiven skrivarkö. - I samtliga nyutvecklade moduler har följande funktioner implementerats: o och kan användas för kopiering och insättning av text till valfria fält. o kan användas för att positionera markören mellan fälten. - Samtliga FMT-formulär uppdaterade vad avser programversion. - Uppdateringsprogrammet korrigerat vad avser AP-tabellen för kataloger. De numeriska fälten justeras nu för 5.0-formatet. - DEM385-katalogen uppdaterad för 5.0-format. - De numeriska fälten i katalogen för dimensionsangivelser (skåplayoutdata) har fått två decimaler. Tidigare tilläts bara heltal. - DOS-fönster-funktionen i modulen ÖVERGRIPANDE korrigerad. SET-variabeln MGTEMP sätts nu automatiskt. (GLBLDOS.DLL). - Stöd för grafiska kabelscheman (KABGRAF) återimplementerat. (KABGRAF.EXE, KABGRAF.BAT, 0KABGRAF.DXF m.fl). - Nytt övningsexempel, projektet KURS500, enligt nya standarden IEC1082. - Ny mall ELSA50 används av KURS500, DEMO500 och 0_1082. - Lageruppsättningen korrigerad vad avser färger i DEMO500, KURS500 och ELSA50 (ritningsram för mall ELSA50 som används av prototyp-projektet 0_1082). - Uppdateringsrutinen för CONFIG.NT i installationsprogrammet har korrigerats. Om en riktig radavslutning (CRLF) inte fanns i filens slut hängde sig installationsprogrammet. - Installationsprogrammet ger nu möjlighet att skapa en genväg på skrivbordet helt automatiskt. - Ny modul: "Inställningar". Ersätter flera gamla DOS-baserade menyer. Här finns: o Editering av MGVER.DBF o Mallar o Ritningsklasser o Normer/symbolbibliotek De gamla motsvarande DOS-rutinerna finns kvar i revision 2.0, men kommer att tas bort i revision 2.1. - Installationsprogrammet hanterar numera alla INI-filer intelligent i samband med uppdateringar. Detta innebär att ändringar gjorda i INI-filerna (som styr flera funktioner i ritmiljön, t.ex plintar och BE-ramar) överlever uppdateringar, vilket är en nyhet. Kontroll sker att de användardefinierade INI-filerna är fullständiga. Om så är fallet används dessa. Om de inte är fullständiga ersätts de av standardfiler med standardinställningar i samband med uppdateringen. - Filen MNULINK.DEF som definierar inlänkning av användardefinierade menyer i menysystemet i AutoCAD-delen av cadett ELSA, uppdateras nu intelligent. Detta innebär att eventuella tillägg gjorda av användaren överlever upp- dateringar. Är filen felaktig ersätts den dock med standardversionen. - Under VISA-rullgardinsmenyn i de olika modulerna finns numera alternativet "Uppdatera" som uppdaterar det som visas på bildskärmen, t.ex projektlistan. - Automatisk uppdatering av projektlistan i samband med "Radera projekt", "Läs in projekt" etc. - Bugg i funktionen "Radera projekt" som gjorde att det aktiva projektet kunde försvinna från projektlistan även om det inte valdes för radering har åtgärdats. - Kraftigt utbyggd ActiveX-funktionalitet i samtliga moduler. - Ny OnLine-version som inkluderar nivå 2 av OnLine förbindningsgenerering. Nu hanteras alla förbindningar inom hela projektet OnLine. Detta innebär att "Förbindningsvy" visar samtliga förbindningar i hela projektet med hänsyn tagen till hänvisningar mellan bladen. Förbindningar på samma elektriska potential kan presenteras i avvikande färg. Synnerligen goda prestanda. - Skärmmenyn i ritmiljön uppdaterad vad avser versionsinformation. - Kommandot QUIT har avlägsnats från ritmiljön och ersatts med ett nytt utbyggt AVSLUTA som erbjuder all funktionalitet från såväl QUIT som AVSLUTA och mycket mer. - Helt nyutvecklat system för start och avslut av AutoCAD. Nu finns stöd för att AutoCAD minimeras och läggs resident vid AVSLUTA för att på så sätt spara tid vid återstart. Funktionaliteten omfattar även scriptgeneratorn och funktionen "Plotta symbolbibliotek" samt "grafiska kabelscheman". Det är numera också möjligt att på ett säkert sätt använda för att "bakvägen" ta sig till ritningsarkivet. - Vissa DOS-program som rapporterade version 4.1 säger nu 5.0 dom de bör. - Stöd för nätverkslås fullständigt implementerat i alla moduler. - Icke längre använda menypunkter under "Övriga inställningar" (modulen "Övergripande") har avlägsnats. - Under ELSA50\FONTS finns numera en speciell helsvensk version av text- fonten ELISO.SHX. I denna har gradertecknet återinförts. (Filen måste manuellt kopieras till använda symbolbibliotek). I den internationella versionen av samma fil finns i samma teckenposition det norska ö:et. Även källkoden till samma fil - ELISO.SHP - bifogas numera. - REG-filerna som styr registreringen i Windows NT:s register har fått filtypen .DAT för att undvika förargliga problem om dessa filer skulle exekveras av misstag. - Projektet DEMO500 korrigerat. Fel lager var tända. Fel plintsymboler. Fel kabelsymboler. Plintar felvända. - Projektet DXFFORM skonas från uppdatering av APP_ID, dvs ägarinforma- tion. - Bladomnumreringsfunktionen i ritningsarkivet korrigerad. Var tidigare inte stabil. - Indexeringsfunktionen i ritningsarkiv, katalog mm har korrigerats. Denna rutin innehöll tidigare programfel som gjorde att indexfilerna (MDX) kunde bli felaktiga med ett antal andra fel som följd. Bl.a kunde det bli till synes omöjligt att öppna ett projekt eller en katalog. Radering av indedfilerna löste detta. Numera uppstår inte problemet! - Projektparametrarna för inställning av antal siffror, antal tecken mm i filnamnen när nya ritningsblad skapas visade felaktiga värden. Detta har korrigerats. - Hantering av filnamn där bladnumret inte skiljs från resterande del av filnamnet med understrykningstecken stöds numera. I tidigare revision kunde detta inte utnyttjas. - Helt ny funktionalitet för att skapa nya projekt. Nu ges full kontroll över bibliotek och beskrivning direkt vid skapandet. Det är inte längre nödvändigt att i efterhand gå in och justera i projektparametrarna. - Kontroll av existerande bibliotek vid skapande av nytt projekt har kraftigt förbättrats och gjorts mer flexibel. Det är t.ex nu möjligt att skapa ett projekt som utnyttjar redan existerande bibliotek. Valda bibliotek kontrolleras mot samtliga existerande projekt. Bibliotek som inte innehåller projektnamnet stöds numera. Fullständig kontroll att projektnamnet bara innehåller tillåtna tecken genomförs nu. - Efter exekvering av scriptsekvens i scriptgeneratorn återaktiveras numera modulen "Projektbundet". Tidigare låg den minimerad. - Samtliga moduler "kommer nu ihåg" inte bara var de låg på skrivbordet utan även sin storlek. Vid omstart av cadett ELSA ligger fönstren där man senast lämnade dem. - I katalogen krävs numera att man trycker EDITERA för att kunna editera i en artikel. På detta sätt undviks förargliga misstag. - Funktionen för symbolplottning har förbättrats. - Vid uppdatering raderas nu automatiskt samtliga indexfiler i hela systemet för att undvika datumproblem. - Kommandon för att kopiera och flytta symboler i ritmiljön som också bryter linjerna. Fanns som en beta-funktion i revision 1.5 som krävde handpåläggning för att fungera. Nu helt implementerat men fortfarande under rubriken "BETA-funktioner". - Vid kopiering av flera ritningsblad på en gång krävs numera bara en inmatning av ritningklass/typ vilken då gäller samtliga kopierade blad, istället för en inmatning per blad som tidigare. - Bladomnumreringen: o Alla klasser/typer där "omnumrering" är satt till "false" hanteras som en enda klass/typ vid omnumreringen, medan de klasser/typer där "omnumrering" är satt till "true" omnumreras individuellt. - Skrivarkön ges ett bättre förvalt värde än tidigare. (Visa / Inställningar). - OnLine hanterar hänvisningar bättre och mer kompatibelt med den gamla efterbearbetningen. Begränsningen att det inte var möjligt att hänvisa inom samma kolumn är borta. Nu krävs endast att hänvisningarna har olika koordinater. Vidare prioriteras numera alltid hänvisningar mellan bladen framför hänvisningar inom bladet. Hänvisningsdialogen har blivit mycket snabbare, speciellt vid stort antal hänvisningar. - Stöd för Windows 95 tillfälligt borta. Skall återinföras i revision 2.1. - Fält med bara ett teckens bredd stöds numera i ritningsarkivets detaljbild. - Namnbyte (ändra filnamn) för ritningsblad i ritningsarkivet för- bättrad. Ledde tidigare ofta till fel. - ZUGRIFFE.INF uppdaterad för AutoCAD R14. Detta används av funktionen för att skapa ny symbolbibliotek/normer. Denna funktion finns f.ö nu också i en modern Windows-baserad utgåva i den nya modulen "Inställningar". - Reorganisering i katalogen när flera användare är inne samtidigt i samma katalog är inte praktiskt möjlig att genomföra eftersom exklusiv tillgång till katalogen krävs för denna operation. Detta har nu lösts så att detta kommando "köas upp" och genomförs så snart någon får exklusiv tillgång till katalogen, dvs när det bara är en samtidig användare inne i katalogen ifråga. - Nya tydligare beskrivningar till rapporterna. Bättre Windows-anpass- ning. - Timglas och termometrar införda där sådana kan anses lämpliga. Detta gör att man nu ser att cadett ELSA arbetar, t.ex under en reorganisering i ritningsarkivet. - Versionskontroll i samband med uppdateringar i nätverk. De lokala filerna i \ELSA50WS kontrolleras numera vid varje start av cadett ELSA, att de är av samma version som den centrala installationen. Om så inte är fallet vägras tillträde, och användaren uppmanas att uppdatera den lokala arbetsstationen. Denna kontroll gör det väsentligt lättare och säkrare för systemoperatören att handha uppdateringar. - Motorkrets nummer 2 korrigerad. Felaktig linjedragning rättad. - Svaret NEJ på frågan om "ominitialisering av ritningshuvudet" gav tidigare ett felaktigt resultat. Nu blir det som det skall bli. - Kopiering i katalog implementerat. Spar mycket tid vid inmatning av många likartade artiklar. - Uppdatering av listan över valbara kataloger uppdateras numera när kataloger raderas i cadett ELSA:s filhanterare. - Korrekt felmeddelande erhålls numera om installation görs där inte tillräckliga rättigheter för detta finnes. - Artiklar i katalogen med apparatgrupper utan undernivåer stöds numera. - Fokus behålls i katalogen på senast vald artikel. - Vid upprättande av ny arbetsstation (NEWWS) körs numera programmet LOCALPAR.EXE vilket uppdaterar inställningar av t.ex kontroll vid start av AutoCAD från ritningsarkivet m.fl inställningar. - Nytt projekt - KURS500 - att utnyttjas som övningsexempel vid kurser i cadett ELSA. En direkt motsvarighet till KURS413 men med normen IEC1082. - Samtliga FMT-formulär till rapportgeneratorn (textformat) har fått nytt versionsnummer och rapporterar numera "cadett ELSA 5.0" istället för "4.1" som tidigare. - Formuläret för plinttabell med byglingar (0FBTPLT1) har korrigerats vad avser reservparter. - Reorganisering i ritningsarkivet har blivit säkrare genom att den numera jämför datum och tid för filerna med registrerade uppgifter i arkivet. Detta gör att ändringar gjorda utanför cadett ELSA:s kontroll - t.ex med "ren AutoCAD" - fångas upp automatiskt av ritningsarkivet vid en reorganisering. - Ritningsarkivet inte längre känsligt för stora eller små bokstäver i filnamnen. - Kopiering av ritningsblad mellan projekt med olika mallar stöds numera. - Listan för val av rapportdefinition till rapportgeneratorn visas nu sorterad. - Knappen "Placering" i dialogen för "GENERISK SYMBOL" har fått önskad funktionalitet. - Ändring av index på artikel i katalogen har blivit möjlig att genomföra. Samtliga databastabeller "hänger med". - Bättre förvalda värden gör det enklare att skapa nya kataloger. - Stöd för bindestreck i katalognamnen infört. - Möjlighet att ange koppling till algoritm i katalogen har införts. - DELETE-knappen stöds numera av ritningsarkivet. Ändringar gjorda med denna tangent överfördes tidigare inte till ritningshuvudet. - AVSLUTA i SLUT-biblioteket fungerar numera utan problem. Kunde ge krasch i tidigare revision. - Enklare att editera ritningsklass/typ vid "Nytt ritningsblad". Endast ett "klick" krävs för att valpil för "true/false" skall visas. - Funktionen "Justera text & attribut" i ritmiljön tappade tidigare "snappen" om den avbröts med ESC. Detta sker inte längre. - Alla DCL-filer raderas från WS-biblioteket vid uppdatering. - Felaktig PROGRAM.DBF där MUSTER-posten saknas (p.g.a ändringar gjorda av användaren) korrigeras numera i samband med uppdatering. (PROGRAM.DBF definierar tilläggsbearbetningens innehåll). - Hantering av egna symbolbibliotek i samband med uppdateringar kraftigt förbättrad: o Flyttas med till ELSA50 om uppdatering sker från MG30 eller MG40. o Samtliga arbetsfiler enligt ZUGRIFFE.INF överförs automatiskt. (Ny ritmiljö, OnLine etc). o Gjorda användaranpassningar i INI-filer och MNULINK.DEF kontrolleras och överförs till den nya versionen om de är korrekta. Finns fel rapporteras detta i samband med uppdateringen. - MASKEN.DBF (databasfil innehållande samtliga mallar) uppdateras numera korrekt automatsikt även vid uppdatering från äldre utgåvor av cadett ELSA (3.X och 4.X). Detta krävde tidigare en manuell editering. - Kommandot "BYT TEXT" i ritmiljön gav tidigare felmeddelande om block utan attribut ingick i objektvalet. Numera är kommandot okänsligt för sådant. - Vid val av apparater ingående i multiapparat visas vallistan numera sorterad. - OnLine-databasen uppdateras numera korrekt vid insättning av symboler från katalogen. - Normer vars namn inte slutar på "-S" eller "-L" stöd numera av katalog- kopplingen i ritmiljön. - Bättre koppling mellan ritmiljö och OnLine vad avser förbindningsinforma- tion gör förbindningsvyn mer tillförlitlig utan krav på reorganisering av OnLine-databasen. - Luftspalten har gjort comeback i samband med kommandot "Apparatgrupp" i skåplayout-modulen. - Symbolen SMOTOR3F bryter numera linjerna. - Det är numera möjligt att använda insättning av symbol från katalog även om ritningsbladet är helt tomt. - Verktygsfältet EDITERA, kommandot ARRAY korrigerat. - Den utökade filhanteraren har kompletterats så att val av icke existerande bibliotek (nyligen borttagna bibliotek) som destination för säkerhetskopia eller akrivering leder till att ifrågavarande bibliotek automatiskt skapas. - Ett stort antal ytterligare korrigeringar och förbättringar vilka utrymmet här inte givit möjlighet att presentera. 1998-07-03 ========== cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 2.0 är klar ------------------------------------ - Korrigerat uppdateringsprogram UPDATE.EXE. Felaktighet vid uppdatering av KLSBAUM.DBF korrigerad. - Ny OnLine-version. Förbindningshanteringen OnLine tar nu hand om förbindningar mellan blad (via hänvisningar) och tvångs- styrningar (som regleras av en ny projektparameter). - OnLine Protokoll implementerat. Nås via rullgardinsmenyn RITHJÄLP. Presenterar samtliga fel i projektet och kan vid behov markera dessa med kryss i schemat. Genom att flytta markören till valfritt kryss, presenterar cadett ELSA vilket fel krysset avser. - Förbindningsvyn kan visa angivna noder i avvikande färg, även noder som passerar många blad via hänvisningar. - Funktionen "Anslutna symboler" skiljer mellan "Noder" och "Subnoder", dvs om plintar skall anses vara nodavskiljande eller inte. - Beta-funktionerna för linjebrytning korrigerade. - Hårdvarulåsproblem åtgärdat. AutoCAD får inte längre problem att låsa sublicenser (Hände tidigare i genomsnitt var 250:e gång kanske). - Katalogen kraschar inte längre vid reorganisering om databastabellen *UD.DBF saknas. - Stödet för Windows 95 som var planerat att återinföras till denna revision har skjutits upp till revision 2.2. - Ritningsarkivet kraschar inte längre vid reorganisering då datum- formatet i datum-fälten misstämmer med system-datumformatet. - Krock mellan den nya modulen INSTÄLLNINGAR och katalogen åtgärdad. - Korrigering av beteendet vid skapa nytt blad i tomt projekt. - Korrigering av beteendet vid felaktiga inställningar för ritnings- klasser, t.ex steg-värdet 0 för bladnumreringen. Använder nu steget 1 om det angivits till 0 (som är orimligt). - Raderingsmärkning i icke reorganiserat ritningsarkiv följt av reorganisering gav ofta krasch. Korrigerat. - OnLine stängdes inte av vid inhopp i SLUT-biblioteket om arbete tidigare pågått i ARBETS-biblioteket och AutoCAD inte terminerats vid AVSLUTA. Korrigerat. Numera stängs OnLine av i detta läge! - Funktionen för att skapa ny norm i CONFIG-modulen förbättrad och korrigerad. - Det gick inte att lägga till nya apparatgrupper i katalogen. Det går numera alldeles utmärkt. - Vid start av cadett ELSA på en arbetsstation i en nätverks- installation, nollställs numera alla fillåsningar som den aktuella arbetsstationen kan ha lämnat efter sig vid tidigare sessioner. Detta beteende underlättar återstart efter en eventuell krasch, t.ex vid strömavbrott eller liknande. - Ny ikon för modulen Inställningar. Prydligare! - UPDATEWS korrigerad vad avser uppdateringar från version 4.X. Versionsinformationen (MG_OP.DBF) för den lokala arbetsstationen uppdaterades inte korrekt. - Bättre information ges nu på skärmen i samband med uppdatering om någon av MAC??.INI-filerna inte kan medföras till den uppdaterade installationen, samt om motsvarande sker för MNULINK.DEF. - Funktionen för editering av databas för apparatlista har korrige- rats. Möjligheten att välja index från katalogen har tagits bort, eftersom den DOS-baserade katalogen som denna funktionalitet bygger på, inte längre kan användas då formatet på katalogdatabasen för- ändrats. 1998-08-24 ========== cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 2.1 är klar ------------------------------------ - Ny OnLine-version: o Ny funktion: OnLine Protokoll. o Förbättrade prestanda. o Bättre hantering vid växling mellan SLUT- och ARBETS-bibliotek. o Uppdatering av OnLine-databasen vid ändring av anläggning- och/eller placering från ritningsarkivet korrigerad. - Ny lisp-version: o Återställning till rätt lager vid avbrutna textkommandon. o Sökvägshantering för SLIDELIB.EXE vid sökvägar innehållande mellanslag korrigerad. (Slides i ikonmenyer). - Modul Inställningar: o Skapande av ny norm förbättrad. o Möjlighet att ta bort ritningsklasser införd. o Ett flertal förbättringar på ett stort antal punkter. - Projektmodul, projektparametrar: o Hantering av felaktigt värde för ritningsram korrigerad. o Generell kontroll av alla inställningar. o Hantering av felaktiga bibliotek förbättrad. o Parametrar enligt cadett ELSA 3.0 gav tidigare problem. Nu korrigeras detta automatiskt. o Ny parameter: sortering av plinttabeller. Skild från tvångsstyrning av förbindningar. - Projektmodul, nytt projekt: o Avbryt hanteras bättre. o Projektbeskrivning för PROTOTYP-projekt visas nu korrekt. - Projektmodul, projektlista: o Datum, konstruktör och ritare tillagt. o Statusrad visar rätt projekt vid öppning. - Katalog: o Kopiering korrigerad m.fl förbättringar, bl.a: o Felaktig HERST.DBF hanteras nu utan problem. o Bättre hantering generellt av felaktiga inställningar. - Ritningsarkiv, totalt genomgånget. Basfunktionalitet säkrad. Bl.a följande åtgärdat: o Stöd för ANSI-kod i mallfiler. o Kopiering korrigerad. o Infoga korrigerat. o Samla upp korrigerar eventuella fel i arkivdatabasen. o Ritningsarkivet reorganiserar inte längre spontant vid uthopp. o Infoga före första bladet nu möjligt. o Bladnumrering korrigerad. o Radering av sista blad i projekt fungerar nu utan problem. o Förändrad och förbättrad globaleditering. Konsekvent och säker. o Hantering av "udda" inställningar förbättrad. o "JA TILL ALLA" vid radering av många blad finns som val- möjlighet. o Fasta ritningsklasser/ritningstyper korrigerade. - Stödet för Windows 95 återinfört. (Fortfarande erhålls dock en säkrare mer stabil drift med Windows NT). - Nytt verktygsfält för grid/snap för schemakonstruktion. - Licensserver för nätverkslås ingår. - Nya drivrutiner för lokala hårdvarulås samt serverlås. - Helt ny felhantering. Kraschande FRAME.EXE vid allvarliga fel borta. - Kommando apparatgrupp i skåplayout korrigerat. - Länkning av växelmenyer korrigerad. - MGUTIL.EXE utility-program som automatiskt tar bort kvardröjande nätverkslåsningar vid behov. - Modul Projektbundet: o Stöd för TAB samt RETURN infört. - Modul Övergripande: o DOS-baserad MGVER-editering avskaffad. Ersatt med funktion i modul INSTÄLLNINGAR. o Menypunkt Övrigt rensad från överflödiga menypunkter som t.ex hantering av mallar mm som ersatts med funktioner i modul Inställningar. o Avaktivering av projekt vid Radera projekt korrigerad. Problem vid radering av aktivt projekt är därmed borta. - Modul Inställningar: o Editering av ritingsklasser korrigerad. Fick ej genomslag tidigare när nya klasser infördes. - Mallfil ELSA50.MSK anpassad för ANSI. - Vid start av cadett ELSA rensas eventuella kvardröjande låsningar från tidigare sessioner med den egna arbetsstationen automatiskt. - Hårdvarulåskontroll förbättrad. Fel leder inte längre till att programmet avslutas. Nytt försök kan alltid göras. - Problem vid symbolgenerering vid reindexering av symboldatabasen korrigerat. 1998-11-12 ========== cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 2.2 är klar ------------------------------------ - Fel i i projektparametrarna för fast ritningsklass och ritningstyp har åtgärdats. (Ritningsklassen skrevs in även som ritningstyp). - Fel vid skapande av nytt projekt åtgärdade: o Signaturen "SUNE" har ersatts med den signatur som prototyp- projektet har. o Kopiering av filer gav felaktigt resultat. Nu blir det rätt. - Sortering av projektlistan i den utökade filhanteraren har implementerats. Nu visas projekten i samma ordning där som i projektlistan i PROJEKT-modulen. - Ritningsförteckningen har anpassats till det nya ritningsarkivet. Formuläret har gjorts om och ett antal rapportvariabler har till- kommit: Variabel Fältnamn Beskrivning -------- -------- ----------- !ZDATUM DATE Motsvarar !DATUM i 4.15 !ZTID TIME Motsvarar !TID i 4.15 !BLADBESK LONGDESC Motsvarar HAUPTTEXT i 4.15 (Beskrivning) !RITNKLASS DWGCLASS Ritningsklass !RITNTYP DWGTYPE Ritningstyp !PROJTYP1 PRJTYPE1 1:a projektbundna ritningstyp !PROJTYP2 PRJTYPE2 2:a projektbundna ritningstyp - Projektparametrarna har kompletterats med inställningar för förslitningsgrupper, vilket krävs för beräkning av reservdels- behov i samband med beställningslistor. - Installationsprogrammet har fått mer instruktiva texter och valet av installation av cadett ELSA har gjorts enklare och tydligare. - En ny projektparameter för val av sortering av plinttabell har tillförts (enligt schema eller enligt algoritm). Denna inställ- ning avser plinttabeller där sortering i sista nivå (plintnivå) i rapportgeneratorn inte får användas (plinttabell med grafiska byglingar). - En ny projektparameter för raderingsskydd av projekt har införts. Detta är en förberedelse för en ny raderingsfunktion för projekt som kommer att införas i en kommande revision. I dagens revision av cadett ELSA 5.0 har alltså denna parameter ännu ingen effekt. - Uppdatering av projektparametrar från cadett ELSA 3.0 sker numera automatiskt vid editering av projektparametrar. - I modul INSTÄLLNINGAR har val av bibliotek i filkonfigurering samt under mallar korrigerats. - Felmeddelande "index out of bounds" vid förändring av datum eller signatur i projektparametrarna uppstår inte längre. - Ny version av MGUTIL.EXE (ver 1.1). Nya funktioner: - Avaktiverar alla aktiva projekt. - Tar bort NDX-filer från MG_LOG.DBF. (Kan orsaka STACK OVERFLOW). 1998-11-25 ========== cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 2.3 är klar ------------------------------------ - Knappraden utvidgad och förtydligad: o En ny knapp AVBRYT har tillkommit under ÖPPNA. Kan t.ex användas om man ångrar sig vid val av apparat från katalogen. o "INFOGA" har bytt namn till "NY MELLAN". o "KOPIERA" har fått ny funktionalitet i ritningsarkivet. Se beskrivningen av nyheter i ritningsarkivet. o Nya knappar: "KLISTRA IN" och "KLISTRA IN MELLAN" kompletterar knappen "KOPIERA". o "GLOBAL EDITERING" har bytt namn till det mer egentliga "MARKERA ALLA". - MGUTIL.EXE ver 1.2 ingår. - Hårdvarulåskontrollen förbättrad. Först kontrolleras lokalt lås, därefter nätverkslås och numera sedan lokalt lås igen. Detta gör att man hinner trycka in det lokala låset om man glömt det innan den kompletta kontrollen är slutförd. - Helt ny modul, scriptgenerator: Windowsbaserad helt nyutvecklad scriptgenerator i 32-bitarsteknik. o Kan köra på många projekt samtidigt. o Kan köra många scriptsekvenser på samma projekt. o Kraftigt förbättrad nätverkshantering. o Scriptsekvenser lagras i filer istället för i databas. Gör det mycket enklare att kopiera scriptsekvenser. o Obegränsad längd på scriptsekvenser. o Möjligt att ändra ordningsföljden mellan de ritningsblad som skall bearbetas. o Varje scriptsekvens har fått en beskrivning i klartext som förklarar dess funktion. o Kompatibiltet med gamla scriptgeneratorn. Gamla scriptsekvenser kan konverteras och användas i nya scriptgeneratorn. o Stöd finns för att lagra scriptsekvenser såväl lokalt som centralt. o Nya förbättrade scriptsekvenser: - DXF-PURGE-DXF_Q gör numera PURGE i flera nivåer. - PLOT_DXF_Q använder numera en PC2-fil. - BYT_RAM_Q har kompletterats så att den tar bort *M.DBF och därmed inte längre kräver att denna manuellt tas bort. - Helt ny modul, rapportgenerator: Windowsbaserad helt nyutvecklad rapportgenerator i 32-bitarsteknik. o Kraftigt förbättrad prestanda för stora projekt. o Stöd för Windows-skrivare för textrapporter. o Förbättrade möjligheter att specificera urvalskriterier. o Tom rad som alternativ till ny sida. o Stödjer ritningsförteckningar från nya ritningsarkivet fullt ut. o Rapportdefinitionerna lagras i filer istället för i databas. Detta gör det mycket enklare att kopiera rapportdefinitioner. o Kompatibilitet med gamla rapportgeneratorn. Gamla rapportdefi- nitioner kan konverteras och användas i nya rapportgeneratorn. o Ny variabel !_NDATUM som ger datum enligt operativsystemets inställning, t.ex "1999-03-31". !_DATUM är kompatibel med gamla rapportgeneratorn (t.ex "31.03.99"). o Stöd finns för att lagra rapportdefinitioner såväl lokalt som centralt. (Detta gäller enbart nätverksinstallationer). - Ritningsarkivet kraftigt förbättrat: o En testversion av ett enkelt tittskåp ingår (DrDWG). Detta innebär att det är möjligt att se på ritningsbladen direkt i ritningsarkivet utan att starta AutoCAD. Observera dock att kvaliteten på presentationen är låg, att fonter och liknande inte stämmer. Dock får man en god bild av ungefär hur bladet ser ut. o Funktionaliteten för kopiering av ritningsblad kraftigt förbättrad. "Markering av kopieringsprojekt" borttaget och ersatt av en teknik där användaren först markerar de blad som skall kopieras, trycker KOPIERA-knappen, byter fokus till den plats där ritningsbladen skall infogas och där trycker antingen INFOGA eller INFOGA MELLAN (två nya knappar). Detta innebär också att funktionen "infoga mellan" numera är implementerad. o Reorganiseringen förbättrad vad avser bl.a bladnummerhanteringen. o När nya blad skapas i ritningsarkivet hamnar numera fokus på de nya blad som skapas. o Reorganisera gör numera en integritetskontroll av *Z.DBF vilket innebär att eventuella kvardröjande problem sedan tidigare effektivt undanröjs vid reorganisering. o "Infoga mellan" accepterar inte längre steget 0. o Helt ny funktionalitet för filnamnsändring i ritningsarkivet implementerad. Numera trycker man EDITERA-knappen och får en prydlig dialog i vilken filnamnsbytet sker. Detta innebär också att en fullständig felkontroll har införts. Det är inte längre "farligt" att byta filnamn. o Slide-filerna hänger numera med i filnamnsbytena i samband med omnumrering av ritningsblad. o Timglas och termometer implementerade vid global editering. o Timglas och termometer också vid KOPIERA. o Utbyggd kontroll vid inmatning av nya ritningsklasser och ritningstyper. o Ritningstyperna T2 och TB finns numera registrerade i databas- filen KLSBAUM.DBF. o Ritningsarkivet tillåter inte längre att det startas om ARBETS- eller SLUT-biblioteken är felaktiga. o Hantering av fasta ritningsklasser har gjorts säkrare varmed menas att felaktiga inställningar numera hanteras bättre. o Hanteringen i samband med att AutoCAD inte termineras har för- bättrats, speciellt med avseende på vad som händer om man går in "bakvägen", dvs gör ALT_TAB tillbaks till ritningsarkivet. o Nytt kommando i rullgardinen MODUL har tillkommit för att läsa in mallfilen till projektet på nytt. På detta sätt kan ändringar gjorda i den centrala mallfilen omedelbart ges effekt på det aktuella projektet. (Ger samma effekt som tidigare erhölls då man avslutade ELSA, raderade *M.DBF och *Z.MSK samt startade på nytt). o Bladomnumrering hanteras bättre vad avser OnLine. Inga omotiverade meddelanden erhålls längre. o KLISTRA IN MELLAN / NY MELLAN då det markerade bladet är det första i sin ritningsklass ger inte längre felfunktion. o Om alla blad i ett projekt togs bort försvann inte reorganisera- flaggan. Det gör den nu. o Kraftigt utbyggd kontroll vid inmatning av nya ritningsklasser och ritningstyper. o Inställningar för kolumnernas bredder och ordningsföljd i ritningsarkivets översiktsbild sparas numera per mall istället för som tidigare globalt. Detta innebär att ritningsarkivet inte längre "glömmer" dessa inställningar vid växling till ett projekt med annan mall. - Katalogen kraftigt förbättrad: o Översiktsbild finns nu i en separat flik. Ökar överskådligheten dramatiskt. Översiktsbilden presenterar samtliga textfält i KT- tabellen. o En testversion av ett enkelt tittskåp för symboler vid symbolval i katalogen har implementerats. Observera dock att kvaliteten i presentationen är låg, att fonter och liknande inte presenteras korrekt. Dock får man en god bild av ungefär hur symbolen ser ut. o Vid återingång i katalogen ligger numera fokus på den artikel på vilken fokus låg då katalogen senast lämnades. o Byte av index på artiklar är tillåtet och fungerar fullt ut i alla avseenden. o Filter kan numera sättas på apparatgruppen i katalogen. o Sökning kan numera göras på apparatgruppen i katalogen. o Editering och tillägg av apparatgrupper kraftigt förbättrad. o Utbyggd felkontroll vid inmatning av apparatgrupper. o Presentationen av ingående artiklar i multiapparat har byggts ut. Fler fält visas. o Kontrollen vid inmatning av ingående artiklar i multiapparat har byggts ut. Det är numera t.ex inte möjligt att lägga till samma artikel flera gånger. o Knapp för radering av definition av eget fält i katalogen har tillkommit. o Det har nu blivit möjligt att avbryta valet av apparatgrupper på en tidig nivå även om det finns undernivåer. o Växling mellan kataloger med olika ingående egendefinierade fält kunde tidigare ge problem. Så ej längre. o Namnbyte av katalog fungerar numera problemfritt. o Ändring av sökväg för katalog fungerar numera problemfritt. o Valet av huruvida apparatgruppsbeskrivningen skall presenteras eller inte är nu implementerat fullt ut. o Försök till sökning med orimliga fält markerade (t.ex fält för val av katalog) gav tidigare felaktigt beteende. Detta är numera åtgärdat. o Hantering av automatiskt satta filter vid t.ex VAL från OnLine- dialog i ritmiljön har förbättrats. De filter som eventuellt var satta innan tas numera bort helt innan ett nytt filter sätts automatiskt. Sedan hela operationen genomförts återställs sedan det tidigare filtret. o Problem vid kopiering av artiklar med fler än två apparatgrupps- nivåer har åtgärdats. o Vissa egenskaper för artiklar som var låsta för editering (dvs att knappen EDITERA inte hade tryckts) kunde ändå editeras. Detta är numera åtgärdat. o Om artikel ställs om från att vara multiapparat till att vara enstycksapparat så raderas numera alla motsvarande MT-poster, dvs uppgifter om ingående artiklar. (Detta skedde inte tidigare vilket kunde ge felaktiga stycklistor som resultat). o Möjlighet att stänga en katalog har införts via ett kommando i rullgardinsmenyn ARKIV. Detta underlättar bl.a för reorganisering av kataloger då endast en användare kan vara inne i katalogen. o Det är numera möjligt att skapa en katalog genom att kopiera in filerna från en befintlig katalog, t.ex på en annan dator, och sedan registrera katalogen i cadett ELSA genom att välja NY KATALOG och ange namn och sökväg i enlighet med de inkopierade filerna. o Indexfiler av typ NDX m.fl ställer inte längre till problem med funktionaliteten i katalogmodulen. Detta kunde tidigare vara ett problem, speciellt i lokala installationer. o IBAUM.DBF har korrigerats (databas med apparatgrupper). Apparat- gruppen X låg inlagd på fel plats. - Projektmodulen kraftigt förbättrad: o Att ARBETS-, SLUT- och SYSTEM-bibliotek är unika kontrolleras automatiskt. o Säkrare editering av projektparametrar. Skräp i sammansättningar av postbeteckningar mm inträffar inte längre. (Tidigare användes tre olika databasmotorer. Nu ersatt med en enda). o Radering av projekt har tillkommit. Projektet markeras i projekt- listan och sedan trycker man knappen RADERA. Mycket säkrare och bättre än den tidigare DOS-baserade funktionen i Filhanteraren. o Filtermöjlighet implementerad. Det går nu att begränsa vilka projekt som skall visas, exempelvis till bara projekt med den egna signaturen. o Samtliga projektparametrar har fått s.k "tool-tips" dvs hjälp- texter. o Om man skapar ett nytt projekt utgående från ett aktivt projekt så är det numera inte möjligt att kopiera med filerna (eftersom det kan leda till konlikter). o Sorteringen av projektlistan kan nu väljas genom att klicka i rubrikraden. o Möjlighet att raderingsskydda projekt har införts med en ny projektparameter. Denna parameter hindrar radering med den nya raderingsfunktionen i projektmodulen. Den gamla projekt- raderingen har tagits bort. o Begreppet SYSTEM-projekt har införts. Dessa projekt visas alltid i projektlistan oavsett vilka filter som är satta. Om ett projekt är SYSTEM-projekt eller inte avgörs av en ny projekt- parameter. Typiska SYSTEM-projekt är t.ex VXMENY, GRUND och DXFFORM. o Timglas och termometer införda vid skapande av nytt projekt när filer medkopieras. o Dialogrutan för skapande av nytt projekt visades tidigare fel- aktigt om stora fonter var aktiverade i Windows. Nu är detta korrigerat. o När nytt projekt skapas så låses inte längre PROTOTYP-projektet om inte filer medkopieras. Detta innebär att flera användare samtidigt kan skapa nya projekt utgående från samma PROTOTYP- projekt. Det gick inte tidigare. o Projektparametrar för förslitningsgrupper har återkommit. Fanns tidigare i version 4.15 och tidigare, men har lyst med sin från- varo i tidigare revisioner av 5.0. o Nu är det möjligt att studera projektparametrar för ett projekt som är låst av en annan användare. o Ett nytt kommando har tillkommit i rullgardinsmenyn ARKIV med vilket det går att stänga projekt. Kommandot heter STÄNG. Enda möjligheten att stänga ett projekt tidigare var att aktivera ett annat. o Felmeddelande för felaktiga ARBETS-, SLUT- eller SYSTEM- bibliotek ges inte längre när man går in i projektparametrarna utan när de spars. Det är inte längre möjligt att gå in i ritningsarkivet om biblioteken är felaktiga. o Korrigeringar och förbättringar har gjorts vad avser fasta ritningsklasser och ritningstyper. Fungerar säkrare. o Bugg korrigerad som innebar att vid skapande av nytt projekt med filmedkopiering aktiverad så kopierades arkivdatabas och mallfil med men de omdöptes inte. o Vid start av cadett ELSA kontrolleras numera att inga projekt är aktiverade med den egna arbetsstationskoden. Om så skulle vara fallet avaktiveras de automatiskt. Detta är en extra säkerhet mot konsekvenser av eventuella felfunktioner i tidigare skeden och bidrar på så sätt till en ökad stabilitet. - Modul Projektbundet förbättrad: o Gamla rapportgeneratorn, dubbla rapportdefinitioner 0ADATA är korrigerat. - Modul ÖVERGRIPANDE förbättrad: o Radera projekt ersatt med ny funktionalitet i projektmodulen. o Vid val av ÖVRIGA INSTÄLLNINGAR tappades ur kompatibilitets- funktionernas synvinkel det aktiva projektet. Detta är åtgärdat. - Installations- och uppdateringsprogrammet förbättrat: o Om IEC-biblioteket tagits bort leder detta inte längre till problem vid uppdatering. o Förbättrad integritetskontroll av katalogerna. Artiklar som är registrerade som ENSTYCKSAPPARATER men som likafullt har ingående apparater korrigeras numera automatiskt i samband med uppdatering. o Vid första start av cadett ELSA efter en nyinstallation på en dator där cadett ELSA 5.0 aldrig tidigare varit installerad gavs tidigare felmeddelandet "ogiltig klassträng". Detta meddelande återkom sedan aldrig. Detta är åtgärdat och numera fås aldrig detta meddelande. o Vid uppdatering genomgås samtliga projekt och de nya projekt- parametrar som tillkommit sätts till lämpliga förvalda värden: - SYSTEM-projekt icke aktivt. - Raderingsskydd icke aktivt. - Tvångsstyrda förbindningar aktivt. - Plinttabeller sorterade efter algoritm. (Detta sker endast för projekt i vilka dessa parametrar saknar värden sedan tidigare). o Databasfilen HERST.DBF genomgås i samband med uppdatering och samtliga kataloger avaktiveras. Detta löser problem som uppstått i samband med uppdateringar från versioner tidigare än 4.1 och som visat sig så att inte alla kataloger är åtkomliga. o Ny teknik för genomgång av databasfilen KLSBAUM.DBF har införts i samband med uppdateringar. Detta innebär att samtliga fält nu alltid efter en uppdatering har ett värde. (Detta gäller förvalda värden för inställningar för ritningsklasser såsom "OnLine" och "Numrera enligt projektparametrar"). - Modul INSTÄLLNINGAR förbättrad: o Bättre kontroll vid inmatning av nya ritningsklasser. o Knappen för val av bibliotek vid Enhet/bibliotek vid skapande av ny norm/symbolbibliotek är korrigerad. o Alla filnamn under FILKONFIGURERING omvandlas till stora bokstäver i samband med inmatning. o Säkrare funktion genom mer konsekvent databashantering. - Ritmiljön förbättrad: o Kommandona för att återställa lagerinställning sätter numera lager 0 som aktivt lager. o Ikonmenygenereringen korrigerad. När man lade in en ny egen symbol visades tidigare bara den nya symbolen, inte de tidigare, förrän en omgenereringen gjordes. Detta är åtgärdat. o BAK-filer skapas numera vid AVSLUTA och SparaDXF. o Verktygsfält för MTEXT har tillkommit. o Stöd för det nya SYSTEM-projektet 0FORM har införts. 0FORM innehåller DXF-formulär för den nya rapportgeneratorn. - DEMO-projekten förbättrade: o Projektparametrarna korrigerade i DEMO500 och KURS500. Plint- tabeller sorteras nu enligt algoritm. o Nu gällande standard för hänvisningsnamn har implementerats genom att projektparametrarna ändrats med adekvata inställningar. Hänvisningar skrivs på formen "+Placering;Hänvisningsnamn". Skillnad gentemot tidigare är att semikolon ersätter snedstreck som skiljetecken. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.0 är klar ------------------------------------ 1999-03-31 ========== - Förbättrat installationsförfarande (FRAME.EXE): o Automatisk konfigurering av AutoCAD R14 har implementerats. Detta innebär att alla vanliga inställningar i AutoCAD:s profil sätts till normala värden vid första start av AutoCAD från cadett ELSA. Den tidsödande konfigureringen vid första start bortfaller därmed. o Sökvägar till modul-DLL:er har flyttats i registret till att ligga under respektive WS-kod. Detta innebär att det nu blivit möjligt att ha flera olika versioner av cadett ELSA i drift samtidigt på samma arbetsstation utan att konflikt uppstår. Förutsättningen är att olika arbetsstationskoder används. - Förbättrad katalog: o Global editering implementerad. o Långbeskrivningen visades fel på skärmen vid kopiering av artikel. Korrigerat. o Vid val av numreringsalgoritm uppdaterades inte tillgängliga algoritmer när sådana skapades förrän vid omstart av programmet. Detta har åtgärdats. o Implementering av ny version av tittskåpet DrDWG. - Förbättrad projektmodul: o Om prototyp-projektet är angivet som SYSTEM- och/eller raderingsskyddat så överförs detta inte till det nya projekt som skapas utgående därifrån. o När projekt stängs så stängs också automatiskt ritningsarkivet. - Förbättrad modul INSTÄLLNINGAR: o Skapande av nya symbolbibliotek korrigerat. Var felaktigt i 3.0. - Förbättrat ritningsarkiv: o Stöd för ny version av DrDWG implementerat. o Alternativet STÄNG i rullgardinen ARKIV har utgråats eftersom detta kommando inte har någon effekt i ritningsarkivet. o SHIFT-markering av ritningsblad i översiktsbilden har korrigerats. I revision 3.0 fungerade detta inte med nyskapade *Z.DBF. o Ordningsföljden mellan kolumnerna i översiktsbilden har korrigerats med nyskapade *Z.DBF. - Förbättrad LISP: o Även om index-attributet innehåller mycket lång text är det numera möjligt att välja index från katalogen. o Filter sätts i katalogen även vid användande av VAL-knappen i OnLine-dialogen när detta aktiveras vid insättning av symbol. Det skedde inte tidigare. - Korrigerad IBAUM.DBF: o I 3.0 visades apparatgrupperna i felaktig ordningsföljd vid skapande av nya symboler. Korrigerat. - Förbättrat tittskåp: o Ny version av DrDWG tittskåp. Något säkrare funktion. Eventuella felmeddelanden leder inte längre till att funktionen upphör. - Förbättrad rapportgenerator: o Stöd för FMT-formulär fullt ut implementerat. o DXF-preparering implementerad. Kraftigt utökad och förbättrad funktionalitet jämfört med den gamla rutinen för cadett ELSA 4.15. Bl.a stöds sortering i valfri x/y-ordning samt att block med attribut alltid läggs före texter, vilket gör att ritningshuvudet inte längre behöver flyttas manuellt vid prepareringen. o Uppdaterade FMT-formulär för att stödja det nya ritningsarkivet vad avser ritningsförteckningar. o Nya rapportdefinitioner för FMT-rapporter. o Användargränssnittet säkrare med bättre inmatningskontroll. o DXF-formulären förbättrade för bättre läsbarhet på bildskärmen. Den röda textfärgen har ersatts med vit för att erhålla bättre kontrast mot en svart bakgrund. - Förbättrad scriptgenerator: o Uppdateringsrutinerna för scriptsekvensdatabasen har förbättrats kraftigt, speciellt för nätverksmiljöer. o Ordningsföljden mellan valda filer i formuläret för valda filer kan numera förändras på valfritt sätt av användaren innan själva exekveringen av en scriptsekvens startar. o I nätverksinstallationer kan filter sättas på lokala/centrala scriptsekvenser. o Valfria filurval med avseende på filnamnen kan numera sättas. - Korrigerad modul ÖVERGRIPANDE: o Uppdatering av projektlistan vid användande av utökad eller standard filhanterare korrigerad. Fungerade inte på avsett vis i revision 3.0. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.1 är klar ------------------------------------ 1999-04-30 ========== - Förbättringar i rapportgeneratorn: o Diverse problem som kunde uppstå i samband med preparering av DXF-formulär åtgärdade. (Bl.a kunde DXF-filen efter preparering få ett felaktigt datum). o Kopiering av rapportdefinitioner implementerat. o Förbättrad möjlighet att styra val av NVARDEC. o Dubbla rader kunde förekomma i FMT-rapporter (sista på en sida och först på nästa). Detta är åtgärdat. o Problem med Å och Ä hämtade från projektparametrar kunde förekomma i FMT-rapporter. Korrigerat. o Tomrad som alternativ till sidbrytning fungerade inte i DXF- rapporter. Åtgärdat. o Antal nollor i slutet på filnamn för filer skapade av rapport- generatorn följer numera inställningarna i projektparametrarna. o Samtliga semigrafiska tecken har nu implementerats för FMT- rapporter. o Vid konvertering av gamla rapporter kunde svaret NEJ på frågan om en gammal rapportdefinition skulle konverteras leda till fel- meddelandet "Key violation". Så ej längre. o Meddelande "Can not perform this operation on a closed dataset" som kunde dyka upp i rapportgeneratorn till synes omotiverat har slutat att göra så. o Nyskapad rapportdefinition aktiveras automatiskt. o Såväl ASCII som ANSI kan nu väljas även för DXF-formulär. (För formulär i R12 DXF skall ASCII väljas. För R14 DXF skall ANSI väljas). o Motsvarigheten till det gamla skrivsättet *A.TXT för genererade filnamn från rapportgeneratorn har implementerats. o Vid konvertering av gamla rapportdefinitioner utan angivelse av sökväg för genererade filer styrs dessa till WS-biblioteket istället för som tidigare roten på C:. o Medkopiering av DXF-formulär i samband med konvertering av gamla DXF-rapportdefinitioner har korrigerats. o Sökväg till formulär lagras inte längre i rapportdefinitionerna. Formulären förutsätts ligga i rätt bibliotek. o Angivelsen av formulärtyp (FMT/DXF) är inte längre "case sensitive". o Filter på signatur kunde ge felaktig funktion. o Urvalsuttryck innehållande odefinierade villkor kunde förekomma och gav följdriktigt felfunktion. Numera finns en utbyggd kontroll för detta. o Vid radering av villkor tas numera automatiskt motsvarande variabel bort från det specificerade urvalsuttrycket. o Möjlighet att generera rapporter från egendefinierade databaser har implementerats. o Separata fönster för termometrar har tagits bort. Istället utnyttjas cadett ELSA:s egen statusrad. o Ny knapp för val av WS-bibliotek som lokalisering för utfil. o Möjlighet att editera rapportbeskrivningen har införts. o Informationen som tidigare visades i presentationen av rapport- definitioner om vilket projekt som är aktivt har tagits bort. Detta p.g.a att informationen är redundant (visas även högst upp på skärmen). o Skärminställningar (kolumnbredder etc) kan justeras vilket sparas i registret så att rapportgeneratorn vid förnyad start "ser likadan ut" som när den senast lämnades. o Förbättrad "grafisk design". o Konvertering av gamla rapportdefinitioner korrigerad. Försökte tidigare konvertera sista rapportdefinitionen i listan två gånger. o Radering av rapportdefinitioner korrigerad. Togs tidigare ej bort fullständigt fysiskt. o Namnbyte i samband med konvertering och befintligt rapport- definitionsnamn korrigerat. o Brädgårdtecken i de data som skall presenteras är numera tillåtet. Kunde t.ex drabba korsreferenser om tecknet "#" fanns med i dessa. o Förbättrad distinktion mellan lokala och centrala rapport- definitioner. o Redundansreduktionsfunktionen korrigerad. o Efterlämnade temporärfiler i samband med avbruten rapport- generering förekommer ej längre. o Förbättrad hantering av korrupta rapportdefinitionsfiler. o "Samla upp"-funktion implementerad för rapportdefinitioner (REP-filer). o Rapportkonverteringen handhar felaktiga gamla rapportdefini- tioner med större säkerhet. Tomma poster i AUTOLST.DBF gav tidigare problem. Så ej längre. o Öppnande av felaktiga rapportdefinitioner (felaktig REP-fil) leder ej längre till felmeddelande "access violation". o Radering av projekt leder nu till att rapportgeneratorn blir utgråad eftersom inget projekt då längre är aktivt. o Formulär utan brädgårdar (en orimlighet) ger nu felmeddelande. o FMT-fil stängs numera vid avbrott av rapportgenerering. Låg kvar öppen tidigare. o Plintar med plintgruppnamn icke innehållande "-X" gav tidigare felaktiga postbeteckningar i tabeller. Nu blir de korrekta. o Hanteringen av ASCII- och ANSI-formaten för FMT-rapporter har korrigerats. Fungerade inte helt konsekvent tidigare. o Skapande av rapport där den databasfil varifrån informationen skall hämtas saknas leder nu till det felmeddelande som man har anledning att förvänta. o Efter radering av aktiv rapportdefinition kan man inte byta flik innan en ny har aktiverats. - Förbättringar i installations- och uppdateringsprogram etc: o Automatskapande av AutoCAD-profilen "cadett ELSA" korrigerad. Kunde tidigare ge en profil som innehöll felaktiga sökvägar till bl.a menyfilen. o Tidigare installation av AutoCAD R13 ignoreras numera av installationsprogrammen. o Integritetskontroll av katalogen i samband med total uppdate- ring har utökats att kontrollera och korrigera förekomsten av multiapparatinformation till enstycksapparater. o Förbättrad uppdateringshantering avseende NVARDEC.DBF. Separat diskett krävs inte längre. o Revisionsinstallationsprogrammet har kraftigt förbättrad hantering av egna symbolbibliotek. Denna funktionalitet utnyttjas även för IEC-biblioteket. o Installation av databasfiler via revisionsinstallations- programmet (inkrementella uppdateringar) leder numera auto- matiskt till att alla indexfiler i motsvarande bibliotek raderas. - Förbättringar i ritningsarkivet: o Vid återgång till ritningsarkivet via ALT_TAB och projektbyte erhölls fel. Korrigerat. Vid avslut av ritmiljön utan termine- ring av AutoCAD samt åtföljande projektbyte erhölls också fel. Även detta åtgärdat. o Förändringar av anläggning och/eller placering i ritnings- huvudena via ritningsarkivet i andra ritningsblad än det som öppnas efter ändringen slår nu igenom i OnLine direkt. - Förbättringar i scriptgeneratorn: o Skärmpresentationen i 800x600 har korrigerats. Filterinställ- ningar har flyttats till FILTER-knappen. o För smalt fönster för presentation av scriptsekvenser kunde skada dessa i samband med aktivering. Korrigerat. o Om AutoCAD låg minimerad (p.g.a avslut utan terminering av AutoCAD) vid start av scriptgeneratorn kördes scriptsekvensen i minimerat läge. Detta har ändrats. o Konvertering av scriptsekvenser från gamla scriptgeneratorn har förbättrats kraftigt. o Tidigare var scriptsekvensnamnen i scriptgeneratorn "case sensitive". Detta har tagits bort. o Anrop av subrutin från lokal scriptsekvens fungerar numera. Detta gick inte tidigare. o Scriptgeneratorn kräver numera att ett projekt är aktivt för att kunna köras. Denna begränsning har införts på grund av att ritmiljön kräver att ett projekt är aktivt för att kunna initieras. o Knapparna i knappraden implementerade. - Förbättringar i katalogen: o Filterhanteringen vid kopiering förbättrad. o Ökad säkerhet vid editering av vilka enstycksapparater som ingår i multiapparat. Kunde i vissa fall leda till problem tidigare. o Numera ändras datum och tid för de databasfiler som påverkas av en ändring i katalogen. Detta sker direkt vid ändringen och gör att uppdatering med utökad nätverkskontroll blir helt säker. Tidigare skedde uppdateringen först efter byte av katalog, att katalogen stängts eller reorganiserats. o Låsning av IBAUM.DBF vid apparatgruppseditering har korrigerats. Tidigare kunde en låsning i vissa lägen ligga kvar. - Allmänna förbättringar: o Modulsökvägar i registret flyttade från installationsspecifik nyckel till arbetsstationsspecifik. Detta förbättrar möjligheten till hantering av multipla versioner. o Problem som uppstod om FRAME.EXE startades utan angivelse av WS-kod har åtgärdats. o Hårdvarulåshanteringen har förbättrats. Vid tillfälliga svårigheter att detektera hårdvarulåset termineras inte längre programmet utan möjlighet att "prova igen" ges. o Förbättrad kontroll av att den använda arbetsstationskoden är aktiverad. Kontrollen sker i samband med start av cadett ELSA. Tidigare problem med kvardröjande låsning av STATIONS.DBF i detta sammanhang har därvid undanröjts. - Förbättrad projektmodul: o Medkopiering av filer vid skapande av nytt projekt och samtidig ändring av sökvägar fungerade inte. Korrigerat. o Felaktiga (tomma) projektparametrar fick tidigare projektmodulen att upphöra fungera. Numera finns defaultvärden för alla fält, varför vidare exekvering alltid är möjlig oavsett hur tokiga parametrarna initialt är. o Om projektlistan var sorterad på annat än projektnamn erhölls felmeddelandet "index out of bounds" exempelvis vid skapande av nytt projekt. Åtgärdat. o Knapparna i knappraden implementerade. - Förbättringar i utökad nätverkskontroll: o Avbruten bearbetning följd av en ny bearbetning utan att den utökade nätverkskontrollen hade återställts (ett användarfel) ledde tidigare till att uppdateringen av den lokala kopian av katalogerna inte utfördes. Numera är det omöjligt att köra igång en ny bearbetning utan att återställa den utökade nätverksontrollen varför detta fel inte längre kan inträffa. - Förbättrad ritmiljö: o Verktygsfältet "Rithjälp" korrigerat. Vissa bitmapp-bilder saknades tidigare. - Utökad modul Inställningar: o Funktionen för att redigera arbetsstationsdefinitioner som i i tidigare revisioner enbart funnits i DOS-baserat utförande finns nu i ny fräsch utgåva i modulen Inställningar. - Förbättringar i modul Projektbundet: o Preparering av DXF-filer (menypunkt 1.3.9) har tagits bort. Funktionen var tidigare ostabil. En ny DXF-preparering finns numera tillgänglig i den nya rapportgeneratorn. Den fungerar dessutom utmärkt. o Editering och uppdatering av variabeldeklarationer (menypunkt 1.3.5) har tagits bort. Den nya rapportgeneratorn skall användas istället om egna rapportvariabler önskas. - Förbättringar i modul Övergripande: o Samtliga funktioner i Standard filhanterare som skriver till disketter har tagits bort. Detta har gjorts som en förberedelse inför version 6.0 då standard filhanteraren tas bort helt. Funktioner för inläsning kommer att finnas kvar ett tag till. o Menypunkt Typ av nätverk har korrigerats. Texterna Ja och Nej visades på engelska. Nu är detta uttryckt på ärans och hjältarnas språk istället. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.2 är klar ------------------------------------ 1999-10-14 ========== - Ritningsarkivet: o Ny funktion "sätt texter i ritningsarkivet till förvalda värden" har implementerats i ritningsarkivet. Alla fält som har förvalda värden definierade av aktuell mallfil får värden enligt dessa för samtliga ritningsblad i aktuellt projekt när denna funktion väljs. - Rapportgeneratorn: o Variabler med reduktion av storheter som t.ex anläggning eller placering ger nu korrekt resultat även om storheten ifråga inte används i det aktuella projektet. - Scriptgeneratorn: o AutoCAD stängs inte längre ned om terminering av AutoCAD inte var aktiverad senast AutoCAD avslutades. - Projektmodulen: o Den nya funktionen som kontrollerar projektparametrarna vid aktivering av projekt har förbättrats. - Katalogen: o Instabilitet när Windows NT 4.0 i kombination med service pack 4 eller 5 används i samband med byte av katalog har åtgärdats. o Editering av i multiapparat ingående enstycksapparater har korri- gerats. Den matrkerade ingående artikeln visas och påverkas. o Kontroll att maximalt 3 tecken skrivs in avseende antal ingående enstycksapparater i multiapparat. o Backspace fungerar nu vid editering av antalsfältet för antal ingående enstycksapparater i multiapparat. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.3 är klar ------------------------------------ 1999-10-25 ========== - År 2000 / säkring inför övergången till ett nytt millennium: o En rad funktioner och program har justerats för att göra en säker övergång till 2000-talet möjlig. o Några gamla kompatibilitetsmoduler har inte säkrats för år 2000 eftersom de i grunden är redundanta. Det gäller främst den gamla rapportgeneratorn och den gamla scriptgeneratorn. Anrop av dessa moduler har försetts med varningstext på bildskärmen. (PROJDOS.DLL samt GLBLDOS.DLL). o Den utökade nätverkskontrollen har begåvats med en intern datum- och tidhantering som använder fyra siffror för att ange årtal. Detta innebär att jämförelser av fildatum/tid fungerar även över millennieskiftet. (XNETCTRL.EXE). o Funktionen för insättning av text från lexikon har anpassats för korrekt hantera datum/tidjämförelser över millennieskiftet. (ADICTEXT.EXE). o Genereringen av ikonmenyer för egna symboler har dels millennie- säkrats, dels gjorts mindre känslig för avvikelser mellan klockorna i arbetsstation respektive server. (ICONLINK.EXE). o Funktionerna för att hantera kopplingen mellan plintgrupper och numreringsalgoritmer har millenniesäkrats. (XALGO.EXE). o Rapportgeneratorns hantering av den nya datumvariabeln !_NDATUM har korrigerats. (REPDLL.DLL). o Övriga moduler var millenniesäkra redan i revision 3.3. - Installation: o Överföringen av filer tillhörande symbolbiblioteken till rätt plats i samband med uppdateringar kunde falera i revision 3.3. Detta innebar att ONLINE.ARX inte uppdaterade korrekt i revision 3.3. Detta har nu åtgärdats. - Rapportgeneratorn: o Variabel !_NDATUM har korrigerats. - Ramapplikation: o OnLine termineras nu i samband med projektbyte om AutoCAD inte har terminierats. Tidigare missade OnLine när detta hände varför felmeddelande om att OnLine endast kan vara aktiv i det aktiva projektets ARBETS-bibliotek erhölls. Korrigeringen innebär att detta problem försvunnit. - Projektmodul: o Medkopiering av filer i samband med skapande av nya projekt då sökvägen för ARBETS-biblioteket inte innehåller PROJ fungerar problemfritt. (PROJDLL.DLL). o Uppstart av cadett ELSA via ActiveX kunde tidigare ge ett timing- problem som kunde resultera i att cadett ELSA startades upp om och om igen. Detta kan inte längre ske. - Ritningsarkiv: o Felhanteringen i ritningsarkivet var tidigare felaktig. Detta ledde till att fel i andra moduler resulterade i felmeddelanden om "ett okänt fel i ritningsarkivet". I ritningsarkivet var visserligen felet okänt eftersom det överhuvudtaget inte hörde dit, men bättre hade förstås varit att den verkliga orsaken presenterats. Det är vad som sker nu. o Mallar vars namn innehåller bindestreck är inte längre ett problem. Tidigare ledde de till att ritningsarkivet kraschade. (DRAWDLL.DLL). - Katalog: o Skapande av ny katalog kunde i vissa lägen leda till en oönskad kopiering av filer från annan katalog. Korrigerat. o Förbättrad hantering av nätverkslåsning via MG_LOG i samband med skapande av ny katalog. Tidigare kunde det i vissa fall inträffa att en nyskapad katalog inte registrerades i MG_LOG vilket ledde till problem i efterföljande bearbetning. (Endast nätverks- installationer). (CATDLL.DLL). - Övrigt: o MGUTIL.EXE ver 1.3 klarar av projektdatabaser som inte heter PROJECTS.DBF. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.4 är klar ------------------------------------ 1999-11-26 ========== - Installation/uppdatering: o Programmet WSUPDATE.EXE version 2.08 innebär en förbättring vid uppdatering av cadett ELSA Arbetsstation vad avser uppdatering av databasfilen PROGRAM.DBF (delmoment i tilläggsbearbetning). Fel- aktigheter i PROGRAM.DBF kunde tidigare leda till ytterligare fel i samband med uppdateringar. Nu sker en automatisk korrigering. - Scriptgenerator: o Scriptsekvenserna för byte av ritningsram har korrigerats. Speciellt sekvensen för SLUT-biblioteket innehöll ett fel. o Listan med projekt som dyker upp vid tillägg av fler blad från andra projekt är numera sorterad. - Ritmiljö: o Symbolen LELK5 var felaktig länkad i ikonmenyn S. Numera är detta korrigerat. - Projektmodul: o Om AutoCAD inte terminerades uppstod problem bl.a vid editering av projektparametrar. Detta har åtgärdats. o Kraftig prestandaförbättring vid öppning av projekt. o Skapande av nya projekt utgående från ett av en annan användare öppnat projekt kunde leda till problem tidigare. Detta har åtgärdats. o Bland projektparametrarna har editering av fält innehållande bara ett tecken förbättrats, dvs gjorts enklare och mer naturligt. o Förbättringar i vissa meddelanden. o Felaktighet vid acceptans av förslaget att ta bort projekt för vilket bibliotek inte finns i samband med aktivering har åtgärdats. - Rapportgenerator: o Ritningsförteckningar kan genereras även om *G.DBF saknas. o Rapporter från icke projektdatabaser kräver inte längre att *G.DBF finns tillgänglig. o Om antalet genererade sidor skulle bli noll leder inte detta längre till några problem. o Om ett urvalsvillkor innehöll en rapportvariabler som också ingick i en angivelse av sortering och där någon form av justering användes för denna variabel, ledde detta till ett felaktigt urval. Detta förargliga problem är nu ett minne blott! o Uppdatering av urval och sortering kunde tidigare bli fel vid byte av rappportdefinition. Så ej längre. o Redundansreduktionen fungerar nu till 100%. Tidigare har detta inte fungerat på korrekt sätt. (Gällde både den gamla och den nya rapportgeneratorn. Nu fungerar den nya rapportgeneratorn korrekt i detta avseende. Problemet kommer inte att åtgärdas i den gamla rapportgeneratorn). o Mindre justeringar i användargränssnittet. o Preparering av DXF-formulär har korrigerats. I revision 3.4 fungerade den under vissa omständigheter inte. - Protokoll från projektbearbetning: o Formuläret 0PROT_U.FMT har korrigerats av millennieskäl. - OnLine: o Korsreferenser innehållande anläggning och/eller placering redundansreduceras numera korrekt mot ritningshuvudet istället för mot eventuell begränsningsram som tidigare. (Bearbetningen gav även tidigare korrekt resultat). o Under olyckliga omständigheter kunde SparaDXF, inklusive bladväxling med spara, leda till att AutoCAD dök. Detta har åtgärdats. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.5 är klar ------------------------------------ 2000-03-07 ========== - Ritningsarkivet: o DXF-hanteringen (DXFIO.DLL) innehöll i revision 3.5 dessvärre ett fel som kunde visa sig i form av skadade DXF-filer i samband med operationer som t.ex namnbyte av ritningsblad i ritningsarkivet (knappen Editera). Detta har korrigerats. o BAK-filhanteringen för ritningsblad har förbättrats. Numera har inställningen under Övergripande / Övriga inställningar / Konfigurera delprogram / Konfigurering av ritmiljö / BAK-filgenerering vid SparaDXF betydelse bara vid SparaDXF och Avsluta. Operationer i ritningsarkivet som t.ex reorganisering eller som t.ex OnLine utför ger numera aldrig upphov till BAK-filer oavsett inställning. - Rapportgeneratorn: o Rapportdefinitionen 0PLTKAB har tagits bort. Stöd för denna typ av rapport saknas nämligen. o Rapportgeneraton har anpassats till den nya BAK-filhanteringen. o Korrigering av antalet genererade sidor vid användning av radbrytning. - Allmänt: o Den allmänna DXF-hanteringen (DXFIO.DLL) har korrigerats så att antalet EOF i slutet av DXF-filerna alltid blir ett oavsett eventuella felaktigheter från början. Detta löser ett antal problem som kunnat uppstå i DXF-filerna tidigare. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.6 är klar ------------------------------------ 2000-03-20 ========== Produkterna cadett ELSA 5.0 och cadett ELSA 5.5 slås samman till en installations-CD. Den nya gemensamma CD:n innehåller cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.7 och cadett ELSA 5.5 revision 2.0, vilka alltså motsvarar varandra i allt utom de AutoCAD-versioner de stödjer. - cadett ELSA 5.0 är anpassad för AutoCAD R14. - cadett ELSA 5.5 är anpassad för AutoCAD 2000. Presentationen av revisions- och versionsnummer har förenklats i dialogrutan "Hjälp / Om cadett ELSA". Version 5.0 revision 3.7 anges nu som och motsvarande. - Scriptgeneratorn: o Total genomgång och uppdatering till nya programmeringsverktyg. Scriptsekvenserna sparades tidigare automatiskt när de stängdes. Detta gäller inte längre. Nu sparas de enbart när användaren så uttryckligen begär. o Funktion som visar olika typer av kommandon i olika färger har implementerats fullt ut. o Syntaxkontrollen har korrigerats. Angav tidigare fel rad. o Andra mindre korrigeringar/skönhetsjusteringar. - Installation: o Installationsprogrammet INST500.EXE har anpassats för att hantera valet mellan cadett ELSA 5.0 och cadett ELSA 5.5. o Arbetsstationsuppdateringsprogrammet WSUPDATE.EXE har kompletterats för att hantera både cadett ELSA 5.0 och 5.5, dvs att kunna detektera för vilken AutoCAD-version installationen är avsedd och anpassa uppdateringen av operativsystemets register efter detta. Kontrollen av vald AutoCAD-version görs via filen SETUP.INI i symbolbiblioteket IEC1082. o Programmet för skapande av nya arbetsstationer i nätverksinstalla- tioner - WSCREATE.EXE - som anropas av funktionen NEWWS, har kompletterats på motsvarande sätt som WSUPDATE.EXE. (Se föregående punkt). o Programmet för bl.a registrering av cadett ELSA i operativsystemets register - WSWIN.EXE - har kompletterats så att det stöder både AutoCAD R14 och AutoCAD 2000. Även om båda AutoCAD-versionerna skulle finnas installerade så använder WSWIN.EXE den AutoCAD-version som den installerade versionen av cadett ELSA är avsedd för. o Automatiskt skapande av profil i AutoCAD har implementerats även för AutoCAD 2000. o Installation av cadett ELSA på dator där ingen AutoCAD - eller endast en felaktig AutoCAD - finns installerad leder nu till att standard sökvägar för berörd AutoCAD-version ställs in. Det är numera möjligt att köra cadett ELSA i alla avseende som inte berör AutoCAD även om AutoCAD inte skulle finnas installerad, t.ex katalog mm. - OnLine: o Ny OnLine-version (2.32) med nedan angivna förändringar. o Locale-fel, som innebar att med vissa kombinationer av inställningar i Windows NT kunde OnLine reagera som om databaserna var skapade av en äldre OnLine-version trots att de var skapade med den nuvarande, har åtgärdats. o DXFOUT-hantering i samband med aktivering av OnLine i inställnings- menyn har korrigerats. - Ritmiljö: o Kommandot COPY/EDIT har korrigerats med avseende på kopplingen till OnLine. Filter sätts numera korrekt mot katalogen vid användande av VAL-knappen för index i samband med COPY/EDIT. Likaså har kommandot blivit totalt sett snabbare genom att OnLine-databasen uppdateras individuellt för varje symbol istället för som tidigare för alla symboler på en gång när hela kommandot avslutades. o Lagerhantering, rullgardinsmeny, lagerstandard för plottning, första alternativet (utan nollnummer och kablar) har korrigerats avseende lagren SYM_G och SYM_L som var förväxlade. o Samtliga rullgardinsmenyer har uppdaterats med nya kommandorubriker utan onödiga förkortningar. De tidigare menyerna hade kvar de gamla förkortningarna från en tid när antalet tecken i menyerna var begränsat. o Objektval finns numera tillgängliga i rullgardinen Rithjälp. Tidigare var de åtkomliga endast via tablettmenyen eller verktygs- fälten. o Bladväxlaren har modifierats med avseende på kontrollen av DWG-filer som avlägsnats, eftersom varken AutoCAD R14 eller AutoCAD 2000, till skillnad från tidigare AutoCAD-versioner, besväras av sådana. o Vid öppning av första ritningsblad med AutoCAD 2000 om SETUP-kontrol- len är avstängd visades tidigare inte menyer och verktygsfält korrekt p.g.a en bugg i AutoCAD. Detta har vi nu programmerat runt. - Rapportgeneratorn: o Rapporter från projektdatabasfilen *Q.DBF fungerar numera. I föregående revision fungerade inte länkningen till *G.DBF. o Urval av typen !VARIABEL=text och !VARIABEL=text* fungerar nu som avsett. I revision 3.6 gav de samma resultat. Vid villkor utan stjärna i jämförelsetexten krävs nu exakt likhet vilket är det korrekta. o Ny version av NVARDEC.DBF (variabeldeklarationsdatabasen för den nya rapportgeneratorn) med beskrivningstexter för samtliga rapport- variabler. Rapportgeneratorn har också anpassats för att i samtliga tillämpbara situationer utnyttja detta såsom t.ex vid val av rapportvariabel i urval eller sortering. - Hårdvarulåshantering: o Ny hantering implementerad som innebär att 5.0 och 5.5 har olika hårdvarulås. 5.5 kan köras enbart på 5.5 hårdvarulås. 5.0 kan köras antingen på ett 5.0 eller ett 5.5 hårdvarulås. Detta gäller lika för både nätverkslås och lokalt lås. o Ny version av drivrutinerna för hantering av hårdvarulås, såväl lokala som nätverk (NLS). - Symbolbiblioteket: o Symbolbiblioteken IEC och IEC1082 har korrigerats vad avser tids- fördröjda kontakter. Några symboler, främst tillslagsfördröjda växlande kontakter, frånslagsfördröjda växlande kontakter och mot- svarande kontaktspeglar, var felaktigt definierade. Detta innebar att OnLine-automatiken inte kopplade ihop kontakt med kontaktspegel för dessa symboler. Vissa rent grafiska justeringar har också gjorts. Korrigeringarna av symbolbiblioteken har gjorts så att: - gamla ritningsblad med felaktiga symboler efter uppdatering och regenerering av OnLine får korrekta korsreferenser. - symbolerna från och med nu är korrekta. Detta har inneburit att några gamla symboler har måst tas bort och ersättas med nya. Detta för att bibehålla kompatibilitet bakåt på det sätt som anges ovan. I ikonmenyn för apparatgrupp 1 har således symbolerna LTK001WF, LTK001WT, STK001WF och STK001WT ersatts med LTK002WF, LTK002WT, STK002WF och STK002WT. Symbolerna har sålunda nu korrigerats som beskrivs nedan. Grafiska justeringar (både IEC och IEC1082): L070502 LELK7 S070502 SELK7 L070504 L070504B L070505B S070504 S070504B S070505B L70504VA L70505VA LELK7VA Korrigeringar av attributen: LTKC111F LTKC111S LTKC111T LTKC211F LTKC211S LTKC211T LTKC311F LTKC311S LTKC311T LTKD111F LTKD111S LTKD111T LTKD211F LTKD211S LTKD211T LTKD311F LTKD311S LTKD311T STKC111F STKC111S STKC111T STKC211F STKC211S STKC211T STKC311F STKC311S STKC311T STKD111F STKD111S STKD111T STKD211F STKD211S STKD211T STKD311F STKD311S STKD311T Korrigeringar i symboldatabasen (både IEC och IEC1082): STK001WF STK001WT L070504 S070504 S070504B LTKC111F LTKC111S LTKC111T LTKC211F LTKC211S LTKC211T LTKC311F LTKC311S LTKC311T LTKD111F LTKD111S LTKD111T LTKD211F LTKD211S LTKD211T LTKD311F LTKD311S LTKD311T STKC111F STKC111S STKC111T STKC211F STKC211S STKC211T STKC311F STKC311S STKC311T STKD111F STKD111S STKD111T STKD211F STKD211S STKD211T STKD311F STKD311S STKD311T Korrigeringar i symboldatabasen (bara IEC): L70504VA L70504VB L70504VC L70504VD LELK7VA LELK7VB LELK7VC LELK7VD S70504VA S70504VB S70504VC S70504VD SELK7VA SELK7VB SELK7VC SELK7VD Korrigeringar i symboldatabasen (bara IEC1082): LTK001WF LTK001WT Helt nya symboler (både IEC och IEC1082): LTK002WF (ersätter LTK001WF) LTK002WT (ersätter LTK001WT) STK002WF (ersätter STK001WF) STK002WT (ersätter STK001WT) - Demo-projekten: o Blad 2 i KURS500 har korrigerats. En ensam DONUT låg och skräpade. o Nya kabel- och hänvisningssymboler i DEMO500 och KURS500. Tidigare innehöll dessa projekt symboler från en äldre version av cadett ELSA. - Demo-katalogen: o Katalog DEM385 har korrigerats för artiklarna TS001 och FC003. För TS001 var symbolkopplingarna förväxlade mellan stående och liggande ritsätt. För FC003 var fel symbol angiven. - Tittskåp: o Fungerar numera även för ritningsblad som sparats med cadett ELSA 5.5, dvs med AutoCAD 2000. - Övrigt: o Ny version av MGUTIL.EXE (ver 1.4) med korrigering av funktionen för att ta bort referenser till NDX-filer (dBase-indexfiler) från MG_LOG.DBF. Den gamla versionen kunde misslyckas med packningen av databasen vilket gjorde att problemet inte alltid löstes. o Ny version av DBCONV.EXE (version 2.2) som klarar att konvertera från ett DBF-format till ett annat. Information överförs till fält med samma namn men utan krav på att fälten skall ligga i samma ordningsföljd eller ha samma längd. o PROJDBF.DBF har kompletterats med uppgifter om projektdatabaser som används i vissa specialanpassningar. cadett ELSA 5.0 revision 3.7 och cadett ELSA 5.5 revision 2.0 är klara ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000-06-19 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #1) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-08-10 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #2) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-08-22 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #3) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-09-03 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #4) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-09-19 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #5) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-10-13 ========== - A wide range of news and improvements. cadett ELSA (Beta #6) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-11-24 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #7) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-12-14 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #8) is ready -------------------------------------- 2000-12-21 ========== cadett ELSA (Beta #9) is ready -------------------------------------- 2001-01-19 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #1) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-01-31 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #2) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-02-01 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #3) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-02-09 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #4) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-02-16 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #5) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-02-23 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #6) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-03-02 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #7) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-03-09 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #8) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-03-16 ========== cadett ELSA (Release candidate #9) is ready --------------------------------------------------- 2001-03-23 ========== cadett ELSA 6.0 is an entirely new generation of cadett ELSA. The following is new, among other things: - PDS (Project Data Server) is introduced. - Dynamic OnLine is introduced. - Report generation using the PDS instead of post processing - Heavily extended Drawing Environment - Entirely new File Manager embedded in the Project Module - Heavily extended Project Module with long project names and a tree structure - New OnLine functionality - Advanced COM interface (ActiveX) - New Translator (Translator II) - Advanced Catalogue Import feature - Import and export of symbols - New Symbol Generator cadett ELSA (Version 6.0 - Revision 2.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2001-03-30 ========== - Automatic wire numbering corrected - Terminal macro corrected - Catalogue Import corrected - Toolbars adjusted - ZUGRIFFE.INF corrected - Dimension for cable cores in cable core lists corrected - Selection of mask in the Settings module corrected - The Translator now supports a cyrillic reference table - A wizard for creating translation settings has been implemented - Dynamic OnLine Device List has been corrected concerning editing of index for terminals - Several minor corrections in Dynamic OnLine - Editing of other attributes in the Symbol List has been corrected. - Handling of empty projects in the Terminal list of Dynamic OnLine has been corrected. - The Report Generator now correctly handles terminal group names without minus - File Manager corrected cadett ELSA (Version 6.0 - Revision 2.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2001-04-11 ========== cadett ELSA 6.0 Revision 2.2 innehåller bl.a följande nyheter: Ritmiljön: - Plintkommandot är korrigerat för IEC symbolbibliotek. - DONUT-kommandot är omgjort så att blocket 0_DONUT nu används. - Symbolgeneratorn korrigerad bl.a med avseende på hur sökvägen till symbolbiblioteket läses in. Tidigare kunde resultatet i vissa lägen bli felaktigt. - Menygenereringen bl.a i samband med skapande av egna symboler har korrigerats. Apparatgrupp 0 respektive odefinierat fungerar numera som de skall. - Funktionen SparaDXF har förbättrats så att ritningsbladen alltid sparas med filnamn med enbart stora bokstäver, inklusive filtypen. Tidigare kunde bladväxling med spara leda till filer med filnamn som t.ex EK___001.dxf, dvs att filtypen med små bokstäver (AutoCAD default). Detta kunde få katastrofala följder! Översättaren: - Stöd för användardefinierade fältlängder har införts. - Meddelanderutan har numera information även om de texter som har översatts. Meddelandena är mer kompletta. Dynamic OnLine: - Ändringar av kolumnbredder sparas numera separat för varje flik så att man får samma utseende efter omstart. - Genereringen av SLUT-databaser för rapportgeneratorn (DOL) har korrigerats bl.a för apparater som saknar postbeteckningar och för angivelser av kataloger som inte finns. - Plinttabellen (DOL) har korrigerats med avseende bl.a på byglingar i vissa mycket speciella fall. - Inre förbindningstabell (DOL) korrigerad. - Apparatlista (DOL) korrigerad bl.a med avseende på felaktigt angivna index, samt användning av flera kataloger samtidigt i samma projekt. - Plintgrupper utan index får trots detta korrekta reservplintar. - Anslutningen mot PDS ser inte längre ut som en låsning i det fall processen tar lång tid. - Problem när endast en rad förekommer i Dynamic OnLine:s editorer har åtgärdats. - Statusmeddelandena i samband med skapande av SLUT-databaser för rapportgenerering har korrigerats. - Tvångsstyrning och nollnummerbindning har korrigerats för kabel- parter. - Indexbyte på hel plintgrupp nu möjligt i apparatlistan. Katalogen: - Katalogen förbättrad, bl.a då antalet användardefinierade fält är så många att de inte samtidigt får plats på skärmen. Projektmodulen: - Projektmodulen är korrigerad med avseende på felaktigheter vid inläsning av trädstrukturen. Den är nu betydligt mer okänslig för fel än tidigare. Projekt som plötsligt till synes "försvinner" (hamnar i roten) torde nu vara ett minne blott. - Projektparametrar som inte är i bruk har tagits bort från menyerna. - Öppning av grupper som ändrats av annan användare fungerar nu felfritt. Tidigare gav detta fel. - Drag and drop på prototyp-projekt fungerar nu i alla lägen. Kunde tidigare ge fel. - "Undersök projektdatabaser" har utökats med fler kontroller, bl.a av alla projektparametrar. - Flyttning av hela grenar i trädstrukturen har blivit betydligt säkrare. - Import/export av projekt (arkivering/återläsning) stödjer numera återläsning av de gamla formaten DBF/QZP/ZZP samt DBF/QDR/ZDR. - Diverse stabilitetsproblem i import/export av projekt har åtgärdats, bl.a har den onödiga knappen VÄXLA tagits bort. OnLine: - Nu krävs inte längre administratörsrättigheter för att köra cadett ELSA 6.0. (Däremot krävs sådana rättigheter för att kunna installera programmet). - Arv av plintgruppnamn och index har korrigerats i OnLine. Inställningar: - Master för skapande av användardefinierade symbolbibliotek är numera IEC1082, inte IEC som tidigare. Allmänt: - Bättre stöd för körning i maximerat läge. cadett ELSA (Version 6.0 - Revision 2.2) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2001-05-03 ========== Ritmiljö: - Möjlighet att köra användardefinierade funktioner USER01-USER10 samt USER_A - USER_K direkt från ritmiljön har införts, bl.a för att vara kompatibel med motsvarande funktionalitet i cadett ELSA 5.0 och 5.5. (Återfanns i de numera saligen avsomnade modulerna PROJ.BUNDET och ÖVERGRIPANDE. Numera ligger de i rullgardinsmenyn VERKTYG). - Som ett exempel på en användardefinierade funktion har yttre förbind- ningsschema (0KABGRAF) från cadett ELSA 5.0 lagts in. 0KABGRAF har kompletterats något jämfört med vad som gällde som standard i cadett ELSA 5.0 såtillvida att kabelns anmärkning också presenteras. (Detta rör sig i och för sig om en obsolet funktion men den duger gott som exempel och fungerar för övrigt utmärkt. Mer information om hur det hela går till finns i textfilen KABGRAF.TXT i ELSA60-biblioteket). - Som ett annat exempel på en användardefinierad funktion har den gamla rutinen från cadett ELSA 5.0 för plottning av symbolbiblioteket lagts in. (Även detta rör sig om en obsolet funktion som dock fungerar fullt tillfredsställande. Mer information återfinns i Tilläggsmanualen). - Som ett tredje exempel på en användardefinierad funktion har det lilla "utility"-programmet CATCHECK lagts in. Detta program utför en omfattande integritetskontroll av samtliga kataloger och korrigerar de eventuella felaktigheter som påträffas. - Symbolgeneratorn stöder numera kabelspeglar. Tidigare brister där bilder för vissa apparatgrupper saknades har åtgärdats. - Symbolgeneratorn kunde i vissa lägen producera utpräglat skräpiga symbolbilder. De har numera städats och ser alltid lika prydliga ut. - Symbolgeneratorn återställer samma lagerinställning som gällde när den startades om den avslutas på ett korrekt sätt dvs att symbolen sparas. - Symbolgeneratorn kan numera producera spegelsymboler med funktioner med bara en anslutning. - INSERT-kommandot är numera okänsligt för om symbolnamnet skrivs med stora eller små bokstäver. (Det tolkas alltid som stora). Detta undviker ett antal möjliga problem i OnLine. - Insättning av en symbol i en lucka i linjerna som passade precis ledde till felaktig OnLine-registrering. Detta har åtgärdats. - Plottscript 1 - 5 har återinförts. Nu används den nya scriptgeneratorn för detta. (Ett kommando PLOTSCRIPT kan användas från kommandoprompten med valfri scriptsekvens som parameter). - XLINE registrerar numera sina linjer korrekt i OnLine-databasen. - Några kommandon i rullgardinen RITHJÄLP fungerade tidigare inte vid användning av AutoCAD R14. Detta är nu korrigerat. - Vissa speciella kommandon i AutoCAD (t.ex SEND_MAIL) ställer om aktivt bibliotek, vilket har negativa konsekvenser för övrig funktionalitet. (Det aktiva biblioteket skall alltid vara WS-biblioteket, vanligen C:\ELSA60WS). Nu har en funktion införts som återställer detta automatiskt. (Detta fungerar dock endast i AutoCAD 2000/2000i). - Vissa uttag registrerades inte korrekt i OnLine-databasen i tidigare revisioner. Detta är nu korrigerat. - Konfigurering av kabelkommandot (MAC09.INI) fungerade inte vid rotation av kabelpartnummer vid vertikalt ritsätt för sista kabelparten vid TILLÄGG. Detta har korrigerats. - ELSADXFOUT spar numera alltid med stora bokstäver i filnamnet inklusive filtypen. Detta undviker ett antal tråkiga problem. - Möjlighet att lägga in användardefinierade funktioner i en fil kallad ELSAKUND.LSP har införts. - En omgenerering av menyn vid varje start av cadett ELSA blev den tidsödande konsekvensen om både REGEN.YES och REGEN.NO samtidigt fanns i WS-biblioteket. Händer det sker numera en automatisk korrigering. - Vid avstängning av kontrollen vid inläsning av ritningsblad stängs numera enbart dialogrutan av. Kontrollerna genomförs ändå. - Felaktiga MAC12.INI-filer i IEC- och IEC1082-biblioteken har korrigerats varför plintarna nu blir exakt så som de såg ut i version 5.0 och 5.5 när standardinställningar används. - DDATTE/ATTEDIT på felaktig plint (där grafisk del saknas) ger numera ett trevligt litet felmeddelande. - Systemvariabeln SHORCUTMENU sätts automatiskt till 1 varvid diverse obehagliga hängningsproblem i ritmiljön undanröjts. - En ny sektion har tillförts AutoCAD-menyn för att erbjuda stöd för följande tangenter: - ERASE - Undo - SparaDXF - PLOT - Toggla ORTHO Report generator/DOL: - Support for terminal/cable reports according to DIN has been reestab- lished. An example of such a report definition is also included (0PLTDIN). The new feature incorporates an extended variant of *B.DBF, and a number of new report variables for *B.DBF in NVARDEC.DBF. For conventional terminal plans a *B.DBF of the traditional type is generated. The extended variant of *B.DBF, which is needed for the DIN form, is only generated when the name of the report definition contains the character combination "DIN", and the TARGET database *B.DBF has been selected. (The extended *B.DBF is substantially bigger than the conevntional. Therefore it is created only when needed). - SLUT-databaserna har kompletterats på flera punkter för att tillhanda- hålla större möjligheter att skräddarsy rapporter, bl.a kopieras numera automatiskt anmärkningarna från kablarnas huvudsymboler till posterna för motsvarande hjälpsymboler i SLUT-databasen vilket ger möjlighet att presentera kabelanmärkningen i kabelparttabeller. - I samband med användning av flera kataloger kunde viss information saknas i tabellerna. Detta har åtgärdats. - Korsreferenser i tabellerna kunde under vissa omständigheter sakna bladnummer. Detta har åtgärdats. - Stöd för användardefinierade attribut har införts. Detta styrs av filen USERATT.INI som placeras i aktuellt symbolbibliotek. INI-filen styr vilka extra fält som skall skapas i *G.DBF och från vilka användar- definierade attribut informationen till dessa skall hämtas. Komplettera med lämpliga rapportvariabler i NVARDEC.DBF och lämpliga rapport- definitioner som utnyttjar dessa variabler så kan du producera rapporter innehållande information från vilka attribut som helst. (En begränsning till maximalt 40 tecken per attribut finns dock). Här kan noteras att rapportgeneratorn för närvarande i vissa situationer har problem med användardefinierade fält i *G.DBF om dessa har en siffra som sista tecken i fältnamnet. Använd därför fältnamn som slutar på en bokstav - för säkerhets skull. (Exempel: undvik ELD1 som fältnamn. Skriv istället exempelvis ELD1U). Attributnamnen påverkas inte av detta. - Generering av databas för plinttabell (*B.DBF) har korrigerats på några punkter, bl.a vid inre förbindningar på extern plintsida kunde under vissa omständigheter plinttabellen sakna förbindelser trots att dessa presenterades korrekt i den inre förbindningstabellen. PDS: - Bufferten för kommunikation mellan PDS och andra program har utökats från 1 MB till 8 MB. Detta gör att antal möjliga symboler per blad samt antalet plintar per plintgrupp som tidigare var ca 120 st, nu har utökats till ca 1,000 utan problem med rapporter eller liknande. Projektmodulen: - Det är numera möjligt att lägga till och ta bort projekt i grupper som andra arbetsstationer har öppna. - Bättre kontroller har införts. - Nya projektparametrar har tillkommit under GENERELLT för att ge stöd för ny funktionalitet avseende hjälpsymboler med index. Det är nu valfritt hur detta skall tolkas (om så önskas kan de ignoreras i vissa fall). Tre parametrar finns. Valfria funktionsbeteckningar (ART) för hjälpsymboler kan anges med komma emellan. Wildcards kan användas i både början och slutet av varje funktionsbeteckning. * innebär således samtliga hjälpsymboler. - Import/export av projekt har förbättrats på ett antal punkter: I listan över projekt som kan importeras (läsas in) skiljer programmet numera mellan projekt lagrade i det gamla formaten (QZP/ZZP respektive QDR/ZDR) samt det nya (EZP). Möjlighet att avmarkera eller markera samtliga projekt i listan över möjliga projekt att läsa in har införts. Dynamic OnLine: - Generering av SLUT-databaser, apparatlistan i Dynamic OnLine samt layout-fliken tar numera hänsyn till nya projektparametrar som styr hur hjälpsymboler med index skall tolkas. (De kan ignoreras i valfri utsträckning styrt per typ av hjälpsymbol). - Det finns en möjlighet att direkt från Dynamic OnLine styra om inställningarna för hur hjälpsymboler med index skall hanteras. (Detta ligger i projektparametrarna och editeras vanligtvis där). - Diverse mindre felaktigheter (buggar) har korrigerats. - Vid start av DOL från annat bibliotek än ARBETS-biblioteket (typiskt SLUT-biblioteket) sker numera automatiskt byte till ARBETS- biblioteket. - Korrigering avseende fokus vid editering i apparatlista med höger musknapp. - Separationstecken för plintnummer hanteras numera korrekt, dvs i enlighet med projektparametrarna. Allmänt: - Den engelska implementationen har kompletterats och tyska har även införts som språk. Både tyska och engelska är dock fortfarande på utprovningsstadiet. - Den vackra PDS-animationen i cadett ELSA:s övre högra hörn kan numera tillfälligt stoppas av den som redan känner sig alltför snurrig. Högerklicka på snurran så erbjuds du den möjligheten. Högerklicka igen så kan du sätta igång den på nytt. - Programmet MGUTIL.EXE har tagits bort. Det var avsett endast för cadett ELSA 5.0 men hade smugit sig in i cadett ELSA 6.0 också. Motsvarande funktion i cadett ELSA 6.0 heter "Undersök projektdatabaser" och ligger i MODUL-rullgardinen i projektmodulen. - En ny version av drivrutinerna för hårdvarulåset ligger numera i biblioteket \ELSA60\HWLOCK. Installera vid behov dvs om problem med kommunikationen med hårdvarulåset uppstår. - För större säkerhet har under start av AutoCAD byte av modul, öppnande av annat ritningsblad, editering i ritningsarkivet etc spärrats. Vid avslut av AutoCAD spärras på motsvarande sätt. Scriptgeneratorn: - Större säkerhet har införts såtillvida att ACAD.LSP automatiskt återladdas vid ett stort antal tillfällen för att undvika de problem som annars är vanliga i AutoCAD 2000/2000i där AutoCAD "glömmer" vissa kommandon (som t.ex ELSANEW). - ActiveX-gränssnittet har korrigerats bl.a för bättre stöd vid automatgenerering av dokumentation. - Möjlighet att köra scriptsekvenser (t.ex PLOT1-PLOT5) direkt från ritmiljön. Katalogen: - Vid insättning av symboler från katalogen då symbolangivelse saknas återställs fokus till AutoCAD efter att felmeddelandet har kvitterats. - Ändring av multi/enstycksapparat har korrigerats. - Ändring av egenskaper för katalog (MODUL-rullgardinen) har korrigerats. OnLine: - OnLine kunde tidigare missa t.ex ändringar i projektparametrar eller i vilket bibliotek den befann sig om AutoCAD inte terminerades vid avslut. Denna brist har undanröjts. Installation/uppdatering: - Uppdateringsprogrammet för komplett installation (från CD) har kompletterats för att uppdatera lexikondatabaser till översättaren. Översättaren: - En speciell röd ikon har införts för att markera språk med kyrillisk teckenuppsättning. - En ny teknik för att skapa nya lexikon har införts. Kommandot ser nu likadant ut som motsvarigheten i katalogen, dvs det återfinns i MODUL-rullgardinen. - Nya lexikondatabaser kan nu endast skapas med filnamn i enlighet med DOS83-konventionen vilket är en förutsättning för att de skall vara uppdateringsbara. cadett ELSA (Version 6.0 - Revision 2.3) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2001-06-14 ========== Scriptgeneratorn: - Ett kompileringsfel i som fördärvade scriptgeneratorns funktion har korrigerats. Dynamic OnLine: - Editering av plintar ger nu korrekta redundansreducerade plintgruppnamn även efter editeringen. Detta är en effekt av ny funktionalitet i OnLine. Se vidare under OnLine/PDS nedan. - Hanteringen av färger och dimensioner har korrigerats. De kunde komma "ur fas" tidigare i förbindningskedjor. Detta påverkar också rapporterna. - Byglingsegenskaper för plintar läses nu från samtliga långbeskrivnings- rader i katalogen istället för bara från den sista. Detta ger full kompa- tibiltet med versionerna 4.X och 5.X. Rapportgenerator: - Rapportgeneratorn i sig är oförändrad men genereringen av SLUT- databaserna som utförs av DOL har korrigerats på några punkter. Vidare har OnLine/PDS också korrigerats på några punkter vilket resulterat i att några problem i rapporternas innehåll som tidigare förevarit nu är undanröjda. Det handlade bl.a om kablar i kombination med tvångs- styrningar. - En ny rapporttyp har införts. SLUT-databasen *Y.DBF utnyttjas för det ändamålet. Det rör sig om en ritningsförteckning för både ARBETS- och SLUT-biblioteket samtidigt. Som exempel på de olika möjligheter som nu finns avseende ritningsförteckningar finns tre olika rapportdefinitioner för DXF: o 0RITFRTQ (Ritningsförteckning för ARBETS-biblioteket) o 0RITFRTZ (Ritningsförteckning för SLUT-biblioteket) o 0RITFRT (Ritningsförteckning för både ARBETS- och SLUT-biblioteken). - Ett fel som kunde resultera i att postbeteckningar för plintar i rapporterna under vissa ovanliga omständigheter gav fel resultat har åtgärdats. Projektmodulen: - Ett ActiveX-interface för projektradering har implementerats. OnLine/PDS: - Hanteringen av postbeteckningar, anläggning, placering etc när dessa innehåller små bokstäver har förändrats i det fall att projektparametern "skilj STORA och små bokstäver" har avaktiverats. De behandlas nu inte bara som ekvivalenta utan som stora. Detta har ökat säkerheten högst betydligt. - Redundansreduktion för plintgruppnamn har implementerats fullständigt till glädje för dem som editerar plintar via Dynamic OnLine. - Postbeteckningar som innehöll fyra siffror i löpnumren presenterades tidigare felaktigt av PDS, vilket resulterade i felaktig återgivning av dessa i rapporterna. Detta har åtgärdats. - Arv av plintgruppnamn har korrigerats och fungerar nu på samma sätt som i den tidigare versionen 5.0. - Hanteringen av plintgruppnamn som saknar korrekt skiljetecken - normalt ett minustecken, t.ex -X1, har förändrats för att ge ett mer konsekvent beteende som dessutom är kompatibelt med de äldre versionerna 5.X och tidigare. Nu tolkas alla plintgruppnamn som korrekta. Skriver du t.ex X1 i schemat, tolkas det som -X1. Skriver du KALLE så tolkas det som -KALLE. Resultatet blir en konsekvent hantering av postbeteckningens övriga delar såsom anläggning och placering. Det i sin tur leder till att diverse något svårförutsägbara effekter för arv av plintgruppnamn och index i samband just med felaktiga plintgruppnamn har kunnat undan- röjas. - Vid editering av plintar - t.ex plintnumrering - via PDS (t.ex DOL) återskrivs plintgruppnamn till plintar med ärvt plintgruppnamn bara i det fall när det nya plintgruppnamnet inte överensstämmer med det tidigare ärvda. Summan av kardemumman är att du slipper fenomenet med osynliga plintgruppnamn efter plintnumrering i Dynamic OnLine. Detta underlättar efterredigering direkt i ritmiljön. - Några felaktigheter som under vissa omständigheter kunde ge krascher har korrigerats. - Förbindningshanteringen har korrigerats avseende subnoder där flera kabelparter samtidigt finns, speciellt i samband med aktiverad tvångsstyrning av förbindningar. - En felaktighet avseende automatiskt införande av nollnummer i DXF-filer av format AutoCAD R12 och R13 har korrigerats. (Nu stöds direkt och utan konvertering ritningsblad från cadett ELSA med AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 och 2000i, dvs från och med cadett ELSA 3.8. Ritningsblad från ännu äldre versioner måste först öppnas och sparas en gång för att kunna utsättas för en automatisk nollnumrering. Den totala kompatibili- teten sträcker sig med andra ord ca 9 år tillbaka i tiden). Ritmiljö: - Kommandorepetition vid insättning av symboler på icke elektriska lager gav ett märkligt resultat i AutoCAD 2000i och krasch i AutoCAD 2000 medan det fungerade bra i AutoCAD R14. Nu går det bra oavsett vilken version av AutoCAD som är i bruk. Inställningar: - En total genomgång av hela modulen har gjorts, vilket har resulterat bl.a i att arbetssättet vid editeringar generellt förändrats. Skälet tillförändringen är att förbättra kontrollerna och minska risken för användarfel. - Ett antal mindre felaktigheter och förtretligheter har tillrättats. - Kontrollen av numreringsalgoritmer när dessa sparas har förändrats så att radbrytningar inte ingår i testerna. Detta gör att betydelselösa fel av typen tomma rader på slutet inte längre resulterar i felmeddelanden. - En ny flik har tillkommit för editering av funktionsbeteckningar. Allmän hantering: - Låsning av moduler implementerad att utnyttjas t.ex vid start av AutoCAD så att övriga moduler inte kan användas medan starten pågår då det skulle kunna medföra problem av olika slag. Start och stängning av AutoCAD har säkrats i största möjliga utsträckning via ActiveX. Möjlighet att avbryta start av AutoCAD t.ex om den misslyckas av någon yttre orsak har införts. - Den engelska implementationen har förbättrats på många punkter, bl.a i Scriptgeneratorn och i modul Inställningar. Tyska har också införts som språk, även om det ännu inte är helt komplett. - Upp- och nedkoppling mot PDS från cadett ELSA:s olika moduler har gjorts striktare, vilket resulterar i större stabilitet. - Ett problem i hanteringen av COM-gränssnittet gentemot PDS har åtgärdats resulterande i större stabilitet. cadett ELSA (Version 6.0 - Revision 2.4) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2001-07-05 ========== Uppdaterade moduler och funktioner: - Katalog - Katalogimport - Inställningar - Ritningsarkiv - Import/export av projekt - OnLine/PDS - Projektmodulen - Rapportgeneratorn - Scriptgeneratorn - Översättaren - Dynamic OnLine cadett ELSA (Version 6.0 - Revision 2.5) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2001-10-23 ========== AutoCAD ======= - Stödet för AutoCAD R14 har tagits bort. - Stöd för AutoCAD 2002 har tillkommit. Ritmiljön ========= En kraftigt utbyggd och förbättrad ritmiljö har tillkommit: - Nytt kommando MultiLine som är en mycket elegantare och mer intuitiv variant på gamla n-fas och 3-fas. Kommandot återfinns i rullgardins- menyn RITA. - En konfigurationsmöjlighet för MultiLine-kommandot finns numera till- gänglig via en dialogruta. Du når denna också via rullgardinsmenyn RITA. - HotKey gör att du kan använda för flera viktiga kommandon såsom DDATTE/ATTEDIT, MultiLine, Xline etc. Placera hårkorset på det som du vill göra något med, t.ex en symbol och välj HotKey. Du får automatiskt rätt funktion. HotKet på en linje startar en Xline. Markerar du flera linjer i en flerfasdragning och väljer HotKey på en av dem får su en automatisk MultiLine med förgrening. - Dubbelklick på en symbol ger numera automatiskt en OnLine-dialog, dvs samma som DDATTE/ATTEDIT-kommandot. - Utökade konfigurationsmöjligheter har införts, bl.a för att erbjuda bättre stöd för DIN-standard. MAC16.INI ger möjlighet att styra huruvida MultiLine skall använda anslutningspunkter (DONUT) eller inte, samt om vilken typ av DONUT som skall användas (IEC eller DIN). MAC03.INI ger numera möjlighet att avaktivera kommandorepetitionen för hänvisningarna. MAC13.INI ger möjlighet att ställa om begränsningsramarna enligt DIN- standard, dvs att texten skall placeras inuti ramen istället för utanför som IEC föreskriver. cadett ELSA (Version 6.5 - Revision 1.0) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2001-10-25 ========== Projektmodul: - Funktionen "kontrollera projektdatabaser" har förbättrats väsentligt. Bl.a finns nu tillgång till alternativ av typen "Ja till alla" eller "Nej till alla" för att snabba upp kontroller av stora projektdatabaser med många fel. Trädstrukturen kontrolleras nu också. (Det skedde inte tidigare). Dubletter av långa projektnamn upptäcks och åtgärdas. - Hanteringen av stora trädstrukturer är nu mycket snabbare än tidigare. - Sortering av grupper vid presentation korrigerad. - Konfigurationsmöjlighet (via MODUL-rullgardin) huruvida grupptillhörig- het skall följa med vid nyskapande av projekt. - Några nya projektparametrar har tillkommit: o OnLine kan slås på automatiskt istället för efter fråga. o OnLine kan regenereras automatiskt utan fråga. - Import och export av projekt har korrigerats på ett flertal punkter. Bl.a har stödet för det gamla komprimerade formatet QZP/ZZP/DBF återinförts. - Bättre kontroll för projekt som inte tillåter medlemskap i flera grupper, t.ex då nya projekt skapas utgående från dessa. - Vid skapande av nytt projekt och medkopiering av filer så görs numera kontroll att inget blad är öppet samt att ritningsarkivet är stängt. Detta för att säkerställa filkopieringen. Rapportgenerator/DOL: - Stöd för "sammansatta index" har införts, dvs i indexattributen kan uttryck som t.ex 2*KW038+3*SZ001 skrivas. Detta hanteras av såväl DOL som rapportgenerator. - Generering av SLUT-databaser samt generering av rapporter från dessa har korrigerats på ett flertal punkter. Detta berör bl.a reduktion av postbeteckningar med avseende på anläggning och placering. Ett annat problem som åtgärdats är att alla tecken i E-nummer-fältet inte överfördes till SLUT-databaserna. Summeringen i *L.DBF och *2.DBF speciellt i samband med multiapparater, plintgrupper, plintgrupper med blandade plintindex, särskilt om plintarna är multiapparater och/eller har "sammansatta index", har korrigerats. - Multiapparater kan nu ingå i multiapparater i godtyckligt antal nivåer. - Översättning i samband med rapportgenerering via variabler på formen !T(!rapportvariabelnamn,från_språk_fält,till_språk_fält) är nu fullt implementerat. Val av lexikon för sådan översättning styrs av filen REP.INI som skall placeras i WS-biblioteket. Dynamic OnLine: - Byglingshanteringen har korrigerats framförallt i samband med blandade plinttyper (index) inom samma plintgrupp. - Korta byglingar (länkar) presenteras grafiskt i DOL plinttabell i avvikande färg. - Under vissa omständigheter kunde plinttabellen i DOL visas utan anslutningar på intern- och externsida. Detta har korrigerats. - Index som inte återfinns i katalogen markeras nu grafiskt med ett rött frågetecken i apparatlistan i DOL. - Plintar i plinttabellen med samma plintnummer presenteras nu i ordningsföljd efter deras placering i kretsschemat med hänsyn tagen till symbolen GEDREHT. - Ändring av postbeteckning på kablar i apparatlistan fungerar nu. - Filterinställningar sparas numera per projekt- och flik. - Med_*/utan_* vid nollnumrering är nu fullt implementerat. - Nollnummerbindningen har korrigerats, speciellt i samband med symboliska nollnummer. - "Visa_symbol" implementerat i alla flikar dvs direkt hopp till rätt plats på rätt blad för att visa aktuell symbol eller motsvarande. - Sortering av tabellerna genom klick på respektive kolumn har förbättrats. - Presentation av begränsningsramar i symbollistan har korrigerats. - Korrigerad hantering av färger. - Diverse mindre justeringar och korrigeringar. - Nollnumrering i tidigare delvis nollnumrerade projekt har korrigerats så att korrekt hänsyn till befintliga nollnummer tas. - Suffix vid lika nollnummer till plint (plintnummer) fungerar nu även då sådana nummer finns kvar sedan tidigare numreringar eller då de numrerats manuellt. Inställningar: - Ändringar sparas numera även om cadett ELSA avslutas direkt från modul inställningar utan föregående flik- eller modulbyte. - Stöd för numreringsalgoritmer med ARRAY-definitioner och med valfria slingprioriteter har införts. - Flik Arbetsstationer är korrigerad. Ritmiljö: - Ett antal översättningsjusteringar har gjorts. - Uttagsmakrot har korrigerats. Det avbröts efter första uttag i revision 1.0. - Snabb insättning av plintar, kablar mm har införts. Detta innebär att ingen kvittering för varje plint/kabelpart eller liknande krävs. - Automatisk linjebrytning om MultiLine ritas över symbol har implemente- rats. - BCOPY (kretshantering) fungerar nu även med tysk språkinställning. - Initiering av skåplayout ger inte längre något felmeddelande om ELSA.DVB. - Tvångsstyrningen påverkar inte längre standardkommandon som t.ex FILLET och CHAMFER. - Förvalt språk i ritmiljön, dvs det språk som används om språkvariabeln iLanguage - som kontrollerar språkvalet - inte är satt, är nu engelska istället för svenska som tidigare. OnLine: - Utropstecken i hänvisningsnamn som inte följer angiven sammansättning hanteras nu på samma sätt som för hänvisningsnamn som gör det. - Tomma anslutningsnummer i KNR-attribut leder inte längre till problem. - Automatisk reindexering av OnLine-databasen vid felaktigheter har implementerats. - Ny version av PDS-gränssnittet (1.30). - CIRCUIT som del i postbeteckning fungerar nu klanderfritt, vilket inte varit fallet i tidigare revision. Översättare: - Felaktiga sökvägar till aktuellt projekt får inte längre översättaren att ge upp. Scriptgenerator: - Felaktiga sökvägar till aktuellt projekt får inte längre scriptgeneratorn att ge upp. Allmänt/FRAME: - Bättre hantering av återstart efter onormalt programavslut. PDS.EXE termineras automatiskt vid återstart. Även en kontroll av om AutoCAD fortfarande är igång vid omstart av cadett ELSA har införts. - ONLINE.ARX och MAC00EX.ARX levereras numera i tre språkversioner som standard (*E.ARX -> Engelska, *D.ARX -> Tyska, *S.ARX -> Svenska). Aktuell fil enligt gällande språkinställning kopieras automatiskt till WS-biblioteket och körs därifrån. Katalog: - Import av leverantörsfiler korrigerad avseende Excel-ark. Stöd för både Excel 97 och Excel 2000 har införts. Kontroll av om Excel redan är igång då importen startas. (Excel startas alltid av importfunktionen om importen görs från Excel-ark). cadett ELSA (Version 6.5 - Revision 1.1) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2001-11-26 ========== Projektmodulen -------------- - Toggling av valet "inkludera filer" vid skapande av nytt projekt resulterade i en krasch vid AVBRYT. Detta är åtgärdat. - Filter och Sortering är numera synkroniserade mellan trädstrukturen och projektlistan. Tidigare kunde val av bortfiltrerat projekt i trädstrukturen leda till oönskat resultat. - Äkta språkberoende alfabetisk sortering av projektlistan införd. - Felaktigheter vid expandering av grupper lösta. - Sorteringsfel i projektlistan kunde resultera i Access violation, speciellt i samband med roten och Prototyp-projekt. Åtgärdat. - Projekt med samma namn som en grupp kunde tidigare skapas vilket kunde leda till felfunktion i senare skede. Detta förhindras numera. - Filter kunde ge problem för trädstrukturen. Detta är löst. - Ny projektparameter för redundansreduktion av krets har tillkommit. - Generellt snabbare hantering, vilket ger speciellt stor effekt vid stort antal projekt. - Lokalmodshanteringen har utvidgats med: o Snabbmod, dvs enbart förändrade och nytillkommande filer kopieras. Detta ger mycket snabbare växling mellan lokalmod och standardmod. o Säker mod, dvs kopieringen verifieras i efterhand. - Möjlighet att hårt ställa om projekt mellan lokalmod och standardmod utan fil- kopiering har införts. Detta skall endast användas i nödfall efter haveri. För att utföra den här operationen högerklickar man på projektet och väljer den nya funktionen. - Funktion för radering av OnLine-databaserna har tillkommit i projektmodulen. Högerklick på projektet i projektlistan - förutsatt att projektet är öppet - ger tillgång till denna funktion. - I dialogrutan för skapande av nytt projekt har TAB-ordningen justerats. - Vid skapande av nytt projekt är det inte längre möjligt att skriva in för många tecken (fler än 8) i fältet "Skapad". - Felaktiga tool-tips för vissa projektparametrar (8) borttagna. - Möjlighet att enkelt radera OnLine-databaserna i ett projekt har införts. Denna funktion kan vara värdefull efter att problem av något skäl förorsakat dessa databaser att haverera. En automatisk återskapning av databaserna sker nästa gång ett ritningsblad i projektet öppnas. - Kraftig prestandaförbättring vid stort antal projekt med mycket långa namn i samma grupp. Import/export av projekt ------------------------ - Vid inläsning av projekt till ursprunglig plats skapas gruppen rekursivt, dvs alla underliggande nivåer återskapas vid behov. - ActiveX-interface för import och export har tillkommit. Scriptgeneratorn ---------------- - Scriptsekvensen 0_PLOT_DXF_R15_Z har korrigerats avseende skrivarval. - Körning av plottscript inifrån ritmiljön (PLOT1-PLOT5) resulterar inte längre i att OnLine laddas ur. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - Ensamt nollnummer kunde leda till krascher i vissa lägen. Detta är åtgärdat. - Nollnummerbundna kabelparter kunde i vissa lägen presenteras fel i förbindnings- tabellen. Detta är korrigerat. - I apparatlistan kunde fel uppstå vid expandering av multiapparater och plintgrupper kunde inträffa i vissa lägen. Detta har korrigerats. - Subnod med mer än en obunden kabelpart kunde leda till krasch i plinttabellen. Åtgärdat. - Plintsortering med avseende på x- och y-koordinater samt hänsynstagande till eventuell GEDREHT-symbol har korrigerats. Detta påverkar plintnumrering via plinttabellen. - I projekt som saknade vanliga apparater kom inte heller plintar med i apparat- listan DOL. Detta har korrigerats. - DOL plinttabell kan numera om så önskas uttag tas med. En kryssruta styr beteendet. - Snabb växling mellan flikar i Dynamic OnLine när en flik inte var färdig- genererad kunde ge felmeddelande "Access violation. Can not focus on an invisble window." Detta kan inte längre hända. - Editering av attributet FUNKTION via Dynamic OnLine fungerade inte alltid. Har korrigerats. - Plintnumrering med start och steg från Dynamic OnLine plinttabell tar numera hänsyn till projektparametrarna avseende skiljetecken, dvs tar med kolon före plintnumret i förekommande fall. - Ändring av postbeteckning i symbol-fliken genererar nu omläsning av postbetecknings- listan. - Ändring av postbeteckning i apparatlista eller kabelparttabell ger numera en automatisk omläsning av postbeteckningslistan vilket ger korrekt resultat vid fortsatt arbete. - Stöd för PLC-symboler har införts i apparat- och symbol-flikarna. Dynamic OnLine, generering av SLUT-databaser -------------------------------------------- - Teckenhantering i samband med generering av SLUT-databaser har korrigerats och utvidgats så att alla ANSI-tecken nu hanteras korrekt. - Krets finns numera med i SLUT-databaserna (*G.DBF). - Om flera symboltyper hade samma postbeteckning, t.ex plintar och konventionella apparater ledde detta tidigare till felaktigt uppdelade postbeteckningar i *G.DBF. Detta i sin tur kunde ge felaktigheter i rapporter som t.ex "stympade postbeteckningar". Detta är åtgärdat. - Uttag kommer numera med i *B.DBF. Detta skedde inte i tidigare revisioner, samt i cadett ELSA 6.0. Detta innebär att uttag kan fås med i plinttabeller. - Kabellängd summeras i *2.DBF på samma sätt som antal för ordinära apparater. För att denna summering skall bli korrekt förutsätts att längderna angivits som heltal. - Index som skrivs på olika sätt - t.ex med och utan katalognamn - men som syftar på samma artikel summeras numera ändå korrekt. - För hjälpsymboler med index där projektparametrarna anger att hjälpsymbolens index skall ignoreras då detta är identiskt med huvudsymbolens index, sker jämförelsen nu korrekt på det angivna multiindexet, dvs det övergripande indexet. - Felaktigheter som under speciella omständigheter kunde leda till att hjälpsymboler med index som rätteligen borde ignoreras ändå dök upp i rapporterna har korrigerats. - Summering av artiklar i apparatlistor för plintar där inom samma plintgrupp förekom både enstycks- och multiapparater där någon enstycksapparat också ingick som del i någon multiapparat ger numera helt korrekt resultat. (Tidigare var antalen visserligen korrekta men det skedde en felaktig uppdelning på flera rader). - Reservplintar har numera anläggning, placering och PLNTYPE i *G.DBF varvid de hanteras bättre i rapportgenereringar. - Riktning på kablar i kabelparttabeller där första kabelparten i kabeln går mellan två blad blir nu korrekt från det första till det andra bladet. Tidigare styrde slumpen. Skåplayout ---------- - Automatisk insättning gav i föregående revision ibland en ofullständig lista över ingående apparater. Detta är korrigerat. Rapportgeneratorn ----------------- - Redundansreduktion fungerar numera. Denna gav inget resultat alls i tidigare revisioner. - BDE (Borland Database Engine) används numera inte alls, bortsett från för editering an NVARDEC.DBF. Istället utnyttjas CodeBase vilket ger bättre prestanda och större tillförlitlighet. - Nytt format för REP-filerna har införts. De utgör numera äkta INI-filer. De gamla rapportdefinitionerna konverteras automatiskt. - Inställning av vald skrivare sparas och används korrekt. - En inställningsmöjlighet där teckenstorleken automatiskt anpassas till papprets storlek har tillkommit. - FMT-rapporter fungerar säkrare och bättre än tidigare. - Teckenkonvertering ASCII korrigerad. - Sista bladet vid användning av ändlösa FMT.formulär kunde bli felaktigt. Detta har åtgärdats. - ASCII/ANSI-hanteringen har genomgåtts och utvidgats. Detta innebär att numera alla ANSI-tecken understöds. - Alla texter - t.ex från katalogen - som innehöll brädgårdtecken ("#") togs bort. Detta sker inte längre. Enbart enkla brädgårdtecken tas bort. - ActiveX-gränssnittet utvidgat. Nu går det att välja mellan lokal och central rapportdefinition när båda förekommer vid generering av rapport via ActiveX. - Möjlighet att köra batch har utvidgats. Nu kan batch köras en gång per genererad fil som alternativ till endast en gång totalt. Dessutom har dialogrutor före och efter körningen tagits bort. - Kontroll har införts att alla de rapportvariabler som finns i urval och sortering hänvisar till fält som verkligen existerar i de SLUT-databaser som genereras. - Nya SLUT-databaser har införts: o *X.DBF ger utökad plinttabell enligt DIN-standard (tidigare *B.DBF med "DIN" i rapportdefinitionsnamnet). o *I.DBF ger dubbelriktad förbindningstabell (tidigare *A.DBF med "2W" i rapport- definitionsnamnet). Notera att det gamla skrivsättet fortfarande understöds! - Rapportdefinitioner för apparat- och stycklistor har korrigerats så tillvida att variabeln !POSTART ersatts med !POSTART_PB i sorteringsinställningar. Detta gör att sorteringen kommer att följa postbeteckningarnas istället för symbolernas postartkoder. - ActiveX-kommando för generering av rapport där SLUT-databasen INTE skapas om den redan finns har införts. Ger bättre prestanda i samband med automatgenerering. - Ett antal nya rapportvariabler har tillkommit för att bl.a erbjuda stöd för diverse ny funktionalitet i Dynamic OnLine SLUT-databasgenerering. !BD Länk (DIN plinttabell kort bygling) till föregående plint skiljs nu från: !BDF Länk (DIN plinttabell kort bygling) till nästa plint. !FARG Färg i förbindningstabeller. !SUBNOD Intern kod för subnod (för radbrytning och liknande) i förbindningstabell. !2WAY Riktning i dubbelriktad förbindningstabell (*I.DBF). !KABIND Index för kabel i kabel- eller kabelparttabell. Variabler för kablar, kabelparter och kabeldimensioner i DIN plinttabell (*X.DBF) har utökats från tidigare max 10 till 20 per plintsida. Variabler för kabelhuvudsymbolens anmärkning (till skillnad från respektive kabelparts anmärkning): !2KHANM I kabel- eller kabelparttabell samt internsida i plinttabell. !1KHANM Externsida i plinttabell. Som ovan men för kabelpartsymbolens anmärkning (till skillnad från kabelhuvud- symbolens anmärkning): !2KANM I kabelparttabell samt internsida i plinttabell. !1KANM Externsida i plinttabell. Postart uträknad från aktuell postbeteckning för: !POSTART_PB Aktuell apparat i apparatlista. !2POSTART_PB Apparat ansluten på intern-/frånsida i plint- eller förb.tabell. !1POSTART_PB Apparat ansluten på extern-/tillsida i plint- eller förb.tabell. !2KPOSTART_PB Kabelsymbol på intern-/frånsida i plint- eller förb.tabell. !1KPOSTART_PB Kabelsymbol på externsida i plinttabell. Variabler för vilken sida av en plint som en förbindning är ansluten på (1=intern, 2=extern sida): !2PLINTSIDA Plintsida (1 eller 2) på frånsida i förbindningstabell. !1PLINTSIDA Plintsida (1 eller 2) på tillsida i förbindningstabell. Krets för: !KRETS Aktuell apparat i apparatlista. !2KRETS Apparat ansluten på intern-/frånsida i plint- eller förb.tabell. !1KRETS Apparat ansluten på extern-/tillsida i plint- eller förb.tabell. !2KKRETS Kabelsymbol på intern-/frånsida i plint- eller förb.tabell. !1KKRETS Kabelsymbol på externsida i plinttabell. - Möjlighet att köra på valfri dBase databas är nu fullt implementerad. - Om en rapportvariabel påträffas som via NVARDEC.DBF refererar till ett fält som inte finns i den databas som används genereras ett felmeddelande som numera korrekt anger vilken variabel som utgör problemet. - Rapporter med FMT-formulär - både ändlösa och icke ändlösa - fungerar nu felfritt. - En ny funktion har införts i rapportgeneratorn som möjliggör att rapporter av samma slag som de genererade tas bort före själva genereringen. Detta undanröjer problem som kan uppstå om den nya rapporten som genereras har färre antal sidor (filer) än den tidigare genererade. Överskjutande äldre rapportsidor låg då kvar vilket kunde vara förvirrande. Den nya funktionen kan aktiveras under fliken Inställningar.2 och sparas i rapportdefinitionen. - Vid rapportgenererering utan omgenerering av aktuell SLUT-databas kommer det eventuellt öppna ritningsbladet att först stängas i det fall det ligger i samma bibliotek som de nya rapporterna kommer att placeras i. Anledningen till detta är att det annars finns risk för överskrivning av det ritningsblad som för närvarande är öppet i AutoCAD, vilket leder till problem. - Rapporter från PROJECTS.DBF, SYMBDEF.DBF samt SYMBDEFC.DBF stöds nu specifikt. - Utropstecken kan nu finnas med i formulären utan att vara del i rapportvariabler. Ett sådant utropstecken skall skrivas \! i formuläret och kommer att presenteras som ! i den färdiga rapporten. - Stödet för tolkning av gamla rapportdefinitioner från cadett ELSA 5.0/5.5 har för- bättrats. Ofullständigt angivna sorteringskriterier som kunde förekomma i dessa äldre versioner anses vara felaktiga´i den nuvarande versionen. Nu översätts detta automatiskt till förvalda värden. - Vid SAMLA_UPP tas eventuella dubletter (flera rapportdefinitioner med samma namn) bort automatiskt. Ritningsarkiv ------------- - Automatisk kontroll av mallfilen sker numera vid inläsning av densamma. Detta innebär att felaktigheter inte tillåts passera till ritningsarkivet varför detta inte längre kan krascha som följd av felaktiga mallfiler. - Antalet tecken i ID-fältet i *R.DBF har utökats från 4 till 5. Detta ger stöd för upp till 100,000 ritningsklasser/typer istället för tidigare endast 10,000. - Konvertering av *R.DBF i samband med öppning av projekt från äldre versioner samt skapande av helt ny *R.DBF i samband med skapande av nytt projekt har tidigare givit problem bl.a i samband med automatgenerering (körning via ActiveX). Detta har åtgärdats. Inställningar ------------- - Sparande av algoritmer korrigerat. I vissa lägen kunde ett annat filnamn än det ursprungliga skapas vilket gav dubblerade algoritmer. - Import av symboler korrigerad. Numera läses symbolen in till det markerade symbolbiblioteket istället för till det symbolbibliotek som symbolen exporterats från som tidigare. - Mall-filerna konverteras korrekt ASCII-ANSI. - Vid skapande av ny mall och direkt byte till annan modul sparas numera detta korrekt direkt. Tidigare krävdes flikbyte. Allmänt, FRAME, databasmotor mm ------------------------------- - Automatisk konfigurerbar loggning av all databashantering sker numera automatiskt. Detta är ett nytt effektivt felsökningshjälpmedel. Konfigurationen sker via Verktygsrullgardinen, Inställningar, Avancerat och knappen Elsalog. Konfigurerbara inställningar är: - På/Av - Lokal logg på/av - Maximal storlek på loggfil (innan den raderas/döps om) - Maximal storlek på backlogg dvs äldre omdöpta loggar Den centrala loggfilen ligger i ELSA60 och heter ELSALOG.LOG. Den lokala loggfilen ligger i WS-biblioteket och heter ELSAWS_x.LOG där x utgör aktuell arbetsstationskod. Äldre omdöpta loggfiler samlas i ELSA60\ELSALOGS. (Nya namnet innehåller angivelse av datum och tid). - CodeBase 6.5 har ersatt den tidigare 6.2 som underliggande databasmotor. - Den underliggande databashanteringen har korrigerats vid indexerad sökning. Detta påverkar bl.a förbindningstabellerna. Även konventionell sökning har förbättrats. - Minnesläcka vid val av index borttagen. - ActiveX-kommando för nedstängning av AutoCAD korrigerat. - ActiveX-kommando för nedstängning av cadett ELSA har korrigerats. - GIF-animationen (den snurrande PDS-logotypen) är inte längre ett hinder för att tooltipsen skall fungera. De är alltså numera alltid aktiva. - Fullt stöd för arbetsstationskoder i form av stora bokstäver finns numera med följande restriktioner: o N, M och D stöd inte. o På samma dator kan inte två arbetsstationer ha stor och liten lika bokstav samtidigt. Orsaken till att stora bokstäver numera tillåts är att det totala antalet samtidiga arbetsstationer därmed har utökats från 35 (1-9, a-z) till 58. - Samtlig databashantering har nu modifierats för att stödja komprimerade diskar. Detta innebär att både själva programmet cadett ELSA och projekten numera kan ligga på en komprimerad enhet och/eller i komprimerade bibliotek. (Detta var inte möjligt tidigare). För projekten innebär detta att det fysiska utrymmet på hård- disken minskas med ca 70%, dvs till ungefär en tredjedel av det utrymme som samma projekt upptog utan kompression. Påverkan på prestanda beror på hur hårdvarans olika delar är dimensionerade i förhållande till varandra. Det kan gå både snabbare och långsammare än tidigare, beroende på aktuell hårdvara. (Generellt kan sägas att snabb processor och långsam disk ger postiv påverkan på prestanda medan långsam processor och snabb disk ger negativ påverkan). - Tool-tips är numera aktiva även om animationen i skärmens övre högra hörn är igång. - Problem med tool-tips då dessa var längre än 80 tecken har åtgärdats. Detta kunde leda till krasch vid modulbyte, t.ex vid växling till ritningsarkivet. - Generellt fel under vissa omständigheter i samband med öppning av databas mot nätverksserver har korrigerts. Kunde i sällsynta fall leda till att en korrekt databas på servern inte kunde öppnas. - Diverse oförklarade fel av typen "ACCESS VIOLATION" i samband med uppstart har visat sig bero på problem med hanteringen av registret och är numera åtgärdat. OnLine/PDS ---------- - De tre språkversionerna av OnLine (ONLINES.ARX, ONLINEE.ARX och ONLINED.ARX) har ersatts av en enda (ONLINE.ARX) som klarar alla tre understödda språk (svenska, tyska och engelska). - Stöd för redundansreduktion för krets har införts. - Fullt stöd för PLC-symboler har införts. PLC huvudsymbol definieras som att postart (NZ) är "D". PLC hjälpsymbol definieras som att funktionsbeteckningen (ART) börjar med brädgårdstecken ("#"). PLC-spegel definieras som att funk- tionsbeteckningen (ART) är "PLCSP". Funktionaliteten i denna version är att dessa symboltyper utnyttjar postbeteckningssammansättningen för PLC. - Prestanda har förbättrats mycket kraftigt speciellt avseende framtagning av kabel- och plinttabeller. Exempel: 6 minuter mot tidigare 70 timmar. - Felaktigheter uppträdde tidigare då olika symboltyper hade samma postbeteck- ning, t.ex plint och konventionell hjälpsymbol. Denna problematik har arbetats bort genom en ny teknik där de olika symboltyperna är "hermetiskt" skilda från varandra. (Felaktig uppsplittning av postbeteckningen kunde ge fel resultat i rapporter t.ex). - Undergrupp i OnLine dialogruta för hänvisning fungerar nu oklanderligt även vid val från lista. - Felaktigt felmeddelande i dialogruta för kabelspeglar borttaget. - Anläggningsattribut kan nu användas för kabelsymboler utan restriktioner. - DDATTE/ATTEDIT på den gamla typen av hänvisningssymbol (från cadett ELSA 4.13 och tidigare) gav krasch vid kvittering av dialogruta för Samtliga attribut. Detta har åtgärdats. - Den automatiska kontaktnumreringen sker nu på gammalt elegant sätt direkt i dialogrutan. Detta såg inte så snyggt ut i (men fungerade ändå). - Automatisk reindexering av OnLine-databasen sker numera endast vid behov. - Ett fel i förbindningshanteringen vid tvångsstyrning i speciell kombination med hänvisning har korrigerats. - Ett fel i uppdateringen av förbindningsinformationen i samband med nytt datum eller ny tid på en DXF-fil har korrigerats. Detta kunde leda till att systemet plötsligt tappade förbindningsinformationen vilket i sin tur kunde leda till diverse konsekvenser där endast en omstart kunde ställa det hela till rätta. Ritmiljö -------- - Hanteringen via DCLCOPY.DEF där ett antal språkberoende filer kopierades till arbetsstationsbiblioteket (ARX- och DCL-filer) i samband med språkbyte har övergetts till förmån för en teknik där rätt fil laddas hårt. Detta leder till mindre risk för felaktiga kombinationer av filversioner. Samtliga ARX-filer har i samband med detta flyttats från symbolbiblioteken till ELSA60. Detta gäller bland annat ONLINE.ARX. - COPY/EDIT-kommandot sorterar numera dialogrutorna automatiskt. Det blir med andra ord inte längre nödvändigt att markera symbolerna i någon speciell ordningsföljd när kretsar skapas. - Nytt kommando för att återsluta linjer vid luckor har tillkommit. Kommandot kan användas t.ex där en symbol tidigare tagits bort med ERASE. Det nya kommandot heter "Återslut linjer". - Symbolerna för signallampor i symblbiblioteket IEC1082 har kompletterats med attributet ELD för elektriska data. - Nya kommandon för att flytta objekt till lager 0 respektive lager DEKOR35 har tillkommit. Detta utgör snabbkommandon. Tidigare har två kommandon efter varandra krävts för att göra samma sak. - Kommandot för generisk symbol har korrigerats för valet "Enligt cadett ELSA 3.8". Anslutningsnumren placeras numera alltid lika oavsett i vilken del av ramen de placeras. (Vid användande av denna variant skall anslutningsnumren placeras inuti ramen, inte på kanten). - Attribut för anläggning (ANLAGEI) har tillkommit för plintar. - Automatisk omjustering av attribut för begränsningsramar och generiska symboler sker nu vid ändring av storleken på ramen. Tidigare krävdes att tomma attribut fick innehåll eller att attribut med innehåll tömdes. - Kommandot för insättning av kablar har modifierats så att det hela tiden stegar upp partnumren från det aktuella kabelpartnumret, inte efter det ursprungligen angivna startvärdet. Ger mer logisk funktion. - Kommandot för manuell nollnumrering har justerats så att valda stegvärden sparas per nollnummerserie och projekt. Detta lagras i filen KABEL0.DBF i ARBETS-biblioteket. (Tidigare "glömdes" detta när ritmiljön lämnades). - Stödet för tilläggssymboler har byggts ut. (En tilläggssymbol används för att göra tillägg till apparat- och stycklistor dvs att tillföra extra index till projektet. Det finns tilläggssymboler både som huvud- och hjälpsymboler). o Symbolgeneratorn har numera stöd för tilläggssymboler. o Standardsymboler av bägge typer har tillkommit med menyval för bägge i rullgardinen Infoga. - De fyrkantiga plintarna (för förbindningsscheman) har korrigerats. I den föregående revisionen gavs fel dialogruta för dessa. - Kretshantering (TS.LSP) har korrigerats. (Detta avser tysk ritmiljö). - Den tyska dialogrutan för plintar har korrigerats. - Start av AutoCAD i AutoCAD 2000 (ej 2000i eller 2002) har korrigerats. Gav diverse felmeddelanden, men fungerade korrekt ändå. Nu ges inga felmeddelanden längre. - Kommando för tvånggstyrningar med 2.5 mm:s vinkel har tillkommit. - Tidsfördröjda kontaktsymboler (fallskärmar) i kontaktspeglar har tillkommit i symbolgeneratorn. (Tidigare användes standard kontaktsymboler). - Attributet krets (CIRCUIT) har tillkommit i begränsningsramar. - Dubbelklick på begränsningsram ger numera möjlighet att ändra inte bara attributen utan även storlek och placering på ramen. - Vid användning av symbolgeneratorn dubbelregistrerades symboler i OnLine- databasen tidigare. Detta har korrigerats. - Om XLINE-kommandot avbryts med , ett annat kommando eller liknande registreras numera linjen i OnLine-databasen ändå. Detta skedde inte i tidigare revision. - Språkbyte fungerade inte för MAC00EX.ARX. Detta har åtgärdats i och med att DCLCOPY övergivits som metod för språkbyte. (Rätt språkversion av MAC00EX.ARX laddas hårt vid start istället). - FILLET 0 registreras numera korrekt i OnLine-databasen. - Kontroll att ritningsbladet sparats korrekt har införts. Detta innebär att problem som "disk full" numera ger ett adekvat felmeddelande vilket minskar risken för dataförlust. - LINE registreras numera korrekt i OnLne-databasen även om kommandot avbryts. - Ett nytt kommando - Xline utan donut - har införts. - Via MAC09.INI är det numera möjligt att välja vilka symboler som kabelmakrot skall använda sig av. Detta ger en enkel och elegant möjlighet att använda användardefinierade kabelsymboler vilket i sin tur ger möjlighet att använda användardefinierade attribut för kablar. - Nya kommandon för att tända och släcka enskilda attribut har införts. Du återfinner de nya kommandona i Editera-rullgardinen under "Editera text". - När AutoCAD stängs ned sätts numera automatiskt FILEDIA till 1. Detta innebär att det numera inte längre är nödvändigt att konfigurerar AutoCAD för att starta med en scriptfil som sätter FILEDIA till 1 när AutoCAD skall köras "rent". Profilen behöver däremot även fortsättningsvis sättas vid program- starten (...\ACAD.EXE /P AutoCAD). - Lispen läser numera in språkkoden det första den gör, redan innan hjälpfunk- tioner laddas, varvid problem där de först presenterade texterna kunnat visas på fel språk har undanröjts. - Blocket APP_ID som innehåller bland annat ägarinformation kunde under speciella omständigheter förlora sitt innehåll. Detta har korrigerats. - Kommandot RADERA_SYMBOLER (remove) har korrigerats avseende nollnummersymboler och mekaniska länkar. - Kommandot FLYTTA_SYMBOLER registrerade inte det inträffade korrekt i OnLine- databasen tidigare. Nu fungerar det helt enligt konstens alla regler. - Automatisk insättning av en i katalogen felaktig definierad layoutsymbol (som inte finns) ger numera en allmän symbol istället för som tidigare ett felmeddelande. - HotKey sätter numera ut en donut även om en tredje linje dras från en punkt där två existerande linjer möts. - AutoCAD 2002 har DIMASO ersatts med DIMASSOC vilket undanröjer ett irriterande meddelande. - Initiering av skåplayout från verktygsfält fungerar numera vid språkinställning tyska och engelska och inte bara på svenska som tidigare. - Alternativa placeringar av plintgruppnamn valda i plintdialogen fungerar numera inte bara i IEC1082 utan också i IEC-biblioteket. - Kommandot EXTEND registreras numera korrekt i OnLine-databasen vilket inte var fallet tidigare. - Repeterande symbolinsättning är inte längre beroende av att OnLine är påslagen. - I MAC16.INI kan valet av DONUT-symbol för MutiLine styras till DIN-standard. Detta påverkar numera all DONUT-insättning i alla kommandon, inte bara MultiLine. - Dubbelklick-funktionen tappades bort när ett ritningsblad sparade. Så ej längre. Symbolgeneratorn ---------------- - Stöd för PLC-speglar (ART=PLCSP) har införts. - Hänvisningssymboler hanterades tidigare inte korrekt. Nu gör de det. - Ordningsföljden mellan anslutningspunkterna var tidigare inte korrekt. Sorteringen skedde på KNR-nummer istället för på ordningsföljdsnumret. Detta kunde leda till felaktig eller utebliven linjebrytning. Numera fungerar det som det skall. Katalogimport ------------- - Felaktig mallfil, t.ex med felaktiga fältnamn, fick tidigare systemet att krascha varvid det inte gick att återstarta katalogimporten för den aktuella katalogen, även efter att felet åtgärdats. Numera går det utmärkt. - Kraftiga förbättringar av importmall-editorn har införts. Behovet att direkt- editera importmallarna (MLL-filer) har i princip undanröjts. - Kraftfulla kontroller av importmallen har införts i samband med starten av katalogimporten. Testerna genererar både felmeddelanden och varningar beroende på allvarlighetsgrad. Importmallar med enbart varningar kan användas trots dessa. Importmallar som innehåller fel kan numera inte användas innan felen korrigerats. På det sättet undviks att själva importen havererar vilket tidigare blev följden av felaktiga importmallar. - Import från samtliga understödda format fungerar nu problemfritt: - dBase - Textfil med fast fältlängd (SDF) - Textfil med fältavgränsare (CDF) - Excel 97 - Excel 2000 - Import av från katalogen raderade tidigare med samma importmall importerade artiklar ger nu som resultat att artiklarna läses in med samma index som de hade när de förekom i katalogen senast, dvs innan de raderades. - En artikel som importeras med en annan importmall än vid tidigare importtill- fälle betraktas alltid som en annan artikel, även om samtliga fält är identiska. Detta på grund av att en identisk artikel från en annan leverantör ändå inte är identisk eftersom just leverantören faktiskt är en annan, även om just fältet leverantör inte skulle ha något värde. Installation av inkrementella uppdateringar ------------------------------------------- - Förbättrad hantering av olika symbolbibliotek (vanligen IEC och IEC1082) har införts. Tidigare kunde felaktigt filer som hörde till ett bibliotek även kopieras till ett annat. cadett ELSA (Version 6.5 - Revision 1.2) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2002-05-16 ========== Projektmodulen -------------- - Vid skapande av nytt projekt så tas alltid aktiv grupp med. - Start och steg för bladnumrering kan numera anges med upp till 5 tecken. Tidigare begränsning var 3 tecken. - Maximal längd möjlig att skriva in är numera den angivna längden. Tidigare var det alltid möjligt att skriva in 3 tecken, även om parametern för antal siffror var ställd till exempelvis två. - Ny projektparameter för att fylla ut bladnummer med nollor i ritningshuvudena upp till angiven maxlängd för bladnummer. - Ny "hård" möjlighet att ställa om mellan lokalmod och standardmod för att kunna korrigera eventuella felaktiga lägen som uppstått har tillförts. - Kortnamn kan nu inte ändras på ett projekt som satts till lokalmod. Det är synnerligen att olämpligt att utföra den manövern! Nu går det alltså inte. - Ny grupp som skapas i tom grupp kunde ge felaktigt resultat. Nu blir det rätt. - Ny projektparameter har tillförts för redundansreduktion av katalognamn vid t.ex. insättning av symboler via katalogen. Detta inträffar då katalogen är den förvalda katalogen för projektet. Gäller i Dynamic OnLine samt insättning via katalog, ändring via DDATTE/EDIT och VAL. Ritningsarkivet --------------- - Korrigerad konvertering av *R.DBF. - Ritningsarkivet klarar nu att skapa bladnummer med inledande nollor (fast längd). En ny projekrparameter har tillkommit för att kunna aktivera denna nya funktion. - Klistra in/Kopiera med hjälp av höger musknapp i översiktsbilden överfördes inte till ritningsbladen. Nu fungerar detta oklanderligt. - Reorganisering tar nu hand om i ritningsarkivet befintliga blad där motsvarande DXF-fil saknas. Tidigare skedde ingenting. Nu ges fråga om DXF-filen skall skapas, ingenting görs eller bladet tas bort från arkivet. - Omnumrering av ritningsblad fungerar numera även för ritningsklasser/typer som består av siffror. Omnumrering fungerar numera också för icke definierade ritnings- klasser/typer. Projektparametrarnas inställningar används då. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - Vid ändring av index läggs katalognamn alltid till om det inte är redundant och en ny projektparameter som ger möjlighet till redundansreduktion för katalognamn aktiverats. - Tomt index i Dynamic OnLine katalogval hanteras bättre. - Ändringar i katalogen gjorda på samma arbetsstation fångas upp av Dynamic OnLine och uppdaterar apparatlistan vid SAMLA_UPP. - Om AutoCAD inte är idle (t.ex en dialogruta öppen) vid anrop av Dynamic OnLine kunde detta leda till problem tidigare. Nu är detta åtgärdat så att det felmeddelande som fanns även tidigare nu inte följs av några problem. - Plintjord understöds numera fullständigt. Vid nollnumrering betraktas plintjord som plint. Vid nollnumrering med plintnummer används innehållet i BEZ på plint- jordsymbolen som plintnummer i det avseendet (vanligen PE eller liknande). Dynamic OnLine/SLUT-databasgenerering ------------------------------------- - *L.DBF kunde ha ett felaktigt innehåll i samband med index som saknades i katalogen. Detta är nu åtgärdat. - *X.DBF och *B.DBF vid DIN-rapporter tar med kabellängd. (Fälten heter K_L_1_xx och K_L_2_xx där xx är löpnummer för kabel. 1 motsvarar intern och 2 extern här. Notera att detta är tvärtom i rapportvariablerna! ´ - I *B.DBF och *X.DBF anpassas anslutna plintar till den inställning som finns i projektparametrarna avseende separationstecken för plintnummer. - Index skrivet i ett tidigare understött format understöds återigen: KAT\INDEX Rapportgeneratorn ----------------- - Kopiering av rapportdefinitioner har korrigerats. Detta fungerade dåligt bland annat i lokala installationer tidigare. - Sorteringen har korrigerats. - Ny inställningsmöjlighet för automatisk uppsamling av genererade DXF-rapporter har införts i rapportdefinitionerna. - Om ritningsblad är öppet i det bibliotek där rapporter skall skapas stängs AutoCAD automatiskt ner. Detta gällde även tidigare. Nu väntar rapportgeneratorn på att nedstängningen blir klar innan den arbetar vidare. I vissa lägen kunde det ställa till problem tidigare att rapportgeneratorn var lite för snabb här. - FMT- eller DXF-formulär kunde tidigare väljas från felaktiga bibliotek. Det går numera inte. - Sökvägar icke enligt DOS83-konventionen fungerar nu för det bibliotek där rapporterna skapas. - Möjlighet att med höger musknapp generera rapport direkt från första fliken har tillförts. - Möjlighet att med knapp generera rapport från sista fliken har tillförts. (Tidigare gick det bara från flik nummer 2, dvs. Inställningar.1). - Möjlighet att undertrycka visningen av dialogruta för antal blad som kommer att skapas har införts. Inställningen är inte rapportdefinitionsbunden och återfinns bredvid knappen "Skapa rapport". - Namnkonflikt avseende fält i den databas som rapportgenerering utförs från och PROJECTS.DBF kunde leda till att värden hämtades från fel plats. Detta kunde framförallt inträffa vid olämpliga fältnamn i *Z.DBF och framställning av ritningsförteckningar. Nu sker en kontroll som gör att detta problem inte kan uppstå igen. - Vid sidbrytningar eller rapportslut kunde under vissa sällsynta omständigheter ett undantag genereras som ledde till att rapportgenereringen avbröts eller i värsta fall att rapportgeneratorn kraschade. Detta har åtgärdats. Allmänt ------- - Versionskontrollen vid start av cadett ELSA där arbetsstationens version jämförs med denb cemtrala installationens har korrigerats. I sällsynta fall kunde den ge ett felaktigt resultat. - &-tecken i meddelandetexter visades felaktigt tidigare. Nu presenteras detta tecken korrekt. Katalogimport ------------- - Editering under flikarna FÄLTNYCKEL respektive MULTIAPPARAT kunde trilskas tidigare då felmeddelande om att "fältet redan finns" dök upp om man inte ändrade fältnamnet. Numera går det bra att ändra annat än fältnamnet utan att felmeddelande dyker upp. Ritmiljön --------- - Uppgiften om elektriska lager hämtas på ett sätt som inte låser MGVER.DBF. Detta gör att integritetskontroll av katalog nu fungerar som den gjort förut. - Även vid AutoCAD R14 görs REGEN före MSLIDE när bilder för ikonmenyer skapas. Detta gör att bilderna ser bättre ut i vissa lägen (utan irriterande streck). - ATTEDIT på plint kunde i vissa lägen göra att någon av de anslutna linjerna raderades. Det sker inte längre. - Tyska kommandot för FILLET (ABRUNDEN) stöds numera. - Översättningskorrigeringar vid FILLET. - SparaDXF är numera konfigureringsbar genom ACAD.INI. Där kan t.ex antalet decimaler anges. INI-filen kan även ligga lokalt. - Object snap inaktiveras vid DDATTE/ATTEDIT på symboler (kunde placera nya plinten fel). - Plintnummer-fältet har breddats till 15 tecken i editeringsdialogerna. - Den tyska menyn har korrigerats. Innehöll kommatecken på otillåtna platser. - Vid avbrott med av kommandona LINE, XLINE och XLINELT behålls det aktiva lagret oförändrat. - Information i APP_ID (ägar-information) kan numera under inga omständigheter spontant överskrivas. Det fanns tidigare speciall omständigheter när detta kunde ske. - DDATTE/ATTEDIT på plint med fler än två linjer kunde i vissa fall ge felaktiga resultat om nollnummersymboler också var insatta. Detta har åtgärdats. - "Visa attribut" flyttar nu inte bara markerade attribut till synliga lager. Om attributen skulle vara INVISIBLE (osynliga) så ändras detta till NORMAL också. För att göra denna typ av attribut valbara krävs dock att användraren sätter ATTDISP ON innan kommandot startas. - Postart 'D' inte längre tillåtet i generisk symbol eftersom det definierar PLC. Kommandot reagerar på samma sätt som vid postart 'X'. - Dialogrutan som presenteras vid insättningen av kabelhuvudsymbolen har numera inte längre det förvirrande fältet för anslutningsnummer. - Vid användning av kabelspegel fungerar manuellt val redan från första kabelparten. - Textplacering och rotation för anslutningsnummer till generiska symboler har korrigerats. - INSERT-kommandot klarar numera av skrivsättet BLOCKNAMN1=BLOCKNAMN2. - MAC12*.DCL-filerna är numera desamma både i IEC och IEC1082-biblioteken. - Multiplintarna har begåvats med anläggningsattribut (LMPLINTA.DWG och LMPLINTT.DWG). - Ett nytt kommando för symbolbyte har införts i menyn Editera. Kommandot heter Uppdatera block och byter ut en symbol mot en annan. Attributinformationen flyttas med till den nya symbolen. Ny linjebrytning genomförs automatiskt varför den nya symbolen inte behöver ha exakt samma storlek som den gamla. - Användardefinierade plintar kan definieras i MAC12.INI vid den nya rubriken Terminals=xxxx,xxxx,xxxx I listform räknas plintarnas namn och radie upp. Jokertecken kan användas. Medföljande MAC12.INI innehåller data för kända plintar från äldre versioner av cadett ELSA och MG-CAD (cadett ELSA i Tyskland). Resultatet av detta är att linjebrytning fungerar för dessa plintar! - "Snabbinsättning" för plintar och generiska symboler är numera utgråat vid editering. Symbolgeneratorn ---------------- - De symbolbilder som skapas kunde under vissa omständigheter innehålla "fula streck". Detta problem har undanröjts genom en nedskalning av instättningen av den aktuella symbolen. - Ortho slås nu av automatiskt vid editering av symbolen. Symbolgeneratorobjekten kan därför roteras fritt om så önskas. - Det är numera möjligt att zooma och panorera symbolen innan symbolbilden skapas. Detta gör det möjligt att själv bättre styra hur symbolbilden kommer att se ut. - Symbolgeneratorn godkänner inte längre flera anslutningsdefinitioner i samma punkt. Meddelande ges om detta då symbolen sparas. - En ny kryssruta för att aktivera/inaktivera radering av symboldata från symboldatabaserna har införts. Den återfinns i dialogrutan för radering av symboler. - Symbolgeneratorn frågar efter rotation av anslutningssymbolen. Anslutningsattributets utformning är beroende av rotationsvinkeln. Detta ger bättre stöd för liggande och stående symboler. - En konfigureringsbar "anslutningssymbol" i symbolgeneratorn har tillkommit. Det finns separata konfigurationer för liggande och stående ritsätt. En ny "funktionsknapp" har tillkommit i anslutningsdialogen för ändring av konfigurationen. - Anslutningsnumret inkrementeras numera automatiskt i symbolgeneratorn. Tidigare fick man göra det själv. Katalogen --------- - Drop-down-listen för val av katalog visar numera katalogerna sorterade! Översättaren ------------ - Rysk översättning fungerar nu oklanderligt. - Om textstilen CYRILLIC saknas i de blad som skall översättas till ryska avbryts översättningen med felmeddelande, istället för att felaktiga ritningsblad skapas som tidigare. - Översättning till ryska för speciella attribut fungerar nu. Den varianten stöddes inte tidigare. - "Skapa översättningsinställning steg för steg" fungerar nu bra även vid OK på "översättning av speciella attribut". Det kunde leda till problem tidigare. - Raderade poster i lexikon kan återställas i likhet med funktionaliteten i katalogen. - Stängning av stora lexikon går mycket snabbare än tidigare. - Så kallad "drop-down-list" för val av översättningsinställning har tillkommit. Nu är det lättare att byta! - Fråga om inställning skall sparas vid byte till annan inställning ges numera. - Drop-down-listan med översättningsinställningar är numera sorterad. Inställningar ------------- - Vid skapande eller ändring av mall kunde fel uppstå vid direkthopp till andra moduler. Detta händer inte längre. OnLine ------ - Hanteringen av anläggning, placering och krets från ritningshuvud eller begränsningsram har korrigerats, vilket påverkar bland annat urval i Dynamic OnLine och/eller rapportgenerering. - Plintjord stöds nu fullständigt enligt följande: o Använder postbeteckningssammansättningen för plintar/uttag. o Plintjordsymboler hanteras inte längre som hänvisningar utan mer likt plintar. En förbindning till plintjord "slutar" alltså där. o Förbindningar till plintjord kan nollnumreras. Vid automatisk nollnumrering hanteras plintjord som plint med plintnummer lika med postbeteckningen för plintjorden (det som tidigare kallades hänvisningsnamn). o Hänvisningsnamnet som nu snarare tolkas som postbeteckning utläses från attributet BEZ enbart (med tillägg för anläggning, placering etc). Ett eventuellt BEZ1 uttolkas inte. o Allt som är kopplat till plintjordar med samma postbeteckning (t.ex PE) kommer att anses ligga i samma nod men i olika subnoder. - Förbindningsvy visar samtliga felaktiga förbindningar (plot-ordningen kunde maskera somliga fel tidigare). - Ett antal fatala fel relaterade till fel- och meddelandelistan, anslutna symboler och förbindningsvy i kombination med bladväxling åtgärdade. - Felaktig redundansreduktion av plinthjälpsymboler (layout) åtgärdat. - Uttag och layout-plinthjälpsymboler går nu att använda tillsammans. cadett ELSA (Version 6.5 - Revision 1.3) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2002-08-20 ========== Ritmiljön --------- - Vid insättning av symbol från exempelvis ikonmenyerna och användande av VAL- knappen vid INDEX har i tidigare versioner inget filter satts i katalogen. Nu har en funktion införts som sätter ett sådant filter automatiskt. Apparatgruppen för den aktuella symbolen utnyttjas. - Funktionen med redundansreduktion på katalognamn vid användning av VAL-knappen för index i OnLine-dialogen kunde tidigare lämna ett backslash-tecken efter sig. Det sker inte längre. - Kommandot EXPLODE tillåter inte längre objektval på flera block eftersom endast ett block ändå kan sprängas åt gången. Däremot upprepas kommandot nu automatiskt och inget RETURN krävs för att bekräfta objektvalet. Det blir med andra ord snabbt och enkelt att spränga flera block efter varandra. - Kommandot Justera text&attribut klarade inte av attributdefinitioner. Detta har åtgärdats. - Kommandona COPY och KOPIERA SYMBOLER kunde ge felmeddelande. Det sker inte längre. - HotKey (SHIFT höger_musknapp) på en linje första gången i ett ritningsblad avbröts. Alla därpå följande försök fungerade däremot bra. Detta irritationsmoment är nu undanröjt. - HotKey XLINE utnyttjar nu samma XLINE-funktionalitet som det konventionella XLINE- kommandot. På det sättet blir arbetssättet mer konsekvent. - Kommandona VISA ATTRIBUT och GÖM ATTRIBUT ställde inte tillbaks snappen till 2.5 när de avslutades. Det sker nu. - Kommandot KLISTRA IN KRETS avbröts i förtid. Det är justerat. Skåplayout ---------- - Automatisk insättning av mer än en layoutsymbol i taget avbröts. Detta har korrigerats. - Insättning av skåplayoutsymbol via katalog gav felaktig förvald postbeteckning. Skall vara tom men blev nil. Nu blir den tom, som det skall vara. Rapportgeneratorn ----------------- - Rapportkörning direkt från grunddatabasen *G.DBF var tidigare inte möjlig. Nu går däremot alldeles utmärkt. - Den nya funktionen att radera gamla rapporter av samma format som de nya som skapas fungerade tidigare enbart i SLUT-biblioteket. Nu går det lika bra i ARBETS- biblioteket om du valt att lägga dina rapporter där. Projektmodulen -------------- - Projektparametrar för förvald dimension samt sammansättning av hänvisningsnamn tappade ett tecken varje gång parametrarna sparades. Detta har åtgärdats. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - ÅÄÖ återgavs inte korrekt vid angivelse av färger samt dimensioner via Dynamic OnLine. Detta har korrigerats. - Ikonen för icke uppdaterade listor togs inte alltid bort vid uppsamling. Nu sker detta alltid. Allmänt, FRAME -------------- - Avslut med kryssrutan i övre högra hörnet i AutoCAD kunde på vissa datorer i vissa sammanhang inte ge något resultat. Detta har åtgärdats. - Dialog- och Muster-poster i SYMBD.DBF och MASKEN.DBF sköttes inte korrekt i alla lägen. Detta kunde leda till konsekvenser i sällsynta fall som t.ex problem med mallar i DXFFORM-projektet. Nu är detta åtgärdat. Ritningsarkivet --------------- - Konverteringen av *R.DBF i gamla projekt till det nu gällande formatet fungerade inte tillfredsställande. Detta kunde ge problem i samband med direktuppdatering till från betydligt äldre versioner. Detta är nu åtgärdat. Symbolgeneratorn ---------------- - Den nya finessen med möjlighet till ZOOM och PAN för att bättre kontrollera utformningen av ikonbilder för symboler är nu på och avkopplingsbar via kryssruta i symbolgeneratordialogrutan. cadett ELSA (Version 6.5 - Revision 1.4) är klar -------------------------------------------------------- 2002-08-28 ========== - The deliveries of cadett ELSA started 2002-02-28. cadett ELSA (Version 6.5 - Revision 1.4) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2002-08-28 ========== Drawing manager --------------- - User defined SNAP and GRID. The definition is made in ACAD.INI using: [StdVar] Snapunit=(3.0 3.0) Gridunit=(6.0 6.0) StdSym=True 'StdSym' (standard symbols) must be set to 'True' if the value of SNAP is not in accordance with the SNAP of the symbols. In other cases the reconnection of lines will stop working. The X- and Y-values must be equal for SNAP. Until further noticed no support exist for different X- and Y-snaps. The setting of SNAP in SETUP.SCR has been removed. As it was before ACAD.INI may be placed locally as well as the standard position which is centrally. - Snapunit, Snapmode and Orthomode are kept when terminating the LINE command. - The circuit handling function (BCOPY) have been corrected. - Translation adjustments. - The current layer is kept when cancelling DoBreak, Remove, DoClose and DoCopy (the internal names of "Break lines ", "Remove symbols ", "Reconnect lines" and "Copy symbols"). - Removing user defined terminals will reconnect lines (MAC12.INI). - EXPLODE will only select one object when making the object selection. - Line breaking is taking place even if the INDEX-layer and the SYM_L-layer have been turned off. - HotKey will not hang the system even if the object has been selected in advance. - Shortcutmenu is back to 0 (which will make it possible to use the right mouse button to repeat commands again). - Some line breaking problems in connection with MultiLine have been corrected. - HANVISN.LSP has been activated again. (This lisp-routine will remove the exclamation marks from potential reference symbols when plotting). - IEC-standard terminal attribute set corrected. - HotKey used on texts will call a delayed (ddae). No hanging will occur. - EXPLODE used on circuits will update OnLine. - The delay function ("WaitFunction") (VBA) will be called by (ddae). Replaces the DELAY function of AutoCAD which is hardware dependant. - GRAPHSCR => _GRAPHSCR in SETUP.SCR. Will work also in German. - "Adjust text/attributes" and "Remark" are now using so called "dragmode". - DDATTE used on multiple blocks will update OnLine after each individual block, not all together. - The menu points for insertion of the addition symbol will be present also when the drawing environment is set to vertical. - Correcttions have been made for automativ insertion of layout symbols. LAYOUTD.DBF is no longer sensitive to the order. In earlier versions the terminals had to be first. - The third mouse button will activate POP0. - "Adjust text/attributes" and "Remark" are now multilingual. - Improved VBA handling. Under certain circumstances the VBA could get lost. - The drawing environment will work even without SETTINGS.INI. - The layer reset command will perform its task without presenting any error messages. In earlier versions it did what it should but it made some fuzz about it, possibly giving the impression that everything was not in order. - The command "location frame" will not alter SNAP and SNAPMODE. - The default value for the index attribute is INDEX, in capital letters (among others used for cables, terminals and new symbols). - Text corrections in the symbol generator. - The "activate menu" option in MultiLine has been removed. - The help menu has been adjusted to follow AutoCAD standard behaviour. - More beta functions. - Correction of the MAC12*.INI files. - IEC1082 standard terminal attribute set has been corrected. - The AutoCAD path is added when loading ELISO.SHX. - ZOOM All will be used even when a slide file is not created when saving drawing sheets. - The component types D, X and W are forbidden in the generic symbol. (Because of PLC, terminals and cables). TARGET database generation (ZERO.DLL) ------------------------------------- - If module was not set to an integer problems could occur. All incorrect values (not integers) are now interpreted as 1. - In the terminal plan a terminal on the external side could lack its separator character in spite of the system being configured to include it. This has been corrected. - The separator characters for terminals - if they are activated to be included in reports - will be included in *A.DBF, not only *B.DBF as before. - Separator characters for terminals are not used for empty fields. - The terminal plan generation has been corrected since a problem that existed before could result in that certain connections were incorrectly presented, for example connected back to where they started. - When calculating multiindex a checking will take place that will handle the case where a multindex is referring back to itself directly or indirectly. The report generator (REPDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - The handling when an incorrect report definition is saved has been improved. - When DOL fails to connect to PDS, the behaviour is now handled in the same way regardless of the circumstances, which was not the case before. - The update routine, that is the automatic collect function for report definitions, did not work. Now it is. - The page shift function when using endless forms had some errors. This has been adjusted. - The last page in non-endless FMT reports where the last page was completely full, down to the very last line, was incorrectly handled. This has been adjusted. The Settings module (CONFDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - The module tried to update MASKEN.DBF each time the module was left. This could cause some problems. Now an update is performed only when changes have been made. - The handling of start- and step-values for drawing claseses and drawing types has been adjusted. The translator (TRANSDLL.DLL) ----------------------------- - When opening a setting using ActiveX another setting than intended could be opened in some cases. This has been corrected. - If a field was manually moved and the user did not exit the translator, writing to another field than intended could occur when editing the dictionary. This is now corrected. - When using the wizard to create settings a dictionary that had not been opened before could not be selected. This has been corrected. The script generator (SCRDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - The newly introduced support for national characters as ÅÄÖ did contain an error which resulted in that when a script sequence with a name containing such characters was saved a second time, a copy could occur. This has now been corrected. - The collect function in network environments has been improved. Previously this function performed poorly when multiple users simultaneously were running the script generator. - The combination if three semic colons directly after one another and the colour presentation turned on gave stronger vibrations than desired. No vibrations at all will now occur in that situation. Dynamic OnLine (EDITDLL.DLL) ---------------------------- - ALT_TAB is now detected which will trig a database update. - If the conection to PDS fails because OnLine is turned off, only one single error message is presented, instead of many which was previously the case. - The function "repair chain" in the connection list-tab of Dynamic OnLine did not update the item designation presentation on the screen correctly, which could lead to the incorrect conclusion that something went wrong. This confusing behaviour is now only history. - Swapping of item designations is now working between any symbols. Earlier a number of limitations existed. - "Change all" for terminals in the symbol-tab only changes the terminal from which the inhertance to other terminals is taking place, when an inherited property is changed. - Separator characters are not used for connections with no numbers. - "Change all" gave no effect when editing cable numbers in the cable tab. Now it will do what it should do. - "Change all" when editing generic symbols in the symbol tab, will change the boundary box which is the correct behaviour. In earlier revisions the help symbols were changed, which is not so good. - "Repair chain" when done on the top of the connection list could result in errors. That is no longer the case. Automatic insertion in cabinet layout (EDITDLL.DLL) --------------------------------------------------- - When removing certaing terminals in a terminal group this was marked with an incorrect colour (red instead of yellow). This has been corrected. - Terminal groups with a mix of different indexes are now handled correctly for each individual terminal. Earlier a simplification was made based on the assumption that all terminals were of the same type as the first one in the terminal group. The project module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - Errors when moving projects in the tree structure have been corrected. - When a group containing projects in local mode were expanded the first time, this was incorrectly presented on the screen. Now it is presented correctly instead. - When a project is set to local mode a checking is made that enough disk space is available. General ------- - Register keys specific for certain modules were not closed after use. This caused the number of references to continue increasing when the software ran. In the end this resulted in problems. A correction of this has been made. Start of AutoCAD ---------------- - A memory leak has been fixed in the ActiveX waiting dialogue. cadett ELSA (Version 6.5 - Revision 1.5) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2002-11-18 ========== The drawing environment ----------------------- - All lisp functions have been adapted for cadett ELSA 7.0. - The same lisp is used for the old (6.5) and the new (7.0) symbol database format. However different VBA is used. - New function: Cross referenced objects (XREFCONN). Is found in the FILE pull-down menu. - All component types are now allowed in the generic symbol. Even X, D and W. - ELSA version = 7.0 in the setup dialogue. - cadett ELSA 7.0, text in messages. TARGET database generation (ZERO.DLL) ------------------------------------- - All TARGET database generation which uses the cataluge will now handle the catalogue through Spider, thus being a part of a a Client/Server solution. - Support of dynamic mirror symbols when generating cable core lists has been introduced. The symbol generator -------------------- - The symbol generator is now supporting the new fields of SYMBDEF.DBF (PROC_TYPE, SYM_TYPE, GROUP and ORIENT). - The symbol generator supports dynamic mirror symbols, that is mirror symbols with KNR-attributes. The Settings module (CONFDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - No changes. The report generator (REPDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - All BDE handling have been removed. - A possibility to generate multiple reports simultaneously (or really consecutively) has been implemented. It is now possible to select multiple report definitions and start the generation them all. The script generator (SCRDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - No changes. Dynamic OnLine (EDITDLL.DLL) ---------------------------- - Spider is used to access catalogues. The project module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - Revision handling functions have been introduced. - A new project parameter has been added to handle item designations without separator characters. Project export and import (FILEDLL.DLL) --------------------------------------- - It is now possible to configure fixed search paths for the SOURCE, TARGET and SYSTEM directories of imported projects. Catalogue (KAT.DLL) ------------------- - A completely new catalogue with a number of new functions, including a brand new user interface. Drawing manager (ARCHIVE.DLL) ----------------------------- - A completely new drawing manager with a number of new functions, including a brand new user interface. cadett ELSA (Version 7.0 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2002-10-25 ========== The drawing environment ----------------------- - ELSA.DVB could fail in its communication with PDS. This could result in other problems like the command "Adjust text&attributes" not performing well. This connection now has been adjusted. - The command "Adjust text&attributes" is now using "dragmode" even for attribute definitions (previously only texts and attributes). - Correct Online update when switching INDEX using a call to the catalogue. - APP_ID is updated in user defined main directory. Cabinet layout -------------- - Insering layout symbols from the catalogue when both symbol name and size are unspecified will now give a better result. - Automatic insertion will now present the size information. The translator -------------- - No changes. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - No changes. Dynamic OnLine TARGET database generation ----------------------------------------- - A cable using a numbering algorithm or a cable mirror could result in the cable list presenting incorrect directions for certain cable cores (from B to A instead of A to B). This has been corrected. The symbol generator -------------------- - The symbol database has been extended with yet another database file. SYMBDEF.DBF and SYMBDEFC.DBF (plus the temporary file SYMBDEFB.DBF) have received company from the administrative SYMBDEFA.DBF. This has made it possible to add a description for all userdefined symbols. The symbol generator will ask for it when symbols are created. - The icon menu for user defined symbols (MGICONB.MNU) will contain the new description for user defined symbols, if one exists. (ICONLINK.ARX). - The settings for the icon menu generation is no controlled by LOCALPAR.DBF but by the central file ICONMENU.INI located in ELSA70\SYSTEM. General ------- - LOCALPAR.DBF has been replaced with a central INI-file in the SYSTEM- directory (ICONMENU.INI). The signal files in the WS directory that were used in earlier versions are still used. - The format of the database MG_OP.DBF which contains the version- and installation information has been extended for better security and more detailed information. - The symbol databases now have support for national characters such as ÅÄÖ. - The conversion routines for older symbol databases have been corrected. Under certain circumstances PLC symbols could be interpreted wrongly. - The coordination between AutoCAD ands the rest of the software has been adjusted so that a deadlock situation is avoided. The drawing manager ------------------- - The fixed drawing types has been corrected. They could give problems if the R-database only had two levels. - The ONLINE*.DBF (except ONLINE_X.DBF) will be deleted if filename for drawing sheet is changed or of new drawing sheets will use the names of old drawing sheets. - The handling when no drawing classes or types at all are used has been improved. - Insering drawing sheets and thereafter COLLECT when no REORHGANISATION is made is now working correctly. - A few minor correcttion for the support of arbitrary document types have been made. - An error when rereading the mask file has been corrected. - Editing of drawing classes/types has been updated so that only the correct number of characters in every level is possible to enter. If DXFCHAR is to short underline characters are added automatically. - The handling of *R.DBF has been changed so that it only reads what is interesting for the current settings, and does not care of the rest. - The viewer is now using the correct text font. - The viewer uses new default settings which are better suited for electrical circuit diagrams. Black background colour is used among other things. Please note that it is possible to change these settings using the right mouse button on the viewer. The project module ------------------ - The tree view handling has been corrected. Certain operations could result in "access violation". - Drag and drop on prototype projects could give errors. This has been corrected. - After import of projects default values are used for parameters which are unspecified, for example for projects from older versions. - If the field AKUT in PROJECTS.DBF were empty this resulted in problems. This is now handled in a better way. "Integrity check of project database" will now handle this situation and correct it. - "Integrity check of project database" when selecting mask file will show the dialogue box correctly. Earlier the dialogue box was not presented on top which could be confusing. - When importing projects in combination with certain circumstances a project could be shown twice in the projects list. This was only an illusion but now we will no longer experience it. The report generator -------------------- - Reports with endless FMT forms resulting in only one line, gave 0 lines. This has been corrected. - When using non-endless FMT forms where the number of lines on the last page was exactly the same as the maximum number of lines of one page, that is when the last page was full, the numbers of sheets were incorrectly calculated. This has been corrected. Import from other cadett ELSA (for example when updating) --------------------------------------------------------- - Import of symbols/symbol libraries could give an incorrect result under certain circumstances. This could result in symbols which were not main symbols after the import was interpreted as main symbols anyway. This has been corrected. If you have performed an import and this incorrect result appeared, you can easily do the import again after updating to The symbol library will then be automatically corrected. - Import from versions older than 6.0 could result in an error when started. This has been corrected. - The name of the TARGET and SYSTEM directories are fetched from SYSMSG.DBF and are therefore language dependant. - The signal file for converting report definitions from version 4.X was incorrect. This has been corrected. Therefore this function do not need to be started manually anylonger. - A function to import workstation directories has been added. Local settings and such will be imported using this new feature. - Import of symbols will use information from the new database SYMBDEFA.DBF which contains administrative symbol information (description etc). - The handling of search paths has been changed so that an import never can write data outside of the installation that data is imported to, even if the data that is imported contains such incorrect search paths. (This is a matter of sequirity). - Changed have been made to make import from versions 3.x, 4.x and 5.x more sequre. - A new signal file SIGNAL.SIG is written for catalogues. The catalogue ------------- - *KS.DBF is converted automatically to the new more flexible *KL.DBF and will also be emptied afterwards. This will result in that the catalogue import function will present imported symbol-settings directly without any manual actions. - Spider is more resistant against external violance. - A new function will make insertion of cabinet layout symbols from the catalogue possible even if no circuit diagram symbols have been defined. - Jumper data are now removed from *BE.DBF (the long description) when they are converted to *JU.DBF. - A signal file in the catalogue will give information if *BE.DBF needs to be converted. The settings module ------------------- - The format for export and import of symbols (SYM-files) has been changed. The most important reason is to give support for the new SYMBDEFA.DBF- information, among other things the description of symbols. The contained INI-file has been given a true INI-file format, which was not the case in the previous version. Of course the function is also compatible with the old format. - Handling of local parameters has been changed. The old database LOCALPAR.DBF has been removed. When cadett ELSA is started the first time after an update, the old LOCALPAR.DBF is converted into the new file ICONMENU.INI. - The function of creating new symbol libraries has been corrected when the database SYMBDEF.DBF is concerned. Standard symbols with multiple records could get wrong previously. This is no longer the case. The script generator -------------------- - The unload of OnLine has been corrected. It is ONLINE70.ARX that should be unloaded nowadays! Update handling --------------- - When updating the central installation this will be automatically detected when starting the individual workstations, and an update of the workstation will be carried out automatically. In earlier versions of cadett ELSA a manual update was required. The installation program ------------------------ - Support for the new format of MG_OP.DBF. - The method of adding new records to databases has been changed to increase the security. The incremental update installation program ------------------------------------------- - Handling of cadett ELSA 7.0 installations implemented, that is server updates are handled directly on the server. This way of making installations is completely different from what it was in earlier versions where incremental updates were installed from a workstation. - The new format of MG_OP.DBF is supported. - When updating user-defined symbol libraries no double-update will take place anymore. This consumed unnecessary time. - Better checking that the installation which is updated is correct has been implemented. cadett ELSA (Version 7.0 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2002-11-20 ========== The catalogue (KAT.DLL) ----------------------- - The Spider interface has been changed so that the ASCII-ANSI conversion is made there. - An old log (C:\KAT.LOG) has been moved to the real log. This old relic could result in problems if no C: hard disk was available. - If the catalogue can keep its focus it now will. (This will result in that a repositioning to the top is made more seldom, that is a calmer behaviour). - A right click menu has been added to the survey. - An error in the resource group window in connection with copy/paste has been corrected. - Support for filters with conditions has been implemented. The following conditions may be used: && Logical AND || Logical OR // Logical OR < Less than > Greater than <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to - "Changing a filter without changing it", that is to only set focus to a filter and press RETURN, will cause a "refresh". All resources that fulfil the filter conditions will be reread from the central catalogue database. - The field "Description" has been added to the Description window. - Default units are now used when creating new resources. - The default values for limit and module are now 1. A check is performed to ensure that these values may not be set to 0. - The screen update when creating new resources has been improved. - The marking of the selected line in the lists has been made more distinct. - The symbol select window (used when assigning symbols to resources in the catalogue) shows symbols even in device groups at a higher level than the current resource is defined in. - DELETE is toggled, that is when DELETE is used on an already deleted resource, and the resource is restored. - The command "Load all" in the MODULE pull-down menu will override the function that loads only the first 100 resources with the current filter. Now this behaviour will continue even if the filter is changed. Only changing to another catalogue will restore the standard functionality again. - An incorrect attention message when deleting resource groups has been corrected. - The button SELECT for composite indexes has been removed. Now the general OPEN button is used instead, in the same way as for ordinary indexes. - In the list where the catalogue is selected, both the name of the catalogue and the description of it are displayed. - If the catalogue exists physically (DBF-files) when a new catalogue is created, a question is given whether or not the old data should be used or if a new empty catalogue should be created. - The dialogue box for editing of the properties of catalogues has been cleaned up. - More calm less messy behaviour on the screen when using the catalogue from the drawing environment. - The automatic filter handling when the catalogue is used from the drawing environment has been improved. There is no longer any risk that automatically created filters will not be removed afterwards. - The symbol window has been given a more distinct appearance with the arrows placed in a different way. - When doing Copy-paste-delete in that order the behaviour has changed so that it is the newly created resource that is deleted. Earlier it was the original that was affected. - Filters and sorting settings can now be saved with a new command in the right click menu. Spider.exe ---------- - The Spider will consequently store all data in DBF-files in ASCII format. - A possible locking is avoided. - New commands to be able to fetch more detailed field information has been added to give the replicator (MultiElsa) necessary support. The report generator -------------------- - Settings for DIN forms can now be made directly in the report definition. The INI-file that was previously used (DIN.INI) is not needed anymore. This makes it possible to use DIN forms with different numbers of terminals and different numbers of cables simultaneously. - Long filter conditions are now allowed, that is if the complete expression is longer than 254 characters no problem will occur. That was not the case previously. - Filter expressions with variables on both sides of the operator are now supported. For example a filter like !1PLAC <> !2PLAC could be used to present all external connections regardless if they are defined as cables or not. - Some page shift problems have been solved. - "Remove files of the same type" did not work properly under all conditions. This has been corrected. General (ELSA.DLL etc) ---------------------- - The Spider interface has been changed regarding ASCII-ANSI conversion. This change has been made in order to handle the case when the national settings in the operating system differ between the server and the workstations. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - Script sequences and numbering algorithms without descriptions were previously not imported. This problem has been corrected. - The import of MGVER.DBF does not make so much fuzz anymore. - SYSTEM projects are now imported before other projects. This will get rid of a number of unnecessary error messages. - When importing projects the old not recalculated search path is evaluated as well as a recalculated version of it. The import previously assumed that the original search path was incorrect. - Empty symbol standards are ignored. Previously these dangerous animals could create a lot of trouble. MultiElsa (REPLICATOR.EXE) -------------------------- - When sending a file 10 retries are now made before the program gives up. - Full support for both cadett ELSA 7.0 and 6.5 is now available. The installation program (on a complete CD) ------------------------------------------- - WINELSA.INI has finally left us to join its creator. Now it is not only not in use. It does not even exist anymore! - When installing on a network server, the installation software is also installed automatically. - The same language as has been selected for the server installation will also be the default language for the workstations. - In earlier revisions the installation program could in some cases fail to write the correct version information at the end of the installation procedure (MG_OP.DBF). Unfortunately this made further updates impossible. This situation was caused by problems with the so-called "substitute" which is automatically preformed on the server in connection with the installation. This problem is now solved. OnLine ------ - Problems when exiting AutoCAD 2000 (not 2000i and 2002) have been fixed (ONLINE70.ARX). - The [Select>>]-function in the item designation dialogue fetches the complete item designation instead of only the content of the BEZ attribute. - An index problem, which has caused intermittent stability problems and incorrect booking of mirror symbols, has been corrected. - Incorrectly generated messages like "List error occurred when checking forced sub node - can not find other end of via" corrected. - Logging of contact mirrors that are overbooked has been implemented. - Errors when editing cable help symbols and booking of cable cores in cable mirrors have been corrected. - A message log in WsId\Logs has been added. - A problem with national characters like ÅÄÖÜ in search paths and short project names has been corrected. - Separator character and redundancy reduction capability has been added for the counting number in the composition of item designations. - Support for separator character independent item designations has been fully implemented. - Support of a new project parameter, which determines wether or not separator characters should be used in the symbol attributes of the circuit diagrams when separator character independent item designations has been activated. - A new common symbol dialogue box for main-, help- and mirror symbols. This new dialogue box replaces the three separate ones that were previously used. - The OK and CANCEL buttons are now available even when an item designation is incorrect. In earlier revisions they could not be used until the error was corrected. - When selecting an index from the catalogue in the new common symbol dialogue box, arbitrary attributes according to the configuration can be updated. This is controlled by INSDTA.DBF in the same way as when inserting symbols using the catalogue or when using the command "Index and electrical data from catalogue". - The Case_2 symbol-handling mode has been implemented in OnLine. (This is a rerun of an old favourite! The last time this function was available was in version 5.5!). When Case_2 is activated main symbols with empty index attributes are interpreted as help symbols. - Global plant-, location and circuit are now fully supported even for symbols that do not have any item designations. - Support of a new standard attribute, "LABEL", has been implemented. This new attribute are to be used for symbolic item designations like "MOTOR1", "PUMP2" etc. This is especially useful in connection with automatic generation of item designations, which is a feature of the version to come - 7.5. PDS --- - Methods and properties has been added or adjusted in order to support new functionality in OnLine such as separator character independent item designations. ELSAAUT.ARX ----------- - The key for termination of AutoCAD (the dialogue box presented when using the Exit command) was not handled correctly. This has been adjusted. - The program is now logging what it is doing. The drawing environment ----------------------- - The alternatives Define and Delete in multi terminal Alias are now separated. - Corrections in the menu files have been made. Some alternatives could "disappear" in some cases. - The command "cross referenced objects" has been given better control functions (ELSA.DVB). - The handling of the catalogue from the drawing environment has been improved. - The command "Adjust text and attributes" has been improved in many ways. Among other things it can now be used for attribute definitions (ELSA.DVB). - The language handling in the drawing environment has been substantially improved. In in some situations the wrong language could be used in prompts and commands, because the information of which language to use could get unreachable, under which circumstances the drawing environment automatically switched to the default language, which is English. - BREAK, EXTEND, TRIM, OFFSET, MIRROR, SCALE, ROTATE and CHAMFER has been checked concerning their behaviour with respect to OnLine update procedures. Needed corrections have been implemented (ACAD.LSP, SETUP.LSP samt MAC01.LSP). - Undefine/Redefine of ATTEDIT is now working fine for AutoCAD 2002 as well as the other R15 AutoCAD versions (2000 and 2000i). - "TOOLS" / "Index and electrical data from catalogue" is now working correctly again. Also insertion of cabinet layout symbols directly from the catalogue is again working, as it should (MAC04.LSP). - The screen menu has been corrected (MGSCR.MNU). - MGSPS.MNU has been removed from MNULINK.DEF. In other words, the reference to this menu part, which is not in use, has been deleted (MNULINK.DEF). The symbol generator -------------------- - Potential reference symbols can now be stored in any device group. - Objects contained in new symbols are now removed from the OnLine database when the symbol is created (NSG001.LSP). - Support for MARK attributes in user defined cable core symbols has been introduced (MAC09.LSP, MAC09.INI). - Complete possibilities to control the positions of the connection numbers using NSG001.INI has been introduced. Furthermore there is a possibility to override these settings using settings in the dialogue box itself. - The icon menu linker is now writing the description of symbols in the same way as the user has specified it, that is using upper and lower case and with possible national characters. - A number of minor language adjustments have been made. Cabinet layout -------------- - An updated set of attributes to support separator character independent item designations - among other things - has been added to the layout symbols (LAYHIBT.DWG, LAYHIBTX.DWG). Attribute for plant, location etc has been added. - Insertion of a layout symbol from the catalogue when symbol and dimension are not specified now will give the same result as when the insertion is made from Dynamic OnLine, that is a specially marked box (LAYOUT.LSP). The project module ------------------ - The revision handling procedures have been corrected and improved. - The project parameters now support a separator character for the counting number in the composition of item designations. An automatic conversion is made from the old format. A version-information is therefore hidden among the project parameters in order to allow an automatic conversion of project parameters from any version of the software. - A new project parameter has been added that controls the use of separator characters in the circuit diagrams when separator character independent item designations has been activated. Either the separator characters are consequently added if they are missing, or they are consequently removed if they are present. - Problems with national characters (like ÅÄÖÜ) in search paths of projects have been corrected. - The dialogues of the project parameters have been streamlined. Texts and frames have been adjusted in order to make the appearance more consequent. - Further adjustments. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - It is now possible to print out the content of the Dynamic OnLine lists directly. - The symbols are now consequently interpreted using the new symbol property called "symbol type" instead of the old system using component type and function code (ART). - A number of further adjustments have been made. Dynamic OnLine TARGET database generation ----------------------------------------- - The cable dimension in *X.DBF now can be up to 29 characters long. In earlier revisions dimensions longer than 15 characters could not be presented. - Terminal groups with mixed types of terminals (mixed indexes) are now handled correctly. - The symbols are now consequently interpreted using the new symbol property called "symbol type" instead of the old system using component type and function code (ART). - Project which did not contain any cables at all could give an incorrect result in the *I.DBF (two way connection list). This has been corrected. - The content of the field INDEX in *E.DBF is now consequently in upper case letters, regardless of how the index has been written in the circuit diagram. This is consistent with the behaviour for *2.DBF and will make filtering on index in the report generator easier. - Further adjustments. The script generator -------------------- - Minor adjustments. The translator -------------- - A problem when translations were made from the first language of the dictionary has been corrected. - Minor adjustments and improvements. The SETTINGS module ------------------- - General improvements have been made concerning the user interface of the different tabs, in order to make the behaviour more logic and consequent. - When drawing classes and types were changed and the software were immediately terminated thereafter, the changes were not saved properly. This has now been fixed. - The export function for symbols has been corrected in such a way that all used KSPART-information is saved in the export files. - The file configuration tab has been given a completely new user interface. Similar changes have been made to the other tabs as well. The setup program for incremental updates ----------------------------------------- - The patch setup routines are now multilingual. The first dialogue boxes that appear concerning the extraction of the contained files are as neutral as possible, in English. Thereafter the user is prompted for a desired language for the rest of the setup process. Presently English and Swedish are supported. cadett ELSA (Version 7.0 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2003-03-07 ========== Installation program for incremental updates -------------------------------------------- - REVHIST.TXT, the text file that contains the revision history, has been splitted. Now there is one file for each supported language: o REVHISTS.TXT for Swedish o REVHISTGB.TXT for English (the file that you are currently reading!) o REVHISTD.TXT for German (not yet implemented) When the installation is ready the installation software gives the user a question if ge wants to read the revision history. The selected language will control which file is displayed at that point of time. (P_INI.EXE). The Settings module ------------------- - Import of symbols in the tab for symbol libraries has been corrected. o XOFFSET and YOFFSET could be handled incorrectly at import, which resulted in misplaced connection points. o The information in SYMBDEFA.DBF is now handled correctly. That was not always the case in previous revision. o The information of the workstation that is performing the import is now handled correctly. That was not the case in the previous revision. o More symbols than the ones that were selected for import could be copied. This will no longer happen. - It is now possible to specify a start value of 0 (zero) for sheet numbering in the tab for drawing classes. The project module ------------------ - It is now possible to specify a start value of 0 (zero) for sheet numbering in the project parameters. Import and export of projects (backup and swap out) --------------------------------------------------- - If this was made from/to write protected directories a result other than what one would expect was accomplished. Now it is giving the expected result. (FILEDLL.DLL). The catalogue ------------- - When activating the option that the entire catalogue should be loaded, and the SELECT-button for INDEX is used in the drawing environment, this will now result only in a positioning to the selected resource, if applicable. Previously a filter was set and a reload according to that was performed. - The catalogue is no longer changing to the default catalogue set by the project parameters when called from the drawing environment. - A number of minor optimisations and corrections have been made. - A problem that could occur when trying to create a catalogue without shortname has been corrected. OnLine/PDS ---------- - When redundancy reduction for fixed item designations was deactivated the handling of item designations did not perform properly. This has been corrected. - Error 047 could occur when using the symbol dialogue to edit a new main symbol. This has been corrected. - Item designations marked with a star were not correctly handled in the previous revision if the setting in the project parameters was that star meant fixed item designations. The opposite setting worked fine however. Now all variants are working, as they should. - The connection processing has been corrected. The extreme case with "cable core on a line + incorrectly drawn T-crossing with the connection displaced exactly 50% of the connection tolerance + donut correctly placed over the T-crossing" resulted in the error message "ERROR: In/out failure!" after which OnLine was turned off. - Redundancy reduction for sheet number when this is a part of a conventional item designation is now doing what it should. The drawing manager ------------------- - The possibility to override SYSMSK.DBF from the mask file has been corrected. - The possibility to use multi lingual mask files has been corrected. - Previously the practical maximum length of a field in the drawing manager was limited to 40 characters because the transfer of data between the DXF file and the drawing manager had that particular limitation. The DXF handling functions has now been extended so that the maximum attribute length of AutoCAD, which is 255 characters, is supported. Also the drawing manager has been modified to support field lengths up to 255 characters long. (DXFIO.DLL, ARCHIVE.DLL). - The position of the window is now stored. - It is now possible to specify a start value of 0 (zero) for the sheet numbering. The report generator -------------------- - The automatic collect function for the drawing manager when creating DXF reports was always active in the previous revision, regardless of the setting in the report definition. This has been changed so that a collect is performed only if the function has been specifically activated. Please note that the function is not general but specific for the created drawing sheets. (REPDLL.DLL). - All standard DXF report definitions have been changed so that the functions for automatic collect and removal of old reports of the same type are activated. (*.REP). - A few boundary overwrite problems have been corrected. The consequence of these problems could be problems especially when the execution was repeated multiple times. (REPDLL.DLL). Dynamic OnLine TARGET database generation ----------------------------------------- - Memory leaks and boundary problems have been corrected. Under special circumstances a general protection error could occur as a result of this. (ZERO.DLL). The drawing environment ----------------------- - The command "break lines" has been improved. It will now properly handle cases where lines only partly pass through the symbol, among other things. (MAC01.LSP, MGPOP.MNU). - The commands SCALE and MIRROR can now be used with direct window or crossing. Temporarily this was not functioning in the previous revision. (MAC01.LSP). - A change of connection number series will now restart the entire command. Since that was not previously the case some strange effects could occur under special circumstances, like the number of the series suddenly turning up as the step value. The screen menu is now called from the lisp with an additional parameter solving problems where the series could get mixed up due to offsets in the menu. (MAC03.LSP, MGSCR.MNU). - Two contact mirrors in the IEC1082 symbol library were erroneous. They were in fact created for use in the IEC library. (LKSPH1S and LKSPH1O, that is contact mirrors for horizontal drawings with one three pole main contact and one help contact, either normally closed or normally open). These symbols have been replaced with correct ones. - Functions to read project parameters and similar information have been added in the drawing environment. This may be very useful for example in script sequences. Sample 1 (set a lisp variable to the long project name for DEMO700): (setq sLNGPRJNAME (sGetData "addpar" "lngprjname" "shprjname" "DEMO700")) Sample 2 (sätt en lisp-variabel till de aktiva lagren): (setq sLAYER_IO (sGetData "prjparam" "layer_io" nil nil)) - The functionality to control signal files like for example REGEN.YES has been replaced. Previously standard lisp functions were used. Since problems have shown up where incorrect results have been detected in some network environments, the lisp functions have been replaced with operating system calls. They give correct results even when lisp does not. (The problem could result in the menu system regenerating even when it really should not, like when shifting from one sheet to another). Cabinet layout -------------- - The ruler block could under certain circumstances contain entities from other symbols, like the drawing frame. This will no longer occur. (LAYOUT.LSP). General ------- - The handling of REGEN.YES and REGEN.NO respectively which controls the regeneration of the menu system for example when changing from a project with one symbol library to a project with another or when switching language has been corrected. Situations where the result was not correct existed. (FRAME.EXE). - The warning, which was given when using big fonts, can now be turned off. (FRAME.EXE). - The self-test dialogue does no longer freeze other functions. (FRAME.EXE). - The module locking did not unlock in all situations when it should. This has now been corrected. - A sample mask file showing new features like the use of block name and tag to connect to the drawing manager has been added. Also user defined document types is a part of it. The name of the file is ELSA70.MSK and it also contains a full documentation of the file format. - Copies of original INI files for the drawing environment have been added to the symbol libraries. This makes it easy to restore standard settings if desired. cadett ELSA (Version 7.0 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2003-04-11 ========== General ------- - Full support for the new extended product line has been added: - cadett ELSA Basic Solo (Limited functionality. AutoCAD included). - cadett ELSA Basic Application (Limitied functionality. AutoCAD not included). - cadett ELSA Professional Application (Unlimited functionality. AutoCAD not included). - cadett ELSA Professional Extension (Upgrades Basic to full Professional functionality). - All four products are included in a standard installation. However the user will only be given access to the products that an authorization has been granted for. The authorization is controlled with a hardware lock, either locally on the parallel port of the workstation, or centrally on the network file server. - Its free to use different products on different workstations in one single network installation. - A new function to specify a default location of projects has been implemented. The "MUSTER" project in PROJECTS.DBF is used for this purpose. Language handling ----------------- - OnLine translation specified in SYSMSG.DBF at screen presentation of database values has been implemented. This allows for multilingual descriptions of objects like projects, report definitions and similar. Instead of ordinary text a key is entered. The format is %%SYSMSG_KEY%%. Drawing environment ------------------- - New commandos to insert layout symbols from the alternate search path (the LAYOUT directory) have been added. (c:LaysymInsert) and (LaysymInsert). - The behaviour when checking APPID and APP_ID has been made configurable through the INI file SETUP.INI. - The AutoCAD system variable DIMZIN is automatically set to 0 when the drawing environment is initialized, to prevent problems caused by this variable having an incorrect setting. - The connection number dialogue is completely new. Previously a combination of the screen menu and the standard AutoCAD ATTEDIT dialogue box were used. As a preparation for AutoCAD 2004 and a necessary modification to support the Solo-version, a new ARX based dialogue box has been introduced. - The LSP files have been replaced with FAS files. This will speed up loading of the drawing environment. Drawing manager --------------- - The function to change drawing class or type for drawing sheets could result in a crash if no selection was made. This can no longer happen. - The maximum length of texts in the title field that should be transferred to and from the drawing manager is no longer limited by anything else than AutoCAD itself. This will allow texts of up to 254 characters, instead of 40 as before. - New functionality called !MIRROR has been added. Functions like !FOLGE: but fetches information from the current drawing sheet instead of the next one. - The logging has beed extended to include ActiveX commands. - The position and size of the window is now saved properly to the registry when exiting the drawing manager. - Updated R-DB interpreter to handle old style R-DB better. (Drawing class and drawing type definition database). - Now moves and deletes associated files to dxf files (BAK, SLD, RDF etc). - The drawing manager checks if cadett ELSA Professional is used. If it is it will disable the limitation to 30 drawing sheets in the SOURCE directory. OnLine ------ - If a constant text is a part of the item designation composition, it is now also a requirement. - The booking of mirror symbols has been modified in order to take the position of the mirror symbols themselves into account when multiple ones with the same item designation exist. They are now booked from left to right and from above and downwards. - A serious memory allocation problem has been corrected resulting in more stable execution. - The connection processing has been corrected when cable cores are concerned in nodes where forced connections are not present, but the processing of forced connections is activated in the project. - The regeneration process has been modified to invoke an update in Dynamic OnLine. - The PDS interface functionality has been extended. - The basis of single line-, cable-, and connection diagrams has been laid. Also a basis for means of creating buses in circuit diagrams has been created. - Support of the Solo-version has been added. PDS --- - The functionality has been extended. - Support of the Solo-version has been integrated. Dynamic OnLine basic functionality (ZERO.DLL) --------------------------------------------- - The connection table that is used for purposes like connection list generation may now be created even if the prompt of AutoCAD is busy. The catalogue ------------- - A problem that could occur when double clicking in a locked edit box has been eliminated. - An integrity check capability has been added in SPIDER. A signal file located in the directory of a specific catalogue will force this function to execute. - An error which could cause the *AL.DBF to grow in an uncontrolled way has been fixed. - When deleting a catalogue the files will be moved to recyclebin! Spider ------ - An integrity check has been added. - Spider will now log its activities to SPIDER.LOG. - A few minor problems have been eliminated. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - A number of minor corrections have been made. - In earlier revisions the functionality to update the attribute for electrical data (ELD) when changing index using the catalogue was by default deactivated. Now it is by default activated instead. - A problem that could occur under certain circumstances when index was fetched using the catalogue will no longer do so. - The support of separator character independant item designations has been corrected. - Many ways of changing index for terminals existed, but all of them did not always give results which were not surprising. The methods that could result in surprises have been disabled. - Changing item designations for cables will now be made in the same way as changing item designations for ordinary devices. The project module ------------------ - When short project names are generated from long project names which have identical first parts and subsequently would result in identical short names, if the other ones would not have existed, a counting number is used to create an unique short name. Previously a limitation to 100 similar names existed. Now this limitation has been extended to 100 000. - Default search paths for projects, like when importing projects, are now fetched using a new function which in turn uses the MUSTER record of PROJECTS.DBF to find a suitable value. - A new project parameter has been added. It is now possible to have connection numbers as a trailing part of item designations in symbols, provided that the new parameter is activated. This is a new feature that will make new applications possible in the near future. - SYMBD.DBF could be left open under certain circumstances. This will no longer happen. The report generator -------------------- - The check boxes to use when creating multiple reports have been fixed. - The collect function for DXF reports has been corrected. The sheet shift function (CHGDXF.ARX and ChgDxfSolo.arx) -------------------------------------------------------- - The three different versions dependant on language has been replaced with multilingual versions using SYSMSG.DBF for all texts. However a special version for use with cadett ELSA Basic Solo (embedded AutoCAD) has been added. ElsaautSolo.arx --------------- - A new version of the ELSAAUT.ARX has been created to support the embedded AutoCAD of cadett ELSA Basic Solo. A new special SHELL command is a part of this. IconlinkSolo.arx ---------------- - A new version of the menu link software has been added to support the embedded AutoCAD of cadett ELSA Basic Solo. cadett ELSA (Version 7.0 - Revision 2.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2003-05-28 ========== General ------- - cadett ELSA 7.5 is a completely new version which contains a large number of news, improvements and additions compared to previous versions. In short some of the most important news are as follows: o Support for AutoCAD 2004. Now the following version of AutoCAD are supported: - 2004 [16.0] - 2002 [15.06] - 2000i [15.05] - 2000 (SP2) [15.0] o Windows XP is now supported. o OnLine terminal dialogues including OnLine automatic terminal numbering. o OnLine automatic item designation generation o Revision reports with complete lists of changes o DIN symbol library o JIC symbol library o Cabinet layout symbol library o Single-line symbol library o The multi-linguality is widely extended with for example report definition descriptions, script sequence descriptions, report variable descriptions, project names and project descriptions, function code descriptions etc. o Configurable OnLine attribute mirroring, for example remark from main to help symbol. o Neat function to handle user defined circuits with icon menus. o The earlier separate products "MG-CAD" (Germany) and "cadett ELSA" (the Nordic countries) have now been integrated under the common name "cadett ELSA 7.5". This makes exchanges of project data between the countries easier. The installation procedure -------------------------- - Complete in English, German and Swedish. - The update procedure has been simplified. Installation "on top" of an old installation is now allowed. A backup of the old installation is automatically created and an import of user data from this backup copy is automatically started when the installation is finished. Detailed information -------------------- - The list if news and improvements is this time longer than anytime before. It will be made available in detail in English, German and Swedish shortly. It will first be published on www.cadett.se and www.cadett.de. cadett ELSA (Version 7.5 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2003-11-14 ========== PROJDLL.DLL ----------- - The merging of information in SYM.DBF and SYMC.DBF from the project to SYMBDEF.DBF when opening projects has been disabled as default. IMPORT.DLL ---------- - The symbol library import function contained some errors that could result in an incomplete symbol database after import. This has been fixed. FRAME.EXE --------- - In AutoCAD 2000 (not 2000i) opening drawing sheets could fail giving an error message concerning iLanguage. This has been fixed. NVARDEC.DBF ----------- - Some incorrectly defined report variables have been corrected. ELSA.DLL -------- - The translation key handling has been fixed. cadett ELSA (Version 7.5 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2003-12-01 ========== GENERAL ------- - In this section the list of changes between revision and will be placed at a later point of time. cadett ELSA (Version 7.5 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2004-04-06 ========== The REVHIST information ----------------------- - Measures that have been taken and documented in REVHIST have been supplied with a reference number when applicable. (-) cadett ELSA General ------------------- - The underlying database management system has been improved in a number of ways, to better handle the multi-process environment in which it operates. Anti-virus software has for instance turned out to be able to produce intermittent problems in connection with databases being opened. Temporary network problems has been another cause behind intermittent problems of the type that is referred here. Among other measures the system has now been supplied with an automatic and transparent "retry" when accesses of databases fail. This results in an improved overall stability. (1270, 1037, 1027) - When opening a database file with an old index file (older than the database file itself) the index file is now automatically deleted, which forces a creation of a new one. This results in better security than the older technology that is replaced by this new way of handling. (-) - Functions to improve stability and security have been added to the database server that the catalogue is using - SPIDER.EXE. In technical terms: if SPIDER fails to create socket it will stay asleep for 10 seconds before it makes a new attempt. (-) - Crashes could occur when exiting the software, caused by C7DLL.DLL. This problem has been corrected. (-) - A new version of the Sentinel drivers is included to support USB hardware locks. (-) - Drivers for Sentinel Super Pro USB network hardware locks are included. (-) - The DDE interface has been rewritten to get rid of intermittent problems with the "ActiveX waiting dialogue box" which could be left open or simply not showing up at all in some rare situations. (-) - AutoCAD now starts in its own process group. This change is made to improve the overall stability of the system. (-) - The function to exit AutoCAD has been corrected so that it correctly waits for AutoCAD to terminate. This results in better stability. (-) - Miscellaneous allocation and deallocation has been changed to remove memory leaks, thus improving the overall stability of the system. (-) - The detection of previously started cadett ELSA workstations has been improved. Previously it was possible to start multiple sessions if it was done very fast. If that happened serious problems were inevitable. (-) - When the software is started, the PROJECTS.DA is now automatically deleted, thus forcing a recreation of it. This makes the system insensitive to corruptions of this file, which have previously caused problems in some cases. (-) - OCX and DLL files are now unregistered before they are regisered to avoid incorrect registration of some OCX´s. (-) - Support for the new USB-network hardware lock has been added. (-) - The software is prepared for new 7.7 functionality, like the View-version. (-) - A memory leak caused by the progress bar in the lower part of the cadett ELSA screen has been fixed. This improves the general staibility of the system in a sometimes profound way. (-) - When starting the software, the splash-screen that is associated with the product that is currently used is displayed, not the product that the hardware lock allows, which was previously the case. (-) - The obsolete files SLIDELIB.EXE and PLOTSYMB.EXE have been removed from the ELSA70 directory. (-) The demonstration projects -------------------------- - The DIN demonstration project (0DMDIN) has been corrected when the default catalogue is concerned. Now it is DEMO30, the German demo catalogue, which is exactly the way it should be. (1244) Dynamic OnLine -------------- - The function "ignore terminal numbers" in the project parameters which should affect the terminal numbering in Dynamic OnLine previously did not work when colon or another separator character was used for the terminal numbers in the circuit diagram, which is the case according to the DIN standard. Now it is working perfectly. (1222) - When changing the wiring order by drag and drop upwards an error was created. If it was made downwards it worked perfectly however. Now it works perfectly regardless of direction. (-) - The management of wire properties has been corrected. (-) - The filter function in the wire list has been changed. Nowadays the filter is applied to both sides of the connections (the from and the to side) and is performed by sub node, using a logical "or" across the entire sub node. If any hit is found for any connection point in the sub node, the entire sub node will be displayed. This new technique makes it possible to enable the previously greyed out editing possibilities like rearranging the connections of a chain, also when a filter is active. (-) - The handling of filters has been corrected. If a filter resulted in presentation of only one object, this could result in dead locks. That wont happen anymore. (-) - The item designation editing functions contained errors that could show up under certain circumstances. This has been corrected. (-) - Some corrections related to the stability of the module has been made. (-) Revision management ------------------- - The terminology for revision management has been clarified. Some confusion has been apparent regarding the concept of "opening revisions" among others. Now such event never occurs. Instead the revisions will be "unpacked". This and some other clarifications hopefully will reduce the confusion in this context. (1238) The drawing manager ------------------- - The viewer previously had a very bad habit of locking after a bit more than a hundred viewings. This problem has now been completely eliminated. (1271) - The viewer has been updated to better handle some special types of drawing sheets. (1175) - A bug has been fixed which turned up when a parent in the drawing-class tree was selected and a child consisting only of underscores in the DXF character field existed. (-) - The way the viewer is called has been modifed in order to eliminate the problem that a drawing sheet get stuck in a loop and constantly reloads. (-) - The drawing manager has been prepared for 7.7 functionality. (-) The script generator -------------------- - The script generator now allows the files that are being processed are located in the root directory of a drive. This was not possible in earlier versions and revisions. Now directory specifications both with and without backslash in the end are supported. (1282) - The script sequence 0FIX_OLD_INDEX_Q has been updated to work better in all supported environments. This implies that the lisp file that were previously used has been replaced with a newly defined command in AutoCAD. Old lisp file: RemoveSpaceInIndexNumbers.lsp New command: (CaElRmvSpaceInInd) (1272) - The script sequence 0PDF_GENERATION_Q previously did not work when a German AutoCAD was used. The script sequence has now been modified so that it can handle German AutoCAD versions as well. (1221) - All script sequences that opens DWG files, like for instance those converting DWG files to DXF format, have been updated for currently used AutoCAD versions. An additional _Y is now required after the OPEN command. (-) The catalogue ------------- - The database server SPIDER could run into memory problems for instance if the network access was blocked by a software firewall. This could create instability. A correction of this has been introduced. (1310) - A protection against incorrect catalogue names, like ones containing national characters like ÅÄÖÜ has been introduced. Catalogue names of that kind gave undesired results. It simply did not work at all. (1284) - A problem in connection with combinations of local installation and network installations has been corrected. If both a local installation and a workstation connected to a network server simultaneously were present on the same computer, the network workstation were using the local catalogue, which of course was incorrect. (-) - The catalogue import function has been revised. (-) - Catalogue import from Excel sheets using an English Excel did not work in the previous revision. Now there are no problems associated with this. (-) - A number of debug messages were displayed during the catalogue import procedure in the previous revision. That wont happen again. (-) OnLine functionality -------------------- - Is has now been made possible to choose which character should define the top-level of level-oriented item designations. You can select between "greater than" (">") and "less than" ("<"). (1308) - The selection list for terminal group names and free/booked terminal numbers, which may be reached through the terminal dialogue box, now also displays multiple terminals with the same number. (1292) - The OnLine automatic functions previously erroneously used the selected separator character between item designations and connection number as separator character for terminal numbers. This has now been replaced with a more correct source of this information, namely the composition of item designations for terminals. (1291) - The OnLine protocol now displays the result of a checking of multiple terminals with the same terminal number. (1265, 1143) - The OnLine terminal dialogue box previously was not entirely consistent in its behaviour when no separator character was defined for the terminal number. Only if the terminal group name was defined, a checking and possible removal of undesired colons was performed. Now this has been corrected so that this checking always is done. (1256) - Some changes due to contacts that is numbered by contact mirrors, were previously not reflected in the connection list before a regeneration of the OnLine database was performed. This has been corrected so that the update is made immediately and OnLine in the way it should. (1254) - The button Select>> in the OnLine dialogue boxes, which is intended for fetching of item designations from symbols by clicking on a symbol with the desired item designation, has been improved. Nowadays this function may be used also for potential references. For ordinary item designations only item designations according to current filter settings are selectable. (1249) - The redundancy reduction has been extended to better handle settings according to the DIN standard. (1243) - Automatic item designation generation now expressly requires a counting number to be a part of the item designation composition. If it does not an error message is generated. (1242) - The maximum number of digits in the counting numbers of the item designations has been extended in OnLine from 4 earlier to 10 now. (906) - Generation of item designations for the current sheet only now supports the option "all", not only "empty" and "symbolic" as before. (-) - If no counting number is included in the composition of the item designations in the project parameters, the automatic item designation generation function is automatically turned off. (-) - An error concerning redundancy reduction has been corrected. (-) - Order by row can now be set in PROJECTS.INI, that is as a project parameter. (-) - The LABEL support has been changed in such a way that it has been removed from the automatic item designation generation routines and moved to OnLine. (-) - An error in the automatic item designation generation algorithm has been fixed. This error could cause item designations not using the lowest available counting number to be created in some situations. (-) - The function is prepared for the 7.7 version. (-) - The dialogue box for generation of item designations has been simplified. Some settings that was really project parameters have been removed. (-) The function "Import from another cadett ELSA" ---------------------------------------------- - Revisions in projects previously were not included when imported using the function "import from another cadett ELSA". Now they are. (1293) - The function "import from another cadett ELSA" previously reacted negatively of the non existing symbol standard DUMMY which all old MG-CAD installations contains references to. Now this is ignored. (1236, 1198) - The prompts of the import dialogue box has been clarified. (1197) - When importing settings of the drawing environment in connection with import of symbol libraries (INI-files) this was previously made in such a way that settings from the new INI-file were transferred to the old one. This caused new remarks and similar to get lost. The handling is now reversed, so that old settings are transferred to the new file instead. New remarks will thereby survive. (1196) - A checking is now performed both for the short and the long project name so that they are both unique when importing projects. Previously only the short one was checked, which could result in sad consequences. (-) - The import of MNULINK.DEF has been improved. It is now simply smarter. (-) - The handling of obsolete MNU files has been corrected. (-) - When importing masks, also drawing frames are transferred. (-) External connection diagram (KABGRAF) ------------------------------------- - If you convert old report definitions using the report generator the database AUTOLST.DBF, where they are stored, will afterwards be removed, thus preventing a repeated conversion to create duplicates. This unfortunately caused KABGRAF to stop working, since it required that particular database to be present. Now the KABGRAF function - through R2000FIX.EXE - is recreating an empty database, which makes this function insensitive to the described situation. (1297) The report generator -------------------- - The field ZAEHLNUM in *G.DBF (counting numbers of item designations) has been extended from 4 to 10 characters, since OnLine now handles 10 characters for these counting numbers (ref: 906). (1318) - For filter conditions where a variable is compared with another variable, this was previously not working properly when the compared variables did not refer to database fields of equal length. The result could be an incorrect filtering or in worst case an error message. This has been corrected. (1313) - Some standard report definitions had names that poorly followed the convention that had been created for the purpose. This has been corrected, according to the following: 0FBT_REVMOD => 0F_D_CON1_COMPLETE_REV 0F_D_DEV1_SINGLE_REV => ..DEV2.. (*) 0F_E_DEV1_SINGLE_REV => ..DEV2.. (*) 0F_S_DEV1_SINGLE_REV => ..DEV2.. (*) 0X_D_CON4_TRM_CAB => 0X_I_CON4_TRM_CAB 0X_D_DEV7_ITM_LABEL_V => ..DEV1.. 0X_I_DEV1_QUANTITY => ..DEV2.. 0X_I_DEV1_QUANTITY_REV => ..DEV2.. 0X_I_DWG1_SOURCE/TARGET => ..DWG3.. 0X_I_DWG1_TARGET => ..DWG2.. (*) The description as well has been corrected. (1303) - Some FMT forms lacked a field for quantity, in spite of such being required for a correct presentation. This has been corrected: 0FDDE103.FMT 0FEDE103.FMT 0FSDE103.FMT (1302) - The report generator now filters delete-marked records in the database that the report generation is made from. The fact that this was note made before did not affect ordinary TARGET databases, but could be of importance in other contexts, such as printing of catalogues. (1281) - Reports for tables of contents (*Z.DBF) had a tendency to - under some circumstances - create sporadic but persistent error messages about failures in opening *Z.CDX. It was possible to go around the problem, but is certainly was irritating. Now this problem is corrected. (1280) - The message that is shown when the TARGET database that the report generation is made from already exists, has been clarified, this hopefully communicating the purport substantially better. (1278) - The function for editing of variable declarations (NVARDEC) has been brought up. Previously it was not fully stable and it also made some stunts of its own. (1277) - The functions for copying of report definitions have been improved and, most important, made safer than before. (1259) - The function Collect in the report generator was not fond of report definitions without descriptions. Now it does not oppose such anymore. The explosions that could be heard when meetings of the referred kind occurred are now a part of the past. (1229) - A bug that could make the report generator totally terminate its business in some situations has been corrected. (-) - The handling of multi language report definitions has been improved. (-) The installation program ------------------------ - In the list of installed programs cadett ELSA could, under some circumstances, be found under a headline looking something like "ELSA %HUMANVERSION% - Local". This has been corrected. (1304) - Conversion routines has been introduced for the new format of SYMBDEFC, which allows 15 characters length of connection numbers. (1219) - Support for Windows system and Windows main directory has been added in the script executer. (-) - The installation procedure has been modified to support the new hardware lock drivers. (-) - New routines to update workstations has been introduced. (-) The project module ------------------ - A project parameter has been added to define the selection of which character should be used to specify the top-level for level-oriented item designations. The selection is made between "greater than" (">") and "less than" ("<"). (1308) - If a composition of item designations not containing a counting number is defined in the project parameters, the automatic item designation generation will automatically be turned off. This is because a counting number is a requirement to ensure that a unique item designation always can be generated. (1242) - Support of user defied (customized) translatable menu texts has been introduced, that is a possibility to have a user specific SYSMSG.DBF for customizations and similar. (1237) - The checking that the long project name is always unique previously was not fool proof. In situations with two projects sharing a common long project name an number of problems as consequence could occur. This can not happen anymore. (1210) - The function for export and import of projects ("swap out" and "load") now includes revisions, when such exist. Also the normally empty SYSTEM directory is included, primarily as a preparation for future functionality. (-) - The print function has been improved. Previously it did not work. Now it does. No doubt that must be an improvement! (-) - The internal handling of long project names has been improved. (-) The drawing environment ----------------------- - MBUTTONPAN in ACAD.INI is now set to 1 as the standard value in a new installation. (Previously 0). This gives access to zoom functions using the mouse wheel etc. (1309) - The previous lisp command for converting MG-CAD terminal earth symbols has been integrated as a separate command in the drawing environment. Old lisp command: pot-endpot-repair.lsp New command: CaElMgCadPotEndpotRepair (1307) - The command "Update all blocks " in the tools pull-down menu could attack innocent victims, which in turn could create some devastation. A tighter rein is now kept on this function, so that it does what it should do and nothing else. (1305) - When a terminal was edited, the content of user-defined attributes was lost. Now a full support in all aspects for user-defined attributes in terminals has been introduced, thus making them survive editing. (1289) - Booking of cable cores from cable mirrors when inserting cables did not always work as desired. This has been corrected. (1288) - The text adjustment of the remark attribute in the additional cable symbol now follows the setting for cable core symbols. (1288) - MTEXT did not work in German AutoCAD AutoCAD when earlier revisions was used, which was caused by an error in AutoCAD. An automatic correction of this error has now been added to the setup procedure of cadett ELSA. (1287) - The standard value of the dimension variable DIMASSOC at new installation is now set to 2 in ACAD.INI. This enables associative dimensioning, which in most cases is favourable. (1267) - When automatic generation of item designations is turned on for MOVE, a DDEDIT dialogue box was previously shown when moving text objects, giving a feeling of inconsistency. That feeling wont occur again in this context, since the behaviour has been changed. (1264) - The connector symbols in the DIN library did not follow the look they had in MG-CAD, that is older generation of the software with DIN libraries. This has been corrected, so that the connectors are better adapted to this surrounding. (1262) - The behaviour when sub-circuits are handled outside the limits of the drawing frame - which by the way is not allowed in the first place - has been made less surprising. Previously terminal symbols could suffer especially bad from this situation. (1257) - When editing terminal group names in existing terminals any values in the attribute FUNKTION disappeared. Now also they will survive. (1255) - Default terminal settings could be mixed up between saved settings for 1.25 and 2.5 mm terminal symbols. This has been corrected. (1253) - The command "remove symbols" (REMOVE) previously had problems with connectors of the type pin/socket if the module was set to anything else than 2.5. (This only affected customized special libraries). Now also this works fine. (1234) - The terminal editing has been improved so that: o the line re-breaking function is activated only if the symbol is changed, not otherwise, thus improving performance substantially. o the line re-breaking does not affect the layers of the incoming lines, even if they are placed in different layers. (1230) - Inserting cable core symbols with user-specific settings gave unwanted results in the form of less fortunately placed attributes. The adjustment for the cable help symbol with visible cable marking became incorrect since the user-specific settings was not applied correctly. This now works as it should. (1226) - When inserting sub-circuits the sorting of the contained symbols has been adjusted so that help symbols and mirrors are separated with help symbols before mirrors. This has solved apparently random booking problems for sub-circuits containing both mirrors and corresponding help symbols. (1225) - Line breaking 45 degrees towards terminals previously did only work in the second and fourth quadrants, but not in the first and third. Now it is working in all quadrants. (1214, 1001) - The JIC symbol library contained erroneous symbol databases. This has been corrected. (1211) - The selection of index using the catalogue from the terminal dialogue box, previously caused an error message telling that a symbol definition was missing. After conformation of that message everything worked perfectly anyway. Now this irritating error message will not turn up anymore. (1203) - Cancelling index selection using the catalogue from the terminal dialogue box was not handled correctly in previous revisions. Now it is. (1203) - The MultiLine command has been refined and made symbol standard independent. Selection between the available configurations can now be made in a "combo-box". A possibility of a central storage of common multiline definitions in ACAD.INI has also been introduced. User defined definitions is as before stored locally by workstation. (1164) - The right click menu POP0 as desired is now used instead of POP10, which was never intended but nevertheless used in the previous revision. (1054) - The terminal macro has an ability to "remember" the previously used settings, which will be used as default the next time the command is used. This was before not true for the choice of graphical symbol, since both 1.25 and 2.5 mm symbols could be selected. By limiting the selection possibilities to only symbols with the "correct" diameter for the respective command (small and large terminals), this limitation in the default handling has been possible to get rid of. (1009) - The eminent command "Adjust text and attributes" has been granted a place of honour in the "object properties toolbar", always easily accessible. (997) - The potential reference macro has been extended with an additional question, namely of the step value for incrementing the potential reference name, like for instance ;L1, ;L2, ;L3 etc. (985) - The circuit attribute in boundary boxes is now available primarily as a useful feature for instrumentation. (874) - The symbol SBRYT3 is available in the icon menu. In the distant past it was found only in the now almost extinct tablet menu. (707) - A toolbar button for the command LENGTHEN has been added. (357) Cabinet layout -------------- - When inserting cabinet layout symbols specified in the catalogue, an adjustment according to the current scale is now made. This is based on the assumption that the symbols originally are made for scale 1:10. When inserted in a drawing sheet with scale 1:20 the symbols will therefore be scaled a factor of 1:2, to create a correct end result. (1311) - Initialization of the cabinet layout nowadays will set the scale to the value last used in the current drawing sheet, in contrary to what was previously the case, when the module always started with a default scale of 1:10. (1298, 1296) - Inserting cabinet layout symbols from MG-CAD previously did not work with German AutoCAD. Now it does. (1286) - A command for direct manual insert of cabinet layout symbols has been added in the menu for cabinet layout. The same functionality is reachable directly using a new switch in the INSERT command. (1247) - If OSNAP was turned ON and the object snap ENDPOINT was active, that combination gave incorrect BOX dimensions in the cabinet layout. Now the dimensions will be correct. (1246) - When a terminal strip was inserted automatically, the first terminal of it was not provided with plant and location in the terminal group name, in opposite to the other terminals of the strip which was. This could create problems in some cases. Now this problem has been solved. (1190) The symbol generator -------------------- - The sorting of the attributes when a symbol is saved now takes all attributes that are specified in NSG001.INI into account, not only the ones belonging to the current symbol type, which was previously the case. (1273) - The prompt for connection numbers has been made language dependant. Previously it was speaking Swedish even in German, which was not very popular in Germany. (1261) - The symbol object now has German text when executed in German, to the joy of all Germans. Previously it was "English in German". (1260) - When handling multiple versions of AutoCAD, like when going from one version of AutoCAD to another, the function for creating slides for user defined symbols could stop working, as a consequence of an incorrect version of SLIDELIB.EXE being copied to the AutoCAD installation. This problem has finally been solved by cadett ELSA itself taking full responsibility if this management. SLIDELIB programs for all supported AutoCAD versions are now included in cadett ELSA and called when needed. (SLIDELIB15.EXE for AutoCAD 2000-2002 and SLIDELIB16.EXE for AutoCAD 2004-2005). (AutoCAD 2005 is supported by cadett ELSA 7.7). (1216, 1202) - The format of the menu file MGICONB.MNU (user defined symbols) when running an ordinary AutoCAD (not SOLO) was not adapted for network installations with a mix of SOLO and AutoCAD, which prevented such combinations from working in this respect. Now the same format that is working in both SOLO and AutoCAD is used in both environments. It is therefore now possible to freely mix AutoCAD and SOLO in the same installation. (1201) - Time delayed contacts had incorrectly turned symbols in the symbol generator for creation of contact mirrors. This has been corrected. (1148) - A possibility to define component type letter codes (NZ) up to 5 characters long has been introduced. (-) The settings module ------------------- - The function to create symbol standards/symbol libraries has been substantially improved. Now a selection of a prototype symbol standard is always made. (1195) cadett ELSA (Version 7.5 - Revision 1.3) is finished ------------------------------------------------------------ 2004-09-16 ========== The installation routine for incremental update ----------------------------------------------- - Write-protected files in the existing installation is no longer a problem when making an incremental update. - Under certain conditions problems with the hardware-lock could occur after installing This was caused by a less optimized location of the SuperProServer service. The problem has been corrected. cadett ELSA (Version 7.5 - Revision 1.3b) is finished -------------------------------------------------------------- 2004-09-30 ========== The installation program ------------------------ - An alternative for installation of a license server has been added in the installation procedure. General ------- - A database indexing problem has been solved. It could cause problems for instance for the project databases. cadett ELSA (Version 7.5 - Revision 1.3c) is finished -------------------------------------------------------------- 2004-10-25 ========== General ------- - A database indexing problem has been solved. cadett ELSA (Version 7.5 - Revision 1.3d) is finished -------------------------------------------------------------- 2004-11-25 ========== News in cadett ELSA 7.7 ----------------------- AutoCAD and SOLO ---------------- - Support for the new AutoCAD 2005 has been added, in the same time as the support for the now obsolete AutoCAD 2000 and 2000i has been removed. - The new SOLO 2005 replaces the old SOLO 2003. SOLO 2005 is based on AutoCAD 2005, SOLO 2003 was based on AutoCAD 2002. - SOLO 2005 is delivered in two language versions, one German and one English. Which one that should be used is selected at the installation of each workstation. Operating system ---------------- - The support for Windows NT 4.0 has been removed. OnLine ------ - A vastly improved and extended support of symbolic item designations has been introduced. Now the symbolic item designations do not disappear when an automatic item designation generation is performed, since it is stored in a separate attribute - LABEL. - A function for locking (”freezing”) of individual item designations has been introduced. - New extended OnLine dialogue boxes adapted for the new functionality that has been introduced have been added. - The previous limitation of a maximum of 40 characters for the content of attributes, has been replaced with a technology that supports a maximum of 4093 characters per attribute. - The OnLine database is now updated directly when symbols are redefined in the current sheet. Previously a regeneration of the OnLine database was needed. - It is now possible to turn off the item designation check and the automatic terminal numbering according to numbering algorithm in the terminal dialogue box. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - A possibility to copy data directly from Dynamic OnLine to other programs such as Excel has been introduced. SYmbol libraries, new functionality and additional functions ------------------------------------------------------------ - All information from the symbol database – SYMBDEF.DBF, SYMBDEFA.DBF and SYMBDEFC.DBF – is now stored directly in the symbols, which results in vastly improved data security and allows simplified routines when exchanging project data between installations. - A function for symbol data control and management has been introduced. With this new function it is possible to compare the symbol database information between symbol and symbol database, to detect any deviations and to update the symbol database from the symbols in an easy way. - A direction is now stored for each connection point of the symbols. This is a very important preparation for a new vastly improved function for line-breaking and –repair that will be added later. - The symbol libraries IEC113, IEC1082 and DIN5 have been adapted to the new functionality, like the supplement of additional attributes. - In DIN5 and IEC1082 the remark attribute has been made visible. - All main symbols in DIN5 and IEC1082 has been supplied with an attribute for electrical data. - A script sequence to convert user defined symbols to new format has been added. This should be used to convert all user defined symbols directly after the update to cadett ELSA 7.7. - An entirely new configurable function for plotting of symbol libraries has been introduced. This function is very suitable for checking of the result of the automatic converting of user defined symbols to provide a basis for any needed manual corrections. - A script sequence to convert drawing sheets – entire projects – with new symbols has been added. This should be used on each existing project before further work is made, after the update to cadet ELSA 7.7 and the converting of the user defined symbols that should be done directly thereafter. The drawing environment ----------------------- - The symbol generator has been extended with support for the new symbol functionality of cadett ELSA 7.7. - It has been made much simpler to create and edit PLC symbols using the symbol generator. - PLC symbols in the cabinet layout are now supported. The demonstration projects -------------------------- - The demonstration projects has been converted with new symbols. New product variants -------------------- - A new product – cadett ELSA View – has been introduced. This is a ”see but do not touch”-product for viewing, presentation and printing of project, resource and drawing information. - Yet another new product -– cadett ELSA Start – has been introduced. cadett ELSA Start is a step in version of the cadett ELSA family, with a simplified functionality and a very competitive price. SOLO 2005 is included. - cadett ELSA Basic Solo now handles a maximum of 100 drawing sheets per project, compared to 30 earlier. - The product cadett ELSA Professional Application has disappeared. Instead cadett ELSA Basic Application may be extended with cadett ELSA Professional Extension, in the same way as cadett ELSA Basic Solo may be extended with the same extension product. The result is the same! cadett ELSA (Version 7.7 - Revision 1.0) is finished ------------------------------------------------------------ 2004-12-20 ========== Language -------- - The English menu texts have been corrected. - If a counting number was missing in the composition of item designations, an error message was given in English, regardless of the language setting. Now the message will be given in the language for which cadett ELSA is configured. AutoCAD handling ---------------- - Incorrectly named profiles (with names containing "rubbish") could be created in large numbers, without apparent reason. This could lead to consequences of different kinds. This problem has now been corrected. - Previously there could be problems to detect installations of primarily AutoCAD 2005, but also SOLO 2005. This was connected to the problems described above, and resulted in problems during installation. Now it is functioning without any problems. The report generator -------------------- - The TARGET database *I.DBF (two way wire list) had incorrect relations (index) to *G.DBF in This resulted in incomplete reports (without symbol related information). This has been corrected. - The TARGET database *X.DBF (extended terminal list for DIN terminal/cable plans) has incorrect relations (index) to *G.DBF in This resulted in incomplete reports (without symbol related information). This has been corrected. - The main database *G.DBF contained unnecessary level oriented information for plant and location, even if level oriented item designations were shut off in the project parameters. This is no longer the case! - User defined fields in *G.DBF according to USERATT.INI now works in the way it should, instead of not at all, like in the previous revision. - Information of sub location from the cabinet layout was missing in *G.DBF. Now this information is available for filtering in reports and for other purposes. - Connection numbers and/or terminal numbers containing national characters like ÅÄÖ were incorrectly stored in the TARGET databases. This has been corrected. - The generation of TARGET databases used buffers which sizes could create problems under certain circumstances. These buffers have been extended, so that they are always adequate. - The filename for the file in which the report definition is stored (the REP-file) is now displayed on the screen. The symbol libraries -------------------- - The symbol libraries for IEC1082, IEC113 and DIN5 have been adjusted according to the following: o Attributes that were previously located in general text layers (TXT25 and similar) or electrical layers like CONT_2 (DIN5) have been moved to new layers ATTRIB18, ATTRIB25, ATTRIB35 and ATTRIB50. This is new layers especially aimed for attributes for which other specific layers, like LABEL25 or DESIG25, do not exist. o Invisible attributes like SYMBDEF and DATA, have been moved from layer 0 to layer HIDE. o The preview for symbols (the so-called "thumb-nail") has been substantially improved when the attribute-carrying layers have been frozen, and ZOOM EXTENTS has been performed before they have been saved. - SYMBDEFA in the symbol libraries IEC1082, IEC113 and DIN5 has been adjusted. An incorrect origin was specified for some standard symbols. - Connector symbols with both pin and socket (jack and plug) were incorrectly defined in the DIN5 symbol library in revision This has been corrected. - Some symbols according to standard IEC1082 had found their way into the IEC113 symbol library. These unwanted visitors have now been sent back home. - Symbols in device group S in the symbol library IEC1082 had less suitable attribute locations. This has been corrected. (IND and ELD were placed on top of each other). The layer set ------------- - New layers have been added: ATTRIB18 - General visible attributes with text height 1.8 mm ATTRIB25 - General visible attributes with text height 2.5 mm ATTRIB35 - General visible attributes with text height 3.5 mm ATTRIB50 - General visible attributes with text height 5.0 mm Like before item designation related attributes are located in separate layers: DESIG18 - Fixed item designations with text height 1.8 mm (ANLAGEI, ORT, BEZ etc). DESIG25 - Fixed item designations with text height 2.5 (ANLAGEI, ORT, BEZ etc). LABEL18 - Symbolic item designations with text height 1.8 mm. LABEL25 - Symbolic item designations with text height 2.5 mm. Hidden (previously invisible) attributes are now generally placed in layer HIDE. The drawing environment ----------------------- - An entirely new technology for line-breaking has been introduced. It uses the new SYMBDEF information that is stored within the symbols themselves, after the update procedures that are a part of the cadett ELSA 7.7 update have been performed. Here an information of direction is stored for each connection point, giving the following advantages: 1. The line-breaking will always give a correct result, not only in most cases as before. 2. The line-breaking is much faster than before. When unconverted symbols and/or unconverted projects are used, the old technology for line-breaking will automatically be used, with its limitations. - The command "Adjust text and attributes" had problems with texts in AutoCAD 2005 and SOLO 2005 in the previous revision (With attributes no problems oocurred however). This problem has been corrected. - The commands to select layer standards for plotting and design, have been modified to better take the new technology with symbolic and fixed item designations into account. Among other things, two alternatives for design have been introduced, for symbolic and for fixed item designations. - The command "copy resource data" that is found in the pull-down menu TOOLS, and which previously copied index (IND) and electrical data (ELD) from one symbol to another, has been extended. It is now possible, using ACAD.INI, to configure additional attributes to be copied in the same way. - It has been made possible to have user-defined symbols for potential references in the ordinary potential reference macro. This new feature is controlled by MAC03.INI. - It has been made possible to have user-defined symbols for connectors in the ordinary connector macros. This new feature is controlled by ACAD.INI. SOLO 2005 --------- - A performance problem when starting the drawing environment has been eliminated. The drawing manager ------------------- - "New between" or "paste between" if AutoCAD were running, that is if you had left AutoCAD without terminating it, previously did not trig an automatic regeneration of the OnLine database. Instead a message was presented telling that ONLINE*.* had to be deleted manually. Now this is handled automatically instead. - If the order of the drawing sheets in the drawing manager was changed, the commands "new between" and "paste between" could create problems. This has been corrected. - A possibility for an automatic shut-off of the viewer when problems are detected have been added. This function is activated in the pull-down menu MODULE, ALTERNATIVES... and the tab VIEWER. - The language handling (menu texts) has been corrected among the settings (alternatives). - An error that could create problems when a repeated NEW or PASTE was made has been corrected. - The format of *R.DBF is now automatically adjusted according to the specifications in the mask file - through *Z.DBF and *M.DBF - when the field LONGDESC (description) is concerned. This means that longer descriptions than standard are now fully supported. Viewer ------ - The internal viewer DrDWG has unfortunately been accompanied with some instabilities through the years. As an alternative cadett has developed a viewer of its own. "cadettViewer" is simpler, faster and more stable than DrDWG. The selection of which viewer to use is made in the darwing manager, pull-down menu MODULE, command ALTERNATIVES..., tab VIEWER. The symbol generator -------------------- - The symbol generator is using the new layers ATTRIB18-ATTRIB50, places invisible DATA-, SYMBDEF- and SYMROTATION-attributes in HIDE etc. - The symbol generator now handles connectors correctly, even for the combination of pin and socket, which unfortunately was not the case before. The problem was caused by the fact that the pin/socket information was stored by symbol, which is not sufficient in this case. Now this is stored by connection (in the connection object) instead. - Symbols without connections will no longer be given unnecessary connection objects when editing them. - The layer configuration is handled and reset even after a symbol has been created from scratch. All layers are turned on when the option NEW SYMBOL is selected. When the symbol is saved the layer setting is turned back to what it was before the NEW SYMBOL command was selected. - PLC function blocks without graphics have been introduced as an alternative to the ones with standardized graphics. (Activate "no graphics" in the dialogue box to use them). - When creating PLC mirrors the symbol generator previously suggested a number of unnecessary attributes, besides the necessary ones. The symbol generator has quitted doing so. The installation program ------------------------ - When German language selection was used some questions were given in English, despite the selection. This has now been adjusted. - Possible keys missing in MGVER.DBF, because of errors in earlier installations, was not handled. This could cause strange behaviours, like that the software could not "remember" which product was in use, resulting for example in the Professional extension not being available. Now a suitable error message is given in this situation. - Import of MGVER.DBF is now working. Unfortunately it did not previously. This could result in missed new keys. - When trying to create a new workstation, if write access to the central ELSA70 directory was not available, this failed with some "fireworks". Now the failure is shown with a more discrete error message instead. - When performing updates where the directory of the installation is kept unchanged and where the workstations are updated automatically when they are first started after the central update, no update was previously made of the short-cut itself. The old version number was therefore left unchanged, like "cadett ELSA 7.5" or similar. This was a purely aesthetical matter of irritation, but it is nevertheless passed to the history books. - The new viewer developed by cadett, the "cadettViewer", is installed automatically. - The stand-alone Spider interface, SpiderX, is automatically installed. Clean-up cadett ELSA -------------------- - New definitions have been added, so that all known obsolete standard objects from cadett ELSA 5.X, 6.X and 7.X are deleted. OnLine/PDS ---------- - The automatic generation of item designations previously could give somewhat surprising results when inserting circuits, when the first free counting number was not used, but instead a higher one. This has been corrected. - New objects and interfaces in PDS has been added to handle insertions of symbols and lines. This means that OnLine now can both add and remove symbols as well as add and remove lines. This gives extended possibilities for automation solutions, among other things. (Automatic generation of documentations and other similar tasks). - A new interface in the PDS to handle property symbols has been added. - New selection methods in the PDS interface for wire handling have been added. - The memory management in OnLine has been optimized, resulting in 25% better performance when regenerating the OnLine database. The script generator -------------------- - When adding files/projects in the script generator, an ugly message was presented, even if the function itself did what it should. Now only the latter behaviour remains. Script sequences ---------------- - The script sequence 0UPDATE_SYMBOLS_TO_77 (update of symbols to the new format of cadett ELSA 7.7) has been modified in many respects: o Attributes on layer TXT* are moved to corresponding layer ATTRIB*. o Attributes SYMBDEF and SYMBDEFC are moved to layer HIDE. o Attribute SYMROTATION (which stores the rotation angle of the symbol object when editing in the symbol generator) is moved to layer HIDE. o The attribute-carrying layers are turned off and frozen before the symbol is saved, to give a clear preview of the symbol, in the catalogue and in other places. - The script sequence 0UPDATE_INSERTS (update of drawing sheets/projects for cadett ELSA 7.7) has been modified so that invisible remark attributes (MARK) are moved to layer HIDE in the same time as the INVISIBLE flag is removed. The result is that these invisible attributes are made visible but are placed in a hidden layer, so that they remain invisible. In this way it will however be very easy to make them visible using the command "Show attribute", and invisible again with "Hide attribute", both commands available in the MODIFY pull-down menu, the EDIT TEXT sub menu. The previous inconvenience that remarks that had been invisible were made visible in the update procedure, has been eliminated. - The script sequence for PDF generation (0PDF_GENERATION_Q) was not working properly in, because of an error in the VBA routine that was called. This has been corrected, so that this function is now working as good as it did before. Dynamic OnLine -------------- - The editing of item designations of cables in the cable list contained a few language errors, but also some problems in the function as well. This has all been corrected. - When using the same numbering series for wires to terminals as for other wires - instead of the more common method with terminal numbers - problems could occur, when the cross-check between these connection types did not work as it should. The error could result in the same wire-number appearing twice in the same numbering area. Since this cross-check has been corrected, that problem will not appear anymore. - ÅÄÖ or other national characters in connection numbers or terminal numbers were incorrectly displayed in Dynamic OnLine. Now they are presented correctly instead! - Direct copying to Excel that was introduced from the device list in the previous revision,, is now available in all tabs. Besides this, can be used, instead of only the COPY button as before. - When printing where the printer was ACROBAT DISTILLER or similar, a crash appeared, due to errors in ACROBAT. Through changes made in cadett ELSA this situation is now avoided. The project module ------------------ - The handling of the tree structure in the project module were previously sometimes experienced as somewhat unstable. Measures have been taken to avoid this from now on. - When creating a new project, not all project parameters were inherited from the selected prototype project. Some late arriving project parameters were unfortunately left behind. Now they will all make it! - When printing where the printer was ACROBAT DISTILLER or similar, a crash appeared, due to errors in ACROBAT. Through changes made in cadett ELSA this situation is now avoided. Import from another cadett ELSA ------------------------------- - The function has been made generally faster than before. - Imports of large amounts of project information, like in connection with upgrades, which always will consume some time, have been made much easier since possible problems that can occur in the process, now will not stop it. Error messages are instead logged. - The integrity check that is made of imported data has been optimized to give better performance. - "Case insensitive" search/filtering did not work for national characters like ÅÄÖ. It now does. - The import of the tree structure for projects have been given better checkings. Previously errors could pass, or in worst case be created, when forbidden combinations could occur in connection with the import. Now that wont happen anymore. - Projects that are not imported for one reason or the other are logged as ERROR. Earlier they were not logged at all. An error message was given instead. - Circumstances in the project import that previously resulted in questions to the user, will now instead be logged as a WARNING. - Circumstances that previously gave an information dialogue box, are now logged as INFO. - When importing user defined symbol libraries a dialogue box to enter which standard symbol library should be used as prototype is displayed. - The integrity check of SYMBDEF.DBF gives priority to later added symbol definitions, if the import is made from other versions than 7.0. If the import is made from 7.0 priority is given to earlier. Multiple simultaneous symbol definitions in SYMBDEF.DBF will normally never exist. However indexing errors can lead to this result. In that case the later definition is always the most recent and hopefully most correct. In cadett ELSA 7.0 there existed a circumstance that could result in the opposite. That circumstance is however eliminated since long time. The purpose of the described management is to create a corrected symbol database, where the content is the data that is most likely the most recent and most correct. - Some configuration files for the drawing environment, MAC03.INI, MAC13.INI and MAC14.INI, are imported in a special way that is different from the normal one. This is made to avoid that news that have been introduced in cadett ELSA for the layer and attribute handling is being overwritten with older settings. - The local MGVER.DBF is closed to make an import of data to it possible. - If a group name that is imported is the same as the long or short name of an existing project, a counting number is added at the end, to avoid forbidden collisions. - If a short or long project name that is imported and a group with the same name already exists, a counting number in the end is added, to avoid forbidden collisions. The catalogue ------------- - An error when handling numerical fields resulted in the size fields for the cabinet layout not being correctly displayed. This has been corrected. - The field for composite indexes are now emptied when making catalogue selections. - Composite indexes can now be up to 254 characters long. - The filter dialogue could give crashes under unlucky circumstances. This has been corrected. - The status of the catalogue in the lists is now saved, when the catalogue is left. - A problem when specifying user defined fields has been solved. - COPY is now adapted so that it is possible to copy to for instance EXCEL or similar. - If more than 100 resources are inserted, an automatic selection of them are not made afterwards. This results in better performance for this type of operations. - For extremely vast changes through the Spider interface the catalogue could crash due to an overload of messages. This wont happen anymore. - When a filter is set, a dialogue is now showing that something is happening. - Spider is handling the situation when a database is already open when opening it, in a better way than before. General ------- - ELSA.DLL has been adjusted concerning national characters in a couple of ways. - An improved function to add fields in database tables has been added. - When starting cadett ELSA, a checking is now performed that write access rights to the central ELSA70 directory is available. A lack of this previously ended up in difficult to interpret error messages. Special functions ----------------- - SPIDERX.DLL, a function for direct access of catalogues without involvement of cadett ELSA, has been improved. Plotting of symbol libraries ---------------------------- - Filter like "beginning with" and "ending with" were mixed up. Now they are not. - Support for the new layer set for attributes ( has been added. - The function previously altered the current directory, which could give sad consequences for other functions, like the icon menu generation. Now no such alterations will be made, which the environment will be grateful for. cadett ELSA (Version 7.7 - Revision 1.1) is finished ------------------------------------------------------------ 2005-03-28 ========== Dynamic OnLine -------------- - An error when editing the remark in the Dynamic OnLine device list has been adjusted. The project module ------------------ - A stability problem when editing the tree-structure of the project module has been fixed. The drawing environment ----------------------- - An error in the line-breaking for old unconverted terminals has been corrected. - Some connector symbols were incorrectly defined in IEC1082, IEC113 and DIN5. This resulted in incorrect line-breaking. The problem has been corrected. - An error in the line-breaking for terminal symbols for connection diagrams has been corrected. - The motor circuits in IEC113 and IEC1082 have been updated with new symbols. - The motor circuits in IEC113 have been updated with new item designations. - The commands for the layer standard for plotting without cables have been adjusted. OnLine ------ - The automatic generation of item designations for separator character independant item designations has been corrected. The report generator -------------------- - The descriptions for some report definitions have been adjusted. General ------- - Some text adjustments of minor importance have been made. cadett ELSA (Version 7.7 - Revision 1.2) is finished ------------------------------------------------------------ 2005-04-13 ========== General ------- - The default main directory is now ELSA80. - The default project main directory is now PROJ80. - The software now requires a 8.0 hardware lock. - The software presents itself as cadett ELSA 8.0. - The "about box" has been given a new fresh look. Installation ------------ - The manuals are now installed in \ELSA80\MANUAL. Previously they had to be manually copied from the CD. AutoCAD support --------------- - AutoCAD 2006 is now supported. The drawing environment ----------------------- - The pull-down meny "Macros" has been discontinued. - Icons has been introduced in the pull-down menus when using AutoCAD 2006. - The tablet menu has been discontinued. - The screen menu has been discontinued. Database handling ----------------- - The software has been prepared for a new improved client/server technology that will increase the performance of database operations on catalogues and similar, in later revisions. cadett ELSA (Version 8.0 - Revision 1.0) is finished ------------------------------------------------------------ 2005-04-22 ========== Import of Elprocad drawings --------------------------- - A complete package of functions to import Elprocad drawings to cadett ELSA with all logical information kept intact has been added: o A function to split multi page drawings in separate DXF files. o A function to convert Elprocad symbols to cadett ELSA standard. o A script sequence to convert all symbols in multiple drawing sheets in one sequence. PLC --- - The complete BETA version of the PLC module is now included installed and ready to use. Previously a separate installation was required. Now all that is needed to be able to use the module is to activate it with a couple of settings in ACAD.INI located in the current symbol library. Please note that the BETA version of the PLC module is using Swedish prompts and menu texts only. Replicator / MultiElsa II ------------------------- - A replicator that facilitates an automatic exchange of information via Internet between two or more cadett ELSA installations is now included in the standard product. Drawinig environment -------------------- - The command "Adjust text and attributes " has been modified to support the new entity codes that has been introduced in AutoCAD 2005/2006. - Four new variants of boundary boxes have been added. They can be used both for ordinary boundary boxes and for generic symbols: o Right side open o Left side open o Upper side open o Lower side open - The editing of generic symbols has been modified so that the content of the DATA attribute is not altered, which is important for the locking of item designations. OnLine ------ - The attribute mirroring functionality has been modified so that unmirrored attributes are cleaned when new symbols are inserted and “forced mirroring” is active. - A program error has been corrected that affected the INDEX functionality for CASE_2. Cross-references and mirrored texts were not updated (cleaned) when the symbol type was changed from main to help symbol (when the content of the index attribute was deleted). Hardware locks that can be updated using e-mail (FIELDEXUTIL.EXE) ----------------------------------------------------------------- - A technology to update hardware locks with e-mail, for instance in connection with updates, has been introduced. This means that the hardware locks no longer need to be replaced when the software is updated, if the new version independent lock type is used. - The program for hardware lock updates is located in ELSA80\HWLOCK\LICENSE_UPDATE and is called FIELDEXUTIL.EXE. Alternative viewer cadettViewer (cadettviewer.ocx) ---------------------------------------------------- - A new font (ISOCP2) that better resembles ELISO.SHX is now used. - Earlier problems that drawing sheets in the TARGET directory were displayed upside-down have been eliminated. Internal WEB-browser (webbdll.dll) -------------------------------- - The handling of different national homepages has been changed. General ------- - IE70.DLL is now automatically installed by cadett ELSA, since newer AutoCAD versions does not take care of this, as earlier versions did. IE70.DLL contains functionality to display AutoCAD thumbnails, which is used in the catalogue – among other places – to present symbol images. Customization interface (HOOK.DLL) ----------------------- - An information box that previously was displayed if no hook was defiend is no longer used. - Function for menu regeneration (ICONLINK.ARX, ICONLINK16.ARX, ICONLINKSOLO.ARX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - The database interface has been replaced. Previously direct CodeBase was used. Now the communication is instead directed through ELSA.DLL which is providing another an much better level of security, which in turn results in better stability. The script generator (SCRDLL.DLL) ----------------------------- A synchronization error has been corrected. An incorrect use of the short project name instead of the long one has been corrected. The translator (TRANSDLL.DLL) --------------------------- - Support for the file format of AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006 has been introduced. - An improved support for translation word-by-word with separator characters has been added. The project module (PROJDLL.DLL) ---------------------------- - When a new project is created the PROJECTS.INI from the prototype project will be copied to the newly created project. If PROJECTS.INI is missing in the prototype project, the global prototype for PROJECTS.INI will be copied instead (which is found in ELSA80\SYSTEM). - A possibility to specify the number of digits in the sheet numbers to 1 has been added. Previously the lowest possible number of digits was 2. Dynamic OnLine (EDITDLL.DLL, ZERO.DLL) -------------------------------------- - A leak of graphical handles has been sealed. - The synchronization between the circuit diagram and the wire list of Dynamic OnLine has been corrected. - The sorting of the terminal list in accordance with numbering algorithms has been corrected when the buffer size is concerned. - The cable core list has been corrected. General (ELSA.DLL) ------------------ - An earlier correction of the handling of national characters like ÅÄÖÜ in TRMTABLE (internal terminal list) unfortunately had side effects that had an negative influence of the jumper handling. This has been corrected. - The SPIDER interface has been changed so that it is now EXCLUSIVE and DYNAMIC. - New index files for the catalogue databases results in better performance. The report generator (REPDLL.DLL, ZERO.DLL) ---------------------------------------- - The TARGET databases *E.DBF. *2.DBF and *L.DBF now have dynamic fields adapted tp the new functionality of the catalogue. This implies that the field lengths are adjusted according to the current status of the catalogue. On top of that, all user defined fields will always be added, if such exist in the catalogue. - The screen update has been improved. Column headlines were previously not always displayed correctly. - The handling of index in help symbols in combination with resource groups has been corrected for the TARGET database *2.DBF. - The sorting of the terminal list in accordance with numbering algorithms has been corrected when the buffer size is concerned. - The cable core list has been corrected. General (FRAME.EXE) ------------------- - A watch dog function to monitor interfaces has been implemented. - The function "About cadett ELSA ..." is now able to store system information in an XNL file when the dialogue box is clicked. - The handling of the older type of parallel port network hardware locks (NetSentinel) has been improved. - The selection of AutoCAD under Alternatives... has been improved. Client/server database server for the catalogue and other --------------------------------------------------------- purposes (SPIDER.EXE) --------------------- - A new technology generation has been taken into service: o Exclusive database access o Dynamic field lengths (user specified field lengths for all catalogue fields is supported) o A number of optimizations to accomplish a better performance have been made. List editing (cadettlist.ocx) ------------------------------ - This function is used when editing NVARDEC.DBF and for other similar tasks. It has been updated with the newest corrections from the continued development of the corresponding functions in the catalogue. - In network installations the control is connected locally. Import from another cadett ELSA (import.dll) ------------------------------------------ - The field lengths are automatically adjusted upwards when needed in connection with import. This happens if the catalogue that the import is made from contains fields longer than the ones in the catalogue that the import is made to. - When importing ACAD.INI the key DxfOut/Version is not altered. - The replicator is now handled by the import function, which of course substantially simplifies updates of installations where the replicator is used. - Customizations that use the so-called HOOK interface are now handled by the import functionality. The catalogue (KAT.DLL) ------------------- - An entirely new functionality to export and import catalogue data has been introduced. This makes it much easier to exchange catalogue data between different installations. It is possible to export: o All resources o Only changed resources o All resources to which references exist in a given project - The client/server technology that is used by the catalogue through the Spider has been changed in its foundations. The databases are now exclusively opened. This results in better performance and an enhanced security. - An error in the calculation of the content in resource groups has been corrected. - A correction has been made of the functionality to search using keyboard input in the list. - Unnecessary log messages have been removed. - The filter for resource groups did previously display deleted records, which of course was not desirable. This has now been corrected. - User defined fields from the database files *UD.DBF and *LA.DBF has been moved to *KT.DBF. Among other advantages this enables data from these fields to be used in the reports, since all data from *KT.DBF is transferred to *E.DBF, *2.DBF and *L.DBF for the report generation. It is also now possible to apply filters on user defined fields, which was not possible before. - The database formats for the catalogue is controlled by the PROT files in the SUPPORT directory (PROT_KT.DBF and others). cadett ELSA (Version 8.0 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2005-09-14 ========== The drawing environment ----------------------- - Editing of generic symbols of the old type, that is which had not been updated to the new symbol format that was introduced in cadett ELSA 7.7, gave an error message in the previous revision, due to a lisp error. This has been corrected. The script generator -------------------- - A script sequence for updates of sub-circuits so that the symbols in them are replaced with updated versions has been added. The script sequence is named 0UPDATE_SUBCIRCUITS_TO_77 The catalogue (SPIDER.EXE, KAT.DLL) ----------------------------------- - Unique searches gave an incorrect result in This has been corrected. The documentation ----------------- - The first edition of the German manual for cadett ELSA 8.0 is located in \ELSA80\MANUAL\GERMAN and is called "cadett ELSA 8.0 Deutsches Handbuch - Erster Teil.pdf". PLC --- - The sorting of the item designations has been improved. - The list with item designations has been made wider to enable a presentation that is more easy to read. The report generator (ZERO.DLL) ------------------------------- - The TARGET database *L.DBF was created with an incorrect content in the previous revision, which caused item lists summarized over the entire project to be given an incorrect content. This problem has been corrected. General (FRAME.EXE) ------------------- - An argument has been added which causes the program to wait for an available license. This new function is primarely intended for automatic generation solutions. Argument: -WAIT_FOR_LICENSE cadett ELSA (Version 8.0 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2005-11-11 ========== AutoCAD ------- - The software has been adopted to AutoCAD 2007, which has required vast adaptations of all ARX files, among others. - The support for AutoCAD 2002 has been discontinued. - The support for AutoCAD Electrical 2006 and 2007 has been improved. These programs can now be selected as easily as the ordinary AutoCAD. Windows ------- - Since the support for AutoCAD 2002 has been discontinued, as a direct and automatic consequence the support for Windows 2000 is also discontinued, because AutoCAD 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007, together with SOLO 2005 all require Windows XP. Drawing environment ------------------- - Extensive adaptations for AutoCAD 2007 have been made. - The descriptive texts for the earth symbols have been corrected. (This is mainly an issue for Swedish language setting, but it also influences English language setting). - Default potential name for chassis earth symbols in IEC1082 has been changed to MM, which is in accordance with IEC445. - The symbol for serial protective earth previously had an incorrect default potential name according to IEC445 and an incorrect descriptive text. Both these has been corrected in the IEC1082 symbol library. (The default potential name is now PE). - The general symbols for earth (ground) keep the potential name PE in the IEC1082 symbol library. - The lisp has been prepared for new functionality that will be introduced later. - The feature that connection points were replaced each time a sheet was opened unfortunately had many disadvantages. Among others it took an unnecessarily long time to shift sheet. This feature has been discontinued. OnLine ------ - Very extensive adaptations for AutoCAD 2007 have been made. - Preparations for new functionality that will be introduced later have been made. Documentation ------------- - Updated manuak chapters in Swedish has been added. (English and German versions will follow). - The MANUAL folder is now present both in the root of the CD and as a subdirectory of the main directory of cadett ELSA (usually ELSA90). The project module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - CreateNewProject through ActiveX could fail if the user had changed the columns in the project module. This has been corrected. - The dialogue boxes has been given new icons. - A protection against double separator characters (like “--“) has been added for automatic generation of item designations. - The control function for project parameters could run into a dead lock under certain conditions. This has been corrected. - Multiple preparations for new functionality that will be introduced later have been made. - When the project databases is integrity checked all flags in UFLAGS is reset. - The function ”Recreate OnLine databases" has been adapted to new functionality that will be introduced later. - AutoCAD is now terminated only when it is required when changing project, instead of always as before. This saves time. Backup projects (FILEDLL.DLL) ----------------------------- - The dialogue boxes has been given new icons. - The import dialogue box is now working also when large fonts is selected in Windows. - When exporting projects AutoCAD is automatically terminated. The drawing manager ------------------- - The calculation of the variable´!GESAMT (the total number of sheets) has been improved. It is now always performed when executing the functions NEW, DELETE and REORGANIZE. - The ActiveX interface has been made more stable. - The calculation of the variable !MIRROR (transferring of data from one field to another within the same sheet) has been improved. During a complete reading of new data, it previously didn’t return anything. - New routines for writing of attributes to the drawing sheets have been introduced. They check that it is possible to write to the file. Dynamic OnLine (EDITDLL.DLL) ---------------------------- - Inserting layout symbols now fetches index data from the catalogue also for composite indexes. The data is fetched from the first index that is contained in the composite index. - The dialogue box has been given new icons. - The function that compare composite indexes previously did not manage to handle composite indexes made up from one single index, like 3*FC001. This has been corrected. - The primary buffers are now emptied when collecting. - When returning to AutoCAD the command "nosetup" is sent to AutoCAD. - Remaining readings of catalogue databases not using Spider has been eliminated. - Changing index in the cable list tab could sometimes change also the cable above. This annoying peculiarity has been passed to history. The report generator (REPDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - The dialogue boxes has been given new icons. - Translation has been implemented for FMT forms. Previously this function was available only for DXF forms. (This deals with variables of the type !T(...). - Translation has been implemented also for variables referring to project parameters. - Some specifications of file names could, because of the method that was used to give the final file name, create problems. (This could happen for file names like 11___003.DXF). - IND (index) is since before extended to a maximum length of 254 characters. Previously the field was much shorter. The new extended length unfortunately had the disadvantage of not allowing the filed to be used for sorting. Now the maximum used text length is checked for each sort field when the sort database is created. In that way the best possible sorting possibilities is achieved, and the index can also be used. - The report generator has been prepared for new functionality that will be introduced later. - Batch execution previously locked the frame. It was then not possible to get elsa70.application. This has been changed in the new version. The script generator -------------------- - Script sequences to convert drawing sheets to formats that are no longer supported by current versions of AutoCAD, like R12 DWG, R13 DXF/DWG and R14 DXF, have been removed and defined as obsolete. The function “clean up cadett ELSA" can be used to delete these sequences after the software has been updated. o 0DWG-R13DXF_Q Obsolete and removed. o 0DWG-R13DXF_Z Obsolete and removed. o 0DWG-R14DXF_Q Obsolete and removed. o 0DWG-R14DXF_Z Obsolete and removed. o 0DXF-R13DWG_Q Obsolete and removed. o 0DXF-R13DWG_Z Obsolete and removed. o 0DXF-R13DXF_Q Obsolete and removed. o 0DXF-R13DXF_Z Obsolete and removed. o 0DXF-R14DXF_Q Obsolete and removed. o 0DXF-R14DXF_Z Obsolete and removed. - New script sequences to convert to new DWG- and DXF-formats have been added according to the following: o 0DWG-R16DXF_Q Convert DWG to 2004 DXF in the SOURCE directory. o 0DWG-R16DXF_Z Convert DWG to 2004 DXF in the TARGET directory. o 0DWG-R17DXF_Q Convert DWG to 2007 DXF in the SOURCE directory. o 0DWG-R17DXF_Z Convert DWG to 2007 DXF in the TARGET directory. o 0DXF-R15DXF_Q Convert DXF to 2000 DXF in the SOURCE directory. o 0DXF-R15DXF_Z Convert DXF to 2000 DXF in the TARGET directory. o 0DXF-R16DWG_Q Convert DXF to 2004 DWG in the SOURCE directory. o 0DXF-R16DWG_Z Convert DXF to 2004 DWG in the TARGET directory. o 0DXF-R16DXF_Q Convert DXF to 2004 DXF in the SOURCE directory. o 0DXF-R16DXF_Z Convert DXF to 2004 DXF in the TARGET directory. o 0DXF-R17DWG_Q Convert DXF to 2007 DWG in the SOURCE directory. o 0DXF-R17DWG_Z Convert DXF to 2007 DWG in the TARGET directory. o 0DXF-R17DXF_Q Convert DXF to 2007 DXF in the SOURCE directory. o 0DXF-R17DXF_Z Convert DXF to 2007 DXF in the TARGET directory. - The dialogue boxes have been given new icons. Generation of PDF files (PDFGEN.DVB/PDFGENSOLO.DVB) --------------------------------------------------- - Instead of using a reference to Acrobat Distiller, CreateObject... is now used which makes its possible to use FreePDF even if Acrobat Distiller is not installed. The translator -------------- - The dialogue boxes have been given new icons. The catalogue ------------- - The status for the function ”Load the entire catalogue” is now saved separately for each catalogue. - If “Load the entire catalogue” is active, the sorting of columns is performed internally. - The dialogue box “Do you want to save your changes” that turn up when the catalogue is exited and all changes are not already saved, is now modal, meaning that is must be answered before it is possible to continue. - A progress bar in the export/import function for catalogues has been implemented. - The export/import function for catalogues now loads UNZIP32.DLL from the main directory of cadett ELSA. Previously there were situations in local installations where loading of this DLL failed. - The function “insert using the catalogue” with “composite indexes” has been corrected. - The functions “copy/paste” and “new resource” could previously run into performance problems in some network installations. This has been corrected. - An error in the functions “copy/paste” and “new resource” made it possible to create multiple resources with identical indexes in some situations. This has been corrected. - The catalogue is now setting filter using the device group of the symbols. Previously the component type was incorrectly used. - The maximum length of user defined fields previously was 256 characters which is incorrect since lengths over 254 characters do not work. Now the maximum length has been changed to 254 characters. Catalogue import (KIMPDLL.DLL) ------------------------------ - The entire import function has been gone through to support the new technology that SPIDER now is using in all respects. The database server for the catalogue (SPIDER) ---------------------------------------------- - The handling of the function "global editing" has been corrected. The Settings module (CONFDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - The dialogue boxes have been given new icons. - The ActiveX command Open(algoname) returns a list of numbering algorithms if algoname is empty. - The ActiveX command GetCount() returns the number of numbering algorithms in the list that has been opened. The function "Import from another cadett ELSA" (IMPORT.DLL) ----------------------------------------------------------- - When importing symbol libraries a sub directory called "embedded..." is created. When importing a symbol library that already has such a sub directory, a copy of that could previously be placed in it, thus creating a directory structure that became deeper and deeper for each import/update. This will not happen anymore. - The sub directory BLOCKDXF in the symbol libraries (that is used by the automation module for cadett ELSA) is now imported together with other symbol library files when a symbol library is imported. - A new field UFLAGS has been added to the project parameter database for additional project parameters (ADDPAR.DBF). This field is emptied when importing projects. The www.cadett.com function --------------------------- - The dialogue boxes has been given new icons. General cadett ELSA (FRAME.EXE, ELSA.DLL, ZERO.DLL, DXFIO.DLL/DXFIOA.DLL etc) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - cadett ELSA is really “burning” for electrical design in the new version which is reflected in a new graphical design. - FRAME.EXE: If SOLO.EXE is running when cadett ELSA (FRAME.EXE) is starting, a question is now presented to the user whether SOLO should be terminated or not. - FRAME.EXE: miGetElsaVersion returns 90. - FRAME.EXE: If the function -WAIT_FOR_LICENSE has been waited more than 10 minutes a file "license_waiting" will be created in the WS directory. - FRAME.EXE: SETTINGS.INI in the SOURCE directory now has a section [Common]/WsId - FRAME.EXE: CreateObject("Elsa70.Application") is now waiting for the entire initialization of cadett ELSA to be ready before it exits. - FRAME.EXE: When exiting the software the watchdog thread is terminated. (Use of watchdog could previously cause a crash when exiting cadett ELSA since the watchdog thread then was left). - FRAME.EXE: When starting the function "Import from another cadett ELSA" (import.dll) AutoCAD is terminated. - FRAME.EXE: Now cadett ELSA manages to keep track of exactly which AutoCAD it has started, without mixing it up with other AutoCAD’s that is running concurrently. The consequence is that it now problem free to start separate instances of AutoCAD at the side of cadett ELSA. Previously problems could sometimes occur. - ELSA.DLL: The import database *LV.DBF in the catalogue is now formatted according the prototype databases- This gived the correct functionality for user defined fields, among other things. - ELSA.DLL: mbGetCatInfo returns the value for the first index contained in a composite index. - ELSA.DLL: The revision databases *3.DBF and *4.DBF were corrupted in cadett ELSA This has been corrected. - ELSA.DLL: A fix has been made to support the fix in FRAME of (miGetElsaVersion). - ELSA.DLL: ActiveX calls were instable (yes to all). Corrected. - ELSA.DLL: When opening a project the separator characters that are stored in PROJECTS.DBF are written to PROJECTS.INI. - ELSA.DLL: When opening a project where FORMAT/FORMATPLC/FORMATCAB is missing in PROJECTS.INI a suitable default value is used. - ELSA.DLL: When opening a project where double separator characters exist in the project parameters for automatic iten designation generation this is automatically corrected. - ELSA.DLL: A number of adaptations for new functionality that will be introduced later have been made. - ELSA.DLL: *LV.DBF (the import database file) has been extended so that it works properly for KIMPDLL.DLL. - ELSA.DLL: The search path for AutoCAD (ACAD) will not contain ACADE when it is saved. This makes it easier to install cadett ELSA with AutoCAD Electrical 2006 and 2007. - ELSA.DLL: cadett ELSA 9.0 uses the same registry keys as all other versions since 7.0, that is "7.0". - ELSA.DLL: ONLINECE and ONLINECI have changed file names (PDS_CE/CI_[UID].dbf) when running in a new mode that will be introduced later. - ELSA.DLL: ONLINE_*.DBF have new file names (PDS_?_[UID].DBF) when running in the new future mode. - ZERO.DLL: A fix to support the fix in FRAME of (miGetElsaVersion) has been made. - ZERO.DLL: ActiveX calls were previously not stable. This was true for reaterevisiondatabases, revisioncompare and check-in. Now this has been corrected. - ZERO.DLL: The same registry keys is used in cadett ELSA 9.0 as in 8.0 and 7.X, that is "7.0". - ZERO.DLL: The file names for ONLINECE.DBF and ONLINECI.DBF have been changed to PDS_CE/CI_[UID].dbf when running in a future mode. - ZERO.DLL: The TARGET database *X.DBF (extended terminal plan) previously contained an incorrect last record. This has been corrected. - DXFIO: New functions have been added to support future new functionality: o mkOpenEx o mkGetAttValsEx o mkSetAttValsEx cadett ELSA (Version 9.0 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2006-09-04 ========== Revision handling ----------------- - When the format of the databases were different because of changes in the configuration of user defined fields in the catalogue between revisions, the revision compare procedure could give an incorrect result, like giving a list of changes where the item designation column was empty. This has been corrected. Import from another cadett ELSA ------------------------------- - User defined fields in the catalogues were not imported correctly. This has been corrected. - References to revisions were not imported. The revisions themselves were imported however. Now both the revisions and the references to them are imported. - Copying of files from the TARGET to the SOURCE directory when importing projects is no longer active by default, since that function in most cases is not desired. Automatic item designation generation ------------------------------------- - When using some particular item designation compositions a regeneration of all item designations could give different results the first and second times. This is now corrected so that the result is always the same. PLC --- - Transfer of information between PLC help symbols and PLC mirrors between sheets previously required a double editing. It does not anymore. - The performance of the PLC module has been substantially improved. It is now about 50 times faster. cadett ELSA (Version 9.0 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2006-10-02 ========== The project module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - If the specified SOURCE directory does not exist when entering the project parameters, a dialogue box´is now presented, which gives a warning and a description of the consequences of this. - When the SOURCE, TARGET and SYSTEM directories in the project parameters are changed, only that change is stored. Other changes are disregarded. - Customization hooks have been added to simplify interfacing with document handling systems. Catalogue (Spider.exe) ---------------------- - An error that could cause the Spider to crash when appending with the cadettlist.ocx has been corrected. General (ELSA.DLL) ------------------ - A status field has been added to ADDPAR.DBF in order to simplify interfacing with document handling systems. The symbol generator (NSG001.DVB, NSG001SOLO.DVB) ------------------------------------------------- - The support for AutoCAD 2007 has been improved. Drawing environment (ACADCAD.FAS, ACADSOLO.FAS) ----------------------------------------------- - An error that among other problems prevented the update of the OnLine database in some cases has been corrected. cadett ELSA (Version 9.0 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------- 2006-10-13 ========== cadett ELSA 10.0: ================= General ------- - It is now allowed to have multiple concurrent users in a project. This has been made possible thanks to newly developed technology based on an innovation from cadett. The new technology is activated with a special parameter located in the first tab of the project parameters. - Technology for super projects has been added. Multiple projects (sub projects) can be connected in a super project. Cross-references are created OnLine between the sub projects. This enables handling of very large projects – several thousands of drawing sheets – with good performance. The report generator -------------------- - Support for renumbering of generated DXF reports has been added through a number of new functions enabling a detailed configuration of the way the reports should be sheet-numbered. - Filenames and sheet numbers for DXF reports can now be created dependant on plant and/or location. Dynamic OnLine II ----------------- - The first part of a entirely new Dynamic OnLine is introduced. The device list of Dynamic OnLine II is a very effective tool with a number of new features. Drawing environment ------------------- - The symbol macros are now placed in new more logical icon menus, which have room for them all. - The toolbars have been extended and improved. - The pull-down menus have been updated and simplified. - More variants of the earth-symbols have been added. Now both noiseless earth and equipotential bonding are available. - A simpler selection between terminal and serial earth has been introduced. They are now located in parallel in the menu system. IEC1346 ------- - Support has been introduced for automatic reduction of double separator characters in connection with IEC1346 transitions. This makes it easy to handle transitions according to IEC1346 in an elegant manner. - New drawing frames according to the newest ISO and IEC standards have been added´ (ELSA81 in Swedish and ELSA81GB in English). - A new exercise project according to the new standard IEC1346 has been added. - A new prototype project for IEC1346 has been added. The project module ------------------ - New project parameters have been added for: o Multiple concurrent users in the same project o Super projects / subprojects o Reduction of double separator characters for IEC1346 transitions - The field lengths for most text fields have been extended to 40 characters. This apply for: o Unit description 1 o Unit description 2 o Unit description 3 o Drawing number o Customer number o Project number o Company name o Company street/p.o.b. o Company zip code/city o Customer name o Customer street/p.o.b. o Customer zip code/city o Origin o Supersedes o Superseded by - The date field "created" has been extended to 10 characters. The catalogue ------------- - A detailed view for user defined fields has been added, in beautiful pink! - The catalogue has been prepared for future handling of hyper-dynamic contact mirrors. Hydraulics and pneumatics ------------------------- - A new symbol library according to ISO1219 has been added. Instrument ---------- - The product "cadett ELSA Instrument module" has been made a part of cadett ELSA Start, Basic and Professional. The symbol library for instrument is integrated with the IEC1082 symbol library. Cable harnessing ---------------- - The product "cadett ELSA Cable harnessing module" has been made a part of cadett ELSA Professional. The cable harnessing module is now available in connection with the IEC1082 symbol library, but will later on also be available in the DIN symbol library. PLC --- - The old PLC module has been replaced with completely integrated functionality, which gives superior performance and functionality. Now it is OnLine ”for real”! AutoCAD Electrical / AutoCAD ---------------------------- - Support for AutoCAD Electrical 2008 and AutoCAD 2008 has been added. - The support for AutoCAD 2004 has been removed. Windows Vista ------------- - cadett ELSA 10.0 officially supports Windows Vista, but we still advise our customers not to use this operating system, since it is still creating a lot of problems. Miscellaneous ------------- - A thorough survey of details all over the system has been performed, wich is showing as a large number of minor improvements that are not yet described in detail here. Summary ------- - cadett ELSA 10.0 is one of the largest and most extensive upgrades since cadett ELSA was introduced 22 years ago. cadett ELSA (Version 10.0 - Revision 1.0) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2007-11-02 ========== The project module ------------------ - The project module has been corrected regarding a special case which will not appear under normal circumstances. - PROJECTS.DBF and ADDPAR.DBF have been corrected by adding mask records for super projects. These records make sure that sub projects read their parameters from their respective super projects. OnLine ------ - OnLine*.arx have been corrected. Earlier it was not working correctly in super projects and with PLC's. The drawing environment ----------------------- - HARNESS*.MNU have been removed from the IEC1082 librsry. They were obsolete files. - An English version of the old drawing frame ELSA50 has been added (ELSA50GB.DXF). - The menu for inserting symbols using a toolbar in the symbol library ISO1219 has been corrected. When using AutoCAD 2005 or SOLO 2005 a number of error messages were previously displayed when loading the menu. - When selecting Terminals under Instrument the wrong icon menu was invoked. This has been corrected. - The Symbol data control did previously not function correctly for mirror symbols when using AutoCAD 2005, 2006, 2007 eller 2008. When using SOLO 2005 it was however working correctly. Now it works for all combinations. Samples ------- - The excersise project for IEC1346 has been corrected. The catalogue ------------- - The catalogue has been corrected. In revision 1.0 the field length configuration and the user defined fields did not function correctly. cadett ELSA (Version 10.0 - Revision 1.1) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2007-11-13 ========== - SUPERPRJ.DLL has been added. This file controls potential references between sub-projects within super projects. - The activation functionality for potential references between sub-projects within super projects, has been changed. It is now handled automatically. - ADDPAR.DBF has been corrected. cadett ELSA (Version 10.0 - Revision 1.2) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2007-11-15 ========== The Script Generator (SCRDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - A script sequence that is correcting the layers in drawing sheets according using the IEC1082 symbol library has been added. Should the layers have incorrect colours or other differences compared to the standard settings, the new script sequence will correct that. The new script sequence is named 0FIX_LAYERS. (0FIX_LAY.ESC) - A script sequence for generation of PDF files without using ADOBE DISTILLER has been added. The script sequence 0PDF_FREEGEN_Q is instead using the German software FreePDF to do the job. FreePDF si a so-called "freeware", meaning that it may be used without cost. (0PDF_FRE.ESC). To be able to use the new script sequence the following steps must be followed: 1. Install FreePDF 2. Install GPL GhostScript 3. Create a search path in Windows to FreePDF - A compatibility function for AutoCAD 2000 in FRAME.EXE replaced R14 with 2000 in script files where applicable, which could give astonishing results in other contexts than the intended ones. This obsolete function has been removed. (FRAME.EXE). - When a script sequence was finished with its job, the file selection list was previously locked, until something else was done in the Script Generator. That is no longer the case. Documentation ------------- - A document giving a quick orientation of the news in cadett ELSA 10.0 has been added. The document is still only available in Swedish, but versions in English and German is under work. Filename: cadett ELSA 10.0 Snabborientering.pdf To be found in \ELSAxx\MANUAL\SWEDISH The symbol libraries -------------------- - The symbol SELK1B in the symbol library IEC1082 has been corrected. It was erroneous. (SELK1B.DWG). - The information about the origin for a large number of symbols in the IEC1082 symbol library has been corrected. This information for instrument and the cable harness symbols was not entirely correct. (SYMBDEFA.DBF). - The origin information for the symbols of the ISO1219 library (hydraulics and pneumatics) has been corrected. It was partly incorrect in previous revisions. (SYMBDEFA.DBF). - The definition files for creation and updates of user defined symbol libraries (ZUGRIFFE.INF) have been updated in all standard symbol libraries (IEC113/IEC, IEC1082/IEC1082, ISO1219/ISO1219, DIN5/DIN5A and JIC/JIC). The drawing environment ----------------------- - The configuration possibilities in ACAD.INI, section [SymbolSet], have been extended: Example: UseXingSym=1 XingSymName=0_DONUT SetupRedefXingSym=1 UseLayerSym=1 LaySymName=LAYERS Explanation: UseXingSym Controls insertion of crossing lines symbol. 0 : No symbol. 1 : Symbol according to "XingSymName". XingSymName Name of DWG-symbol to insert at line cross- points. The following symbols are possible standard symbol selections (you are free to your own "custom" symbol as well): 0_DONUT: IEC/IEC1082 standard symbol. 0-ANS4P: DIN5 standard symbol. SetupRedefXingSym Controls whether the crossing lines symbol should be redefined when opening drawing sheets or not: 0: No redefinition of existing symbols 1: Existing symbols are redefined acc. to the settings when a sheet is opened. UseLayerSym Controls insertion of layer symbol that creates the complete layer set when opening drawing sheets: 0: No layer symbol is inserted. This is faster but may cause problems later on if needed layers are missing. 1: Layer symbol according to "LaySymName" is inserted, deleted and purged when opening drawing sheets, only leaving the complete layer set. LaySymName Name of DWG-symbol defining the layer set. - Explanations to all dimensioning variables have been added in the comments of ACAD.INI. - Short commands for sheet shift has been introduced: Previous sheet. Next sheet. Any sheet. - In the DIN symbol library the toolbars for insertion of symbols have been updated. The letter W now will display the menu for cables and X terminals. - The old BETA PLC functionality from version 9 has now been removed entirely. It is therefore no longer necessary to deactivate it to avoid conflict with the new embedded functionality of cadett ELSA 10.0. - The first time a generic symbol was inserted in a drawing sheet, the index attribute was left empty. This has been corrected. - If the command "MOVE SYMBOLS" was used to move mirror symbols, in cases with multiple mirror symbols sharing the same item designation, the corresponding help symbols could be reassigned. This has been corrected. The Symbol Generator -------------------- - Under certain conditions AutoCAD has a tendency to loose its "current directory", which in turn will result in a failure of the slide library generation process when new symbols are created. A new functionality that compensate for this behaviour has been introduced. So that the symbol images always will be correct from the start. - The new version 6503011 of the database engine CODEBASE has been integrated in the menu link program ICONLINK (ICONLINK16.ARX, ICONLINK17.ARX, ICONLINKSOLO.ARX). Import from another cadett ELSA (IMPORT.DLL) -------------------------------------------- - The NYING protocol has been changed. - When the number of projects exceeded around 4,700 the import function previously ran into problems. That will not happen anymore. The Project Module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - When importing projects from EZP files AutoCAD is now closed entirely, if it should be open to start with. This enhances the security. - The functionality for super projects has been improved in a number of ways. - A possibility to run script sequences directly from the project module for multiple projects at once has been introduced. This is an entirely new functionality. - The content of fields located after UFLAGS in ADDPAR were not included when new projects were created. This has been corrected. - A better error handling has been introduced. - New functionality primarily for super projects: The function “Recreate OnLine databases” is now recreating also the central database SUPERBOOK.DBF, if the user is alone in the project when the function is activated - The function that checked if the user was alone in the project was unnecessarily time consuming. This has been corrected. - The right-click function ”Run script sequence/Add short command” is now using a long list instead of a previous solution that could only handle a limited number of script sequences. - The ActiveX function CreateNewProject failed if the group in the tree structure where the prototype project was placed was not located in the root. This has been corrected. - The function "Switch project mode" in the right- click menu is now greyed out. This function were intended to restore projects that had ended up in between the local and network modes. Unfortunately it sometimes made more harm than good. - The ActiveX interface has been extended with the function CreateNewProjectEx which allows definition of the short project name (the first argument). - A new project database – PROJX.DBF – has been created to make life easier for ADDPAR.DBF which was somewhat overloaded with all its duties. PROJX.DBF contains fields to handle multiple concurrent users in projects. Backup of projects using EZP (FILEDLL.DLL) ------------------------------------------ - The function that checked if the user was alone in the project was unnecessarily time consuming. This has been corrected. - Import from EZP previously missed information in ADDPAR.DBF (except for short and long project name). This has been corrected. - Import of projects that already existed in cadett ELSA was previously not possible. Now it is! In that case a question is now asked if such an import is desired. When answered with yes, a backup of the original project is created before the import is made. The backup is placed in a sub- directory of the SOURCE directory. The name of it is BACKUPS. Each backup, as an EZP file, is placed in a directory named after date and time when the import was made. - The new project database PROJX.DBF is fully handled. Catalogue import (KIMPDLL.DLL) ------------------------------ - An exclusive access to the catalogue using Spider is now used by the catalogue import. When the import is finished the catalogue is closed altogether. - In the editor for import masks it is now possible to edit the field names. Dynamic OnLine I (EDITDLL.DLL) ------------------------------ - The function that checked if the user was alone in the project was unnecessarily time consuming. This has been corrected. The Report Generator (REPDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - The function that checked if the user was alone in the project was unnecessarily time consuming. This has been corrected. - The dialogue that is displayed when multiple report definitions have been selected for generation has been adapted for large fonts in Windows. The Drawing Manager (ARCHIVE.DLL) --------------------------------- - Functions for renumbering of drawing sheets and similar are supposed to delete the OnLine database in order to force a regeneration. In projects with multiple concurrent users this previously failed, which has now been corrected. (In projects with multiple concurrent users the OnLine database files are called PDB_*.DBF). Report generation and wire numbering (ZERO.DLL) ----------------------------------------------- - The timing has been changed when waiting for AutoCAD to become idle in OnLine super project environments. - The new version 6503011 of the database engine CODEBASE has been integrated (FRAME.EXE, C4DLL.DLL). - A correction in the interface has been made. A flag was missing. - A verification of the *E.DBF has been added. - The counting number (the field ZAEHLNUM with the corresponding report variable !RAKNARE) had in incorrect content in *G.DBF when plant and location was not a part of the item designation composition. This has been corrected. General (FRAME.EXE, C4DLL.DLL, ELSA.DLL) ---------------------------------------- - The new version 6503011 of the database engine CODEBASE has been integrated (FRAME.EXE, C4DLL.DLL, ELSA.DLL). - cadett ELSA’s function to convert between upper and lower case letters and which is handling national letters like åöö correctly has been added. This makes the tree structure functioning better for group names containing these characters. (C4DLL.DLL). - A thread that was removing left-over lockings in multiple user environments has been removed, since it could cause problems in the project databases (the tree structure). (FRAME.EXE). - The handling of corrupted databases has been substantially improved. The goal is to correct most problems automatically. - A new mask file for project parameters located in PROJECTS.INI for super projects has been added. The file is called PROJECTSM.INI and is located in ELSAxx\SYSTEM. Fields with value T is read from the super project instead of the sub-project. (ELSA.DLL). - A field for the symbolic item designation has been added to *G.DBF and can thereby be used in all conventional reports. The field is called LABEL. (ELSA.DLL). - The maximum number of fields in the archive database (*Z.DBF) previously was 100. If that limit was exceeded a crash occurred. The limit has now been raised to 256 and no crash will occur if the limit is exceeded by a MSK file specifying so. (ELSA.DLL). - Functions for exclusive catalogue access have been added to the Spider interface in ELSA.DLL. (This is used by modules programmed in Delphi, like the report generator). (ELSA.DLL). - The function that checked if the user was alone in the project was unnecessarily time consuming. This has been corrected. (ELSA.DLL). - Exclusively opened databases could end up corrupted under certain circumstances. Previously this could cause problems, but now problems of this kind are automatically and transparently corrected. (ELSA.DLL). - The database file ONLINECE.DBF (which is one of the OnLine database files) could end up locked. This has been corrected. (ELSA.DLL). - A problem with national letters like ÅÄÖ used in unit description fields of the project parameters in super project environments has been corrected. (ELSA.DLL). - The new database PROJX.DBF is now fully used. (ELSA.DLL). The Translator (TRANDLL.DLL) ---------------------------- - The new version 6503011 of the database engine CODEBASE has been integrated (FRAME.EXE, C4DLL.DLL, ELSA.DLL). OnLine (ONLINE16.ARX, ONLINE17.ARX, ONLINESOLO.ARX) --------------------------------------------------- - The attribute mirroring function previously could behave incorrectly and try to mirror attribute values to symbols not involved in the matter. This has been corrected. - The new PLC handling could in some cases connect to symbols that in reality were already removed. This has been corrected. - The new project database PROJX.DBF is fully handled. The Cable Harness Module Cable Editor (CABEDIT70.EXE) ----------------------------------------------------- - If a cable list contained errors there is now nevertheless possible to insert it in the current drawing sheet. Previously that was not possible. Dynamic OnLine II (DOL2.DLL) ---------------------------- - When the device list is displayed (when "Load all" is not activated, that is when the symbol list is not displayed) editing an item designation will update all symbols sharing the same item designation (more correctly all symbols sharing the same internal item designation identifier, BKZID). - Using the DELETE button will no longer result in undesired consequences. cadett ELSA (Version 10.0 - Revision 1.3) is ready ------------------------------------------------------------ 2008-04-21 ========== - The file PROJECTSM.INI that is defining the relationship between super projects and sub projects for certain project parameters was incorrectly located in the previous revision. This has been corrected. - The standard font of cadett ELSA - ELISO.SHX - has been extended with additional characters. This also applies for the source code file ELISO.SHP which is also included. The letters é and É are now supported as well as the Windows degree-sign. The special character for protective earth previously located at character 233 has been moved to 234, since 233 is occupied by é. cadett ELSA (Version 10.0 - Revision 1.4) is ready ------------------------------------------------------------ 2008-04-23 ========== AutoCAD ------- - The support for AutoCAD 2005 has been removed since Autodesk no longer supports this version. - Support for AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD Electrical 2009 have been added. The pull-down menus are automatically activated when cadett ELSA is creating its profile in AutoCAD. Project locking --------------- - A new way of locking a project for use has been added. This lock is used by the new “travelling” functions, but has more general applications. A locked project is entirely intact, but can not be opened without first removing the lock. The lock is handled in the project parameters, in the tab ”General”, group ”Project locking”. Export/import of projects (EZP file handling) --------------------------------------------- - Previously it was not possible to import a project if a project with the same name already existed. The only possibilities were either to remove the old project first, or to rename the new project when importing it. Now a possibility has been added to import a project “over an old one”. If, in other words, when importing a project, a project with the same already exists, a warning will be given, where after it is possible to do the import anyway. In that case a backup copy of the current version is automatically created before it is replaced by the imported version. Travel-solution --------------- - A so-called "Travel Function" has been added. It makes it possible to check out a project from a network installation to for example a portable computer. The project that has been checked out will be locked in the network installation, thus effectively preventing "parallel histories". When the project eventually is checked in again, the lock will automatically be removed. You will find these new functions in the right-click menu of the project module. In the sub-menu “Project travelling” two commands called “Check-Out for Travel” and “Check-In from Travel” are available. General ------- - New icons and pictures in both installation routines and the software itself. The project module ------------------ - At start up a check fo revisions was previously made. Revisions not found were deleted. This functionality could give undesired results, if for example the drive of the projects was unmapped, and has therefore been removed. (PROJDLL.DLL) Dynamic OnLine II ----------------- - The sorting was previously sometimes wrong. This has been corrected. (DOL2.DLL) - The open and close operations for the tree was sometimes incorrect. This has been corrected. (DOL2.DLL) General ------- - The Elsa70.Application object is now static in the frame, thus providing safer ActiveX communication. (FRAME.EXE) - When older revisions was unpacked they could sometimes end up corrupted. This has been corrcted. (ELSA.DLL) cadett ELSA (Version 11.0 - Revision 1.0) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2008-05-15 ========== General ------- - General measures of fundamental importance have been taken in order to increase the overall stability of the system as a whole, specifically in relation with the interaction between Dynamic OnLine and the rest of the system. Imperfections in the Windows operating system – especially regarding ActiveX components – in combination with certain aspects of the use of them in cadett ELSA, unfortunately could result in instability, also related to properties of individual computers. The measures that have now been taken, in combination with important corrections in the Windows XP Service Pack 3, will increase overall stability substantially. We strongly recommend an update of the Microsoft Windows XP operating system to at least Service Pack 3, in combination with this new revision update of cadett ELSA. - C4DLL.DLL and C7DLL.DLL have been retired. C4DLL.DLL could get in conflict with files sharing the same name but from other software packages. This resulted in a number of different problems. The replacement is named CEC4DLL.DLL. Interaction with AutoCAD ------------------------ - The AutoCAD search paths are now set in the registry before AutoCAD is started instead of passing them as arguments to ACAD.EXE. This method has a number of advantages compared to the old one, especially in combination with long paths. (FRAME.EXE). - If – for any reason – the creation of the Elsa70.Application object fails, AutoCAD is now automatically terminated. This is a precaution making human mistakes overwriting undamaged drawing files with empty ones impossible. (ELSAAUT16.ARX, ELSAAUT17.ARX, ELSAAUTSOLO.ARX). The Project Module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - At start up, a check for revisions was previously made to delete revisions not found. Unfortunately this could have undesired consequences. If for instance the drive of the projects was unmapped or for other reasons temporarily unavailable, the references to these revisions could accidently be removed. This feature has now been completely abandoned. - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. - A new ActiveX function to create new projects specifying the paths of the associated directories have been added. The new function is called CreateNewProjectExPath. The Cable Harnessing Module --------------------------- - The Cable Harness Editor is now able to export all harnesses of a project to one single comma separated text file, using a single command. (CABEDIT70.EXE). - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. (HARNESS7016.ARX, HARNESS7017.ARX, HARNESS70SOLO.ARX). - A new command to export the cable list as a database file has been added. The command is named CAELHNSEXPORT. - Double-clicking a core-symbol did not always transfer correct data to the dialogue. This has been corrected. The Drawing Manager (ARCHIVE.DLL) --------------------------------- - A correction in association with the display of a log window for the COLLECT function has been made. - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. The Report Generator -------------------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. (ZERO.DLL). - When a multiplying factor of a composite index ended with 1 (like 11*INDEX or 121*INDEX) the calculation gave an incorrect result. This has been corrected. (ZERO.DLL). - The generation of the TARGET database file for simple device lists (*E.DBF) could sometimes end with an error message, even though nothing was wrong. (ZERO.DLL). - An error in the sorting of reports with very complex sorting criteria has been corrected. Revision Handling ----------------- - Unpacking pre-version 11 revisions could previously end up in corrupted unpacked projects, due to an incompatibility in the project database format. This error has been corrected. (ELSA.DLL). Project EZP export/import ------------------------- - When using the Basic version of cadett ELSA, trouble could arise when trying to import EZP project files. This is no longer the case. (ELSA.DLL). - If a project import overwriting an older version of the same project fails, a more detailed information than before of the reasons for the failure is given. (FILEDLL.DLL). - When importing a project that already exists in the system, a problem could previously occur moving the created backup of the old version of the project. This problem is solved. (FILEDLL.DLL). Dynamic OnLine I (EDITDLL.DLL) ------------------------------ - When a multiplying factor of a composite index ended with 1 (like 11*INDEX or 121*INDEX) the calculation gave an incorrect result. This has been corrected. - The Dynamic OnLine could previously loose the connection to the PDS in a way that caused a system break-down. This has been corrected. - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. Dynamic OnLine II (DOL2.DLL) ---------------------------- - The sorting could previously get wrong. This has been corrected. - Opening and closing (expanding/collapsing) the viewing tree sometimes gave an incorrect result. This has been corrected. - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. The Catalogue (KAT.DLL) ----------------------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. The Translator (TRANS.DLL, TRANDLL.DLL) --------------------------------------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. Super Project handling functions (SUPERPRJ.DLL) ----------------------------------------------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. The OnLine ---------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. (AUTODESIG.DLL, ONLINE7016.ARX, ONLINE7017.ARX, ONLINESOLO.ARX). - If the automatic item designation generation function ran into problems, it could make AutoCAD crash. This has now been changed. (AUTODESIG.DLL). - An error that under unfortunate circumstances could create undefined problems and error messages (like error 076 in ONLINE_C.DBF) has been eliminated. (ONLINE7016.ARX, ONLINE7017.ARX, ONLINESOLO.ARX). - The PLC functionality has been improved when the information exchange between PLC hel symbols and PLC mirrors is concerned. The detection of in which direction the information should be transferred has been improved. - The handling of large numbers of help symbols in one single operation, like an operation on a number of help contacts sharing the same item designation, has been corrected. The Project Data Server (PDS) ----------------------------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. (PDS70.EXE). The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken in the sheet shift function, the menu link function and elsewhere in the drawing environment. (CHGDXF16.ARX, CHGDXF17.ARX, CHGDXFSOLO.ARX, ICONLINK16.ARX, ICONLINK17.ARX, ICONLINKSOLO.ARX, ELSAAUT16.ARX, ELSAAUT17.ARX, ELSAAUTSOLO.ARX, DIALOG16.ARX, DIALOG17.ARX, DIALOGSOLO.ARX). - When selecting an index for a connector using the catalogue, and then aborting the selection process using the CANCEL option, AutoCAD ended up locked. This has been corrected. (ACADCAD/ACADSOLO.FAS). - The cadett ELSA standard font (ELISO.SHX) has been extended and improved. Additional ANSI characters have been added and compatibility issues related to national characters have been resolved. The new version of ELISO.SHX is present in all standard symbol libraries, as well as in \ELSA\FONTS\GENERAL, where – as a bonus – the source code is also available for anyone interested in additions of their own. (ELISO.SHX, ELISO.SHP). - The function CaElGetDbfValue in ELSA.DVB, which is used to read data from system database files, did previously not always close the database after reading from it. From time to time this created problems with locked database files, like SYMBDEF.DBF or similar. This error has now been corrected. (ELSA.DVB). - The cable symbols in the IEC1082 symbol library have been modified so that no line break will occur when using commands like MOVE SYMBOLS and others. The Script Generator (SCRDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - General ActiveX related stability improving measures have been taken. Drawing Frames -------------- - The new standard drawing frames ELSA81 and ELSA81GB have been improved. Revision blocks and other non-OnLine blocks have been moved to layers normally non-electrical, in order to avoid unnecessary error messages in the OnLine protocol. References to printers have also been removed. (ELSA81.DXF and ELSA81GB.DXF). External Connection Diagram --------------------------- - The function for automatic generation of external connection diagrams (KABGRAF) has been reconfigured so that the file names of the generated drawing sheets better fit the way the drawing manager works. The sheet numbers are now filled with zeros (001 instead of 1).(KABG.SCR). cadett ELSA (Version 11.0 - Revision 1.1) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2008-10-21 ========== General ------- - A large number of improvements and corrections have been made. cadett ELSA (Version 11.0 - Revision 1.2) är färdig ------------------------------------------------------------ 2009-09-30 cadett ELSA 12.0: The Drawing Environment ======================= New Symbol Insert Tool ---------------------- - An entirely new Symbol Insert Tool replaces the old icon menus. The new tool contains a number of new useful features. Among these is the possibility for the user to specify the size of the symbol pictures. It is also simple to browse among the device groups without leaving the Symbol Insert Tool. Another important new feature is that the Symbol Insert Tool can be permanently visible on the screen. In other words, no command is needed to activate it. A detailed description of the new Symbol Insert Tool is found in the documentation of the new features of cadett ELSA 12.0. Connectors ---------- - The Connector Dialogue has been extended when a large amount of new functionality has been added. When inserting connectors in earlier versions a special dialogue was used for the purpose. However this dialogue box did not have any true OnLine support. When editing connector symbols the standard AutoCAD DDATTE dialogue was used. In the new version all this has been replaced with the new extended Connector Dialogue which is entirely OnLine and which offers the following new features: - Automatic pin/socket numbering according to the numbering algorithm and the limit that has been specified for the resource that the index of the connector is referring to. - Select-button for connector name which gives access to a dialogue box for selection of both connector name and pin/socket numbers. - Select-buttons for plant, location and circuit (the aspects function, location and product with the terminology of IEC1346). - Presentation of the calculated complete connector name directly in the dialogue box, if this function has been activated using the check-box that has been added for the purpose. - Button ”Next” to automatically get the next free pin/socket number. - Possibility of selecting manual numbering of pin/sockets, meaning to use the same method that was always used in earlier versions of cadett ELSA. Terminal strip -------------- - ”Terminal strip” is the name in cadett ELSA of square terminal symbols intended for use in connection diagrams and similar. The terminal strip symbols were previously handled with simplified dialogues when inserting the symbols, and with the standard AutoCAD DDATTE dialogue for editing. Now an extended connector dialogue with full OnLine support is used instead. This gives access to a large number of new features like automatic terminal numbering OnLine when inserting the symbols, possibility to select terminal group name and terminal number with a nice dialogue box, checking of the complete terminal group name, a dialogue for assignment of numbering algorithms to terminal groups, and select buttons for plant, location and circuit (the aspects function, location and product using the terminology of IEC1346). Generic Symbol -------------- - Select buttons for plant, location and circuit (corresponding to the aspects function, location and product in IEC1346). - Select button for component type letter code. The letter codes are presented with descriptive texts. - Button for automatic generation of next free item designation. - Presentation of the calculated complete item designation. Boundary Box ------------ - Select buttons for plant, location and circuit. Terminal Earth -------------- - The Terminal Earth symbols are now handled using the extended dialogue box for connectors, instead of the AutoCAD standard DDATTE dialogue, which was the case in the previous version. This creates a number of new possibilities, like being able to easily check the complete designation. Property Symbol --------------- - A Select button for colour has been added. Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors ----------------------------- - Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors are contact mirrors where not only the connection numbers are editable, but also the entire composition of contacts. The types of the contacts like break, make and change-over are selectable, like also connection numbers and the sequence of the contacts. The command to create hyper dynamic contact mirrors is found in the pull-down menu “Insert” under the name “Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror...”. Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors are edited with a double-click or with the DDATTE/EDIT command in the same way as other symbols. However, the dialogue box that is displayed for hyper dynamic contact mirrors gives access to all the features that this special kind of symbol allows. Cables ------ - When inserting cable symbols a possibility of getting an automatic OnLine cable core numbering performed is offered. The numbering is controlled by the index that is specified for the cable, which refers to a resource in the catalogue that in turn is associated with a numbering algorithm and a limit. - To be able to offer the functionality that is described above, the sequence of the input that is made by the user when inserting cable symbols has been changed. Item designation and index is therefore specified earlier than was previously the case. Automatic correction of drawing errors -------------------------------------- - A feature that is automatically correcting drawing errors related to lines has been added. Two new commands – FIXLINE and FIXLINEDIALOG – are used for this. The errors in question are for example overlapping lines and broken lines. - The FIXLINE command is primarily intended for use in script sequences and is entirely command line based. - The FIXLINEDIALOG command uses a dialogue box and is accessible for the user in the pull-down menu ”Tools” and is there referred to as ”Fix incorrect lines…”. Global editing of Boundary Boxes -------------------------------- - A new command has been introduced to quickly and easily edit Boundary Boxes, preferably many at the same time even if they are spread on many sheets. The command is called BOXEDIT and is located in the pull- down menu “Tools” under the name ”Edit Boundary Boxes…”. This command makes it possible to edit plant and location designations globally, meaning in the entire project. The information text in the Boundary Boxes can be edited in the same way. The basic idea with the command is to make it possible to change a designation, for example a location, in all Boundary Boxes where it occurs, in the entire project with one single command. AutoCAD ======= - Support for AutoCAD 2010 has been added. AutoCAD 2010 uses an entirely new format and other ARX’s than AutoCAD 2009 and earlier. AutoCAD 2010 is the first version of AutoCAD within AutoCAD R18. - AutoCAD 2006 is no longer supported. - SOLO 2005 is no longer supported. - Both SOLO 2005 and AutoCAD 2006 belonged to AutoCAD R16. AutoCAD 2006 was the final AutoCAD version within AutoCAD R16. Consequently cadett ELSA 12.0 only handles AutoCAD R17 and R18. (The versions belonging to AutoCAD R17 are AutoCAD 2007, 2008 and 2009). The Drawing Manager =================== - ”Cut/Paste between” previously ended up in failure if the sheet that was cut was open. This has been corrected. - The logging has been extended in order to make it easier to trace possible performance issues. - The handling of the OnLine database has been improved when it comes to operations that require a regeneration of the database, like renumbering of the sheets. If problems occur when trying to force the regeneration, retries are now performed. General ======= - The field CAB_IND in *A.DBF (the index of the cable) previously was only 10 characters long. Now the length of this field is instead controlled by the current configuration in the catalogue, with a default of 50 characters. (ELSA.DLL) - Support for a new database file – DOCTYPE.DBF – has been added. This new database file contains definitions of document types, which are now supported with basic functionality that will form the foundation for functionality in future versions, for example in Dynamic OnLine II. (ELSA.DLL) - Support for a new database file – NZ_SEL.DBF – has been added. NZ_SEL.DBF contains definitions of the component type letter codes which the user can select between for example in the dialogue box for Generic Symbols. (ELSA.DLL) - The field KUS_NAME in both *B.DBF and internally has been extended from 10 to 40 characters. This field contains terminal group names and connector names. (ELSA.DLL) - The field KUS_NUMMER in *B.DBF has been extended from 10 to 15 characters. This field contains terminal numbers and pin/socket numbers. (ELSA.DLL) - Directory names that are not complying with the DOS83 convention are now supported for the SOURCE, TARGET and SYSTEM directories. (FRAME.EXE). OnLine/PDS ========== - The handling of the lock file SUPERBOOK.LCK (which handles file locking for the database file SUPERBOOK.DBF) has been improved. - The database file SUPERBOOK.DBF which is used for PLC management and for mirror booking in super projects has been blessed with a pack feature which prevents the size of the database from slowly increasing over time. This measure improves the performance. - An error in the handling of SUPERBOOK.DBF which could cause a new record to be placed on a deleted one has been corrected. - The function GetAlgoLst which is used to get results from numbering algorithms has been improved. If the specified algorithm name is empty a more logical result than before is obtained. - The internal handling has been adjusted. Cable help symbols which are not cable cores are now supported. (ONLINE_1 FAKEPART and ONLINE_A CONDIR). - Attribute mirroring for terminals are now handled in the same way as mirroring of attributes for other types of symbols, which means that it is possible to configure this in the project parameters. - The handling of symbolic item designations – LABEL – has been adjusted. - The buffer used for the communication between OnLine and PDS has been heavily extended to be able to handle huge selection sets. Connection handling =================== - Dimensions and similar defined with wire-number symbols could in some cases be incorrectly presented in the terminal list while they were always correctly presented in the wire list. This has been corrected. (ZERO.DLL). - The fields TSORT and OSORT has been corrected in the terminal list (*B.DBF). (These fields correspond to report variables with the same names). - Cable help symbols that do not have a connection direction (CONDIR) are now not taken into account for the cable core list, meaning that they are not regarded as cable cores. - The field CAB_IND in the TARGET database *A.DBF is now filled in also for connection types 6 and 7, not only for 5 as before. (The content is the index of the cable and is used for cable core lists). The Viewer ========== - The colours in cadettViewer have been improved. - cadettViewer does no longer show attribute definitions. The Replicator ============== - The logging has been extended to improve the possibility of tracing the cause of possible disruptions. - The semaphore handling (handling in multi-user environment) has been adjusted. The Project Module ================== - A so-called ”hook” used for customizations, especially to interface with external document handling systems and similar, has been extended with new functionality. The hook in question is called PROJ_ONPROJMENU and is now supplying information of the project that is selected and where in the tree-structure one is located. The Report Generator ==================== - The ActiveX command mAXDpReport has been corrected. - Support for text addition symbols has been introduced. These special addition symbols make it possible to take benefit from user defined attributes without having to include them in the symbols. The Script Generator ==================== - A locking could occur under some rare circumstances when opening script sequences. This has been adjusted. - Lines longer than 250 characters in the script sequences previously caused problems. This has been adjusted. - The behaviour of the Script Generator when it is waiting for something to happen has been improved. PDF generation ============== - In earlier versions, when a previously generated PDF file was open, for example in Adobe Reader, and an attempt to recreate it was made, this failed without any notice to the user. An improved handling has now been introduced where a warning is given in the described situation. The Cabinet Layout ================== - An entirely new class of cabinet layout symbols has been introduced. These are located in the current symbol library instead of in the special LAYOUT library where the previous class of layout symbols still is. The new layout symbols are a complement to the old ones, and will exist in parallel with them. These new layout symbols are complete cadett ELSA symbols with attributes that are created using the symbol generator in the same way as other symbols. They are defined as help symbols with the function code (ART) LAYSYM for conventional symbols and PLC’s, and LAYSYMX for terminals and connectors. These symbols are supported in all applicable contexts. cadett ELSA (Version 12.0 - Revision 2.0) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2009-11-27 ========== - PDFGEN.DVB has been moved to the correct location. This enables script sequences that generate PDF files to do their work properly. - ELSA.DVB has been modified to support computers where AutoCAD 2010 is NOT installed. - Translation of new symbol menu to English and German corrected. - Editing of Generic Symbol when using German language setting corrected. cadett ELSA (Version 12.0 - Revision 2.1) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2009-12-01 ========== OnLine/PDS ========== - Information from the property symbol like dimensions and colours was not registered properly in the required databases in cadett ELSA This has been corrected. Dynamic OnLine I and Report Generation ====================================== - In the cable list of the previous revision the cable cores could end up in a different sequence than was defined by an associated numbering algorithm. This has been adjusted. Please note that during report generation the original sequence of the cable cores will be altered by any sorting between them that has been defined in the report definition. The Drawing Environment ======================= Connectors ---------- - The automatic OnLine numbering of pins and sockets of connectors during insertion of them has been adjusted. - The dialogue box that is displayed when using the SELECT button for connector name has been adjusted so that the correct objects are displayed (connectors instead of terminals, which were incorrectly displayed in the previous revision). Automatic correction of drawing errors -------------------------------------- - The command FIXLINEDIALOG which is located in the TOOLS pull- down menu under the name Fix incorrect lines … has been improved. Using the option Ask before fixing information is now given about any errors that are found, and the user is given a choice whether to correct the errors or not. Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors ----------------------------- - The Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors have been improved: o Empty contact positions are now automatically removed by properly moving up any contacts further down in the mirror. o Empty item designations are also handled in a more elegant manner than before, with an appropriate error message giving the user the option of correcting the error. o Change-over contacts have been given double the space compared to what they had before. (The distance to the next contact has been extended from 5 to 10 mm, which is what is required for an elegant and unambiguous result). Generic Symbol -------------- - Due to a missing attribute in the main symbols for Generic Symbols it was tricky in the previous revision to enter a plant designation in the dialogue box for the Generic Symbol. The main symbols have now been adjusted which solves this problem. - When using Swedish language setting the dialogue box for the Generic Symbol looked a bit like the ocean during a storm. This has been adjusted so that all fields now are placed in strict order. - The handling of item designations that are not complying with the composition of item designations in the project parameters has been improved. The Cable Command ----------------- - The option Add is now working fine, even if no main symbol has been inserted beforehand. The Symbol Insert Tool ---------------------- - An adjustment in the database file SYMBMENU.DBF has made the descriptive texts of symbol macros in the Symbol Insert Tool (terminals, cables etc) correct in all configurable languages. - An addition to the database file IBAUM.DBF has made the device group O available also in the new Symbol Insert Tool. - When inserting symbols with the new Symbol Insert Tool, problems could occur if the index was specified with a selection in the catalogue. This problem has been eliminated. Cabinet Layout ============== - The functions for inserting layout symbols (Insert using catalogue …, Automatic insert… and Manual insert) have been adjusted, so that both now available alternatives (graphical blocks in the LAYOUT library and specially defined complete layout symbols in the current symbol library) are handled as intended and as documented in the ”Guide to the news of cadett ELSA 12.0” which is described below. The Script Generator ==================== - An entirely new version of the program file PRJFDEL.EXE has been added. (The previous version was released November 3rd 1998). The new file supports directory names that do not comply with the DOS83 standard when changing drawing frames using script sequences like 0CHANGE_FRAME_Q and similar. DOS83 compatible directory names contains a maximum of 8 characters per level and consist of no other characters than the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, plus the minus and underline characters. The only remaining limitation in this respect is that space must not be a part of the directory names. (The function for automatic generation of external connection diagrams does not handle non DOS83 directory names at all. It will however, as the last DOS83-dependant part of cadett ELSA, be replaced with a new function in the coming version of cadett ELSA). Documentation ============= - A guide to the new features of cadett ELSA 12.0 has been added. The new guide consists of approximately 50 pages and is available in both English and Swedish. English: \ELSA\MANUAL\ENGLISH\cadett ELSA 12.0 – New features.pdf Swedish: \ELSA\MANUAL\SWEDISH\cadett ELSA 12.0 – Nyheter.pdf Hardware lock handling ====================== - A new version of “Sentinel Protection Installer” has been added. This software for hardware lock handling can be used to solve compatibility issues with other software packages than cadett ELSA that also use Sentinel hardware locks. It is then replacing SuperProServer, which is automatically installed during installation of cadett ELSA. The new program (version 7.6.1) is found in the folder \ELSA\HWLOCK\Sentinel Protection Drivers 7 The Catalogue ============= - The content of the database file IBAUM.DBF, which contains definitions of device groups, has been adjusted. The device group XX has been added for compatibility with MG-CAD 2000 (the German version of cadett ELSA 6.0 and 6.5). This allows the device groups XXK and XXS to be displayed in their correct positions in the device group tree, which was previously not possible. Miscellaneous ============= - A large number of minor adjustments and improvements that are not described in detail here have also been made. cadett ELSA (Version 12.0 - Revision 2.2) is ready ----------------------------------------------------------- 2010-03-12 ========== cadett ELSA R30 =============== General ------- cadett ELSA R30 (“Release 30”) is the 30th release of cadett ELSA since the application was originally presented to the market in 1985. We mark the 25th anniversary of cadett ELSA by replacing previously used version numbers (like 7.0, 7.5 and 12.0) with new release numbers (like the current R30). Major new features ------------------ The addition of support for Windows 7 and 64 bit operating systems in general, in turn requiring 64 bit AutoCAD versions, has been made possible through a large number of new or extended functions that have been developed for cadett ELSA R30. Operating systems ----------------- - Windows 7 is now supported, as well as Windows Vista and Windows XP. - The support for Windows Vista has been improved. - Support for 64 bit operating systems has been added. - It has been made possible to use cadett ELSA without limitations even for users without administrative rights. - The Windows Registry is used much less in cadett ELSA R30 than in previous versions. INI-files now replace the registry for many purposes. AutoCAD ------- - Support for AutoCAD 2011, AutoCAD Electrical 2011 and AutoCAD ecscad 2011 has been added. - Support for 64 bit AutoCAD versions has been added. - The support for AutoCAD 2007 and AutoCAD Electrical 2007 has been discontinued. - An entirely new way of handling search paths for AutoCAD has been introduced. AutoCAD settings are no longer personal, but bound to the workstation, like a cadett ELSA workstation is. Search paths looking like C:\Documents and Settings\... are no longer used. The need to customize the search paths for AutoCAD, depending on local circumstances, has thereby been heavily reduced. Compatibility issues with other applications are also reduced this way. - The procedure for automatic creation of Profile in AutoCAD has been heavily improved, resulting in a default profile that requires less customization than before. For example, the Plot Style Table Search Path is now automatically given a suitable value, and the toolbars are by default placed in a more orderly manner. Installation ------------ - The installation program has been improved to handle new operating systems. - The un-installation procedures have been improved. Among other changes the uninstall program has been moved to a more contemporary location. Document types -------------- - Internal support for different document types has been implemented throughout the product. This affects database formats and symbols, among other things. OnLine Dialogue Boxes --------------------- - The standard OnLine Dialogue Boxes for main and help symbols have been given Select buttons for plant and location, similar to those introduced before for terminals and connectors. Potential Reference Dialogue Box -------------------------------- - Select buttons for plant and location have been added to the Potential Reference Dialogue Box. Generic Symbol -------------- - The function for automatic generation of item designations for Generic Symbols has been improved. - When a Generic Symbol has an item designation that is not unique an error message is now displayed directly in the dialogue box, similar to the OnLine Main Symbol Dialogue. Cables ------ - OnLine Automatic Cable Item Designation Generation has been implemented. This means that when the New option of the Cable Command is used, a default item designation is directly presented in the dialogue box for the user to confirm or change. - Cable symbols do no longer break lines under any circumstances, as a result of an improved standard configuration (ACAD.INI) of the cable macro. cadett ELSA R30 - (Release 30 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2010-06-24 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors as part of sub circuits did previously not work, as a consequence of a peculiarity in AutoCAD’s handling of groups. Now it works fine. Installation and related issues ------------------------------- - In the previous revision it was necessary to have administrative privileges when each module was started the first time. This is no longer a requirement. - When using German AutoCAD a dialogue box was presented the first time AutoCAD was started after installation asking if macros should be activated or not. This dialogue box will not appear any more. - When using German AutoCAD, the creation of a directory for workstation specific AutoCAD files as a sub-directory of the workstation directory didn’t succeed. The reason was that the copying of files to the directory failed, creating a need to manually copy the necessary files. A new more secure method for the copying has been introduced, getting rid of this problem and other possible ones. - cadett ELSA R30 is now named like that, instead of the incorrect name “13.0” that was previously used in the program list of the Control Panel. - A number of additional adjustments and improvements have been made in order to achieve safer and simpler installations and configurations. cadett ELSA R30 - (Release 30 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2010-07-08 ========== General ------- - An error when searching in SYMBDEF.DBF using Spider has been corrected. The problem could show up in the catalogue when for example using the symbol selection dialogue. cadett ELSA R30 - (Release 30 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2010-08-09 ========== Installation ------------ - If local INI files previously ended up with a read-only flag, problems could occur, when changes in local configurations as a result could not be saved. That situation could occur as a result of circumstances during the initial central installation. The installation software has now been adjusted so that any read-only flags are automatically removed. cadett ELSA R30 - (Release 30 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2010-09-24 ========== External Connection Diagram Generator - KABGRAF II -------------------------------------------------- An entirely new feature for generation of intelligent external connection diagrams has been added. The older KABGRAF I has been due for retirement for a long time. Now it has been blessed with a successor that is superior in all respects. Among the advantages with the new technology you will find extensive configurability, intelligent symbols and a possibility to manually influence the sequence, direction and scope when performing the generation. A separate instruction will be made available. Translator III -------------- The third generation Translator - Translator III - has now taken its place in the standard product. A separate instruction for it will be made available. New way of opening drawing sheets --------------------------------- The entire method of opening and saving drawing sheets (DXF files) has been altered. There are two major reasons for this change: 1. The product Autodesk Vault of the versions that are currently available, when this is written, unfortunately contain a very serious error which leads to an alteration of the HANDLE codes when a drawing sheet is opened in the way that has used until now (internally using the DXFIN command). When the HANDLE codes are altered the entire OnLine Engine gets completely lost, which in turn may lead to very serious consequences. A less serious consequence of the same problem is that the text fonts have been incorrectly displayed. 2. It has not been possible to detect whether the drawing sheets have been changed or not, which has made it necessary to always save the current sheet when switching sheets, unless the user has specified that no saving should occur. This has been a disadvantage from a performance perspective. The new technique is to first create a local copy of the DXF file in question. The copy is placed in a subdirectory called DXF located in the local workstation directory. The copy is then opened using the OPEN command. The reason that OPEN can not be used directly on the sheet in question is that the file would then be locked, which would make it unreadable for the OnLine Engine, a problem that would be especially troublesome when there are multiple concurrent users in the project. When shifting sheets with the save option, a true saving is now only done when changes in fact have been made. In short the new system for opening of drawing sheets enhances performance for sheet shifting and makes it possible to use Autodesk Vault. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - The languiage handling in the Symbol Insert Tool has been adjusted, that is it is now better responding to the selected language than before. - The Sheet Shift Function has been further developed to better support long file names. When ising the option "Any sheet" the list of available sheets is now showing the long file names instead of the short ones as before. This makes the support for long file names in cadett ELSA as good as complete. (CHGDXF17.ARX, CHGDXF18.ARX, CHGDXF1764.ARX, CHGDXF1864.ARX) - The dialogue box for "Any sheet" in the Sheet Shift Function has been given an increased width so that file names up to 50 characters long can now be presented in a readable manner. This change has been made to better support long file names. (MAC10S.DCL, MAC10D.DCL, MAC10E.DCL). - The functionality for Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors has been improved in a number of ways. One improvement is that connection numbers with only one digit for ordinary help contacts like make and break contacts are now allowed. Connection numbers of a more peculiar kind, like ones containing letters, are now also permitted. (ACADCAD.FAS, ELSA*.DVB) - The loading of the Cable Editor (HARNESS*.ARX) in the Cable Harness Module did not perform correctly in the previous revision. This has been corrected. (CAELHARNESS.FAS) - The Symbol Data Control has been extended to fully support both the older (a) and the newer (b) data format in the attribute SYMBDEF, which contain a coded backup of the information in the database files SYMBDEF.DBF and SYMBDEFA.DBF. The reason that there are two data formats is that the database format for SYMBDEF.DBF was changed for cadett ELSA R30 to offer support for document type handling. (ELSA*.DVB). - The FIXLINE command ("Fix incorrect lines..." in the pull-down menu Tools) has been improved to handle more cases than before. (ELSA*.DVB) - The Symbol Generator did not work properly in 64 bit environments in the previous revision. This has been corrected. (NSG*.DVB). - In the title field of AutoCAD the long file name including the complete search path is displayed alongside the short filename without search path. (ELSAAUT*.ARX) The OnLine Engine ----------------- - The Automatic Item Designayion Generation Feature now fully supports 64 bit operating systems. (AUTODESIG64.DLL). - Support has been introduced for PLC mirrors for I/O symbols with more than 3 connections. The previous limit of 3 connections for each help symbol when using PLC mirrors is now gone, when the OnLine Engine is concerned. Instead the number of connections is now theoretically unlimited, even if practical limitations of course do exist. - Wire-numbers specified with property symbols are now handled in a better way internally in the OnLine Engine. (They are now registered in the ONLINECE.DBF database), which among other things has enabled an improved functionality in the Wire-list tab of Dynamic OnLine I. - Seeking in the database file ONLINEH.DBF for the SUPERBOOK handling has been changed aiming at a higher degree of fault tolerance. Furthermore the SUPERBOOK handling has been optimized so that writing to the drawing sheets is only made when changes occur. (The SUPERBOOK handling concerns all handling of help and mirror symbols in super projects together with the handling of PLC's in all projects). - When the OnLine Engine on its own initiative saved the current drawing, for example when a turned off OnLine was turned on in a drawing sheet where changes had been made, this was made without considering the current configuration in ACAD.INI of which file format to use. This has now been corrected so that the settings in ACAD.INI are always properly considered. - An error when unloading the OnLine Engine in 64 bit environments has been corrected. (FRAME.EXE) - A cable mirror that is inserted afterwards, that is when the cable symbols have already been inserted, is now booking its cable cores directly. (ONLINE*.ARX)) The co-existance with AutoCAD ----------------------------- - All ARX's have been adapted in such a way that 64 bit AutoCAD 2008 can be used, not only AutoCAD 2009 and later as before. - AutoCAD is now started with normal priority instead of high priority as before, which was less beneficial. (FRAME.EXE) - Corrections have been made in the detection of whether AutoCAD is ready when communicating with it. When that detection does not give a correct answer an error message is given stating that AutoCAD is not idle. - The DXF file format AC1024 is now fully supported. AC1024 corresponds to AutoCAD R18, which equals 2010 and 2011. This support means that the OnLine Engine, the Drawing Manager, the Translator and other modules can work directly towards DXF files with this format. (DXFIO*.DLL and other files). - The control of the status of AutoCAD, the message pumps and the handling of situations when a positive answer is not received, have been improved. This lead to a safer communication between Dynamic OnLine and AutoCAD, among others. (ZERO.DLL) - When the frame application sent commands to AutoCAD it previously always used upper case letters. This created unnecessary limitations, so therefore the commands are now sent unaltered as they are originally defined (FRAME.EXE) - The automatically specified search path to the FONTS directory of AutoCAD has been corrected. Previously it could be set to FONT, which did not work so well since the name of the directory in fact is FONTS. (FRAME.EXE) - The template file ELSA.DWT is no longer used when starting AutoCAD. Since the DXF files are now opened with the OPEN command there is no longer a need for a template. (FRAME.EXE) - A correction has been made in routines for writing to the script file MGSTART.SCR which is used to send commands to AutoCAD. If opening the script file fails, retries are now always made, in the way needed to avoid the error message that is otherwise displayed, even if it possible to manually try again and then continue. (FRAME.EXE) - When cadett ELSA is started the sub-directory DXF in the workstation directory is removed. That directory contains the temporary file copies of the drawing sheets that are opened. (FRAME.EXE) - When checking the selected AutoCAD the registry information for it was previously read using a method that could fail if the user rights in the operating system were to poor. A switch to another method now avoids that problem. (FRAME.EXE) Super projects -------------- - A sub-project of a super project, where the super project for one reason or the other was missing, previously ended up in an undesrirable state when attempting to read project parameters from a project that did not exist. This has been corrected. (ELSA.DLL) General ------- - Additions to support the the new translator (Translator III) have been made. (ELSA.DLL). - The control of the read-only file attribute has been adjusted. (ELSA.DLL) - The control of date/time for files has been adjusted. This control is used in a number of cases, among them when the up-to-dateness of index files for databases is verified. Previously some file attributes could confuse this control. (ELSA.DLL). - When using composite indexes containing multipliers (like for instance 2*ABC123+DEF567) the electrical data could previously be fetched from the wrong article. This has been adjusted. (ELSA.DLL) - When cadett ELSA is started it performs a control that the program has not already been started, to avoid two concurrent instances of the program which inevitably had caused problems. This control could fail if the user rights were insufficient. The described function has now been improved so that this can no longer happen. (FRAME.EXE) - The control that is made when cadett ELSA is started whether or not the software is correctly registered or not, is now checking CADETTVIEWER.OCX instead of KAT.DLL. If this registration is not detected to be correctly made, the user is told to run REPAIRWS.EXE. (FRAME.EXE) The Catalogue ------------- - The handling of symbol references in the catalogue has been adjusted. - The Spider database server could previously run into difficulties as a consequence of a situation where no catalogue was selected after a collect followed by an "Insert using the catalogue..." from the Drawing Environment. That combination of circumstances no longer constitutes a problem. - The yellow symbol window in the detailed view of the catalogue has been made wider, to give room for the new columns that have been added there. (KAT.DLL) The Installation Program ------------------------ - The file WSCONFIG.INI which nowadays contains local configurations like selected AutoCAD and similar, could previously under undesirable circumstances end up read-only after installation. That in turn resulted in changes of the configuration being impossible to save. This has been corrected. (ELSAINSTALL.EXE) The Drawing Manager ------------------- - The cooperation with the OnLine Engine has been improved. Previously there were rare but yet situations where changes made in the Drawing Manager did not trigger the in those situations necessary regeneration of the OnLine Database. This has been adjusted. The Settings Module ------------------- - Function codes with more than 3 connections are now possible to define- Previously values greater than 3 were not allowed. - Standardized function codes for digital in and outputs with 4 connections have been added, as well as analogue in and outputs with 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 connections. (KSPART.DBF) Dynamic OnLine II ----------------- - An editor for document type definitions has been added. It is started from the Module pull-down menu of Dynamic OnLine II. - Other attributes than the ones dealing with index and terminal group name are now editable for terminals that are affected by inheritance. Among such attributes electrical data and remark may be mentioned. This kind of editing was previously not possible. In the same way as before editing of terminal group names for terminals which have inherited their terminal group name is prohibited, since that could result in consequences not foreseeable from the current point of view. The SYMMERGE function --------------------- - SYMMERGE is a special function for automatic import of symbol data in connection with import of external projects. It is activated with a signal file - SYMMERGE.FLG - in the main directory of cadett ELSA. The dialogue box that is displayed when doing such an import did previously display the available alternatives in an incorrect way despite the fact that the functionality behind was correct. The dialogue box has now been corrected. (PROJDLL.DLL) The Report Generator -------------------- - Copying report definitions in network installations did previously not work properly. The result of an attempt to copy a report definition could be two report definitions referring to the same REP file. This really annoying fault has now been corrected. - The file selection dialogues in the tab Settings.2 have been improved. One of the improvements is that if a selection already has been made the dialogue starts there. Another improvement is that the Cancel button in fact cancels the selection, which probably by many is regarded as a natural functionality in the context. - Under rare circumstances the editor for report variables which is used in the report generator could display an empty list. That was a consequence of problem emanating from the index management in the Spider database server. An improved handling there now avoids that kind of problems. (SPIDER.EXE) Dynamic OnLine I ---------------- - The functionality in the wire-list tab of Dynamic OnLine I has been corrected for wire-chains where properties, especially wire-numbers, specified with property symbols are included. Previously there were a number of problems associated with that circumstance. - The not fully implemented variable READTYPE in DOL.INI is now disregarded. An incorrect value of that variable could previously cause a program crash. PDF generation -------------- - Previously the file management was relative to the current directory. This has now been changed so that the complete search path of the workstation directory is used instead. This should of course give exactly the same result, which it in fact does in 32 bit environments. In 64 bit environments however the old way of doing this was not working. Lack of compatibility between the 32 and 64 bit Windows versions is the reason behind this. (PDFGEN17.DVB, PDFGEN18.DVB, PDFGEN1764.DVB, PDFGEN1864.DVB). - Support for hyper-links in cross-references has been added. A special script sequence is provided to use this feature. The Cable Harness Module ------------------------ - The length calculation of cable harnesses has been remade to give correct results even in very big a complex harnesses. (CABEDIT70.EXE) cadett ELSA R30 - (Release 30 - Revision 2.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2010-12-22 ========== The Script Generator -------------------- - A crash could occur when cadett ELSA was left. This has been fixed. (SCRDLL.DLL) The External Connection Diagram Generator (KABGRAF II) ------------------------------------------------------ - KABGRAF II now remembers rearrangements made in the list (saved by project). (KAT.DLL) - A reset button for list rearrangements has been added. (KAT.DLL) The OnLine Engine ----------------- - The OnLine Engine has been updated to better handle a rare situation regarding connection numbers. (ONLINE*.ARX) The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - Opening drawing sheets now works also when non-English AutoCAD’s are used. In revision 2.0 positive answers were given with “Yes” which is not valid in for example German AutoCAD’s. (ACADCAD.FAS) cadettViewer ------------ - An improvement has been made regarding scaling for nested blocks. (CADETTVIEWER.OCX) cadett ELSA R30 - (Release 30 - Revision 2.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-01-12 ========== cadett ELSA R31 =============== The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - Commands to switch between White and black background have been added to the menu. - PDFGEN*.DVB (VBA files for the PDF Generation feature9 and NSG*.DVB (VBA files for the Symbol Generator) are no longer used. All VBA code has been integrated in ELSA*.DVB in order to keep double-clicking work in 64 bit environments. - The Cabinet Layout snap set commands in the toolbar have been corrected. - The pull-down menu system has been updated and adjusted. Some parts have been discontinued and removed. - The toolbars have been extended to support all commands from the pull-down menus, not only a sub-set as before. - Commands to switch between black and white backgrounds have been added. - Commands to switch between a newly defined background colour independent layer colour setting and the classic layer colours have been added. - Support for large toolbar buttons has been added. The Symbol Insert Tool (cadettpalette*.arx, KAT.DLL) ---------------------------------------------------- - If a slide file with the same name as a symbol exists it is showed in full screen when the tooltip for a symbol is showed in the Symbol Insert Tool. - Sub-circuits are now supported by the Symbol Insert Tool. - The performance of the Symbol Insert Tool has been heavily enhanced. Information from SYMBDEF.DBF and SYMBDEFA.DBF is read much faster making the tool starting much faster. Also the update button works much faster than before. - Symbols defined in the symbol database but which not exist as blocks (DWG files) are no longer showed. (When no block exists the symbol cannot be inserted anyway). - A new feature is introduced making it possible to show both horizontal and vertical symbols simultaneously in the block mode. A new button for this purpose has been added below the existing buttons for vertical and horizontal. - The state of the Symbol Insert Tool is now saved correctly in the registry also when 64 bit operating systems are used. - The presentation of symbol pictures has been improved. - The screen menu graphics is now updated more frequently than before. Hardware lock management ------------------------ - A set of tools aimed at detecting and resolving hardware lock problems has been added. - A new version of the hardware lock driver - 7.6.3 - has been added. The Script Generator -------------------- - New Script Sequences: o Convert to R18 formats o Convert colours to support white screen background o Sheet-wise PDF generation o Fix incorrect lines o Refresh symbol bitmaps for Symbol Insert Tool - Updated Script Sequences: o The PDF Generation Script Sequences no longer loads PDFGEN*.DVB since the PDF Generation Feature is now included in ELSA*.DVB. o Filtering did previously not work when restarting the program. This has been resolved. - The PDF Generation Feature has been improved: o The feature to create PDF's with hyper-links now supports the cross-references from PLC help symbols to the PLC mirror. o To better support new operating systems relative paths are no longer used by the hyper-link PDF generation script sequences. o The hyper-link PDF generation feature now supports changing the DPI for the used virtual postscript printer. o The hyper-link PDF generation feature now does not create hyper-links for invisible cross-references. Cross- references are regarded as invisible if the cross- reference attribute is located in the HIDE layer or if the attribute mode is "Invisible". o The bookmarks of multi-sheet PDF's now support long file names. o Drawing sheet filenames beginning with underscore previously caused problems. This has been resolved. o Drawing sheet filenames shorter than 8 characters previously created problems. This has been resolved. Drawing Frames -------------- - ELSA50.DXF, ELSA50GB.DXF, ELSA81.DXF and ELSA81GB.DXF have been updated to support white background by using the new background colour independent layer colour settings. The IEC1082 symbol library -------------------------- - Extensive PLC symbol library with 222 symbols added. The Symbol Generator -------------------- - The Symbol Generator has been extended with a number of new features. - A number of new WMF files have been added for the Symbol Generator (function preview): o Better pictures for existing functions like ordinary contacts o Supporting a large number of PLC functions Document Types (DOCTYPE.DBF) ---------------------------- - The Document Type definitions in DOCTYPE.DBF have been made multilingual. - Document Type definitions can be edited and/or added by the user from a command in the MODULE pull-down menu of Dynamic OnLine II. The Symbol Library Plot Utility (Symbplot64.dll) ------------------------------------------------ - The utility for plotting of Symbol Libraries is now supporting 64 bit operating systems. The Report Generator (REPDLL.DLL, ZERO.DLL) ------------------------------------------- - If using conditions with numbers ending with zero (like V20 or V30) the Report Generator previously was hanging. This problem has been resolved. - If the quantity of a resource within a resource group in the Catalogue is empty or 0, that is interpreted as 1 when device lists are calculated for the Report Generator. (ZERO.DLL). - The temporary terminal database TRMTABLE.DBF that is used when creating terminal lists and terminal plans has been extended with the fields COLOR (colour) and SIGNAME (signal name). - Under certain rare circumstances during generation of the *E.DBF TARGET database an error message could show up saying "WRONG index data from the catalogue, aborting! (no)". This problem has been resolved. - The CAB_IND field of the *A.DBF TARGET database previously was left empty. The field in question should contain the index of any associated cable. The *A.DBF TARGET database contains all connections (both wires and cable cores). The empty field now has the correct content. - The revision comparison TARGET databases have been improved to avoid conflicts where the same handle is used for different objects in the "before" and "after" revisions of a project. - The analysis of terminal links that is used both for the terminal list of Dynamic OnLine I and for terminal lists and terminal plans in the Report Generator, has been updated. A number of shortcomings that under certain conditions resulted in a link presentation that was not in accordance with the valid settings have been eliminated. - The *G.DBF TARGET database has been extended with fields for DCCCODE (document type). These fields are called SYMDCCCODE (document type of symbol) and DWGDCCCODE (document type of sheet). - All IEC DXF forms have been updated with background colour independent layer colours. The Drawing Manager (Archive.dll, cadettViewer.ocx) --------------------------------------------------- - In the cadettViewer the text font adjustment has been improved. - HATCH is now supported by the cadettViewer. - The flickering in the cadettViewer has been minimized. - Daylight saving time is now handled correctly by the Drawing Manager. Previously the time could be incorrectly calculated. - When using TAB in the detailed view after making changes to a field focus and selection will now continue to be active. Previously it did not. Service Management Feature (cadett.exe, serveradmin.exe) -------------------------------------------------------- - A new feature has been added that can be used to start and stop the services Spider and Replicator on the server directly from a workstation. The feature is implemented as a service called "cadett". From the workstation the management is made using a software called ServerAdmin.exe. With the help of that program the Spider and Replicator on the server can be stopped and started. The Project Module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - Sub-projects can be moved using drag and drop, but from the virtual super project folder they cannot. - Revisions for sub-projects are now fully supported. Arrows with + and - signs have been added to show this. - Projects with the old format for the ZUS_TXT2 field are now correctly handled. - The limitation to a maximum of 10 mirrored attributes is gone. - The maximum length of the definition of the so-called short date format used when creating new projects has been extended to 10 characters (previously 8). Import from another cadett ELSA (IMPORT.DLL) -------------------------------------------- - Under some circumstances the import of symbol libraries previously failed. This problem has been resolved. Revision Comparisons -------------------- - The revision comparison TARGET databases *4.DBF, *7.DBF and *9.DBF have been changed. The short project name in the keys has been replaced with _ONE and _TWO in order to avoid conflicts between the two versions of the same project that are compared with each other. - Sheet-wise comparison of revisions has been corrected. Dynamic OnLine I and II (ZERO.DLL) ---------------------------------- - If the quantity of a resource within a resource group in the Catalogue is empty or 0, that is interpreted as 1 when device lists are calculated for Dynamic OnLine. (ZERO.DLL). Dynamic OnLine I (EDITDLL.DLL) ------------------------------ - The analysis of terminal links that is used both for the terminal list of Dynamic OnLine I and for terminal lists and terminal plans in the Report Generator, has been updated. A number of shortcomings that under certain conditions resulted in a link presentation that was not in accordance with the valid settings have been eliminated. Dynamic OnLine II (DOL2.DLL) ---------------------------- - A new column for Circuit has been added. - When editing the Device List (as opposed to the Symbol List obtained by checking "Load all") changes made to plant, location, circuit and designation affects all related symbols (main symbols, help symbols and mirror symbols). The Catalogue (KAT.DLL) ----------------------- - The database containing Resource Category definitions (IBAUM.DBF) is no longer opened exclusively by the Spider service. This change has been made to avoid conflicts with other parts of the software, like the Symbol Generator. - It is no longer permitted to set the number of contained items in a resource group to 0 or to leave the field empty. A digit is required. - In previous versions under certain circumstances the document type could be read from the wrong Spider service. This has been corrected. - The content of IBAUM.DBF (the definitions of resource categories) has been extended. Categories and sub-categories for PLC symbols have been added. External Connection Diagram Generation Feature - KABGRAF II (KAT.DLL) --------------------------------------------------------------------- - A new and extended version of KABGRAF II is introduced. - Improvements in the generation procedure have been made. When adding spare cores a more flexible approach is now applied allowing movement of all groups, resulting in a better more optimized graphical appearance. The OnLine Engine and the PDS (OnLine*.arx, SuperPrj64.dll, PDS70.EXE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - The OnLine Protocol now shows long file names when applicable. - Super projects are now supported also when using 64 bit operating systems. - The stack used for communication between the OnLine Engine and the PDS has been reduced in size to improve stability, especially when using Windows XP. To further improve safety a message will now be displayed if the OnLine Engine fails to allocate enough memory for the stack. - A problem that could occur when using more than 3 connections for a single help symbol connected to a mirror symbol has been corrected. - Mirroring of complete item designation does no longer affect terminals. Attribute mirroring on the other hand continues to be available for terminals. Mirroring of complete item designation previously caused problems for terminals since the definition of parent symbols and main/help symbols for terminals differ from that of other symbols causing undesirable side effects. Cabinet layout Automatic Insert Feature (EDITDLL.DLL) ----------------------------------------------------- - Inserted terminals are shown with green colour, like conventional devices. - Connectors are now supported. - A possible malfunction sometimes leading to a crash under certain conditions when sheet shifting from the Drawing Manager has been resolved. The EZP Project Import and Export Feature (FILEDLL.DLL) ------------------------------------------------------- - When finding the directory of a saved project a deleted path in the project database could accidently be used. This has been fixed. The Documentation ----------------- - A new more consistent naming of English and Swedish manuals have been introduced. - A Swedish KABGRAF II manual has been added. (External Connection Diagram Generation). - An English Revision Management Manual has been added. The Installation Program ------------------------ - An annoyance that could occur when installing workstations with Windows Vista or Windows 7 with active UAC has been eliminated. If the administrator did not have access to the drive letter mapping that the future cadett ELSA user had, the elevation to administrator made during installation resulted in a loss of contact with the cadett ELSA main directory. A manual mapping for the administrator was previously needed to solve that problem. The installation program now takes care of this automatically and fully transparent to the user. The Replicator (REPLICATOR.EXE) ------------------------------- - Only Catalogue databases are now read using the Spider database server. The symbol databases are from now on read directly by the Replicator. The Settings Module (CONFDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - When importing symbols a message will now be displayed telling how many symbols that have been imported and how many that have been ignored for one reason or the other (like if the symbol existed from before and overwriting is not enabled). The JIC Symbol Library ---------------------- - The JIC Symbol Library has been heavily enhanced. All symbols have been updated to the new format introduced in cadett ELSA 7.7 and errors have been corrected. - A JIC Prototype Project has been added. Demonstration Projects ---------------------- - A simple JIC Demo Project has been added. - The IEC and IEC1082 demo projects have been updated with background independent layer colours. AutoCAD Handling ---------------- - The timeout for AutoCAD Idle has been prolonged, reducing the risk of getting an AutoCAD not idle message. - When cadett ELSA is configured to use a new AutoCAD a profile is created for use with cadett ELSA. This profile has been extended to include setting of NAVVCUBEDISPLAY to 0 and VPCONTROL to OFF to exclude annoying unused features in the drawing window. Translator II (TRANS.DLL) ------------------------- - Case insensitive translation containing national characters like åäö did not always give a correct result, because of incorrect case transformation. This problem has been solved. User Defined Symbol Libraries ----------------------------- - ZUGRIFFE.INF have been updated to reflect new general drawing environment files, giving better results after updating cadett ELSA for user defined symbol libraries. Option Management ----------------- - An entirely new feature to handle options in projects is introduced. All functionality associated with this feature is collected under one single command called OPTIONHANDLING. This command is found in the TOOLS pull-down menu and in the TOOLS toolbar. With this feature an arbitrary number of options can be defined spanning over an arbitrary number of sheets within a project. These options can be activated or deactivated independently from one another using one single command. Deactivated options are hidden and removed from the OnLine database. Activated options are shown and included in the OnLine database. General ------- - A new way of managing changes and deletions in the symbol databases improves stability. The symbol databases are from now on never packed during ordinary use. Packing is instead performed when the last user exits cadett ELSA in s similar way as project databases. - Empty *.DVB files with no longer used filenames have been added to the symbol libraries to prevent discontinued VBA code from accidently being loaded by user defined Script Sequences or similar. - A number of minor improvements have been made. cadett ELSA R31 - (Release 31 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-10-28 ========== The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - A compilation error could under certain conditions turn up during initialization of the Drawing Environment in R31.0.1.0. This problem has been resolved. - Alterations of plant made with the BOXEDIT command failed in R31.0.1.0 while similar alterations of location worked fine. Now both plant and location can be successfully edited with this useful command. - The Generic Symbol command as well as editing of existing Generic Symbols failed in R31.0.1.0. This problem has been resolved. The DIN5 symbol library ----------------------- - The 222 PLC symbols that were added to the IEC1082 symbol library in R31.0.1.0 have now been added to the DIN5 symbol library as well. The Drawing Manager ------------------- - The ELSA81 mask file has been updated. The English and Swedish sections were not identical. Now they are. The Report Generator -------------------- - The 0FEDE603.FMT form has been corrected. An incorrect Report Variable has been replaced with a correct one. cadett ELSA R31 - (Release 31 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-11-21 ========== The Drawing Environment ----------------------- • The descriptive texts for IEC1082 Motor Circuits have been updated. • 4 old symbols with names beginning with 1 in the DIN5 symbol library have been removed. They were only present in SYMBDEF.DBF and sometimes caused nuisances during updates. (1K4-001, 1M4-001, 1KABHBTK and 1KABHIBT). • The following earth symbols in the IEC1082 Symbol Library have been corrected: L021505, L021502, L021505E and L021502E. In earlier revisions those symbols were non-electrical. Now they work as intended. • Cable core booking with cable mirrors did previously book the cores in an order that in many cases was not the most desirable one. This nuisance has been eliminated. Cabinet layout -------------- • The macro used to insert terminals in the Cabinet layout did previously not change its behavior dependent on whether a BEZ1 attribute existed or not in the terminal symbol that was used. Now it does. If BEZ1 exists the terminal number is placed there. If BEZ1 does not exist, the terminal number is placed in the BEZ attribute together with the terminal group name (for instance “-X1:1”). The Sheet Shift Feature ----------------------- • In cadett ELSA R30.02.0 a new feature was introduced. When shifting sheets using the Sheet Shift Feature, the current sheet was saved only if changes had been made, making sheet shifts faster than otherwise. In cadett ELSA R31.0.1.0 and R31.0.1.1 the current sheet was unfortunately always saved, resulting in slower sheet shifts. Now the original behavior has been restored. Therefore sheet shifts are once again much faster than before. • Long file names (longer than 8 characters) are handled in an improved way compared to the previous revision. The Symbol Insert Tool ---------------------- • A new button has been added with which it is possible to turn the Slide Preview Feature on or off. (In some cases the Slide Preview has been a nuisance). • An entirely new feature has been added, presented with a new button in the Symbol Insert Tool. If this feature is activated (the button is “pressed down”), the Symbol Insert Tool is automatically hidden when a symbol is selected. This means that the Symbol Insert Tool can be undocked, made large in size to give good visibility and placed on top of the Drawing Area. When a symbol is selected, the Symbol Insert Tool is hidden, making it easy to place the symbol in a desirable position. The Symbol Insert Tool will not occupy any part of the screen at all, which is very nice especially when using old style 4:3 screens or poor resolution in general. When a symbol is going to be inserted, one of the yellow buttons in the “Insert Symbols” toolbar is an effective start point. Clicking such a button will display the Symbol Insert Tool with the symbols of the selected Resource Category already selected. • In some cases shifting between the Index and Block modes could end up in an infinite loop, causing the system to hang. This problem has been solved. The Symbol Generator -------------------- • It was not possible to create sub-circuits with insertion point 0,0 using the Symbol Generator in R31.0.1.1 and before. Now it is. • The error checking for used connection numbers has been corrected. • A large number of improvements have been made with regard to PLC mirrors: o Copying single I/O’s now works much better than before. o Copying multiple I/O’s at once did not work properly before. Now it does. o Channels with user defined function codes were previously not handled correctly by the Symbol Generator. Now they are. o PLC mirrors containing I/O’s with different function codes, like for instance both inputs and outputs, were not handled correctly before. Now they are. The Report Generator -------------------- • Cables connected between terminals and conventional symbols could in some cases turn up wrong in the *A.DBF TARGET database, which is used for report generation. The result could be that a generated report contained incorrect connection numbers. This problem has been solved. • When saving changes made to standard Report Definitions, or copies of them, the original multilingual descriptive text is now replaced with the text of the current language. This means that all user defined Report Definitions will from now on have fixed description texts, which will give a result that in some cases is more as expected than before. Super Projects -------------- • A registry related problem when using Super Projects in 64 bit environments has been solved. The Drawing Manager ------------------- • Changes made in the Detailed View where that view was left using the TAB key, did not always work as intended. That problem has been corrected. • A new ActiveX function sGetFieldValue has been added. Dynamic OnLine I ---------------- • Two new columns have been added to the Terminal List. These new columns contain the value of the APTYPE field for the devices or terminal/connectors that are connected on the internal and external sides respectively. (APTYPE – “connection point type” – is normally used to differ between pins and sockets for connectors but may be used in additional ways as well). The Documentation ----------------- • Three new English Additional Manuals have been added: o The cadett ELSA R31 New Features Guide o A detailed description of the ActiveX interface of the PDS o A detailed description of the ActiveX interfaces of the Modules of cadett ELSA • A new German Manual has been added: o The complete new Tutorial Option Handling --------------- • A large number of improvements have been made in the Option Handling Feature: o The Option Handling Feature now supports wild-cards in the specification of electrical layers in the project parameters. When using the DIN symbol library, that kind of specification is common, even if it is more seldom seen in IEC projects. o The colour of each option is now displayed in the list of options in the Option Handling Main Dialogue. o Deactivating options sometimes created error messages. This issue has been resolved. o When activating options all objects belonging to the activated option was not always immediately and correctly displayed. Now they are. o When deleting an option an error message was sometimes given and some objects belonging to the deleted option could in some cases be left in the current drawing sheet. This does not happen anymore. o A number of other minor improvements have been implemented. • An entirely new feature has been added. It is now possible to remotely control the options of a project. The procedure is as follows. First update the OPTIONS.INI located in the SOURCE directory of the project in question. Here options can be activated or deactivated. Thereafter activate (open) any sheet of the project. Send the OPTIONUPDATE command to the command prompt. All activations and deactivations made in OPTIONS.INI are then immediately performed. cadett ELSA R31 - (Release 31 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-06-12 ========== cadett ELSA R32 =============== cadett ELSA Enterprise ---------------------- - cadett ELSA Enterprise offers a collection of new functionality aimed at large organizations. Up until now cadett ELSA has been available in four levels: o cadett ELSA View o cadett ELSA Start o cadett ELSA Basic o cadett ELSA Professional A fifth level especially adapted for needs typical for large organizations has now been added: o cadett ELSA Enterprise The further development of cadett ELSA Enterprise will focus on solutions for large organizations like managing large projects for example using super projects, multiple concurrent users, distributed servers, solutions for multiple sites and so on. - Remote import of user data from a server in full use (Enterprise only) This feature is very valuable for so-called TRAVEL-solutions, where work is being made from a distance without direct connection to the server. A locally installed cadett ELSA is used for the purpose. - Hard import of user data (Enterprise only) Also this feature has been created to better support TRAVEL-solutions where it eventually becomes almost a necessity. - Support for thin clients with Citrix XenApp (Enterprise only) This feature allows network solutions with excellent performance even with a bandwidth of only 2 Mbps (a performance that would otherwise be possible to achieve only with a bandwidth of 1000 Mbps). Here the work is made directly OnLine towards the server but with a network performance requirement of less than a hundredth (1/100) of what would otherwise be necessary. Operating Systems ----------------- - cadett ELSA R32 supports: o Windows XP 32 bit o Windows Vista 32 and 64 bit o Windows 7 32 and 64 bit However, please refer to what is stated below concerning AutoCAD. The connection with AutoCAD --------------------------- - AutoCAD 2009 is no longer supported. This means that the support for AutoCAD R17 thereby is discontinued. - Support for AutoCAD 2013 has been added. This constitutes a premier for AutoCAD R19 with all the implications of that. - By cadett ELSA R32 supported versions of AutoCAD are therefore 2010 – 2013. - On 32 bit operating systems AutoCAD Electrical and AutoCAD ecscad are also supported. - On 64 bit operating systems AutoCAD Electrical is also supported, but AutoCAD ecscad is not. - Other verticals can normally be used but that is not fully tested and no guarantees apply. - All available Service Packs for AutoCAD must be installed. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - Drawing Environment based on .NET: The new Drawing Environment of cadett ELSA R32 is based on .NET VB instead of VBA which was used in R31 and earlier. This gives a large number of advantages, among the improved performance, especially with 64 bit operating systems. - The command MOVE SYMBOLS has been improved. Lines could unintentionally be moved along with the symbols in earlier versions. That will never happen again. The prompt en has also been clarified. - An entirely new command – CAELEATTEDIT – which is based on AutoCAD’s EATTEDIT has been added. The cadett ELSA variant has full OnLine support. In the menus the command is called “Extended attribute editing”. With this command single attributes in symbols can be edited concerning layer, colour, text height, text justification and other properties, including the value. - The command CHANGE TEXT has been extended so that it can be used also for attribute definitions. Previously only texts and attribute values could be edited, but not attribute definitions. This is valuable for example when creating complex symbols using the Symbol Generator. - The system variables VPCONTROL and NAVVCUBEDISPLAY are now possible to define in ACAD.INI. Since these values are stored in the drawing sheets it has previously been difficult to completely eliminate irritating values of them. Now it is quickly and easily done so that you can avoid the tiresome NAVVCUBE in the upper right corner! - The command to find and correct drawing errors – FIXLINEDIALOG – has been adjusted so that the alternative ALL is no longer available. That option often resulted in an operation so extensive that it could not be performed. - Six new commands for standard layer settings have been added to replace the corresponding old menu macros (pull-down menu Format, command Layer standard DESIGN, PLOT and so on). The new commands, which can also be typed, something that was not possible with the old macros, are fully compatible with options, which the old macros weren’t. The commands area as follow: Layer setting: NET_PLOT_LAYERS_0 DESIGN with symbolic item designations NET_PLOT_LAYERS_1 DESIGN Normal (fixed item designations) NET_PLOT_LAYERS_2 PLOT without wire-numbers, without cables NET_PLOT_LAYERS_3 PLOT with wire-numbers, without cables NET_PLOT_LAYERS_4 PLOT without wire-numbers, with cables NET_PLOT_LAYERS_5 PLOT with wire-numbers, with cables These commands replace earlier harangues with the same functionality that was used in the sub-routine Script Sequences _0LAYER_0 to _0LAYER_5 in the Script Generator. - The command Save… in the pull-down menu File, sub-menu AutoCAD File, has been improved. An unnecessary file format specification is now avoided and a somewhat irritating error message that was previously displayed, but which in fact didn’t mean anything, does not appear anymore. - The command BOXEDIT (pull-down menu "Tools", alternative "Edit boundary boxes…") has been improved. Previously it has been possible to add entirely new information. That was never the intention with the command and it didn’t give a successful result either. Now it is possible to edit existing information only, which also gives an excellent result. - A so-called "workspace" called "cadett ELSA Classic" is now used in' the drawing environment. To start with the relevance of this is limited, but will grow later on. - A new variable - TEXTED - has been added in ACAD.INI to control editing of conventional text objects in the Drawing Environment, like when double-clicking or using DDATTE on a standard AutoCAD TEXT object. If TEXTED is set to 1 a nice dialogue box is used instead of the annoying "In-Place Text Editor". - The command COPY/EDIT INSERT that is used to insert sub-circuits can be used in four different modes. With or without dialogue boxes and with or without automatic item designation generation. The option without dialogue boxes and without automatic item designation generation has been improved enormously when performance is concerned. - The ARRAY command was changed in AutoCAD 2012 in a way that is undesired for normal use in cadett ELSA. Therefore the ARRAY menu option has been changed to ARRAYCLASSIC for AutoCAD 2012 and later, meaning that the command will always act in the desired way regardless of which AutoCAD version you are using. - Double-clicking Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors in AutoCAD 2012 did not give the desired dialogue box in the previous version of cadett ELSA. Now it does. (For all other supported versions of AutoCAD it worked fine, which it continues to do). - The dialogue box for creating and editing Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors has been improved. The DELETE option (to delete contacts) is now working more smoothly than before. The Sheet Shift Feature ----------------------- - The Sheet Shift Feature can be reached using like before, but that possibility has now been improved so that focus is set directly to the current sheet, which makes it possible to directly use and to select sheet, instead of having to click with the mouse or clicking as was necessary before. - In the Sheet Shift Feature the correct image is always displayed, even for drawing sheets with long file names. In previous versions a degree of chaos could be part of the presentation. The Report Generator -------------------- - The Report Generator has previously been able to produce reports in AutoCAD format (DXF) and in text format (FMT). A third format has now been added, namely Excel. This feature constitutes an entire package with new functionality that enables reports in Excel format to be produced directly from the Report Generator. It has also been made easy for the user to create such Report Definitions. Customized programming has previously been necessary for that purpose. - EXCEL reports: 9 new EXCEL report definitions which utilize the new feature of being able to create reports in Excel directly with the Report Generator have been added: 0E_S_DEV2_QUANTITY Swedish Device List with quantity 0E_S_CON1_I Swedish Internal Wire List 0E_S_CON2_CABLECORE Swedish Cable Core List 0E_E_DEV2_QUANTITY English Device List with quantity 0E_E_CON1_I English Internal Wire List 0E_E_CON2_CABLECORE English Cable Core List 0E_D_DEV2_QUANTITY German Device List with quantity 0E_D_CON1_I German Internal Wire List 0E_D_CON2_CABLECORE German Cable Core List - DXF reports: 18 new report definitions based on the new drawing frame ELSA81 aimed to be used with the IEC1082 symbol library have been added. 0X_IS_CON1_I Swedish Internal Wire List 0X_IS_CON2_CABLECORE Swedish Cable Core List 0X_IS_CON3_TRM_BRIDGES Swedish Terminal List with bridges 0X_IS_DEV2_QUANTITY Swedish Device List with quantity 0X_IS_DEV6_SUMMARIZED Swedish Ordering List 0X_IS_DWG3_SOURCE/TARGET Swedish Table of Contents 0X_IE_CON1_I English Internal Wire List 0X_IE_CON2_CABLECORE English Cable Core List 0X_IE_CON3_TRM_BRIDGES English Terminal List with bridges 0X_IE_DEV2_QUANTITY English Device List with quantity 0X_IE_DEV6_SUMMARIZED English Ordering List 0X_IE_DWG3_SOURCE/TARGET English Table of Contents 0X_ID_CON1_I German Internal Wire List 0X_ID_CON2_CABLECORE German Cable Core List 0X_ID_CON3_TRM_BRIDGES German Terminal List with bridges 0X_ID_DEV2_QUANTITY German Device List with quantity 0X_ID_DEV6_SUMMARIZED German Ordering List 0X_ID_DWG3_SOURCE/TARGET German Table of Contents The Script Generator -------------------- - A new script sequence has been added: o 0CHANGE_FRAME_ELSA81_Q (Change drawing frame ELSA81 in the SOURCE directory) - Two existing script sequences have been improved: o 0CHANGE_FRAME_Q (Change drawing frame ELSA50 in SOURCE directory) o 0CHANGE_FRAME_Z (Change drawing frame ELSA50 in TARGET directory) Both these Script Sequences have been improved. Previously if the filename/directory for the drawing frame to which the change was made was incorrect the result was a complete destruction of the entire project. Now the Script Sequence stops instead. - 8 new Script Sequences used to convert drawing sheets to the new R19 DWG and DXF formats that were introduced in AutoCAD 2013 have been added. These Script Sequences can only be used with AutoCAD 2013 and newer. 0DWG-R19DWG_Q Convert DWG files in the SOURCE directory to R19 DWG 0DWG-R19DWG_Z Convert DWG files in the TARGET directory to R19 DWG 0DWG-R19DXF_Q Convert DWG files in the SOURCE directory to R19 DXF 0DWG-R19DXF_Z Convert DWG files in the TARGET directory to R19 DXF 0DXF-R19DWG_Q Convert DXF files in the SOURCE directory to R19 DWG 0DXF-R19DWG_Z Convert DXF files in the TARGET directory to R19 DWG 0DXF-R19DXF_Q Convert DXF files in the SOURCE directory to R19 DXF 0DXF-R19DXF_Z Convert DXF files in the TARGET directory to R19 DXF PDF Generation -------------- - The PDF Generator has been extended with the possibility to create PDF files with searchable text. Previously all text was stored as graphics which did not allow for searching item designations or other texts. The new version enables text to be stored as text, which makes free text search possible. - A new Script Sequence that uses the new technology that has been described above has been added in the Script Generator. This Script Sequence is called 0PDF_FREEGEN_SEARCHABLE_HYPERLINKS. The Symbol Generator -------------------- - The Symbol Generator has been completed with new functionality for mirror symbols. It is now possible to control the sorting that is being made of contacts in contact mirrors and I/O’s in PLC mirrors. For this purpose the main dialogue has been extended with some new settings. The Project Module ------------------ - Support for Autodesk Vault has been implemented in the Project Module, but in the first revisions of cadett ELSA R32 it is not yet directly activated at installation time. The commands for Vault Management are however visible in the right-click menu. Translator III -------------- - R19 DXF files are now supported. The OnLine Engine and the PDS ----------------------------- - The new R19 DXF file format (R19 for AutoCAD 2013) is now supported. The Cable Harnessing Module --------------------------- - The distance between automatically inserted tables has been adjusted. The Drawing Manager ------------------- - An entirely new feature has been added which makes it possible to concatenate multiple fields and transfer the result to another field. This feature has similarities with the existing features !FOLGE and !MIRROR which transfer the value of one single field to another. The new function !C (”concatenate”) transfers the sum of the content of multiple fields and/or constants to another. Syntax: In the field for preset value the following is written: !C:,,,<… Constants can also be used and are written within quotation marks: !C:,””, Example: !C:ZDWGNO,”-”,ZSHEET If the drawing number is 1234567890 and the sheet number is 5, the result will be 1234567890-5. Option Handling --------------- - The new commands for layer settings that replace previous menu macros and Script Sequence sub-routines enable conventional plot Script Sequences to function excellently for projects containing options. The drawing sheets will be printed with active options visible and with inactive options invisible. That was not the case before, when customized plot script sequences were necessary to achieve the same result. Drawing frames -------------- - The drawing frames ELSA81 and ELSA81GB have been adjusted. A revision block was located in the wrong layer which caused a warning in the OnLine Protocol. Both these frames are primarily aimed to be used with the IEC1082 symbol library. - A new drawing frame - ELSA81D – has been added. It is simply a German version of the ELSA81 (Swedish) and ELSA81GB (English). This new frame is primarily aimed to be used with the IEC1082 symbol library. Demonstration projects ---------------------- - 6 new demonstration projects, all of them using the IEC1082 symbol library and with the new ELSA81 drawing frame, have been added: 0DMIDN German, item designations in multiple levels 0DMIDP German, simple item designations 0DMIEN English, item designations in multiple levels 0DMIEP English, simple item designations 0DMISN Swedish, item designations in multiple levels 0DMISP Swedish, simple item designations Exercise projects ----------------- - 3 new exercise projects, all of them using the IEC1082 symbol library and with item designations in multiple levels and the new ELSA81 drawing frame have been added. 0EXIDN German 0EXIEN English 0EXISN Swedish Prototype projects ------------------ - 6 new prototype projects, all of them using the IEC1082 symbol library and with the new ELSA81 drawing frame have been added: 0-IECDN German, item designations in multiple levels 0-IECDP German, simple item designations 0-IECEN English, item designations in multiple levels 0-IECEP English, simple item designations 0-IECSN Swedish, item designations in multiple levels 0-IECSP Swedish, simple item designations cadett ELSA R32 - (Release 32 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-11-28 ========== The Drawing Manager ------------------- - The comments in the mask files to the masks ELSA70 and ELSA81 have been updated and completed so that they cover the new functionality that has been added in later versions. - The connection between Drawing Manager and title field is controlled by a mask file where one of the possibilities is to use block name and attribute tag name to control which information is transferred where. Previously this has required a perfect match with upper and lower case letters of both block and tag names. This is however not the case anymore since the feature no longer takes the case of the letters into consideration. The Script Generator -------------------- - A new version of the PDF Generator has been added. The new version makes it possible to create configurable bookmarks, for instance containing plant, location or other information from the title fields. The composition of the bookmarks is controlled by the configuration file BMSETTINGS.INI. - The PDF Generation Script Sequences that are included at delivery have been reviewed and adjusted when needed. Cabinet Layout -------------- - In the previous revision the automatic insert of cabinet layout symbols did not produce any result if only one symbol was selected. If two or more symbols were selected the insert however worked perfectly. Now it will always work fine, regardless of the number of selected symbols. Automatic Terminal Numbering ---------------------------- - The automatic terminal numbering feature that is used when inserting terminals in the circuit diagrams previously did take terminals in the cabinet layout into account which is not desirable. This has been changed so that the terminals in the cabinet layout do not affect terminals inserted in the circuit diagrams. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - The SaveDXF command – which can also be executed when AutoCAD is left using the Exit command and automatically in connection with sheet shift if the current sheet has been changed – contains a functionality that checks that the resulting file is indeed correct, in order to prevent hard disc problems or similar resulting in loss of data. Previously that check under certain conditions incorrectly could report that saving had failed even if it in fact had succeeded. This checking has now been improved. Automatic Item Designation Generation ------------------------------------- - When using a 32 bit operating system, which is common for Windows XP, in combination with one of the AutoCAD versions 2010 – 2012 an incorrect reference to a DLL file could result in the automatic item designation generation failing. This has been resolved. The Symbol Generator -------------------- - Selecting function code for help symbols is done with a drop-down list. However the function codes are somewhat cryptic (S=make contact, O=Break contact, W=shift-over contact and so on). To simplify the selection descriptive texts have now been added. - A problem could occur when editing PLC mirrors with more than three connections per I/O. (This was an error that arose in connection with the porting of VBA to .NET). The problem has now been resolved. - When editing a connection object a problem could occur that resulted in the wrong object being edited. This has been resolved. Block Update ------------ - The command to Update all blocks has been improved. This command is found in the Tools pull-down menu, sub-menu Update blocks and can be typed CAELUPDATEINSERTS directly on the command line. It replaces all symbols with the corresponding contemporary versions from the symbol library. Terminals are handled “intelligently”, meaning that they are removed and then replaced with new ones according to current settings (MAC12.INI, MAC12_1.INI and MAC12_2.INI). This neat function previously had the somewhat odd peculiarity to give a correct result only every second time it was used. Now the result is correct every time. - CAELUPDATEINSERTS previously did not “intelligently” handle generic symbols with connections ”on the edge”. This meant that the result was not always the desired one. However the functionality has now been completed in that respect so that consideration is taken to which side of the Generic Symbol a connection is located on. The result will be as if the symbol had been manually redrawn using current settings (MAC13.INI). - An extended and partly configurable version of CAELUPDATEINSERTS has been added. The new command is called CAELCFGUPDATEINSERTS and it works in the same way as the basic version of the command, but with an additional configuration containing a number of attribute names. Position, rotation and text justification for all attributes with the specified names will be restored as they were before the update. This means that for example remark attributes that have been manually repositioned can keep their original positions. Which attributes to restore in this way is defined in ACAD.INI under the section [UpdateAllBlocks] with the key Attributes. - The CAELUPDATEBLOCK command – which can be selected in the Tools pull-down menu, sub-menu Update blocks and thereafter Update selected blocks – replaces all symbols with specified names to the contemporary version from the symbol library. An extended version of this command has now been added. The new command is called CAELCFGUPDATEBLOCK and will restore attribute positions controlled by ACAD.INI in the same way as CAELCFGUPDATEINSERTS described above. The AutoCAD connection ---------------------- - The selection of which AutoCAD to use in cadett ELSA is made in a dialogue box that is reached from the Tools pull-down menu and the command Alternatives. In the previous revision the option Manual specification could not be used because of changes necessary to support AutoCAD 2013. Now this option has made a “come-back”, which has been made possible by the addition of a new field in which additional parameters can be specified. Such parameters are necessary for AutoCAD 2013. For AutoCAD 2012 and earlier the new field can preferably be left empty. - An annoying bug in the installation package of 64 bit AutoCAD 2011 results in a serious problem if that version is installed before AutoCAD 2010 and 2012 on a computer. Neither of them will work together with cadett ELSA R32 in that case. If any of the other two was installed first no problems occur with any of them. This problem does not affect AutoCAD 2013. A fix for this problem is available in the support area of cadett’s homepage. - When using German AutoCAD problems could occur in the initialization of the Drawing Environment. This problem that was caused by a command incompatibility has now been resolved. The Symbol Insert Tool ---------------------- - Previously the symbol pictures presented by the Symbol Insert Tool could under certain circumstances end up with incorrect background colour. The most common condition under which this has happened is when using 16 bit colour depth in combination with black background colour in the Symbol Insert Tool. The Symbol Insert Tool has now been adjusted so that the background colour is always correct also under those circumstances. The Report Generator -------------------- - The Report Generator previously had a somewhat inadequate support for long filenames in the Drawing Manager when DXF reports were concerned. This has been heavily improved: - It is now possible to specify filenames with a length of up to 256 characters for the reports that are going to be generated (previously the maximum was 8 characters). - The Report Generator will take the filename length that is used in the current project into consideration and will nowadays always create reports with filenames of exactly that length, regardless of the length of the filename specified in the Report Definition. If the specified filename is too short, the Report Generator will extend it using underscores. If the specified filename is too long, it will be truncated instead. - Before, when using automatic collect for DXF report generation in the TARGET directory, an OnLine regeneration was unnecessarily triggered. This caused an additional delay after the report was finished which in turn could constitute an annoyance and in the context of automatic generation cause some trouble. That effect has been eliminated. - The new Excel report definitions that were added in R32.0.1.0 have been reviewed and some infantile disorders have been eliminated. - A large portion of the report definitions that are included in the standard delivery have been updated. In most cases this concerns minor adjustments often of a cosmetic nature. Installation and update ----------------------- - Since cadett ELSA 6.0 was introduced in 2001 shortcuts used to start cadett ELSA have been referring to FRAME.EXE. This has been changed in the current revision R32.0.1.1 From now on ELSA.EXE is instead started which in turn starts FRAME.EXE. This alteration has been implemented to better handle updates of network installations where the prerequisites may have been changed to such a degree that a new FRAME.EXE cannot even be started and therefore not automatically perform the necessary update of the workstation. The purpose of ELSA.EXE is to take care of such things. The shortcuts are automatically adjusted when updating to cadett ELSA R32.0.1.1. If you should face a workstation that cannot be started after an update of the central cadett ELSA installation, there is now a very simple way to solve that problem. Using Windows Explorer you simply look up ELSA.EXE which is located in the main directory of cadett ELSA on the server (for example X:\ELSA) and start it (for example by double-clicking it). Necessary measures are then automatically taken, including an adjustment of the shortcuts for cadett ELSA in the Program menu and on the desktop. After that you can start cadett ELSA in the ordinary way. - ELSA.EXE automatically initializes installation of required packages from Microsoft like “Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable” and similar. - REPAIRWS.EXE is located in the workstation directory and used to repair the workstation installation when needed. It has been heavily extended and is now performing a much more extensive repair than earlier versions of the program did. - The workstation update routines now better take different levels of user rights into account, as well as 64 bit operating systems when applicable and how UAC (User Account Control) is configured, in order to always end up with a correctly working update. - When “importing from other cadett ELSA”, which is typically done when updating to a new version of cadett ELSA, the numbering algorithms are included in the process. However a collect of the imported algorithms has previously not been made automatically, resulting in a user having to click the COLLECT button to restore full functionality. This has now been resolved so that an automatic collect is made directly by the import feature. Manual actions are therefore not required anymore. - .NET Framework 4.0 is required to install and use AutoCAD 2012 and later. In most cases this package is automatically installed as a part of AutoCAD’s setup procedure. This is however not the case for all distribution alternatives for AutoCAD 2012. For that reason the complete package is included on the cadett ELSA R32.0.1.1 DVD in a directory called "\Microsoft .NET Framework SP1". Thus you do not need to download this package from the Internet when applicable. Remote Import (cadett ELSA Enterprise only) ------------------------------------------- - The included configuration file ELSACOPY.INI that controls remote import of user data from a cadett ELSA Server in use has been optimized, which results in a reduction of transfer times of about 50% compared to the previous standard setting. cadett ELSA R32 - (Release 32 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-18 ========== Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - Under some circumstances importing symbol libraries could partly fail in previous revisions. If that happened the DWG and SLD files were imported but the symbol database information was not resulting in user defined symbols ending up “not OnLine”. The solution to this problem is to first update to R32.0.1.2 using the current incremental update and then run the symbol library import once again. That will solve the issue completely. Please note that only the symbol library part of the import needs to be rerun. Therefore the action is quickly made. Drawing Environment ------------------- - An Automatic Wire-number Adjustment Feature has been added in cadett ELSA R32. With this new command the positions of all wire-numbers can be automatically adjusted to avoid conflicts with other attributes such as connection and terminal numbers. When the command is executed all wire-numbers that does not conflict with other attributes are left untouched, while conflicting wire-numbers are moved long enough to avoid the conflict. With another option it is possible to move all wire-numbers back to their original standard positions. You will find these two commands in the Tools pull-down menu, in a sub-menu called Wire-number adjustment. In the sub-menu you will find the commands Adjust wire-number positions and Reset wire-number positions. The commands can also be typed in the command prompt or used in Script Sequences. The names of the commands are CAELADJUSTWIRENO and CAELWIRENOUPDATE. The latter is used to reset original positions. - In projects with long drawing sheet file names (longer than 8 characters) the Sheet Shift Feature previously could end up in trouble when the Full View option of the Slide Preview was activated. That issue has been resolved. - In the previous revision double-clicking Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors worked fine in AutoCAD 2010-2012 showing the proper dialogue box. In AutoCAD 2013 however nothing happened forcing the user to turn to the EA command instead (DDATTE/EDIT). Double-clicking Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors now works fine in all AutoCAD versions. - Descriptions have been added to the function codes in the dialogue box for Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors. - The terminology used in the Property Symbol Dialogue Box has been adjusted for the English Language Setting. For example wires are now referred to as wires and nothing else. - The “cadett ELSA Classic” workspace failed to automatically show up in cadett ELSA R32.0.1.1. As a consequence of that the display of the command line in AutoCAD 2013 could in some situations fail. This issue has been resolved. - The attribute position readjustment feature of the Generic Symbol and the Boundary Box have been significantly improved. Previously all visible attributes were always automatically readjusted when the dialogue box was activated, like when editing any of the attributes. The disadvantage of this was that any manual adjustments were lost and had to be remade. Now two new features have been added. First of all a check-box in the dialogue boxes makes it possible to deactivate the automatic readjustment. Second a new button makes it possible to perform a readjustment at the users command whenever needed. - The Remark command has been corrected. In earlier revisions of cadett ELSA R32 it did not work correctly as a result of an error that occurred when migrating the function to .NET VB. Now it works as it should again. The Symbol Insert Tool ---------------------- - The Slide Preview feature of the Symbol Insert Tool did previously not update the preview properly when moving the cursor from symbol to symbol. Now it does. The Symbol Generator -------------------- - When saving PLC mirrors with the Symbol Generator, the writing of I/O information (SYMBDEFC) could fail. This issue has been resolved. - Descriptions for function codes have been added in the Function Object Dialogue Box. - When a symbol has been saved a questions was previously put to the user whether a regeneration of the menu should be performed or not. Since the replacement of the old style icon menus with the new way more effective Symbol Insert Tool the need for that regeneration has disappeared. Therefore this annoying question has finally been removed. The Report Generator -------------------- - The Excel Report Feature now supports Excel 2013 which it previously did not. Supported Excel versions from now on are 2007, 2010 and 2013. Update Blocks ------------- - In the Update Blocks sub-menu of the Tools pull-down menu, there are three major commands available. All three of them have been extended in a number of ways and a number of new commands have also been added. - The Update Blocks Feature include three basic functions: o Replace one single symbol (one single insert) with another one retaining attribute values. The symbol that replaces the old one might be a new version of the same symbol or a completely different one. If the same symbol is inserted multiple times in the same sheet only the selected one is replaced. o Replace all blocks with a specified name in the current sheet with another one retaining attribute values. The symbol that replaces the old one might be a new version of the same symbol or a completely different one. If the same symbol is inserted multiple times in the same sheet all of them are replaced. o Replace all symbols in the current sheet with current versions of the same symbols. - A new functionality introduced in cadett ELSA R32 is the possibility to configure the behavior using the ACAD.INI configuration file located in the current symbol library. In that configuration it is possible to specify that position including rotation and justification, layer and text height of certain attributes should be retained. When layers are concerned it is also possible to define that certain attributes located on a specific layer should be moved to another layer. - When single symbols or specified blocks are replaced it has been made possible to specify whether a line repair and line break operation should be performed or not. The advantage with using that feature is that the symbol that is replaced doesn’t need to be identical in size with the symbol that it is replaced with. The disadvantage is that if the lines that connect to the symbol aren’t located on the same layer the layers might not always be retained. The Update Blocks sub-menu has been extended to accommodate all available combinations of the features discussed above. The new Update Blocks sub-menu .............................. Command Rebreak lines Use ACAD.INI Use ................................... ............. ............ .......................... Replace single selected symbol Yes N/A Single selected symbols Replace single selected symbol No N/A Replace symbols with specified name Yes No Symbols specified by names Replace symbols with specified name Yes Yes Replace symbols with specified name No No Replace symbols with specified name No Yes Update all symbols N/A No All symbols according to Update all symbols N/A Yes filter including macros Available block update commands ............................... o UPDATESINGLEBLOCK Replaces single selected symbols but retains attribute values. The lines are first closed and then broken again, making it possible to change to a symbol with different size. This command is unchanged compared to previous versions of cadett ELSA. o CAELUPDATESINGLEBLKNOREPAIR This is an entirely new command. It works exactly like UPDATESINGLEBLOCK but without any line break functionality. This means that the new symbol must have the same size as the old one to achieve a correct result. o CAELCFGUPDATEBLOCK This is an entirely new command. It works exactly like UPDATESINGLEBLOCK but it takes a configuration made in ACAD.INI into account. Line repair and break is performed. o UPDATEBLOCK Specified blocks are replaced wherever they are found in the current sheet. Line repair and break is made to allow for replacement with symbols of different sizes. This command is unchanged compared to previous versions of cadett ELSA. o CAELCFGUPDATEBLOCKNLR This new command replaces blocks in the same way as UPDATEBLOCK but without any line repair/break but with regard to a configuration defined in ACAD.INI. o UPDATEBLOCKNLR This new command replaces blocks in the same way as UPDATEBLOCK but taking a configuration defined in ACAD.INI into account. Line repair/break is performed. o CAELUPDATEINSERTS This command – which is unchanged in general behavior compared to previous versions of cadett ELSA – replaces all symbols in the current sheet with current versions. When doing so macro defined symbols like terminals and generic symbols are updated according to current settings in MAC*.INI files. Line repair/ break is not performed. Even though this command in general terms does the same as in previous versions it has been heavily improved when it comes to updating symbols like terminals and generic symbols. o CAELCFGUPDATEINSERTS This new command works in the same way as CAELUPDATEINSERTS but additionally it takes a configuration defined in ACAD.INI into account. o CAELUPDATESYMBOLS This new command incorporates all functionality from all commands described above in one single command. Using CAELUPDATESYMBOLS is from now on the preferred method. cadett ELSA R32 - (Release 32 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-04-09 ========== Import from another cadett ELSA ------------------------------- - A few minor details have been adjusted, among them an informative text that in some situations might be partly misleading. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - When inserting terminals where the step value for the terminal numbering has been set to 0 the system will now not hang, which previously in fact could happen under some particular circumstances. Copy/paste circuit ------------------ - If automatic item designation generation was deactivated and the number of symbols in a copied circuit was lower than 6, no dialogue boxes were displayed when inserting the circuit. Now this works as intended with one dialogue box for each symbol. cadett ELSA R32 - (Release 32 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-04-17 ========== cadett ELSA R33 =============== AutoCAD support --------------- - Support for AutoCAD 2014 has been added. - The support for AutoCAD 2010 has been discontinued. - Please note that AutoCAD 2011 is only partly supported, meaning that not all new features are available. We therefore primarily recommend using AutoCAD 2012, 2013 or 2014. - Please also note the extreme importance of installing all available AutoCAD service packs. Some AutoCAD versions are useless without the service packs. New Heavily Extended Drawing Manager ------------------------------------ - Document Codes replace Drawing Classes and Drawing Types. o The old style Drawing Classes and Drawing Types consisted of two “trees” with two levels each. The first tree was “global”, meaning in principle defined for all projects. The second tree was project related. The global classes/types consisted of one character each. The project related types consisted of 1 – 4 characters each. o The new Document Codes consists of an arbitrary number of trees with an arbitrary number of levels each. The document codes consists of an arbitrary number of characters each. All document codes can be defined both globally and by project. o The old style Drawing Classes and Drawing Types, both the global and the project related ones, are automatically made part of the new unlimited document code definition. In this way full compatibility for old projects is guaranteed. - A new Document Code Management Tool for the definition in the current project has been added. o An easy to use editor for Document Codes in the current project is now available from the MODULE pull-down menu of the Drawing Manager. - A new Document Code Management Tool for the central definition has been added. o An easy to use editor for global Document Codes is available from the MODULE pull-down menu of the Drawing Manager. Please note that the old style Drawing Classes and Drawing Types – which have now been replaced with global document code definitions – were edited from the SETTINGS module. That editor has been completely discontinued. - A Document Code Transferring Feature has been added. o This new feature is accessed from the MODULE pull-down menu of the Drawing Manager. It enables soft and hard copying in both directions of selected Document Code Trees between the central definition and the definition in the project. - New Project Parameters for the Extended File Name Composition have been added. o The editor is accessed from the project parameters Drawing Manager 1 tab using a special button. o The parameters in question are stored in the PROJECTS.INI configuration file located in the SOURCE directory of the current project. - Conversion tools for existing projects have been added. o Status flags have been added to the PROJECTS.INI, in order to trig conversion when needed. o The previous •R.DBF Drawing Class and Drawing Type database located in the SOURCE directory of the current project is automatically converted to a new DOCUMENTCODES.DBF database file. The original database is not deleted but will under normal circumstances never be used again. o Existing •M.DBF databases of the SOURCE and TARGET directories are automatically converted to the new format of cadett ELSA R33. The original file name is kept. o Existing •Z.DBF databases of the SOURCE and TARGET directories are automatically converted to the new format of cadett ELSA R33. The original file name is kept. - New Extended Drawing Sheet Renumber Feature o The feature is accessed in the same way as the old one, from the MODULE pull-down menu of the Drawing Manager. o Besides from supporting the new Document Codes and introducing new user interface, the possibility to differ between a single document code on a high level and a sub- tree counted from a specific high level document code and downwards, has been added. - New easier to use Support for user-defined file types Activation Feature o When activating user-defined file types with the new feature both the SOURCE and the TARGET directories are directly affected. o The support is turned on with one single command directly from the MODULE pull-down menu of the Drawing Manager. o Once turned on, there is no way of turning it off again, besides from rereading the central MSK file in both the SOURCE and the TARGET directories. On the other hand, there is no need to. o By adding one line per supported language to the mask file it is possible to make user defined file types active by default. Please refer to the ELSA81.MSK file, which is an example of a MSK file in which this has been done. - New Drawing Manager Message System o To avoid having to confirm numerous error and warning messages, a separated message management system has been created. When new unread messages are available, an icon will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. By clicking that icon, a message window will be displayed. o To reread messages that have already been displayed before and which therefore are not reflected by any icon, a special command in the MODULE pull-down menu can be used. User Defined Project Parameters ------------------------------- - An editor for the content of User Defined Project Parameters has been placed among existing standard project parameters. - An editor for Configuration of User Defined Project Parameter Definitions has been added to the Project Parameter dialogue. - The User Defined Project Parameter Definition of each such parameter contains: o Key o Prompt o Maximum number of characters o Write-protected (true/false) o Reset when creating new project (true/false) The key is used for reference and is subject to the same limitations as xBase field names, meaning a maximum of 10 characters can be used, which must be upper case letters A-Z, digits 0-9, minus or underscore. The first character must always be a letter. New menu system based on new technology --------------------------------------- - The old menu system was based on MNU files. The MNU files have now been completely discontinued and replaced with CUIX files. - The entire standard menu is located in one single file, which is available in three language versions, all of them located in the workstation directory: o MGCADEE.CUIX for English o MGACDED.CUIX for German o MGCADES.CUIX for Swedish - The same menu file supports all symbol libraries. - Ribbon menus are included. - Dual workspaces are used for each symbol library. With five symbol libraries, this results in a total of 10 workspaces, from which two are available in each symbol library. - You can select to use the classic menu design with pull-down menus and toolbars or the new design with ribbon menus by selecting different workspaces: o cadett ELSA Classic (old style menus) o cadett ELSA Ribbon (contemporary style menus) - Many icons have been remade to enhance graphical appearance, user-friendliness and unambiguity. - A new way of managing alternate document types has been introduced. Alternate document types include Cabinet layouts, Wiring diagrams and Cable/Harness diagrams, with the primary document type of course being Circuit diagrams. Initialization of alternate document types is now made in one single consistent way, using either old style pull-down menus or contemporary ribbon menus. - Conversion tools for existing user defined menus are included. o When first starting the Drawing Environment after installing cadett ELSA R33 and importing user data from an older version, any existing user defined menus are automatically converted to the new menu system. A question is put to the user for a name of the user defined menu that is created with the entire content of previous user defined menu files. Please note that only user defined menus in use are part of the conversion. (Menu files in use, both standard and user defined, were specified in the MNULINK.DEF configuration file). Super Project Report Generation ------------------------------- - The first step of Super Project Report Generation is included. - Manual creation of Super Project TARGET databases for List of Contents (•Y.DBF) and simple “German Style” device lists (•E.DBF) are supported. - In later updates additional report types will be supported (like •2.DBF, •L.DBF and •A.DBF). - In later updates the generation procedure will be simplified as seen from a user perspective. Generation of Excel Reports with the Report Generator ----------------------------------------------------- - Excel reports are now generated much quicker than before. - Remarks, which are disregarded in the generation process, can now be used in FMT forms used for Excel report generation. A line beginning with two slashed (“//”) is regarded as such a comment. - A line-break function is now available and possible to configure in the FMT form. The “Break on changed column” is set to “2” to get such a line-break. (“1” is sheet-break and “0” no break at all). - All Excel settings from the template, such as type faces and heights are now considered. - “Shapes” like pictures, “smart-art” and similar in the template are now kept for the final reports. This feature makes it easier to handle logo’s and similar. - A genuine “exclusive” feature that takes the properties of the Excel environment into full consideration has been added. To enable this feature a new line is added to the header of the FMT form: EXCLUSIVE=ColumnNumber1,ColumnNumber2,…,ColumnNumberN Example: EXCLUSIVE=1,2,5 (Meaning that the exclusive feature is applied on columns 1, 2 and 5). If the EXCLUSIVE line mentioned above is not contained in the FMT form, the old method for sheet and line break is used. That method requires that included report variables are defined as “exclusive” in the report definition. When the new method is activated by adding the EXCLUSIVE line to the FMT form, included variables MUST NOT be defined as “exclusive” in the report definition. (This makes the new functionality fully compatible with old report definitions). Extended Toolset for Management of Network Installations -------------------------------------------------------- - A new Active Workstation Detection and Presentation Feature has been added. o The new feature is accessed from the Tools pull-down menu. o A list of currently defined workstations is shown. o In the list it is possible to see which workstations are really active, meaning which ones are currently using cadett ELSA. - An automatic Drawing Sheet Unintentional Lock Removal Feature has been added. o When a project is opened, if no other user is currently having the same project opened, any remaining sheet locks are automatically removed, since they can obviously not be valid in that situation. - An automatic Project Unintentional Lock Removal Feature has been added. o When cadett ELSA is started, the list of projects is checked for projects that are open but where the workstation that has opened the project is not running. If such projects are found they are automatically closed, since the open flag for obvious reasons is not valid. Prototype and Demonstration Projects ------------------------------------ - Prototype and Demonstration projects have been adopted to new project parameters, meaning that these projects are already converted for the new Drawing Manager. - The prototype project tree structure location has been restored for new prototype projects where it was missing in the previous version. Project Export and Import Feature (FILEDLL.DLL) ----------------------------------------------- - When saving projects as EZP files including the current tree structure location is now default instead of not. - The default directory for export of projects (EZP) has been changed from the main directory of cadett ELSA (which is a particularly bad choice) to the workstation directory (which is an acceptable alternative). The Import from another cadett ELSA Feature (IMPORT.DLL) -------------------------------------------------------- - Symbols of Symbol Libraries earlier showed up multiple times in the selection list. That annoyance has been eliminated. - Under some circumstances not all selected symbols were imported. That error has been corrected. A renewed import will resolve the problem for those who were affected. Cabinet layout -------------- - Symbols are no longer breaking lines, like mounting rails, when inserted. Instead objects under the symbol are hidden using wipeouts. This makes editing of cabinet layout drawings much easier. An additional block called LWIPEOUT.DWG is used for this purpose. This means that a general cabinet layout device symbol now consists of 3 blocks: the electrical symbol, the graphical symbol and the wipeout symbol. The Settings Module (CONFDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - A few errors that under some circumstances could cause crashes when exiting cadett ELSA have been corrected. Dynamic OnLine I (EDITDLL.DLL) ------------------------------ - A rare problem that could occur when writing the DOL.INI configuration file has been addressed with enhanced error control. - The LAYOUTD.DBF text file (!) which is used to pass data between the layout tab of Dynamic OnLine I and the Cabinet Layout part of the Drawing Environment has been renamed LAYOUTD.DAT in order to reduce confusion. General User Interface modifications ------------------------------------ - Modifications in multiple modules have been made to better support large character sets in Windows, common for example for laptop computers. The Project Module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - The Drawing Frame to use is specified in the project parameters. The way that is done has been changed. In the previous version the directory where the drawing frame is located was part of the parameter in question, making an adjustment necessary when moving the project to an installation of cadett ELSA using a different main directory. Now the directory of the drawing frame is not saved in the project parameters anymore. The general properties of the installation is used instead, to find the correct directory. Old drawing frame directory specifications are ignored and automatically removed when resaving project parameters. Customizations (HOOK.DLL) ------------------------- - Using “hooks” customized commands may be accessed from the right-click menu in the project module. This feature has now been modified so that it is possible to use it without having to select any projects. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The command for hyper dynamic contact mirrors have been removed from the Symbol Insert Tool in the JIC and the ISO1219 symbol libraries, since it is nevertheless not supported there. - The bitmap rescaling feature of the Symbol Insert Tool has been improved to better handle rescaling of photographs and similar, even with reversed background. - An error in the Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror dialogue caused the item designation Select button not to work properly. This error has now been fixed. - A new feature, primarily aimed at scripting applications, that retrieves values from arbitrary attributes of arbitrary blocks, has been added. The function is called CAELGETATTRIBUTEVALUE. Two parameters are used. The first one is the block name. The second one is the attribute name. The result is placed in a lisp variable called “sRetAttVal”. If the block/attribute combination is not found, the returned value is “NOT_FOUND”. Block Update Features --------------------- - A new command has been added: UPDATESELBLOCK This new command works in exactly the same way as the UPDATEBLOCK command but enables the use of AutoCAD object selection. - A connection symbol from a Generic Symbol without a corresponding frame (the box) previously caused an error when using block update features. That problem has been solved. - When replacing a block with another, an error occurred if the block to replace with was missing. That won’t happen anymore. - A potential reference symbol that wasn’t correctly placed in the end of a line also created an error in the block update procedure. That has been fixed. New Attribute Value Move Feature -------------------------------- - A new command used to move attribute values from one attribute to another has been added: CAELMOVEATTVAL Please refer to the “cadett ELSA R33 New Features Guide” for a complete description of the feature. - A previous error in the command “Adjust text and attributes” resulted in the snap not being restored to its original setting when exiting the command. That error has been fixed. - The NAVBARDISPLAY system variable can now be controlled from ACAD.INI. PDF Generation -------------- - The PDF generation hyperlink features have been updated so that hyperlinks are generated for cable help symbols and for terminal help symbols. The previous lack of that functionality resulted in a corresponding lack of hyperlinks for terminals and cables in automatically generated External Connection Diagrams. Now those hyperlinks will be present for everybody to enjoy. cadett ELSA R33 - (Release 33 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-12-19 ========== AutoCAD Handling ---------------- - Starting AutoCAD from the Drawing Manager is now much faster than before, as a result of improvements made in the .NET based start- up procedure. - On workstations with multiple AutoCAD verticals installed, such as AutoCAD Mechanical and AutoCAD Electrical, cadett ELSA could previously not effectively separate them from one another, if the AutoCAD version was 2013 or above. A consequence of this could be profile problems, when cadett ELSA under some circumstances could create a new profile in one AutoCAD while starting another. Now, a more sophisticated way of starting the correct AutoCAD vertical has been introduced, which resolves the issue. Documentation ------------- - Edition 2 of the cadett ELSA R33 New Features Guide is included. The second edition is heavily extended and now contains a complete description of all major new features in cadett ELSA R33, covering a total of 174 pages. Drawing Manager (ARCHIVE.DLL) ----------------------------- - The field length of the short description for document codes has been extended so that it can now contain a maximum of 40 characters, instead of 10 as before. - Document codes shorter than the configured length gave an incorrect result in the previous revision. That problem has been solved. Therefore it is now safe to mix document codes of different lengths. - In the previous revision the renumber drawing sheet feature could crash under certain circumstances, dependent on the document code configurations. This error has been resolved. - Default values can now be defined with user defined project parameters in the mask file. - When starting the Drawing Manager the file names of all drawing sheets in the SOURCE and TARGET directories are checked with respect to project parameter settings and current document code definitions. If any errors are found, error messages appear in the message handler and certain affected features are blocked if necessary. This automatic checking had some issues in the previous revision, resulting in correct file names being reported as erroneous under certain specific circumstances. Those issues have been resolved. - The maximum length of both document codes and constants is 10 characters. In the previous revision the error checking for constants was not “water proof”. Now it is. - When projects from cadett ELSA R32 and earlier were converted to the previous revision of cadett ELSA R33, constants longer than 10 characters could appear, which constitutes an error. The convert procedure has now been corrected so that such constants are automatically split in multiple parts, each one confirming to the limitations that exist. The Report Generator (REPDLL.DLL) --------------------------------- - It is now possible to define Report Variables referring to user defined project parameters. The use of such variables is identical to similar variables for standard project parameters. The database name should be specified as “CUSTPAR” in the NVARDEC.DBF. - In the previous revision a reference error could cause spare terminals and spare cable cores not to be presented correctly in cable core lists and terminal lists respectively. That error has been corrected. - The Excel Report Generation feature has been improved when some issues concerning EXCLUSIVE and ROW BREAK have been resolved. The project module (PROJDLL.DLL) -------------------------------- - When creating a new project, the option “Copy document codes” did previously not work properly. (The copied database file was given an incorrect file name). This issue has been resolved. Export and import of projects (FILEDLL.DLL) ------------------------------------------- - The EZP file handling feature has been improved to better handle default values of the settings, like directories and tree structure positions. The Catalogue (KAT.DLL / SPIDER.EXE) ------------------------------------ - The Spider service has been extended with functionality to allow better monitoring of its status, so that for example the Symbol Insert Tool is enabled to check the status of Spider before attempting to display symbols. - When activating the Catalogue from the Drawing Environment, the resource category filter was sometimes incorrectly set to “X”, despite the symbol from which the Catalogue was called not being a terminal or similar. This problem has been resolved. The main program (FRAME.EXE) ---------------------------- - When cadett ELSA is started a check that the Spider service is running is now made and an error message is presented otherwise. This will avoid the bad surprises that previously occurred when it was secondary consequences that revealed the situation. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - An error that could result in a general protection error has been fixed in the QUIT dialogue (ELSAAUT.ARX). - If cadett ELSA with a manual configuration was forced to run an unsupported version of AutoCAD, the error message that consequently was given, did previously not give an accurate information of which AutoCAD versions that in fact are supported. Now it does. - The workspace label is now always automatically displayed, eliminating the need for manual configuration to achieve this. - The SHIELD command previously gave an incorrect result if the SNAP/MODULE setting of the Drawing Environment was changed from the standard setting of 2.5 mm. This has been corrected. - A number of icons used in ribbon and toolbar menus have been updated with a neater look. - Commands for Multiline have been added to the ribbon menu. They are found in the “Home” tab, the “Draw” panel. The functionality is similar to the corresponding commands in the “Draw” pull-down menu. This means that the menu is dynamically updated according to the Multiline configurations that are available. - The command that is used to maintain Multiline configurations has now been entirely separated from starting the command to use them. - The “ELSA” command has now been adjusted to do a “soft” regeneration of all menus. The command is also available in both the ribbon menu and in the pull-down menus. It is named “Standard setup”. (Ribbon: tab “Tools”, slide-out-panel “Alternatives”. Pull-down menu: “Tools”, sub-menu “Alternatives”, sub-menu “Menus”). - The command “REGENELSANORM” performs in a similar way a “hard” regeneration of the menus, thereby corresponding to the old VXMENY command. This command is also available in both the ribbon menu and in the pull-down menus. It is named “Regenerate the menu”. (Ribbon: tab “Tools”, slide-out-panel “Alternatives”. Pull-down menu: “Tools”, sub-menu “Alternatives”, sub-menu “Menus”). - The automatic terminal numbering now handles the external connection diagram in a correct way, meaning that it is ignored, which unfortunately wasn’t the case before. - An additional button has been added to the Generic Symbol Main Dialogue box. It is called “Edit all attributes…” and is similar to the corresponding button in the OnLine Symbol Dialogue box. It gives access to a generic attribute editing dialogue allowing editing of all attributes of the box symbol. The main purpose of this dialogue is to enable customized additional functionality. When editing generic symbols, the positions, sizes and adjustments of user defined attributes in the box symbol are always restored to the state they were in before the Generic Symbol Dialogue was entered. The Ribbon menus ---------------- - The positions of “Copy circuit” and “Paste circuit” have been swapped. Now “Copy” comes before “Paste”, which is more logical than the opposite. - The ARRAY command found in the slide-out of the “Draw” panel in the “Start” tab didn’t work properly before. Now it does. PDF Generation -------------- - All non-Adobe Script Sequences for PDF Generation have been modified so that they no longer require “FreePDF” to be installed. Only “GhostScript” is now needed. Please note that “GhostScript” is licensed under GPL (General Public License) allowing free use even for commercial purposes. - Previously a problem sometimes showed up in searchable PDF’s, where an error message could turn up in Adobe Reader when viewing the PDF, and in some cases certain characters wasn’t displayed correctly, often national characters. This problem was caused in the process of merging several single page PDF’s to one single file using GhostScript. This issue has been completely solved. The solution however requires a new version of GhostScript – version 9.10 – to be installed on the workstation. An automatic control that the correct version of GhostScript is used, is made when the PDF is generated. - The Hyperlink generation now supports cross-references containing drawing numbers and/or DCC codes with redundancy reduction. Previously that was not supported. - The PDF generation now fully supports the symbols that are used in external connection diagrams (terminal help symbols and cable help symbols).This means that it is possible to get hyperlinks also on terminals and cables in the external connection diagram. Translator III -------------- - The Translator now checks that the Spider service is running before attempting to access it. An error message is presented if it is not. - A feature with which it is possible to directly import lexicons from the old Translator II has been added. The new feature is started from the MODULE pull-down menu. SpiderX (ActiveX interface for the Spider service) -------------------------------------------------- - The non-Unicode database handling has been corrected (for instance for Catalogue data). Using Excel for Catalogue data editing did not work properly in the previous revision, but now it does. Import from another cadett ELSA ------------------------------- - When importing user data from cadett ELSA R32 – for example when doing an update – an error message, stating that a database called DOCUMENTCLASSES.DBF could not be found, was displayed. The only problem with that was the error message itself. Since the database in question does not exist in cadett ELSA R32, the error message has been removed to avoid an unnecessary annoyance. Symbol Generator ---------------- - Creating PLC mirror symbols containing I/O’s with more than 3 connections did previously not work properly in the DIN5 symbol library. Now that issue has been resolved. The OnLine Engine ----------------- - When the OnLine Engine is initialized, it checks that the directory of the current drawing sheet is in fact identical with the SOURCE directory of the current project. If not, the OnLine Engine is shut off. In previous revisions this control was case sensitive, which in some situations was not advantageous. Now that control has been changed to be case insensitive, which means that the OnLine Engine will work fine, even if lower case characters are a part of the SOURCE directory specification in the project parameters. cadett ELSA R33 - (Release 33 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-03-12 ========== The Drawing Manager ------------------- - A mismatch in the previous revision resulted in some of the improvements, which are described above, not having the full intended effect. Now they do have that however. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - In the previous revision, the initialization of the Drawing Environment under certain circumstances could sometimes end with a *CANCEL* on the command line, resulting in the ActiveX dialogue continuing to count endlessly. Even though the Drawing Environment worked perfectly anyway, the dialogue was an annoyance, which has now been eliminated, when the old way of updating the current workspace has been replaced with a more robust one. The Symbol Generator -------------------- - The symbol libraries IEC, JIC and ISO1219 have been completed with necessary files to support the creation of user defined PLC mirrors with more than 3 connections per I/O. Previously this was supported in IEC1082 and DIN5 only. cadett ELSA R33 - (Release 33 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-03-21 ========== Demonstration and prototype projects ------------------------------------ - The project parameters of all prototype and demonstration projects have been updated and adapted to new requirements: o References to specific versions like R32 and R31 have been removed. o Electrical option layers (OPT_A_*) have been defined as logical. - An inaccuracy in the English and in the German group name for the exercise sample of the cable/harness module, previously made the project invisible when using an English or a German language setting. This has been corrected. The Symbol Insert Tool ---------------------- - The icons used in the Symbol Insert Tool for Catalogue Insert, Repeated insert and Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors, have been updated. The new make looks good regardless of icon size and background colour. Cabinet layout -------------- - The special so-called “wipeout” symbol that is used in the cabinet layout to hide graphics behind devices (LWIPEOUT.DWG) has been adjusted so that the WIPEOUT effect is not affected of whether the INDEX layer is on or off. A new layer named LAYOUT_WIPEOUT has been created for the purpose. It can be turned on or off independently. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - The Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror feature has been substantially upgraded: o The associated dialogue box has been given a new design. The buttons used to move or remove contacts are now common for all contacts, instead of individual for each contact, as before. Now the user first selects a contact and then clicks the button for the desired function. o It is now possible to shift booked contacts. Example: 11,12 shifts position with 21,22. o Editing Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors doesn’t anymore rebook already booked contacts, which is a highly desired change of behaviour. - The “Edit Boundary Boxes…” feature has been heavily updated: o Both Boundary Boxes and Generic Symbols can now be handled. o It has now been made possible to edit also the attributes for circuit and function, as well as the previous plant, location and descriptive text. o The possibility to edit the attribute for designation (“item designation”, BEZ) in Generic Symbols has been added. o The presentation of current values of plant, location, circuit and function has been heavily improved. The Report Generator -------------------- - Report generation in super projects is now fully implemented for the TARGET databases *E.DBF, *L.DBF, *A.DBF, *I.DBF, *Y.DBF, *2.DBF and *G.DBF, which means all relevant TARGET databases in the context. This feature is available using cadett ELSA Enterprise only. Full support is there provided to generate , at the super project level, reports of the following kinds: o Simple “German style” device list o Summarized device list (ordering list) o Conventional “Northern European style” device list (with quantity field summarized by item designation) o Device list summarized by plant o Device list summarized by location o Device list summarized by combination of plant and location o Cable core list o Cable list o Wire list o Dual direction cable core list o Dual direction cable list o Table of contents (drawing sheet list) for the SOURCE directory o Table of contents (drawing sheet list) for the TARGET directory o Table of contents (drawing sheet list) for both the SOURCE and the TARGET directories - The Report Generator is available in super projects with cadett ELSA Enterprise to generate reports as text files, DXF files and Excel sheets. - In the MODULE pull-down menu of the Report Generator, a new feature is available in super projects when using cadett ELSA Enterprise. It is called “Prepare super project for report generation”. This feature contains everything needed to create the TARGET databases on the super project level that are needed for the report generation: o Creating all needed TARGET databases in the sub-projects of the current super project can be done in one single operation. It is also possible to perform this process for only some sub-projects, taking for example the date/time of the last generation into account. Since this generation can take a relatively long time in large super projects, these possibilities may be of great value. o The TARGET databases of the sub-projects can be intelligently merged to form complete TARGET databases for the entire super project. o The latter process for wire and cable lists (*A.DBF) requires more information than is available in the corresponding TARGET databases of the sub-projects, since connections between the sub-projects are not included at all in the sub-projects. An entirely new TARGET database type has therefore been added (*W.DBF), which constitutes an extended version of *A.DBF, where incomplete connections are also included. From the *W.DBF’s of the sub-projects, the *A.DBF of the super project is then created. AutoCAD management ------------------ - The method used to start AutoCAD and to handle the selection of product to start, have been adapted in a better way to the new technology of so-called “verticals”, like AutoCAD Electrical and AutoCAD Mechanical, which was introduced by Autodesk in AutoCAD 2013. This means that a previous nuisance where the “wrong vertical” in some cases could be started has been eliminated. - A possibility to use an environment variable to control the name of the executable file that is started when activating the drawing environment has been introduced. The Project Module ------------------ - The handling of PROJECTS.INI (a configuration file located in the SOURCE directory used to store many project parameters) has been improved and made safer. Block that are no longer used are now automatically removed instead of remaining as before. The Drawing Manager ------------------- - The Drawing Manager is available in super projects with cadett ELSA Enterprise for presentation and management of DXF reports in the TARGET directory. - The handling of document codes shorter than the configured length has been improved. Some shortcomings in that respect existed previously. Example: if a document code had a configured length of for instance 3 characters, but only 2 were used (like for instance “AB”), this could previously cause some troubles, which however have now been eliminated. - The checking of the file name composition has been improved. Now a specific check is made that all tree-segments are placed in the correct order, meaning from lower levels on the left side, to higher levels on the right side. Higher levels, or levels in between, cannot be omitted. - The feature for generation of document codes that can be started from the MODULE pull-down menu of the Drawing Manager, has been improved so that it now without problems can start working in a tree that when started is completely empty. That was not possible before. - For compatibility reasons projects with empty drawing classes and drawing types can be created when converting from older versions. This however constitutes an error according to the current specification. To avoid problems when doing such a converting, that case is now allowed. OnLine ------ - The checking that is made each time the drawing environment is activated, that the opened drawing sheet is really located in the SOURCE directory of the current project, has been improved so that it is now case insensitive, like Windows is. - The PLC management in super projects has been updated, as a first step in a process to allow for a safer booking technique. - When the drawing environment is left without terminating AutoCAD, OnLine is now always unloaded, which avoids possible conflicts with other workstations that open a project that has recently been released by a previous workstation without also terminating AutoCAD. General ------- - The handling of menu texts in multiple languages using the database file SYSMSG.DBF has been improved so that texts that for one reason or the other ends with spaces are allowed. This did not work before, which showed up as somewhat oddly formatted dialogues sin some special cases. cadett ELSA R33 - (Release 33 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-06-26 ========== cadett ELSA R34 =============== Operating systems ----------------- - The support for Windows XP has been discontinued. - Support for Windows 8 has been introduced. Installation ------------ - The checking of user rights has been improved. - Information of the currently used share is now stored in WSCONFIG.INI to better support future workstation updates. - The key name IPADDR in the registry has been corrected. - Import of Catalogue import templates (MLL files) are now supported by the “import from other cadett ELSA” feature, used when updating cadett ELSA and in some other situations as well. Self-check ---------- - The self-check has been improved, making it more robust. AutoCAD ------- - The support for AutoCAD 2011 has been discontinued. - Support for AutoCAD 2015 has been introduced. - The method of detecting a running AutoCAD has been improved. - A faster way of starting AutoCAD and loading the first sheet has been introduced. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The Ribbon Menus has been extended with previously missing commands added. - An error message for “no drawings” was previously displayed when using wire-numbers in projects where OnLine was turned off. That nuisance has been eliminated. - The text commands have been heavily extended with autocomplete and lexicon selection. - A new text command has been added, which supports the new autocomplete and lexicon selection features and additionally enables manual specification of text height, rotation and justification. The command is called caelDbText. - A new command used to change the internal and external sides of multiple terminals has been added. The command called CAELCHANGETERMINALDIRECTION currently only supports circular terminals (using logical terminal blocks named LPPLN*). - Double click on a HATTCH will now start the hatch editor, which is a more useful option than previous behavior. - The sheet shift feature is now much faster than before. Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - The handling of multiple levels in symbolic resource categories specified by SYMBMENU.DBF (like terminals, cabinet layout and so on) has been improved. - Strange error messages when double-clicking between symbols have been eliminated. - A number of minor corrections and improvements have been made. Option Handling --------------- - The Option Handling feature has been heavily upgraded with a large number of new features. - The Option Handling now uses an entirely new set of commands. Five new commands replaces the single one that was used before. - Multiple electrical layers are supported. - The project parameters are automatically checked, to ensure that the current settings support Option Handling. If not an error message is displayed. - Options are now created with a new more user friendly dialogue. - Adding objects to an option is now more efficient than before using a new dialogue. An ability to remove (restore) objects from an option back to their original state has been added. Showing the objects belonging to an option is also a new feature included in the new dialogue. - Making changes to an existing option is now made in a separate dialogue with the ability to delete, restore, and change the properties of more than one option at a time, thus making the whole process much more efficient. - The ability to merge two or more options into one has been added. - An entirely new feature makes it possible to recreate the OPTIONS.INI settings file from information contained within the drawing sheets. This means that option definitions lost when for example copying drawing sheets between projects can easily be restored. - The OPTIONS.INI settings file has been extended and now uses a new format. When starting one of the new option commands, any old OPTIONS.INI file that is found is automatically converted to the new format. - The previous “option description” has been changed to an “option name” and is saved in the option layer description. Since it is now a part of the drawing sheets, recreating the option names from the drawing sheets (DXF files) has been made possible. - Extracting two or more options with the same key and different names will generate a new option for each new name. - The command OPTIONUPDATE is now obsolete and has been replaced with the new command CaElOptionsUpdate. OnLine ------ - The OnLine Engine now supports AutoCAD 2015. - The OnLine Protocol does no longer give strange messages when clicking between sheet sections. - The directory check (that we are in fact running in the SOURCE directory of the current project) has been made case insensitive. - Records from other projects are now automatically removed from SUPERBOOK in ordinary projects (projects that are not sub- projects of a super project). Remaining such records could previously cause serious booking problems for PLC’s. Attribute Mirroring ------------------- - The functionality has been fully restored from a bug in a few previous revisions that made the feature not always performing as intended. Drawing Manager --------------- - The converting of old default values for drawing class and drawing type has been improved. Previously they were converted to constants, which wasn’t always a good solution. Now they are converted to “legacy class/type” instead. - A new sample mask called ELSA81L has been added. The associated mask file is called ELSA81L.MSK. This is an example of a mask supporting long filenames (in this case 20 characters). Please note that using this mask requires the project parameters to be adjusted accordingly, when the filename composition is concerned. Viewer ------ - DrDWG does not support Windows 8. For that reason it is automatically disabled when using that operating system. - cadettViewer can still be used in all operating systems supported by cadett ELSA, including Windows 8. Spider / Catalogue ------------------ - A bug making the Spider crash if record 0 was read has been fixed. Record 0 never exists. The first record is number 1. Hence record 0 is normally never accessed. Under rare circumstances such an access can nevertheless take place, which from now on will not cause further problems. Catalogue Import ---------------- - Errors leading to all resources not being imported have been fixed. - Symbol specifications could multiply when reimporting. That problem has been fixed. - Other minor improvements have been implemented. Translator III -------------- - The Translator III has been heavily updated with new settings and functionality. - The settings have been extended in a number of ways. Filtering is now specified in an additive manner, where the result of filters further up are used as input to filters further down. Both positive filters (do translate ...) and negative filters (do not translate ...) can be used together. - Filtering can now be made based on layer names, block names, tag names and content, as well as any combination of those properties. This makes it possible to for example specify that single texts outside of blocks should be translated but within blocks not, or the other way around. - The settings for the so-called “transferred translation feature” have been moved to a separate section, not interfering in any way with other settings. - An error that previously could cause the saving of a setting not always giving a correct result has been corrected. - The original text justification is now used for translations added above or below the original text. - The original text layer can now be used for translation by leaving the layer name empty in the setting. - The original text style can now be used for translation by leaving the text style empty in the setting. - The standard Translator settings have been updated for the new format. - A check for multiple identical language names has been added. - If the last used lexicon for some reason disappears (like being manually deleted from outside cadett ELSA) this does no longer cause the software to crash. Project Module -------------- - When creating a new project the OnLine and SUPERBOOK database files are no longer copied. This avoids some previous PLC related problems. - EZP files with incorrect date/time are now handled in a better way than before. - A bug in local mode search path handling has been corrected. - The project parameter editing has been improved. - Editing of filename composition: Using low level tree nodes without including higher levels are no longer allowed. (When doing so before, strange things happened, since it represents an undefined state). Revision Management ------------------- - The TARGET database that is created for device list revision reports was previously incorrect, but have now been corrected. - Loading EZP files containing revisions could previously cause problems. This has been fixed. Report Generator ---------------- - The “!T feature” (translation in run-time when reports are created) has been changed to use Translator III instead of the now discontinued Translator II. - The “!T feature” (translation in run-time when reports are created) has been made faster by eliminating unneeded multiple calls. - Full support for DXF forms of both the new and the old type has been implemented. (The “old type” uses ANSI coding and is used in AutoCAD 2004 DXF and older. The “new type” uses Unicode coding and is used in AutoCAD 2007 DXF and newer). - The Excel Report Generation feature has been enhanced with the ability to run a post batch after the Excel report is generated: o In the FMT file a new line is inserted after the “..EndInit..” line: postbatchfilename=Filename Filename is the complete filename, path and file type included, of the batch file to run. If the batch file is located in the main directory of cadett ELSA, the path may be omitted. The file type however, must always be included. o If you want to send parameters to the batch file, you can add an extra line: postbatchparameters=par1|par2|…..parN o The complete file name of the generated Excel file, including path and file type, may be used as parameter. Simply specify it as “%f”. - A better checking that AutoCAD is indeed closed before collecting generated DXF type reports has been introduced in order to improve stability. - A set of new Excel type report definition examples has been added: o List of changes based on device list (German, English, and Swedish) o List of changes based on cable core list (German, English, and Swedish) o List of changes based on internal wire list (German, English, and Swedish) - The feature “Adjust filenames acc. to field content” has been corrected. - The feature now supports “Adjust filenames acc. to field content” pre-set value aliases. - The detection of the number of digits to use for the generation of DXF reports has been corrected. In some situations an incorrect number of digits could previously be used. Super Project Report Generation ------------------------------- - Super Project Report Generation is now fully supported in cadett ELSA Enterprise. It is not supported in cadett ELSA Professional, Basic and Start. Reports covering entire super projects can be created for the following types of reports: o Device lists by item designation o Device lists by plant o Device lists by location o Device lists by plant and location o Order lists (device lists by project) o Wire lists o Cable core lists o Cable lists o Tables of contents Script Generator ---------------- - Horizontal scrollbar added to better support very long file names. PDF Generation -------------- - Support for GhostScript 9.15 has been implemented. Older versions are not supported. The previous GhostScript version had an imperfection that sometimes resulted in missing hyperlinks in large projects. In the new version that problem has been fixed. Please note that this enhancement requires an update of GhostScript on existing workstations. The new version is available to download from cadett’s homepage www.cadett.com. Cabinet layout -------------- - Cabinet layout symbols are now available in the Symbol Insert Tool in new symbolic resource category “f”. This is true in the IEC1082 and DIN5 symbol libraries only. Settings module --------------- - A problem in the symbol import feature (for SYM files) of the Settings Module Symbol Library tab, caused records in the SYMBDEFA.DBF not to be overwritten correctly when so was specified. An incorrect symbol description could be the consequence. This problem has been solved. cadett ELSA R34 - (Release 34 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-12-01 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - When old format user defined menus (MNU files) are detected during Drawing Environment initialization (typically at first start-up after an update) a message box will suggest the user to convert these menus to the new CUIX format. Until such a conversion has been made, the message will be displayed at each start-up. A check-box (“don’t show this again”) is however available to prevent further display of the message. Unfortunately that check-box did not work before. Now it does. - Previously, if comma (”,”) was used in the electrical data attribute for a generic symbol, strange things could happen. Those peculiarities have now been eliminated. - The Generic Symbol command previously worked only partly if OnLine were turned off. It was for example not possible to specify plant and location. The command will now always work. Symbol Generator ---------------- - A comma (“,”) in the description of a symbol previously caused the Symbol Generator to crash. Now that is completely without any problems. Drawing Manager --------------- - The ELSA81L.MSK mask file was incorrectly placed in the directory structure. Now it is located correctly. - Filenames with no relations to the configured filename composition, like drawing frames and report forms, are no longer extended with a counting number suffix, making it possible to define any filenames, as long as the maximum number of characters is not exceeded. - Under some circumstances a bug could cause the OnLine database not being updated properly when performing operations in the Drawing Manager like "paste between". That error has been resolved. - When user defined file types were not activate, long file names were previously not supported by the Drawing Manager. Now they are. OnLine Engine ------------- - Previously when OnLine was turned on after being off when drawing sheets were altered, the necessary regeneration that is then performed, was not always complete. Now it is. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - Hard import of Catalogues failed to give a correct result for existing resources when symbol definitions and resource groups were concerned. This problem has been resolved. - A message telling the user to restart cadett ELSA when needed after import is now displayed. Report Generator ---------------- - Upper case letter workstation codes are now fully supported. Previously they weren’t. Script Generator ---------------- - The loading of ACADCAD.FAS when drawing sheets are loaded by the Script Generator was previously made in an incorrect way, resulting in no loading taking place. In many cases that didn’t matter, but yet in others it did. This problem has now been resolved. - The cadett ELSA splash that indicates the initialization of the Drawing Environment was previously displayed during the entire execution, which was a disadvantage for error detection. Now it is closed. - A new command – CAELHIDESPLASH – has been created to be placed in the header of Script Sequences in order to turn off the cadett ELSA splash screen while executing the Script Sequence in question, if desired. Dynamic OnLine II ----------------- - Loading ACADCAD.FAS is now made correctly, like in the Script Generator, when using script files to switch to AutoCAD. AutoCAD handling ---------------- - When using AutoCAD 2012, AutoCAD is now terminated in certain situations, since OnLine cannot be unloaded in R18, due to imperfections of AutoCAD. - A disfiguring error message displayed on the command prompt when initializing the Drawing Environment has been eliminated. - The dialogue concerning unconverted user defined menus from earlier versions, which is displayed if such are discovered, previously could end up under the cadett ELSA splash, thereby not being visible. Now it is always placed on top. cadett ELSA R34 - (Release 34 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-01-09 ========== The Project Module ------------------ - The “Recreate OnLine databases…” feature that is available in the right-click context menu of the Project Module, has been extended when used on a super project. An update of the database for Super Project Potential Links (SPRJPLNK.DBF) is now forced, to make the recreation fully complete. - Locking of projects previously was a binary matter. Either a project was locked or it wasn’t. Now the Project Module has been extended to support multiple project lock types. For instance, a project locked for Travel, is now not the same as a project locked for a different reason. The type of lock is displayed in the Project Module using different icons. Initially supported lock types, besides the old undefined lock from older versions which still remains for compatibility reasons, are Travel locks, Autodesk Vault locks and Customized locks. - Imperfections in the Project Module previously could cause cadett ELSA to crash when exiting the software, depending on which actions had been performed beforehand. A number of such imperfections have been eliminated, thus substantially reducing the frequency of crashes when exiting. The Script Generator -------------------- - In a combination of using 32 bit AutoCAD 2015 with Script Sequences that did not activate the OnLine Engine and where “Terminate AutoCAD” was active, after the Script Sequence had done its job, the Script Generator could hang. That problem will not appear anymore. The Cable/Harness Editor ------------------------ - When using the automatic harness/part number insert feature of the Cable/Harness Editor, the resulting harness/part numbers could previously end up with incorrect attribute heights and rotations. That error has been resolved. Now these numbers look as they should and not in any other way. Update procedures ----------------- - The workstation update procedure that is automatically initiated when a workstation is started the first time after an update of the server installation, will now overwrite the existing local icon for cadett ELSA shortcuts with a new copy from the server. In previous versions that copying was “soft” resulting in a lack of icon update. - Obsolete or otherwise incorrect cadett ELSA shortcuts on a workstation, previously could cause error messages when updating the software. Those error messages, which anyway could always be ignored, are no longer displayed. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - The Translator III related import has been completed. The OnLine Engine ----------------- - Under some circumstances in network environments with projects containing PLC’s, an error message could previously turn up regarding a local copy of the SUPERBOOK.DBF database file. The OnLine Engine was subsequently turned off and normal functionality wasn’t restored until OnLine was turned on again. That error has been resolved. - A more conservative performance optimization setting is now used for all database access from the OnLine Engine, resulting in increased stability, primarily in network environments. The Services Management Feature (SERVERADMIN.EXE) ------------------------------------------------- - The functionality of the cadett ELSA services management feature, used to easily start and stop the Spider Service on the server directly from a workstation, has been restored from a situation where the IP address configuration wasn’t saved correctly. The Spider Service ------------------ - The Spider Service won’t try to create meaningless drive letter substitutes when rebooting anymore. In some situations, like in local installations, such attempts could previously be made. The SYMMERGE feature -------------------- - A hidden feature called SYMMERGE that can be used to automatically update the symbol database with symbol definitions used in projects imported from EZP files, has been improved not to create messages regarding deleted symbols (“ DELETED”). The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - A new command that can be used to edit the directions of the internal and external sides of multiple terminals in one single move, was introduced in the previous revision. The name of the command is CAELCHANGETERMINALDIRECTION. This command has now been improved and also given suitable positions in the Drawing Environment menu system. - The RIBBONBGLOAD system variable will now be set to 0 by default. The previous default was 1. The consequence of this change is, that the Drawing Environment is ready to be used much quicker than before at start-up, when using ribbon menus. With the previous default setting, the cross-hair moved poorly directly after opening AutoCAD, during a period that was often conceived as annoyingly long, when the ribbon menus were loaded in a back- ground process. The RIBBONBGLOAD system variable can now be controlled by the central ACAD.INI configuration file, would the default not be satisfactory. - The standard menu files used in the Drawing Environment of cadett ELSA (MCADES.CUIX, MGCADEE, CUIX and MGCADED.CUIX) have been updated for quicker loading and enhanced stability. - The sheet shift feature has until now contained five commands: - Save current sheet if changes have been made and then shift to previous sheet - Save current sheet if changes have been made and then shift to next sheet - Shift to previous sheet without saving any changes - Shift to next sheet without saving any changes - Shift to any sheet specified in dialogue box Now a sixth command has been added: - Save the current sheet if changes have been made and then shift to the sheet that you came from, provided that it was in the same project. If the current sheet is the only one that has been opened since you entered the Drawing Environment, the current sheet will be reopened. - The Generic Symbol Macro previously had troubles to handle a situation where OnLine was turned off. Now the macro fully supports editing in an “off line” mode. - The functionality of the “Set text rotation” command of the Drawing Environment has been restored. cadett ELSA R34 - (Release 34 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-03-30 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - Cancelling an index selection using the Catalogue from the Generic Symbol Main dialogue box, previously could give undesired results. That problem has been resolved. - Text editing using the DDATTE/EDIT command (CAELATTEDIT or EA) previously ran into problems when using AutoCAD 2015. That problem has been resolved. - The dialogue box presented when editing a text using double-click will as before be displayed nearby the text in question. However, when using the DDATTE/EDIT command, which supports selection of multiple text objects, the dialogue boxes will now instead be presented in the centre of the screen. - The text editing behaviour now takes the TEXTED system variable into account. (1=Dialogue box. 0=In-line text editing). Script Generator ---------------- - Previously under certain combinations of circumstances when using AutoCAD 2015, the Script Generator could end up in a locked state after a Script Sequence execution had been completed. That problem has been resolved. Symbol Generator ---------------- - Some operations in the Symbol Generator did previously not work as intended when using AutoCAD 2015. That problem has been resolved. cadett ELSA R34 - (Release 34 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-04-30 ========== cadett ELSA R35 =============== Operating System Support ------------------------ - On the workstation level cadett ELSA R35 currently supports Windows Vista, 7 and 8. Windows 10 is not yet supported. Please note that 64 bit Windows 7 is the preferred workstation operating system. When using Windows 8 some limitations apply and some special configurations are necessary. AutoCAD support --------------- - The support for AutoCAD 2012 has been totally discontinued. - Support for AutoCAD 2016 has been fully implemented. - cadett ELSA R35 subsequently supports AutoCAD 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, both the 32 and the 64 bit versions. AutoCAD Electrical is supported in the same way. Other verticals like AutoCAD Mechanical may be used but have not been tested by cadett. Installation ------------ - The installation routines have been heavily updated with a new updated local installation principle. Local installations are now much more similar to network installations, a fact that increases the compatibility and makes it easier and more seam-less to transfer between local and network. The workstation directory of a local installation has now been separated from the main directory of the installation. - Typical local installation in R34 and earlier: Main directory ......: C:\ELSA Workstation directory: C:\ELSA\WS Project directory ...: C:\PROJ Typical local installation in R35: Main directory ......: C:\ELSA Workstation directory: C:\ELSAWS0 Project directory ...: C:\PROJ - When making a new local installation on a computer where there is no old cadett ELSA installation, a new workstation directory is created automatically in the end of the installation procedure. When updating a local installation by installing a new version in the same directory as an old installation, no workstation directory is created. Instead the workstation directory of the old installation will be kept and automatically updated when cadett ELSA is started the first time after the installation. If however the old local installation is of the old type (R34 or older), no separate workstation directory exists. Therefore a new one will automatically be created, in the same way as for an installation on a clean computer. - The automatic update that is made of a workstation after the main installation has been updated, and that is now identical for local and network installations, is now smoother than before with a limited number of elevations and less dialogues and windows. OnLine ------ - Unnecessary delays in the data processing have been eliminated which enhances performance substantially, for instance when shifting sheets. Catalogue --------- - A possibility to add a hyperlink to each resource in the Catalogue has been added. The hyperlink may refer to a file, using a file name specification including a search path based on a mapped drive or a UNC path. The hyperlink may also refer to any location on the web. Using a button next to this new field, anything referred with the link will be presented. The implementation of this new feature has required a new DBF- file to be added to the Catalogue. The new database file is called *IL.DBF, where IL means “Information Link”. Project Module / Revision Management ------------------------------------ - The generation of new revisions is now very much faster than before. The increased speed has been achieved by the elimination of the revision database creation process that previously was mandatory when a revision was created. Revision databases are now created when doing revision comparisons, instead of when creating revisions. The speed of doing revision comparisons has not been affected. Drawing Manager --------------- - The Drawing Manager now accurately presents suitable icons not only for DXF files but for any documents that the Drawing Manager is configured to handle, such as PDF files, Excel sheets, Word documents or text files. - Changing the composition of the file names in the Project Parameters previously didn’t get recognized until the Drawing Manager was reinitialized, like opening another project, activating the Drawing Manager there, opening the original project again and finally activating the Drawing Manager once more. That procedure is no longer necessary since the Drawing Manager will recognize changes in the Project Parameters directly when it is initialized, meaning when it is activated. Support for volumes with deactivated 8dot3filename generation ------------------------------------------------------------- - Up until cadett ELSA R34, automatic generation of so-called 8dot3filenames has been a requirement for cadett ELSA. Microsoft Windows Network Operating Systems support that, but the configuration must be done correctly. However, cadett ELSA R35 does not require this generation to be active, which means that any setting of it will do. In fact, turning it off might be an advantage, since it enhances general file system performance. (8dot3filename generation refers to the ability by the operating system to translate long file names to a short equivalent, like translating “SUPERBOOK.DBF” to “SUPERB~1.DBF”). Report Generator ---------------- - The Cable Length field of the TARGET databases (KA_LANGE) was handled incorrectly in the previous version. The length of the contained text was limited to 3 characters, not the 15 that was the intention. Now the true supported length is equal to the intended one. cadett ELSA R35 - (Release 35 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-06-23 ========== Drawing Manager --------------- - The icon that is displayed in the survey for locked drawing sheets has been corrected. General ------- - The procedure for updating network installations from versions older than R32.0.1.1 has been corrected. This affect the automatic workstation update that is done after the central installation has been updated. cadett ELSA R35 - (Release 35 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-06-24 ========== The PDF Generator ----------------- - The way that the scale is fetched from a temporary PS file generated by GhostScript has been updated, in order to fully support different sheet sizes and scales, with new versions of GhostScript, where the format of the PS file has been changed. Previously dislocated hyperlinks could turn up, as a result of the changed PS format. The Drawing Manager ------------------- - A problem that caused the Drawing Manager to forget about the current sorting when the filtering was altered has been resolved. The OnLine Engine ----------------- - Automatic Item Designation Generation could fail in the previous revision. This has been corrected. The Report Generator -------------------- - The detection of the format of the DXF form has been improved. Previously the Report Generator could mistake a Unicode form for an ANSI one, thereby using the wrong character encoding when generating DXF reports, resulting in corrupted reports when national characters or similar was part of the data. cadett ELSA R35 - (Release 35 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-08-26 ========== Workstation update ------------------ - In earlier revisions of cadett ELSA R35, the workstation update procedure, which is automatically performed after the central installation in a network has been updated, wasn’t always working as it should. This could result in an incomplete update, for example where AutoCAD 2016 could lack some important variable settings. This has now been corrected. Project parameters ------------------ - The dialogue for composition of file names wasn’t available as it should in previous R35 revisions. That problem has been resolved. The OnLine Protocol ------------------- - The “Mark in sheet” feature of the OnLine Protocol wasn’t working correctly in previous R35 revisions. Now it does. The OnLine Engine ----------------- - By using a larger buffer for DXF file access, the performance of the OnLine Engine has been substantially improved. AutoCAD 2016 ------------ - In AutoCAD 2016 a new behaviour for the current directory has been introduced. In all AutoCAD previous AutoCAD versions, AutoCAD has been checking the current directory first and the directories specified by the search path thereafter. In AutoCAD 2016 this has changed. Searching the current directory is now omitted, unless the system variable LEGACYCODESEARCH is set to ON. To offer compatibility with both all standard functionality of cadett ELSA and the use of AutoCAD 2016 for other purposes than cadett ELSA, this variable is now automatically set when cadett ELSA starts AutoCAD 2016, and reset when AutoCAD is exited. cadett ELSA R35 - (Release 35 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-09-15 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - DDATTE/EDIT used on text objects in AutoCAD 2015 and 2016 did not work properly in the previous revision. Now it works fine with all supported AutoCAD versions. - The attribute mirroring feature previously had some problems in AutoCAD 2015 and 2016. In the current revision it hasn’t. - Automatic terminal numbering when copying has been added as an entirely new and much awaited feature. This new feature can be turned on and off using the project parameters: The parameter in question can be reached directly in the Drawing Environment Ribbon menu. Please select the Tools tab and then the Alternatives panel. The command Settings for automatic item designation generation… gives access to a dialogue box where Automatic terminal numbering when copying can be activated or deactivated. Another way of accessing the parameter is via the Project Parameters themselves. Right-clicking a project in the Project Module and then selecting Properties gives access to all project parameters. The Item designation 3 tab and the section Drawing environment settings is the other place where you find the switch to either activate or deactivate Automatic terminal numbering when copying. If you activate the feature, you will be able to enjoy automatic terminal numbering not only when you copy parts of drawing sheets containing terminals, but also when you insert sub-circuits, like when you copy and paste between sheets. Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - The Symbol Insert Tools has been optimized for performance in two separate ways: o The currently selected Catalogue is not loaded unless the Index option has been activated (the "I" button is activated). This saves time. o The Symbol Insert Tool itself is not loaded when the Drawing Environment is started from the Script Generator, since it is not needed in that context, thus saving time. OnLine Engine ------------- - As a consequence of a thoroughly made optimization of the procedures of the OnLine Engine, where current hardware opportunities and the lack of previous hardware limitations have been taken into consideration, the performance of the OnLine Engine has been heavily enhanced. This has resulted in a quite dramatic reduction of sheet shift delays, OnLine database regeneration durations and generally a much faster system. - The Cross-referenced objects feature, which is used to navigate a project using cross-references, did not work properly in the previous revision. That problem has been resolved. By selecting a cross-reference using the Cross-referenced objects command, you can therefore now switch to the sheet and position that the cross-reference in question refers to, momentarily exactly as intended. - The Generic Symbol command previously stopped after two groups of connection points. Now it continues indefinitely with additional groups of insertion points, until you decide to stop. Report Generator ---------------- - Generating multiple reports at once did not work as intended in the previous revision. That error has been corrected. Therefore you can now select any number of Report Definitions using the CTRL key in the Report Generator, and then start a report generation for them all using right-click and the Create report command. - Excel 2016 is now fully supported by the Excel Report Generation feature. - A number of report definitions that was added earlier had unfortunately been misplaced and could therefore not be used properly, like Excel format revision comparison reports. Now they have been moved to the proper location and can therefore be used as intended. Document Management System Integration -------------------------------------- - The complete Autodesk Vault Professional 2016 integration is now part of the standard product directly at delivery, and is therefore also a part of the new revision. General ------- - When exiting cadett ELSA “the hard way” with the Terminate cadett ELSA command in the File pull-down menu, not only AutoCAD but also the PDS process is killed, resulting in better chances to have a properly running software when it is started again afterwards. The Settings Module ------------------- - The Symbol import and export feature found in the Symbol standards/Symbol libraries tab of the Settings module previously had a problem when importing already existing symbols. Symbol descriptions and other similar information located in the SYMBDEFA.DBF database file, was seemingly not overwritten as other symbol information were, when over-writing was selected. The problem was caused by the new information being added instead of replacing the old one. The correction of this error makes the result of importing SYM files conform to the expectations. cadett ELSA R35 - (Release 35 - Revision 1.4) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-04-08 ========== cadett ELSA R36 =============== AutoCAD support --------------- • Support for AutoCAD 2017 has been added. • Support for AutoCAD 2013 has been discontinued. Operating system support ------------------------ • Support for Windows 10 has been implemented. • Support for Windows 10 anniversary update has been implemented. • Support for 32 bit operating systems has been discontinued. The Script Generator -------------------- • 0FIX_LAYERS Script Sequence corrected. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- • The terminal handling has been optimized resulting in a substantial performance improvement. Translator III -------------- • A Translator III bug that could lead to fatal results has been resolved. The problem could occur when a word or phrase in one language was also defined in another, when both languages simultaneously were involved in a translations. That could lead to an infinite loop. • The Translator DEMO Lexicon language names are now in English. In previous versions they were Swedish. Installation ------------ • The old installation DVD has been discontinued. Therefore also the DVD ZIP has been discontinued. The delivery is now made with a download of one single EXE file that automatically extracts an installation package and starts the installation program from there. No manual file copying or unpacking is therefore required. • Possible to run cadett ELSA in "import only mode" without hardware lock. Especially useful for server installations with local hardware locks only. • Improved automatic generation of AutoCAD default profiles. Grid now according to cadett ELSA standard. • Since only 64 bit operating systems are now supported both on server and workstations, the installation program now aborts with error message if installation is attempted on 32 bit operating systems. • The installation program now correctly detects Windows 10. Previously it was detected as Windows 8. • It is now possible to interrupt the hardware lock detection procedure before the time-out, in order to manually adjust the hardware lock settings, like correcting the IP address or similar. This is done using a mouse click (left mouse button). The Report Generator -------------------- • The Excel Report Generation using Excel 2010 has been reenabled. The Drawing Manager ------------------- • The default document code descriptions have been made multilingual. • The DrDWG viewer has been discontinued alltogether. • The cadettViewer has been hevaily improved with the following new features: o Support for white background o Background colour configuration o Support for ZOOM EXTENTS by double-clicking the mouse-wheel o Easier to zoom and pan o Preparation for extended support of index colours (only a sub-set is currently supported) o Support for all truetype text fonts, not only ISOCPEUR o Support for printing o Right-click contect menu for zoom and print Revision Handling ----------------- • An ability to remove unpacked revisions when exiting has been added. This is controlled by a key in WSCONFIG.INI, which is located in the workstation directory (C:\ELSAWSx or similar). In section [ELSA] the key ClearUnpackedRevisions should be set to 0, 1 or 2 with the following meanings: 0 = Nothing is done (like previous versions) 1 = A dialogue box is, shown when exiting asking if unpacked revisions should be cleared 2 = Clear unpacked revisions when exiting without asking first The Demonstration Projects -------------------------- • The demonstration projects have been made language-wise consistent. cadett ELSA R36 - (Release 36 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-10-07 ========== Support for Thin Client Dynamic Workstations -------------------------------------------- - Support for dynamic workstations in thin client environments has been introduced. This enables the number of workstations to exceed the otherwise persistent limitation of a maximum of 59 workstations (a-z, 1-9, A-Z except N and M). Another important advantage is that only one workstation need to be installed for each Citrix Server, instead of one workstation for each user. In installations with a large number of users, this can be a substantial difference. Dynamic workstations do not have a fixed workstation code. Instead they are assigned a workstation code when cadett ELSA is started. If the last workstation code used is still free, it will be reused. If not, a new free workstation code will be automatically assigned. If no free workstation code exists, an occupied but currently not used workstation code will be reassigned. The new functionality is available in cadett ELSA Enterprise only. Extended replicator functionality --------------------------------- - An extended replicator has been added for cadett ELSA Enterprise. New features include support for project replication and functions to detect and replicate changes that have taken place while the replicator has not been running, for one reason or the other. Installation ------------ - A new version (7.6.8) of the driver package for hardware locks is included. - The Hardware Lock Server option in the installation program previously did not work as intended. Now it does. Catalogue Import ---------------- - The ABB01.MLL sample import mask has been corrected. An error made symbol assignments sometimes ending up incorrectly. - A new text file with raw data from ABB Control has been added. Using the ABB01.MLL about 6000 resources can be imported, complete with cabinet layout data and circuit diagram symbol assignments. Documentation ------------- - The Installation Guide has been completely updated for cadett ELSA R36. - Two documents with advice how to avoid performance and stability issues in AutoCAD have been added. One covers AutoCAD 2014 and 2015, one covers AutoCAD 2016 and 2017. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - A few minor issues have been corrected. Terminal Handling ----------------- - The sequence editor for terminals did previously not work properly in AutoCAD 2016 and 2017. In AutoCAD 2014 and 2015 it however worked fine. Now it works fine in all supported AutoCAD versions. cadett ELSA R36 - (Release 36 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-12-23 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - Changes in the behaviour of AutoCAD had made cancelling some commands not working as intended in AutoCAD versions newer than 2014. The result could for example be that snap was not set back to its original value after some features were used. This problem has now been resolved. (ACADCAD.FAS) - The Object Snap command (OSNAP) was incorrect in the Ribbon menu. This has been corrected. (MGCADE*.CUIX) - The COPY/EDIT Edit command in the ribbon menu has been corrected. Previously only "COPY/EDIT" in itself was executed, leaving the user to specify "Edit". Drawing Manager --------------- - The cadettViewer has been improved to better handle objects like blocks with no attributes, which previously in some cases could cause problems like lines being displayed in the wrong colour or similar. Symbol Update Feature --------------------- - The feature that is used to update symbols from before cadett ELSA 7.7 to the current format in order to support functionality added thereafter, previously contained an error that has now been corrected. Updating this kind of old symbols is made using a Script Sequence named 0UPDATE_SYMBOLS_TO_77. (ELSANET*.DLL) Report Generator ---------------- - The TARGET Database Generation function has been improved to better support long item designations. The consequence of this improvement is that the TARGET database generation now does not in itself create any limitations for the maximum length of item designations or parts thereof. The limitations that nevertheless exist come from the OnLine Engine and the Dynamic OnLine. In practical terms this means that longer item designations, even somewhat exceeding the 40 character limit, can be used without causing problems when generating reports. In many cases the longest item designations of a project belongs to terminals, since the terminal number is a part of the item designation for terminals, while the connection numbers are not for devices. (ZERO.DLL , ELSA.dll) - The Super Project Report Generation feature of the cadett ELSA Enterprise has been improved to increase performance. (REPEXT.DLL) - The Excel Report Generation feature has been improved to better handle situations where multiple versions of Microsoft Excel have been installed. (EXCELRAPP.EXE) Translator III -------------- - A completely new feature has been added to the Translator III. It is now possible to ignore the original state of translated drawing sheets and instead translate them from their current state. (Normally all translations are made from the original state, meaning that when running the Translator multiple times on the same set of drawing sheets, only the last run matters). A new check-box has been added to the Translation Settings to control this new feature. (TRANSLATOR.DLL) - DXF files containing attribute values exceeding 1024 characters in length previously caused problems for the Translator. This limitation has now been eliminated. (TRANSLATOR.DLL) - A translation affecting the title field will now automatically trigger an update of the information in the Drawing Manager, so that the correct current information is displayed there. (ARCHIVE.DLL, TRANSLATOR.DLL) - Blocks without any attributes previously caused problems for the Translator, which could result in some texts being left without a proper translation. This problem has been resolved. (TRANSLATOR.DLL) - DXF files containing an old type of polylines, which can no longer be created in contemporary versions of AutoCAD, previously caused problems for the Translator. This problem has been resolved. (TRANSLATOR.DLL) Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - In recent versions the Symbol Insert Tool displayed Swedish descriptions for standard symbols even when the language was set to English or German. This error has been resolved. (KAT.DLL) General ------- - An improved support for multiple displays and very large displays has been introduced. The new feature makes it possible to have the Drawing Environment and the Frame-based modules displayed simultaneously in parallel. Previously only one of them was displayed at a time. With only one screen, that is the only practical solution, but with two, having both concurrently displayed may sometimes be an advantage. To activate the new feature, the ACAD.INI configuration file that is located in the workstation directory is manually edited. Please note that there is another ACAD.INI located in the symbol library. That one should NOT be edited. A new section named [MODE] is added. In that section a key named DBL_SCREEN is added. The value of that key can be 0 or 1, where 0 make cadett ELSA work as before and 1 displays both windows simultaneously. Added section: [MODE] DBL_SCREEN=1 (ELSAAUT*.DLL, FRAME.EXE, ELSANET*.DLL, ..) Installation ------------ - In previous versions user defined menu files (CUIX files) could end up in the wrong location during “Import from other cadett ELSA”. Now they are correctly placed in the symbol library where they belong. (IMPORT.DLL) cadett ELSA R36 - (Release 36 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-03-30 ========== Symbol Generator ---------------- - Using the Symbol Generator to edit a block that is not defined as a cadett ELSA symbol, previously ended up with a strange result. This has been resolved. Now nothing happens instead. - The use of quotation marks in the description field for symbols in the Symbol Generator previously ended up with a less desired result. This has been resolved by automatically removing any quotation marks from the description texts. - It has now been made possible to delete any number of symbols at once using the Symbol Generator, instead of a maximum of two at a time, as before. Drawing Manager --------------- - If the user was a bit too quick for the Drawing Manager, a crash could occur in earlier versions. This happened if the user pressed “Reorganize” and “Open” directly after one another. The problem was that the Drawing Manager tried to open a sheet before having finished the reorganization. This problem has now been resolved, simply by preventing the opening of drawing sheets before the reorganization is finished. - If a file was moved or copied to the SOURCE or the TARGET directory outside the control of the Drawing Manager, and that file was then collected and immediately renamed without reorganizing first, problems previously occurred. The Drawing Manager has now been extended to handle that situation without any mishaps. Drawing Environment ------------------- - Editing a Generic Symbol when the OnLine Engine had been turned off, previously resulted in the plant and location attributes losing their content. This has been resolved and both the plant and the location will retain their values. - Under certain circumstances in the “Cross-referenced Objects” feature, when navigating using a dialogue box list of referred objects, an unhandled exception error could be generated. That problem has been resolved. - Using the “Move symbols” command on an attribute definition, which could be done when creating or editing symbols, previously could hang the system. Now nothing will happen. The correct ways of moving attribute definitions are by using either the “Move” or the “Adjust text and attributes” commands. - When using AutoCAD 2015 or 2016, a debug message was unintentionally displayed on the command line in the previous revision. This message has been removed. - The sheet shift feature can be accessed not only from the menus, but also using keyboard shortcuts, namely and for previous and next sheet respectively, and for the dialogue box selection of sheet to shift to. Previously however, if an object was first selected before one of the above described shortcuts was used, the selected object was moved on the current sheet in the direction of the pressed arrow key. That was not intended and not communicated to the OnLine database, therefore resulting in a mismatch between drawing sheet and database. The above described erroneous behaviour has now been blocked. - Moving objects in the drawing environment by moving the mouse pointer while pressing down the left mouse key was previously possible, however resulting in a mismatch between drawing sheet and database. That operation is therefore now blocked. - The “electrical data” attribute of Generic Symbols, which is located in the main symbol, previously was associated with some issues regarding additionally added other Generic Symbols on the same sheet. The content of the electrical data attribute of one Generic Symbol could under some specific circumstances incorrectly be transferred to other Generic Symbols. That issue has been resolved. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - The feature for hard import of catalogues, which is only available in cadett ELSA Enterprise, previously did not always function properly. Now it does. Convert cadett ELSA symbols from versions older than cadett ELSA 7.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Symbols created in cadett ELSA of version 7.5 or older were simpler with less functionality than the current ones. A Script Sequence named 0UPDATE_SYMBOLS_TO_77 can be used to convert such old symbols to the current format in order to enable the use of all new features. (Unconverted symbols still works fine in the current version of cadett ELSA, however limited to their original functionality). Unfortunately, in recent versions of cadett ELSA an issue had turned up in this today relatively rarely used Script Sequence. It has however now been properly updated for current AutoCAD versions making it work as good as ever. cadett ELSA R36 - (Release 36 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-06-16 ========== cadett ELSA R37 =============== New products ------------ - The cadett ELSA product line has previously contained five separate products. With cadett ELSA R37 that is extended to eight: o cadett ELSA View o cadett ELSA Start o cadett ELSA Basic o cadett ELSA Basic Solo (New) o cadett ELSA Professional o cadett ELSA Professional Solo (New) o cadett ELSA Enterprise o cadett ELSA Enterprise Solo (New) cadett ELSA Solo includes an embedded AutoCAD OEM based CAD Engine named Solo ecscad. AutoCAD Support --------------- - Support for AutoCAD 2018 has been added. - Support for AutoCAD 2014 has been discontinued. - Support for the embedded CAD Engine Solo ecscad 2017 has been added. - When AutoCAD or Solo ecscad is started, SDI is now forced to “on”. This avoids previous problems that occurred if AutoCAD for one reason or the other was incorrectly configured for MDI. - When AutoCAD or Solo ecscad is started, a cadett ELSA logo is displayed until the initialization of the drawing environment is finished. In previous versions, this logo was placed in the middle of the screen, which unfortunately could be somewhat troublesome in the case of an error message or other dialogue box also being displayed. The logo could in such cases sometimes hide the dialogue box, resulting in the system looking hanged, even if it was not. To avoid this problem, the logo has now been moved to the lower right corner of the screen. - When cadett ELSA is started and an AutoCAD belonging to a previous work-session for one reason or the other is still running, cadett ELSA will detect this and ask the user if that AutoCAD should be terminated. If the user answers that question by "yes", the AutoCAD process will now be killed, which makes it possible to immediately continue the work. In previous versions, a different more gentle method was used, where AutoCAD was kindly asked to close down. Since a probable reason for AutoCAD still running in cases like that, was a problem that occurred in a previous work-session, a failure to communicate with AutoCAD was likely, resulting in the situation made worse, requiring a complete restart. The new method is much safer. - Exiting the Drawing Environment or shifting sheet by a command from outside, like for instance when navigating to a specific symbol from the Dynamic OnLine, or when entering the Project Parameters when a Drawing Sheet is open, has been made dramatically quicker than in previous versions, when AutoCAD 2015 or newer is used. Installation and configuration ------------------------------ - The cadett ELSA installation program has been completed with everything needed to handle the Solo ecscad 2017 embedded CAD Engine. Solo ecscad is essentially a complete standard AutoCAD, which means that the package is quite large. There are now two versions of the cadett ELSA installation package available. In the complete package, Solo ecscad is included. In a smaller version of the package, Solo ecscad is not. The size of the complete package is approximately 3,5 GB, while the smaller version occupies about 90 % less space or approximately 0,35 GB. - A new option has been added in the cadett ELSA installation program main menu, namely to install Solo ecscad separately. This option is used if you already have a working cadett ELSA installation and want to add the Solo ecscad afterwards. - When making a new local installation of cadett ELSA, Solo ecscad can be installed in the same process, if desired. A separate “AutoCAD installation” is not needed in that case. - When making a central installation on a server, the installation files for Solo ecscad is made part of the central installation, so that Solo ecscad can easily be installed as part of future workstation installations. - When installing workstations for a network installation, installation of Solo ecscad is an available and selectable option. - In previous versions of cadett ELSA, the selection of product was made at installation time only, requiring a reinstallation to change from one product to another. In cadett ELSA R37, changing from one product to another has been made much easier, since the product to use is now possible to change in the Alternatives dialogue box that is available from the Tools pull-down menu. - Changes made in the Alternatives dialogue box available in the Tools pull-down menu in many cases requires a restart of cadett ELSA to be activated. Examples of such changes are alterations of the language or the selected product level. In previous versions that restart have had to be made manually. Now it is instead done automatically. - When a cadett ELSA workstation is started after an update of the central server installation, an update of workstation files will automatically be made. Before that update is started, the local workstation directory is now checked, to prevent any incorrect placement of updated files. Solo ecscad 2017 adaptations ---------------------------- - Solo ecscad 2017 is similar to AutoCAD 2017 but has a few limitations, which locks it to cadett ELSA. A large number of adaptations have been made all over the cadett ELSA product, to ensure smooth use of Solo ecscad despite these limitations, in exactly the same way as standard AutoCAD or AutoCAD Electrical is otherwise used. QuickPDF -------- - A new feature, which enables quick and convenient generation of PDF files without the use of AutoCAD, has been added. Quick PDF is at least 10 times faster than ordinary PDF generation using AutoCAD. The feature is started from the File tab of the ribbon menu within the drawing environment. A user-friendly dialogue box is used to control which drawing sheets to include, where the generated PDF file should be placed and what file name to use for it. IEC1082 symbol library ---------------------- - 222 PLC symbols in the IEC1082 symbol library have been updated and corrected when applicable. All thumbnails have been updated for better visibility. A few symbols were missing in the symbol database and therefore not presented in the Symbol Insert Tool. They have now all been corrected. New Information Service Feature ------------------------------- - A new information Service Feature has been added. When cadett ELSA is started, the new information service is automatically started. The information service tests the communication between the workstation and the Spider service on the server in order to detect configuration problems with the communication protocol between server and workstation and to display a warning when applicable. The availability of updates – both revisions and major updates – is also checked and any positive results presented to the user. Automatic PDS termination feature --------------------------------- - Before AutoCAD or Solo ecscad is started, any running Project Data Server (PDS) is now terminated, to ensure a proper initialization of the communication with it when the OnLine Engine is starting. When terminating cadett ELSA, the PDS is also now always automatically terminated. These new procedures makes it easier and more convenient to restart cadett ELSA after a crash, if such would occur. Restarting the computer or manually terminating processes are no longer needed under such circumstances. Translator III -------------- - “Stealth translation” support has been added to the Translator III. This new feature leaves the original text in the original attributes for the OnLine Engine and the Drawing Manager to read and/or update, while hiding that information and instead presenting translated texts in the drawing sheets. In this way, the translation is “invisible” for the OnLine Engine and the Drawing Manager, while it is visible for a reader of the drawing sheets themselves. - The COM interface of the Translator III has been extended in order to enable faster operations when using the Translator for automation. Option Handling --------------- - The handling of OPTIONS.INI used by the Option Handling feature, could in the previous revision result in incorrect results. This error has been corrected. Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - The Symbol Insert Tool is now communicating with AutoCAD in a smarter way, which on some computers results in a dramatic improvement in performance. cadett ELSA R37 - (Release 37 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-11-28 ========== Update procedure ---------------- - Menu and SIG files are now hard-copied from server to workstation directory during update. Previously the copying was soft, which unfortunately left old versions of these files after update, requiring a manual intervention to get the Drawing Environment to work properly. Now that is no longer necessary. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The command to load a standard AutoCAD menu found in the Alternatives panel of the Tools ribbon menu, has been updated to support Solo ecscad, where the menu file has a different file name. - The 16 bit icon for the new Quick-PDF feature, which is found in some Drawing Environment menus, has been fixed. An error in the file name previously made the icon turn up as a question mark. Alternatives dialogue, basic configurations ------------------------------------------- - In some cases, when doing alterations in the Alternatives dialogue where product, AutoCAD version and similar options are configured, a nuisance could occur when “Professional” unintentionally was switched to “Basic”. It was then necessary to manually switch back to Professional. This error has been fixed. Report Generator ---------------- - An obsolete way of starting external batch files or other executable files like the EXCELRAPP.EXE, which is used for Excel Report Generation, has been replaced with a more up-to-date method. This solves some compatibility issues that have showed up in some environments. IEC1082 Symbol Library ---------------------- - Six motor circuits SMMAC01 – SMMAC06 have been updated with current symbol versions and connection point symbols. Sample projects --------------- - A number of IEC1082 Demo and Exercise projects have been updated with contemporary symbols and connection points. The following projects have been altered in that way: 0DMIDN 0DMIDP 0DMIEN 0DMIEP 0DMISN 0DMISP 0EXIDN 0EXIEN 0EXISN Please note that the incremental update from R37.0.1.0 does not include these changes. - The IEC1346 Exercise project 0EX1346 has been updated in the same way. The language used in that project has also been changed from Swedish to English. Please note that the incremental update from R37.0.1.0 does not include these changes. cadett ELSA R37 - (Release 37 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-01-16 ========== Database Engine --------------- - The underlying Codebase database Engine of cadett ELSA has been optimized for more effective database handling in general. Automatic project lock removal ------------------------------ - In order to avoid unintentional or undesired project locks, a general check for running workstations and locked projects, is performed when cadett ELSA is started. This check has been optimized and the check of running workstations has been moved from the workstation to the server. When a large number of workstations are active, this will result in a substantially faster start of cadett ELSA. Connection handling ------------------- - An error affecting cable cores connected in one end only under special circumstances has been corrected. Thin client support ------------------- - The information dialogue that informs about new revisions and similar and the automatic restart feature used when making changes to settings like language and similar, have been better adopted to use in thin client environments. Dynamic workstation support --------------------------- - The default language setting for dynamic workstations (where the workstation code is not fixed) has been changed from Swedish to the language that is selected when performing the central installation on the cadett ELSA server. Drawing Environment ------------------- - cadett ELSA's automatic menu file regeneration feature is con- trolled by a signal file located in the workstation directory. The name of this file is either REGEN.YES or REGEN.NO, dependent of whether a regeneration should be made or not. Unfortunately, an unexpected presence of both a REGEN.YES and a REGEN.NO, for whatever reason, previously led to an error message when opening the Drawing Environment. This behaviour has now been improved. If both files are found, that is now interpreted as if only REGEN.YES was present, causing a menu regeneration and a subsequent removal of REGEN.YES. cadett ELSA R37 - (Release 37 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-03-05 ========== General ------- - Multi Server capabilities has been added. Multi Server is our name of a new ability to have multiple workstations on the same computer, where the workstations are connected to different cadett ELSA server installations. cadett ELSA R37 - (Release 37 - Revision 2.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-04-19 ========== cadett ELSA R38 =============== General ------- - cadett ELSA R38 is a major update compared to the previous R37.0.1.2. From an installation point of view on a low technical level, the new version is quite different. Some important restrictions are now gone. With cadett ELSA R38 and newer, it is possible to have multiple workstations for different servers even for different versions of cadett ELSA installed on the same computer. It is possible to switch between these workstations without having to reregister the software or performing other similar operations. However, these new capabilities are available for cadett ELSA R38 and newer versions only. It is not possible to have cadett ELSA R38 co-existing with older versions on the same computer. Therefore, if you have multiple workstations, for example for network and local use, on the same computer, you must update all of them to at least cadett ELSA R38. Otherwise, the older workstations will stop working. From cadett ELSA R38 onwards, it will be possible in most cases to update workstations without administrative rights in the operating system. - SMB1 is no longer required for the communication between workstation and server. Therefore, it is now perfectly ok to deactivate SMB1 both on workstation and on server. SMB2 and SMB3 may, in the same way be activated on both server and workstation. - In all previous Windows based versions of cadett ELSA, commands have been sent to AutoCAD using DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange), for example from the Symbol Insert Tool and the Dynamic OnLine. That technology is somewhat dated, and has not been without its problems. Now, in cadett ELSA R38, DDE has been entirely replaced with new up-to-date technology where a Self-Hosted Service within AutoCAD is instead receiving the commands. From a user- perspective, this results in better performance and stability. Installation ------------ - The AutoCAD profile that cadett ELSA creates by default for use in the Drawing Environment, has been adjusted and extended. The details of this profile are stored in a file called CADELSA.DAT. One important difference compared to the previous version, is a simpler and cleaner status bar in AutoCAD, where redundant information has been removed. - The installation program and the update features have been extended and adapted to better support the Multi Server capabilities that were introduced already in R37.0.2.0. The Symbol Library ------------------ - A PLC main symbol (LPM1) has been added. It is available in device group 80. - The definition of device groups (IBAUM.DBF) has been extended to incorporate PLC main symbols and sub-groups in device group 7. - Device group 7 contains contact mirrors for contactors and relays compatible with the classic Telemecanique series D, E, F and DN. Since a large number of such contact mirrors is available, and the descriptions of them have been somewhat rudimentary, it has previously been quite difficult to locate the correct symbol. Now the device group has been split in sub-groups to make it easier to navigate. Additionally, all symbols within the new sub-groups have been completed with appropriate descriptions in three languages. - Four new contact mirrors have been added to device group 720. They represent the main contact blocks of classic Telemecanique compatible contactors from the E-series. The symbols are named LTKD101, LTKD201, STKD101 and STKD201. - The symbol databases SYMBDEF.DBF and SYMBDEFA.DBF have been adjusted and extended to incorporate added PLC and contact mirror symbols, as well as the new sub-groups within device group 7, among other adjustments. - All symbols in the IEC1082 symbol library now have English description texts displayed in the Symbol Insert Tool. (Swedish description texts were available already in previous versions). - The thumbnails of all displayed circuit diagram symbols in the IEC1082 symbol library have been updated with higher resolution and colours that are suitable for both white and black background. New Sheet Shift Feature ----------------------- - A completely new sheet shift feature has replaced the old one. Major differences compared to the old feature include: - Slide files are no longer used and therefore no longer created, which saves time and space. Old slide files can also be deleted, since they are no longer used. - Previews are done directly from the content of the DXF files, which eliminates the previous risk of misrepresentation. - Multiple sheets can be displayed at once. The Drawing Manager ------------------- - A new set of document codes covering the entire IEC1355 standard (EN61355) for Document Class Codes (DCC) has been added to the central definition (DOCUMENTCODES.DBF) for use with user defined project parameters controlling the Drawing Manager. The Script Generator -------------------- - The script sequence 0REFRESH_SYMBOL_BITMAP has been adjusted to work with black background. Previously only white background worked. - The script sequence 0UPDATE_SUBCIRCUITS_TO_77 has been fixed. Previously it contained an error. Block Diagram Module -------------------- - A new Block Diagram Module has been added, but is not yet represented in the menus. It will be later on. Option Handling --------------- - The six standard layer settings that are used both in the Drawing Environment and in PLOT and PDF generation script sequences, have been improved to better take possible options into account: - Net_PLOT_LAYERS_0 (DESIGN Symbolic item designations) - Net_PLOT_LAYERS_1 (DESIGN Normal) - Net_PLOT_LAYERS_2 (PLOT without wire-numbers and cables) - Net_PLOT_LAYERS_3 (PLOT with wire-numbers) - Net_PLOT_LAYERS_4 (PLOT with cables) - Net_PLOT_LAYERS_5 (PLOT with wire-numbers and cables) The Symbol Insert Tool ---------------------- - The performance of the initialization of the Symbol Insert Tool has been heavily improved. The larger number of defined device groups, the larger the improvement will be. QuickPDF -------- - The QuickPDF feature has been re-written to support external references and different layer sets in different sheets of a project. - A new option in the Settings for the QuickPDF feature has been added. It is now possible to specify which truetype font to use in the generated PDF file, such as ISOCPEUR.TTF. If you prefer another font, you can now specify that. If you leave the setting empty, the original font of the drawing sheets will be used (no font shift will take place), which may result in a non- searchable PDF file. Please note however that an empty value will not be saved and therefore not show up the next time you activate the feature. The OnLine Engine ----------------- - The performance of the OnLine Engine has been even more optimized than it was before. In some situations, the gain is substantial. The Drawing Environment ----------------------- - In previous versions under certain conditions, depending on AutoCAD verticals and other AutoCAD related circumstances, the ribbon menu could end up seemingly frozen, especially when opening the Drawing Environment. The cause in fact emanated from the command prompt palette. By improving the memory management, this phenomenon has now been eliminated. - Copying of hyper-dynamic contact mirrors will now be handled in accordance with the current settings for automatic item designation generation, including which dialogue to present or not. - The possibility to specify attribute text heights and layer locations in the MAC12 INI files previously had some limitations. Those limitations have been eliminated, and the text heights and layer locations will always be exactly as specified. - Automatic terminal numbering when copying terminals, a feature that has been available for a few versions but which requires activation in the project parameters to be utilized, previously created an error for terminals located on non-electric layers. Now such terminals are ignored by the automatic terminal numbering, which of course is what you would expect from a terminal on a non-electric layer. The previous error message is thereby avoided. - The Copy command now has the “Multiple” option as default. - The dialogue box that is used for text editing has been improved. Previously, when entering the settings, the text content of the dialogue box disappeared. That will no longer happen. The Project Module ------------------ - Groups with names containing national characters like å, ä and ö previously had their problems, when lower level groups and projects were not displayed correctly. This nuisance has been eliminated. - Sub-projects of super projects containing revisions previously were displayed with incorrect icons. That problem has been fixed. cadett ELSA-Autodesk Vault Integration -------------------------------------- - Autodesk Vault 2017 is now supported by the standard integration. cadett ELSA R38 - (Release 38 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-12-20 ========== Super project potential references ---------------------------------- - An error in the update of cross-references between potential references between sub-projects in super projects has been corrected. cadett ELSA R38 - (Release 38 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-01-11 ========== Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - The "import from other cadett ELSA" feature, which primary use is updates of cadett ELSA, has been corrected. In the previous revision national characters like ÅÄÖ could end up wrong. - The *IL.DBF database file was previously not closed correctly before starting the import. That was seldom a problem. If, however, the catalogue was started before the import, then a problem could occur. A proper close has now been added. Sheet Shift Feature ------------------- - During special circumstances in combination with using the "cadett ELSA Classic" Workspace, the new heet Shift Feature could fail to initialize properly in the previous revisions. That problem has now been resolved. Potential references -------------------- - The maximum number of characters in sub-groups for potential references has been extended from 10 to 15 in the Potential Reference Dialogue Box. cadett ELSA R38 - (Release 38 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-01-21 ========== The Catalogue ------------- - The dialogue box that is used to select symbols now supports white background colour, controlled by the current setting in the Symbol Insert Tool. The shape of the thumbnails has been made more "quadratic" to display vertical and horizontal symbols with equal size. QuickPDF -------- - In some situations, the QuickPDF feature could previously overwrite the current drawing sheet, which of course was very inconvenient. That will not happen anymore. - Specifying other directories than the SOURCE directory of the current project to put the generated PDF file in, did not work properly in the previous revision. Now it does. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The ribbon menus have been graphically enhanced with updated icons. The menus now have a modern, clean and stylish expression. They are clearer and more delicate to the eye, simply beautiful. - The layer setting "with wire-numbers" previously did not work as intended. Now it does. (This is the NET_PLOT_LAYERS_3 command used for example in the sub-routine script sequence _0LAYER_3). - The nomenclature used in the potential reference dialogue box in all available languages has been adjusted for greater clarity. - The nomenclature used in the Generic Symbol and Boundary Box dialogue boxes has been adjusted for greater clarity. The word "location" is now used only for the "+ reference" (physical location). The size and position of the box in the drawing sheet is called "Size and position" in English, "Storlek och position" in Swedish and "Größe und Position" in German. - Any standard layers that are missing in a drawing sheet that is opened in cadett ELSA, are recreated automatically. However, in the previous revision some of those recreated layers could end up unintentionally frozen. That has been fixed. IEC1082 symbol library ---------------------- - The thumbnail for the proximity actuator symbol has been graphically improved. The symbol itself has also been adjusted for better visibility on white background colour. Dynamic OnLine I ---------------- - Double-clicking individual terminals in an expanded view previously gave a strange effect. This has been corrected. Report Generator ---------------- - In the previous revision, the Report Generator could get lost after generating multiple reports at once. A restart was then needed for the Report Generator to get back to its normal state. That error has been fixed. Sheet shift feature ------------------- - The new sheet shift feature added in R38.0.1.0 now starts with focus on the current sheet, in the same way as the old sheet shift feature did. cadett ELSA R38 - (Release 38 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-03-05 ========== SOLO ecscad ----------- - The new SOLO ecscad 2019 has been added. SOLO ecscad 2019 is based on AutoCAD OEM 2019. - The installer has been extended to incorporate the installation routines for Solo ecscad 2019. - Two versions of the installation media are now available in parallel. The compact version does not contain the Solo ecscad 2019, but is quicker to download. The complete version does contain the Solo ecscad 2019, but is a much larger file. Cable/Harness ------------- - The Cable/Harness Editor did not always work as intended in earlier revisions of cadett ELSA R38, especially on workstations that were newly installed (not updated from R37 or earlier). That issue has been resolved. Translator III -------------- - An error in the Unicode database handling for the lexicon of the Translator III in the previous revision, caused newly added words to be followed by garbage characters. This issue has been resolved. cadett ELSA R38 - (Release 38 - Revision 2.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-03-29 ========== Documentation ------------- - A new completely updated installation and update guide is includ- ed in the new revision. - A guide how to optimize the installation and configuration of AutoCAD 2018 and 2019 for improved performance and stability has been added. AutoCAD support --------------- - Support for the new AutoCAD 2018 DXF format used by AutoCAD 2018 and 2019 has been added to all modules that read and write DXF files. This format is named AC1032 (version 22.0, release 32). QuickPDF Feature ---------------- - A new possibility has been added to the QuickPDF feature. It is now possible to specify a filter for the DXF files to include in the PDF. Script Generator ---------------- - The plot script feature that is available from within the Drawing Environment (PLOT1 – PLOT5) has been improved. Since the communi- cation between Frame and AutoCAD was updated a while ago, using the Script Generator from within the Drawing Environment has of- ten been troublesome, but now it works fine again. - The three standard script sequences that demonstrates the technology for changing the drawing frame of existing projects while keeping the information in the title fields, have been slightly improved. These script sequences do no longer need to be modified dependent on the physical location of the cadett ELSA installation, as was previously the case, in order to properly access the drawing frame to switch to. Now, the search path is calculated automatically instead. - Another improvement of the above mentioned three script sequences, is that they are now automatically activating layer setting Design Normal, in order to avoid serious problems that otherwise could occur if a layer setting intended for plotting is active. OnLine Engine ------------- - The progress bar used by the OnLine Engine to show that it is working, for example during a regeneration of the OnLine data- base, was unfortunately invisible in AutoCAD 2018 and in Solo ecscad 2019 in the previous revision, leaving the user in doubt whether the OnLine Engine was really doing its job or not. Now the progress bar has returned in all versions of AutoCAD and Solo ecscad, to the benefit of everybody using those versions. Option Handling --------------- - The six standard layer setting commands that are available in the Drawing Environment as well as in the Script Generator as Sub- Script Sequences, previously had the disadvantage of not always handle option layers correctly. By introducing a more intelligent way of calculating which layers should be visible or not, that problem is now completely gone. - The Option Handling Module previously saved DXF files in the for- mat of the currently used AutoCAD, which in some cases could cause problems. Now, the DXF files are always saved in the DXF format that is specified by ACAD.INI, in the same way as other modules of cadett ELSA do, like for instance the Drawing Environ- ment, when saving the current drawing sheet using the Save DXF command. Drawing Environment ------------------- - To improve performance, the Symbol Insert Tool is not loaded when AutoCAD is started by the Script Generator. Previously, when AutoCAD was not terminated at the end of a Script Sequence and a drawing sheet was opened from the Drawing Manager directly there- after, this caused a problem, since the Symbol Insert Tool was not available. Now the Symbol Insert Tool is automatically loaded in that situation. - An error message telling that “the Drawing Environment is not in an idle state” was relatively common in the previous revision, which could be somewhat annoying. Measures have been taken to avoid that situation, and it seems like they have been effective. - The combination of AutoCAD 2016, the previous revision of cadett ELSA and editing of a non-intelligent AutoCAD block (like the drawing frame or similar), caused an annoying error message to be displayed. That does not happen anymore. - When using the Solo ecscad 2019, the lexicon was previously not always visible in the text dialogue box. Now it is. - In previous revisions, the position of terminal attributes did not end up exactly where they were defined to be by the MAC12_1.INI and MAC12_2.INI. Now they do. - Automatic item designation for generic symbols did previously not work properly when item designations in multiple levels was activated in the project parameters. Now it does. - Editing of generic symbols where the item designation was in conflict with other generic symbols, previously could end up with quite surprising results. Now the result will be the expected one. Installation and Update routines -------------------------------- - The format of STATIONS.DBF has been corrected, which influences new installations without any fixed workstations, not even for import of user data from a previous version. - An error in the “import from other cadett ELSA” feature could previously in some cases result in problems when importing revi- sions. Under an unfortunate combination of circumstances, revi- sions imported from a copy of an older version or another instal- lation not located in the same search path as the new installa- tion, the search paths of those revisions could be incorrectly specified, which could lead to revisions being in the correct place but not accessible. That error has been corrected. - Since the multi-server capability was introduced in cadett ELSA R38, an automatic registration of components is made separately for each user when needed. In previous revisions, a few registry keys were unfortunately missing in that procedure, which could result in some features not working properly after a new instal- lation on a fresh computer. That problem has now been resolved. Solo ecscad 2019 Embedded CAD Engine ------------------------------------ - The Solo ecscad 2019 installation procedure has been improved in a number of ways: o Easy to use Solo ecscad 2019 for other users than the one that installed the software o Ready to use plotter configurations for PDF generation (PS_CADETT and PDF_CADETT) saves time when installing work- stations o Ready to use folders for license files and log files on the license server saves time and reduces confusion when config- uring the license server o Possibility to continue installation even if a reboot of the operating system is pending o Other improvements not mentioned here Block Diagram Module -------------------- - The automatic recreation of missing layers that takes place each time a drawing sheet is opened (if that feature has not been ac- tively disabled) has been updated to include layers used by the Block Diagram Module. This has been done by extending the LAYERS.DWG file in all standard symbol libraries. Please note that LAYERS.DWG in DIN5 differs from the one used in the other symbol libraries. Translator III -------------- - The Show ignored check box was not working properly in previous revisions. Now it does. - Under some unusual circumstances, errors in the COLLAPSE.INI tem- porary file could lead to an empty view of the lexicon, where all columns were unintentionally hidden. That will not happen any- more. - Translation choices that you make in the Drawing Manager, from where you can translate any selected drawing sheets in both the SOURCE and TARGET directories, are now stored and used as default the next time you use the same feature. - In earlier revisions, the Translator did not support translation of the content of attributes which had the verify flag active. Since the verify flag does not affect normal use of symbols with such attributes, this phenomenon appeared confusing and random, even though it basically was not. Now, the Translator III fully supports translation of such attributes. In other words, you no longer have to worry about this subject. Catalogue import ---------------- - The Excel import feature has been updated so that both XLSX and XLS files are displayed for selection by default, instead of only XLS as before. Report Generator ---------------- - An error in the generation of the *U.DBF TARGET database used for the Block Diagram module has been corrected. - A new feature has been added to the Report Generator, making it possible to include spare terminals as defined by algorithm assignments in device lists. Spare terminals are assumed to be of the same type (defined by the same index) as the closest previous terminal that is defined by a symbol in the circuit diagram, counted by the assigned algorithm from beginning to end. To include this feature in a report definition, “FixSpareTerminals.exe” should be specified as batch file for pre-processing of TARGET databases. No parameters are needed. Additionally, a filter condition !ANTALSTYP=BSP should be included in the filter expression. Sheet Shift feature ------------------- - In the “any sheet” dialogue for the sheet shift feature ofprevious revisions, , the check-box that controls whether the current sheet should be saved or not, was by default set to its previous state. That was a somewhat risky behaviour since the default thereby could be not to save the current sheet, leading to an ob- vious danger of data loss. That behaviour has now been changed so that saving the current sheet is always default, and not saving the current sheet always requires an active choice by the user. Dynamic OnLine I ---------------- - The possibility to configure which attributes that should be up- dated with data from the Catalogue when making a selection of a resource in the Catalogue, has been extended. (Using the INSDTA.DBF any attributes can be connected to any catalogue fields. By default, index and electrical data are connected, but you can add any number of attributes according to your own pref- erences). Previously this feature was only available from the Drawing Envi- ronment, like when inserting symbols or when editing existing symbols. Now, also editing in Dynamic OnLine I is fully supported and the content of selected fields are automatically transferred to the corresponding attributes, even user defined ones if that is configured. Cabinet layout -------------- - Terminals inserted with the Automatic Insert feature, will now end up in the sequence that is defined by the currently assigned numbering algorithm, instead of sorted by number as before. In simple cases, like when the terminals are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on, the result will not be different than before. In more complicated scenarios, this change in behaviour might however constitute an important and substantial improvement, since the terminals will automatically be inserted in the correct physical sequence, without the manual editing that was previously needed to accomplish that. - When using Automatic Insert for terminals, spare terminals as defined by the algorithm assignment, can now be inserted alongside terminals defined by the circuit diagrams. This new feature assumes that spare terminals are of the same type (are defined by the same index) as the closest previous terminal that is defined by a symbol in the circuit diagram, counted by the assigned algorithm from beginning to end. cadett ELSA R38 - (Release 38 - Revision 2.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-11-20 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - In the previous revision, the WCF server that is used to handle communication between the drawing environment and the cadett ELSA main application displayed an unnecessary status palette. That was not a big issue, but it was nevertheless a nuisance. That status palette has now been removed. - When using item designations in multiple levels, selecting terminal group name in the terminal dialogue previously resulted in incorrect plant and location designations. That problem has been solved so that plant and location from a selection of terminal group name will always be correctly specified, regardless of the item designation composition and configuration. cadett ELSA R38 - (Release 38 - Revision 2.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-12-04 ========== cadett ELSA R39 =============== Operating system support ------------------------ - Support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 has been discontinued. AutoCAD and Solo support ------------------------ - Support for AutoCAD 2020 has been introduced. - Support for AutoCAD 2016 has been discontinued. - Support for Solo eXs 2020 has been introduced. The Solo eXs 2020 is our new embedded CAD Engine. It is based on AutoCAD OEM 2020 licensed from Autodesk in cooperation with Mensch und Maschine in Germany. - Support for Solo ecscad 2019 has been discontinued. Solo ecscad 2019 was our previous embedded CAD Engine based on AutoCAD OEM 2019. Drawing environment ------------------- - The menu has been updated with improved transparent icons. - A new Copy from other sheet feature has been added. You will find the new command in the Home tab of the ribbon menu, in the lower right corner of the Modify ribbon. This new command makes it possible to easily and quickly copy objects from another drawing sheet without exiting the current drawing sheet. The drawing sheet from which you copy may be located in any project including the current one. This new method of copying objects be- tween sheets that may be located in different projects, saves a lot of time. You do not have to exit the Drawing Environment, you do not have to exit the Drawing Manager, you do not have to switch between projects using the Project Module, you do not have to open the other drawing sheet and you do not have to reopen the current drawing sheet. One single click bring you to a dialogue box looking like an extended version of the Sheet Shift Feature. In the left part of the dialogue, you select a project. In the mid part, you select a drawing sheet. In the right part, you have a preview of the selected drawing sheet. When you click the Open button, the selected drawing sheet will be immediately available for an object selection of the desired objects to copy. After confirming the object selection with ENTER in the usual way, you enter a base point. After that you will directly come back to the current drawing sheet where the selected objects is inserted a sub circuit in the standard way. If you use the legacy cadett ELSA Classic menu, you will find the new command in the Modify pull-down menu, in the middle of the Circuit handling sub-menu. It is also available directly in the Object Properties Toolbar, to the right of the Sheet Shift com- mands. - The IEC1082 standard layer set has been extended and the colours have been slightly modified, in order to support new functionali- ty such as the new Adjust Attributes Feature, which is described below. The set of layers for standard attributes such as connection num- bers, remark and electrical data has been extended both downwards and upwards. It now includes layers for 1.0, 1.3, 7.0 and 10.0 mm text heights (ATTRIB10, ATTRIB13, ATTRIB70 and ATTRIB100). The sets of layers for non-electrical objects (“DEKOR”) and texts (“TXT”) have been extended in the same way. The following colours are now used: Width Index colour Appearance Status ----- ------------ ---------- ------ 0.10 mm 41 Faint yellow New 0.13 mm 40 Yellow-orange New 0.18 mm 30 Orange Unchanged 0.25 mm 72 Green Unchanged 0.35 mm 10 Red Unchanged 0.50 mm 12 Dark red Changed colour 0.70 mm 160 Blue Changed colour 1.00 mm 210 Magenta New - Two commands for quick and easy increase or decrease of the text height of attributes have been added. One of the commands increases the text height of a selected at- tribute. The other one decreases the text height. After activat- ing one of these commands, you simply click on the attribute that you want to adjust. For each click, the text height is adjusted one-step with a factor approximately equal to the square root of two (text heights of 1.0, 1.3, 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0 and 10.0 mm). The layer of the attribute in question is automatically ad- justed accordingly. The Increase and Decrease text height commands are located in the Home tab of the ribbon menu, in the lower right corner of the Text and Attributes ribbon. In the legacy Classic menu, the com- mands are found in the Modify pull-down menu, in the middle of the Edit text sub-menu. They are also available directly in the Object Properties toolbar, between the Adjust text and attributes and the Hide attribute commands. - A new Tool for attribute adjustment has been added. A new kind of user interface – a so-called Steering Wheel – is utilized for the new feature. The new tool is located in the Home tab of the ribbon menu, in the Text and Attributes ribbon, directly to the right of the Ad- just text and attributes command. In the legacy Classic menu, the tool is found in the Modify pull-down menu, in the second section of the Edit text sub-menu. It is also available directly in the Object Properties toolbar, to the right of the Hide and Show at- tribute commands and the command for Wire-number adjustment. - After activating the new tool, any number of attributes may be selected in a way similar to ordinary object selection but lim- ited to attributes only. This means that both clicking on indi- vidual attributes and using windows or crossings are supported. When the selection has been conformed with ENTER, the wheel is displayed. Nine options are available: o Increase (text height) o Decrease (text height) o Up/Down (move) o Left/Right (move) o Rotate o Justify (change justification) o Wheel-move o Exit (X) All selected attributes will be treated equally. Increase and decrease text height is executed immediately without further ado. Rotate is also executed immediately. The selected attributes are rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees for each click. Up/Down and Left/Right displays a second wheel where six options for the desired relative (to the text height) distance and direc- tion are available, as well as a possibility to go home to the previous wheel. Justify displays a second wheel where four options for the new text justification are available (Left, Right, Mid and Center), as well as a possibility to go home to the previous wheel. The Wheel-move option is used to place the wheel itself in a suitable position on the screen. The Exit option in the centre of the wheel is used to exit the tool. New masks --------- - Two new masks for use with IEC1355 document codes and the new ELSA390 drawing frames have been added: o ELSA390 is a multilingual mask for the ELSA390 drawing frames and the use of document codes according to a complete imple- mentation of the IEC1355 standard. o SIMPLE39 is a multilingual mask for the same drawing frames, but use of document codes according to a simplified implemen- tation of the IEC1355 standard. Both new masks use file names with 12 characters. New drawing frames ------------------ - A set of three new drawing frames has been added. They are based on the old ELSA81 drawing frames but are adjusted for the use of IEC1355 document codes. Three variants for English, Swedish and German languages are available. All three new drawing frames are compatible with the two new masks, which are described above. Graphically, the new drawing frames are very similar to the old ELSA81. Some field prompts have been slightly adjusted. The most important new feature is however that a new invisible block has been added to store document code and drawing frame information. The name of the new block is DC. The new drawing frames are: o ELSA390E for English o ELSA390S for Swedish o ELSA390D for German New Demonstration Projects -------------------------- - Five new English demonstration projects have been added: o Demo IEC1355 English (0DME55) This new demonstration located in the Samples\IEC1082 project group, utilizes a complete implementation of IEC1355 document codes. The item designation configuration is a “classic” imple- mentation of IEC1346 with function, location and product ar- ranged similar to the three blocks of IEC750 (plant, location and item). Multiple levels are supported. The IEC1082 symbol library is used. o Exercise IEC1355 English (0EXE55) This new exercise project also located in the Samples\IEC1082 project group, utilizes a simplified implementation of IEC1355 document codes. The same multiple level IEC750-like implementa- tion of IEC1346 is used in this project as in the one described above. The IEC1082 symbol library is used. o Sample HARNESS (0EXEHN) This new exercise project is located in the Samples\HARNESS project group and is based on the old Swedish cable harness ex- ercise. It has been translated to English, the new ELSA390E drawing frame and the complete implementation of IEC1355 docu- ment codes are used. The symbol library in use is IEC1082. o Exercise IEC1346/1355 This new exercise project is located in the Samples\IEC1346 project group. It utilizes a simplified implementation of IEC1355 document codes, the new ELSA390E drawing frame and a general implementation of IEC1346 reference designations where an arbitrary number of transitions is supported. The IEC1082 symbol library is used. o Sample project JIC (0DMJIC) This new sample project is located in the Samples\JIC project group. It uses the JIC symbol library, which supports the Amer- ican JIC symbol standard. The drawing frame in use is ELSA390E, and the file names are composed according to a simplified im- plementation of IEC1355. The item designations are configured in a classic “flat” IEC750-like manner without levels. New Prototype Projects ---------------------- - Six new prototype projects have been added: o Harness English Drawing frame ...: ELSA390E Mask ............: ELSA390 Document codes ..: Complete IEC1355 implementation Item designations: Simplified “flat” designations without function/plant and location Symbol library ..: IEC1082 o IEC1346 English Drawing frame ...: ELSA390E (English) Mask ............: ELSA390 Document codes ..: Complete IEC1355 implementation Item designations: Full flexible IEC1346 with unlimited transi- tions Symbol library ..: IEC1082 o IEC1355 English Drawing frame ...: ELSA390E (English) Mask ............: ELSA390 Document codes ..: Complete IEC1355 implementation Item designations: Classic IEC1346 with plant, location and product in multiple levels Symbol library ..: IEC1082 o IEC1355 Simplified English Drawing frame ...: ELSA390E (English) Mask ............: ELSA390 Document codes ..: Simplified IEC1355 implementation Item designations: Classic IEC1346 with plant, location and product in multiple levels Symbol library ..: IEC1082 o ISO1219 English Drawing frame ...: ELSA390E (English) Mask ............: ELSA390 Document codes ..: Complete IEC1355 implementation Item designations: “Flat” IEC750-like with plant and location (no level support) Symbol library ..: ISO1219 (hydraulics and pneumatics) o JIC English Drawing frame ...: ELSA390E (English) Mask ............: ELSA390 Document codes ..: Complete IEC1355 implementation Item designations: “Flat” IEC750-like with plant and location (no level support) Symbol library ..: JIC New Sample Report Definitions ----------------------------- - 22 new reports definitions including DXF report forms have been added. They are all compatible with the new ELSA390E drawing frame and both the ELSA390 and the SIMPLE39 masks. The file names and the document codes of the reports generated are composed ac- cording to IEC1355. Name Description ----------- ----------- 0X_E_EAB001 Table of content SOURCE and TARGET 0X_E_EAB002 Table of content SOURCE 0X_E_EAB003 Table of content TARGET 0X_E_EBF001 Ordering list 0X_E_EBH001 List of changed devices 0X_E_EBH002 List of changed wires 0X_E_EBH003 List of changed cable cores 0X_E_EMA001 Wire list one-way 0X_E_EMA002 External wire list by location (two-way) 0X_E_EMA003 Terminal list without bridges 0X_E_EMA004 Terminal list with bridges 0X_E_EMA005 Terminal plan DIN 0X_E_EMB001 Cable list (one-way) 0X_E_EMB002 Cable list by location (two-way) 0X_E_EMB003 Cable core list (one-way) 0X_E_EMB004 Cable core list by location (two-way) 0X_E_EPB001 Device list without quantity 0X_E_EPB002 Device list summarized by item designation 0X_E_EPB003 Device list summarized by location 0X_E_EPB004 Device list summarized by plant 0X_E_EPB005 Device list summarized by plant and location 0X_E_EPB006 Device list with spare terminals Complete IEC1355 Document Codes ------------------------------- - The complete set of IEC1355 document codes were included already in cadett ELSA R38. However, the additional 3 digit counting num- ber that is part of the standard has now been added as an option. Simplified IEC1355 Document Codes --------------------------------- - Document codes according to a simplified implementation of the IEC1355 standard has been added. In this implementation, the entire DCC code is selected directly with one pick, instead of each character separately as in the complete implementation. Script Generator ---------------- - A new frame-change script sequence has been added. It is called: 0CHANGE_FRAME_ELSA390_Q This new script sequence is used to change drawing frame in ex- isting projects with drawing frames like ELSA81, ELSA81GB or ELSA81D. By default, the frame is changed to ELSA390E (English). By simply adjusting the file name to ELSA390S (Swedish) or ELSA390D (German), the script sequence will switch to a Swedish or German frame instead. It is also possible to use the script sequence to switch from a ELSA390 frame with one language to one with another. - Six new script sequences for converting existing drawing sheet files to the new AutoCAD 2018 DWG and DXF format have been added: Name Description ------------- ----------------------------------------- 0DWG-R22DXF_Q Convert DWG in SOURCE to AutoCAD 2018 DXF 0DWG-R22DXF_Z Convert DWG in TARGET to AutoCAD 2018 DXF 0DXF-R22DWG_Q Convert DXF in SOURCE to AutoCAD 2018 DWG 0DXF-R22DWG_Z Convert DXF in TARGET to AutoCAD 2018 DWG 0DXF-R22DXF_Q Convert DXF in SOURCE to AutoCAD 2018 DXF 0DXF-R22DXF_Z Convert DXF in TARGET to AutoCAD 2018 DXF - A new script sequence that adjust the colours to the new cadett ELSA R39 standard has been added: 0FIX_LAYERS_ELSA390 - Three standard script sequences for PDF generation with hyper- links have been adjusted to better support the Solo eXs embedded CAD Engine. The following script sequences are affected: 0PDF_FREEGEN_HYPERLINKS 0PDF_FREEGEN_SEARCHABLE_HYPERLINKS 0PDF_FREEGEN_CONFIGURABLE_BOOKMARKS Legacy script sequences ----------------------- - A number of old script sequences from cadett ELSA R38 and earlier have been discontinued and removed from the standard installa- tion. If you however update from an older version, all the old script sequences will be imported alongside your own script se- quences and will therefore still be available. The following script sequences are affected (removed): o 0CHANGE_FRAME_ELSA81_Q Changed drawing frame to ELSA81, which has been discontinued o 0CHANGE_FRAME_Q Changed frame to ELSA50, which has been discontinued o 0CHANGE_FRAME_Z Changed frame to ELSA50, which has been discontinued o 0PDF_GENERATION_Q Generated PDF files using Adobe Distiller. Newer script se- quences, which use GhostScript offer better functionality at a lower price (for free). o 0PDF_GENERATION_SHEET Generated PDF files using Adobe Distiller. Newer script se- quences, which use GhostScript offer better functionality at a lower price (for free). o 0PDF_GENERATION_HYPERLINKS Generated PDF files using Adobe Distiller. Newer script se- quences, which use GhostScript offer better functionality at a lower price (for free). Legacy demonstration projects ----------------------------- - All demonstration projects in cadett ELSA R38, besides from the DIN demonstration project (0DMDIN) have been discontinued and re- moved from the standard installation. If you however update from an older version, all the old demonstration projects will be im- ported alongside your own user projects and will therefore still be available. Legacy drawing frames --------------------- - All drawing frames in cadett ELSA R38, besides from the German DIN frame (MGPROTO) have been discontinued and removed from the standard installation. If you however update from an older ver- sion, all the old drawing frames will be imported alongside your own drawing frames and will therefore still be available. Legacy report definitions ------------------------- - All report definitions (REP files) in cadett ELSA R38, besides from standard Excel reports, have been discontinued and removed from the standard installation. If you however update from an older version, all the old report definitions will be imported alongside your own report definitions and will therefore still be available. Legacy DXF report forms ----------------------- - All DXF report forms (REP files) in cadett ELSA R38, with a few German DIN exceptions, have been discontinued and removed from the standard installation. If you however update from an older version, all the old DXF report forms will be imported alongside your own report definitions and will therefore still be availa- ble. Legacy FMT report forms ----------------------- - All FMT report definitions in cadett ELSA R38, with a few German DIN exceptions, have been discontinued and removed from the standard installation. If you however update from an older ver- sion, all the old FMT report forms will be imported alongside your own FMT report forms and will therefore still be available. Legacy prototype projects ------------------------- - All prototype projects in cadett ELSA R38, with a few German DIN exceptions, have been discontinued and removed from the standard installation. If you however update from an older version, all old prototype projects will be imported alongside your own proto- type projects and will therefore still be available. Report Generator ---------------- - A new feature in the Report Generator makes it possible to create device lists that include spare terminals defined by algorithm assignment. In previous versions of cadett ELSA, spare terminals have been displayed only in the terminal lists. Now, it is possible to in- clude them as devices in device lists as well. The index of a spare terminal is assumed identical with the previous terminal counted in sequence defined by the assigned algorithm. A pre-processing of the *2.DBF TARGET database is made in the re- port generation process in order to include spare terminals. An example of a report definition with this feature activated is the new 0X_E_EPB006 (Device list with spare terminals). Please note that an executable file (FIXSPARETERMINALS.EXE) is called to pre- process the TARGET database. Updated Plot Style Tables ------------------------- - cadett ELSA’s standard Plot Style Tables (CTB files) have been updated to support the new layer set and the new colours that have been introduced in cadett ELSA R39. These new CTB files sup- port all available standard symbol libraries (IEC1082, IEC, DIN5, ISO1219, JIC). They are fully compatible with both legacy colour sets. (This is the second time that the colour set has been updated). For IEC113/IEC1082 there is no need for legacy CTB files, even if you have projects with old colour sets that you for one reason or the other do not want to update. For old DIN5 projects with the old colour set (electrical layers with colours, not shades of grey as in the newer layer set), the old MGCAD CTB files are still avail- able. For the current colour set, which it is easy to update ex- isting projects to, the ELSA CTB files should be used. To update existing projects with the new colour set, please use the script sequence named 0FIX_LAYERS_ELSA390. The affected CTB files are: CTB file Use ------------ ------------------------------------ ELSA_A4.CTB Print on A4 in black (scale 1:1.41) ELSA_A3.CTB Print on A3 in black (scale 1:1) ELSA_A4C.CTB Print on A4 in colour (scale 1:1.41) ELSA_A3C.CTB Print on A3 in colour (scale 1:1) Besides from adding the new colours that have been utilized in cadett ELSA R39, the following adjustments have been made: o New descriptions for all colours o Updated set of linewidths o 0.25 mm linewidth for unused colours in A4 o 0.35 mm linewidth for unused colours in A3 o The colour yellow is printed as RGB 255,191,0 instead of plain yellow (255,255,0). The reason for this is that text in plain yellow is very hard to read on a white paper, in fact almost impossible. Cabinet layout -------------- - The feature for automatic insert of symbols in the cabinet layout has been heavily improved with regard to terminals. Two major improvements have been introduced for inserting terminal groups using this feature: o Spare terminals as defined by algorithm assignments are included o The sequence of the insert terminals is controlled by the assigned numbering algorithm, if one is present. Otherwise, the sequence is determined by a conventional numeric sorting, as before. Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - The old slide display feature that – when activated – displayed a slide of a symbol or sub-circuit, which the cursor was hovering above, were in many cases more a nuisance than a helpful tool. Therefore, that feature has been discontinued. As a replacement, a brand-new feature serving the same purpose but based on a much more sophisticated technology, has been introduced. To view a symbol or sub-circuit in more detail, you can now right-click any symbol presented in the Symbol Insert Tool, and in the context menu select a detailed view of it. The new detailed view supports zoom, pan and printouts, as well as manually adjusting the size and position of the display. No slide files are needed, since the new feature gets the graphics directly from the DWG file. cadett ELSA R39 - (Release 39 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-01-17 ========== Symbol libraries ---------------- - In order to save space and increase performance, over 600 SLD files have been removed from the symbol libraries. These files are no longer used, since the Symbol Insert Tool was improved with a new feature for detailed symbol view in cadett ELSA R39.0.1.0. Solo eXs 2020 embedded CAD Engine --------------------------------- - A problem with WCF interfaces that affected Solo eXs 2020 only, has been solved. - Ready to use virtual plotter configurations for PDF generation with Solo eXs 2020 have been added. General ------- - All DLL files for AutoCAD R20 (AutoCAD 2015 and 2016) have been removed from the product. These files are no longer used, since the support for AutoCAD 2015 and 2016 have been discontinued. - An imperfection in the Translator in combination with particular rare circumstances could previously cause it to end up in an infinite loop. In the new revision, that problem has been resolved. cadett ELSA R39 - (Release 39 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-01-22 ========== Cabinet layout -------------- - A BETA-version of an entirely new tool to manage terminals in- cluding accessories has been added to the Cabinet Layout module of cadett ELSA. With the new tool, it is easy to add accessories like end plates and similar, which are a part of the cabinet layout but not of the circuit diagrams, and which should be a part of device lists. Not only will information about accessories be automatically stored in the circuit diagram, but you will also be able to in- sert the entire terminal group in the cabinet layout automatical- ly including accessories. Another feature is a consistency check between which terminals and accessories that are defined to be included, and which are in fact drawn in the cabinet layout. All this, and more, is collected in one single tool, which is ac- cessed from the Cabinet Layout menu of the drawing environment. The Terminal Tool is still in the BETA test phase and is current- ly available in English only. Multi language support and documen- tation will be added for the release in a coming update. Report Generator ---------------- - Cable lists supporting multiple devices in each end are now pos- sible to create. A cable list typically only include one line for each cable, where both ends of the cable are specified with item designation. This is fine as long as the cable connects only one designation in each end, like one terminal group in each end. If however, the cable cores of one or both ends are connected to more than on designation, as for instance two terminal groups in the same end, the cable list might be regarded as incomplete. The new feature will add additional lines to the cable list when needed, to dis- play all designations to which a cable connects in each end. This has been made possible with the addition of a new field in the *A.DBF TARGET database (CABSTAT) and an associated report varia- ble (!CABSTAT). The condition “!FBTYP = 6” is replaced with “!CABSTAT = 1” to ob- tain a cable list of the new type. In all other ways, the report definition including the form can be identical with previous ca- ble lists. - Spare terminal feature extended: The new feature that adds spare terminals to device lists, has been further extended. Now all device lists generated from the *2.DBF TARGET database are supported, not only the one summarized by item designation as before. The following additional device list types that are now support- ed: o Device list summarized by plant o Device list summarized by location o Device list summarized by combination of plant and location Associated “sumtypes” are specified below, both previously existing ones and the newly added ones. o By item designation, spare terminals excluded .: BEZ o By plant, spare terminals excluded ............: ANL o By location, spare terminals excluded .........: ORT o By plant and location, spare terminals excluded: AUO o By item designation, spare terminals included .: BSP o By plant, spare terminals included ............: ASP o By location, spare terminals included .........: OSP o By plant and location, spare terminals included: AOS A filter in the report definition is used to select which “sumtype” that should be generated. Example: !ANTALSTYP = AOS - The DXF forms of the following three standard DXF report defini- tions contained errors which have now been corrected: o 0X_E_EBH001 [DXF: List of changed devices (English)] o 0X_E_EBH002 [DXF: List of changed wires (English)] o 0X_E_EBH003 [DXF: List of changed cable cores (English)] - A time-out issue with report generation for large projects has been solved. Previously, in some cases with a combination of a large project and relatively week hardware performance, a time- out could occur during report generation. This resulted in incom- plete or erroneous reports. The new update prevents this from happening. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The “Copy from another drawing sheet” feature has been improved. The presented groups and projects are now sorted in the same way as they normally are when displayed in the projects module. This makes it quicker and easier to find the appropriate project from which to copy. - In the dialogue box used when editing connectors, the maximum length of the plug/socket number has been increased to match the current limitations of the software. - The Sheet Shift feature has been extended and improved. The com- mand, which existed before, to go back to the drawing sheet from where you came (“Back”), has been heavily improved: o The first improvement is that you now can go back multiple steps by simply repeating the command. o The second improvement is that that the command works re- gardless of how you shifted sheet. For example, if you used “cross-referenced objects” or the Dynamic OnLine to shift sheet, you can still go back with the “Back” command. That was not possible before. o The third improvement is that a new command has been added to go forward again (“Forward”), if you go back to far. Both the “Back” and the “Forward” commands can be repeated multi- ple times. - Cancelling of symbol insertions has been improved. In previous revisions, it was not possible to start a new command if you had started but not finished the insertion of a symbol us- ing the symbol insert tool. In that situation, you had to cancel the insertion first (ESC), before selecting the new command. Now, the cancelling is made automatically, so the ESC key does not need to be used. - The "Forced connection" command in drawing environment has been improved. In some cases on some computers, the command could pre- viously in a sudden an unexpected way stop working, while it con- tinued to work fine on others. That problem has now been solved, and the command works fine on all computers. OnLine Engine ------------- - An OnLine PLC error has been fixed. In some situations in previous versions, the update between PLC mirrors and PLC I/O symbols (help symbols) did not come as promptly as one could wish. In some cases, it could even be nec- essary to enter information twice. That problem has been re- solved. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - Under some circumstances in previous versions, an error in the import feature could cause the file name of the drawing frame in the project parameters to be incorrect in some imported projects. That error has now been corrected. Revision management ------------------- - When creating a new revision, the user can specify which number the new revision should be given. Previously, some character com- binations could cause problems. The feature has now been adjusted in such a way that any names can be used without problems. QuickPDF -------- - The QuickPDF feature, which is located in the “File” tab of the ribbon menu, has been extended with user defined layer settings and logotype insertion possibilities. Two new tabs have been added to the QuickPDF main dialogue: o Extended layer setting: In this tab, user defined extended layer settings can be created and maintained. Arbitrary layers, defined by their names where the asterisk wild card is supported both in be- ginning and in end, can be turned off or on, and be frozen or thawed, at the users wish. The standard layer setting that is specified in the Settings tab will be activated first for each sheet. After that, any specified extended layer setting will be activated. This means that you only need to include the differences between your preferred layer setting and the closest standard layer setting in the extended layer setting. If you do not want any extended layer setting to be applied, please select “None” in the drop-down list. - To turn a layer ON, please check the On/Off check box. - To turn a layer OFF, please uncheck the On/Off check box. - To FREEZE a layer, please check the Freeze/Thaw check box. - To THAW a layer, please uncheck the Freeze/Thaw check box. - To leave a layer as it is, please remove the name of it from the list. To create a new extended layer setting, please select “Cre- ate new “in the drop-down list. A dialogue box is then dis- played in which you can specify the name of the new setting. o Insert logotype: In this tab, user defined logotype settings can be created and maintained. In such a logotype setting, the insertion of an arbitrary number of blocks can be defined. For each such block, it is possible to specify the following: - Where the block is located (“Path prefix”) - What the name of the block is - The X and Y coordinates where the block should be inser- ted - The scale which should be applied when inserting the block - The rotation that should be applied when inserting the block If you do not want any logotypes to be inserted, please select “None” in the drop-down list. To create a new logotype setting, please select “Create new” in the drop-down list. A dialogue box is then dis- played in which you can specify the name of the new set- ting. To save any changes that you have made, including which setting that should be active, please click the Save but- ton. For “path prefix”, the following options are available: - “None”, meaning that the complete file name including path should be specified in the block name field. Noth- ing is added as prefix. - “Current symbol library”, like X:\ELSA\SYMBOLE\IEC1082 or similar, is added as prefix. - “cadett ELSA main directory”, like X:\ELSA or similar, is added as prefix. - “Workstation directory”, like C:\ELSAWS0 or similar, is added as prefix. Miscellaneous ------------- - A new hard quit option has been added, making it possible to re- start cadett ELSA when needed, even in complicated situations, like when available user rights prevent necessary actions. Citrix environments are supported. An EXE file located in the cadett ELSA main directory is used for the purpose. The file name is “Hard_quit_cadett_ELSA.exe”. Settings module --------------- - The import/export symbols feature located in the “Symbol stand- ards/symbol libraries” tab of the Settings Module has been ex- tended. When symbols are exported or imported, any Resource Cate- gory used by the symbol in question, is now included. The import of Resource Category is “soft” (no overwrite) when applicable. Catalogue --------- - The “Export/Import catalogue data…” feature located in the “Mod- ule” pull-down menu of the Catalogue itself has been extended and improved: o “EKT” is now automatically used as file extension for the file in which catalogue data is stored. o It is now possible to import data to a non-existing cata- logue. When importing to “original catalogues” in that case, the missing catalogue will now be automatically created. cadett ELSA R39 - (Release 39 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-06-16 ========== Installation of incremental update ---------------------------------- - The incremental installation (patch) has been adjusted to avoid possible problems with SYMBDEFA.DBF. cadett ELSA R39 - (Release 39 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-06-24 ========== cadett ELSA R40 =============== AutoCAD support --------------- - Support for AutoCAD 2021 has been added. - The support for AutoCAD 2017 has been discontinued. Demonstration projects ---------------------- - The most recent demonstration project that is included in the product – the Demo IEC1355 English (0DME55) – has been improved. The cabinet layout has been redrawn with contemporary tools and symbols, including spare terminals, and horizontal circuit dia- grams have been completed with the Horizontal terminal numbering symbol placed in an adequate position supporting automatic draw- ing frame replacement. Terminal Tool BETA ------------------ - A BETA version of an entirely new and very powerful Terminal Tool has been added to the Cabinet Layout Module of cadett ELSA. The Terminal Tool makes it possible to easily define complex terminal strips, including accessories that are normally not part of cir- cuit diagrams. Corresponding device data is automatically added to the circuit diagrams. A complete and detailed cabinet layout representation of the entire terminal is inserted in the cabinet layout automatically at the user’s request. Spare terminals are supported, as well as terminal number sequences defined by algo- rithms. This BETA feature is available in English only. Recreate Symbols BETA --------------------- - A BETA version of an entirely new feature for automatic recrea- tion of missing symbols has been added to the Drawing Environ- ment. The feature scans the entire project for symbols missing in the symbol database and the symbol library and presents the result for the user to select which symbols to recreate. All the select- ed symbols are then automatically recreated and added to the sym- bol library, including the symbol database. The new feature is found in the Tools tab of the ribbon menu, where it is located in the slide-out part of the Symbols Panel. This BETA feature is available in English only. Error finding and error correction ---------------------------------- - A BETA version of an entirely new and very effective tool for finding and correcting inconsistency errors have been added to the product. The new tool compares circuit diagrams, cabinet lay- out and catalogue data to find inconsistencies. If such errors, or potential errors, are found, a convenient way of correcting them, more or less automatically, is provided. Typical errors that can be detected and in many cases corrected include: o Circuit diagram symbol differ from catalogue definition o Cabinet layout symbol differ from catalogue definition o Index definitions differs between circuit diagram and cabi- net layout o Cabinet layout symbol size differ from size definition in catalogue o Number of cable cores differ from cable definition in cata- logue o Cable core number does not fit associated algorithm The Consistency Check Feature is activated from the Drawing Aids tab of the ribbon menu, where it is located in the Tools Panel, next to the OnLine Protocol. When activated, the Consistency Check Feature is available in a so-called palette, which enables the user to decide both the size and location, and also whether the palette should be docked within AutoCAD or placed on top or at the side, similar to a dialogue box. This BETA feature is available in English only. General ------- - The entire non-AutoCAD part of cadett ELSA has been given a new and beautiful look signalling the 40th major release of cadett ELSA. - cadett ELSA is now DPI aware, which means that the presentation on high resolution screens where scaled texts are common, in many cases has been heavily improved. - The embedded web browser of cadett ELSA, which is accessed from the Help pull-down menu, has been replaced with a new contempo- rary version that supports current homepages such as www.cadett.com. - In previous versions, to avoid hardware lock time out when re- starting cadett ELSA after an unexpected termination of the soft- ware, an automatic restart of the services used to communicate with local hardware locks was made. Such a restart requires ad- ministrative privileges, resulting in the software elevating to administrator with corresponding need for the user to supply ad- ministrator login information. When specifically using a network lock, this procedure is in fact unnecessary. Therefore, the mentioned restart is now taking place only if the hardware lock setting is “Detect local lock only” or “Detect both types of lock”. If you are using a network hardware lock with the setting “Detect both types of lock”, there might therefore be a good idea to change the setting to “Detect network lock only” or, even better “IP address”, which is faster. Performance ----------- - The handling of the tree structure in the Project Module has been optimized, which has resulted in a major performance boost, when the tree is large and/or when having a large number of projects. - The system messages database – the SYSMSG.DBF – has been moved from the server to the local hard disc of each workstation. All cadett ELSA menu texts are continuously fetched from that data- base, in the language that is currently configured for the work- station in question. Moving that database locally, substantially reduces data traffic between the server and the workstation, re- sulting in an overall performance improvement. Installation ------------ - The installation package and the installation programs, as well as the software itself, is now properly signed, resulting in less conflicts with security restrictions and antivirus software. - The installation software now fully supports packaged installa- tion as well as silent uninstallations. Documentation ------------- - An entirely new manual has been added, the cadett ELSA R40 New Features Guide, which in great detail describes the new features that have been added to cadett ELSA in cadett ELSA R38, R39 and R40. - A manual describing the External Connection Diagram feature has been added. Script Generator ---------------- - The Script Generator has been replaced with an entirely new soft- ware, compatible with the old one both in functionality and user interface. The new Script Generator has been created with up to date development tools, opening a lot of new opportunities for the future. The immediate enhancement that catches the eye when entering the new Script Generator, is a new search feature for Script Sequenc- es. Above the list of available Script Sequences to the left on the screen, a new search field has been added. When entering text in that field, a free text search is immediately performed in “Name” and “Description” of all Script Sequences. This new fea- ture makes it much more rapid to find the desired Script Se- quence, especially when the list is long. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The icons used in dialogue box for Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirrors to symbolize the different types of contacts that have been se- lected, have been corrected. In previous versions they were not always displayed as they should. - The thumbnails used in the Symbol Insert Tool for some macros have received improved colours for white background presentation (Boundary Box, Generic Symbol, Terminals and others). - The thumbnails for some IEC1082 contact mirrors have been im- proved for better readability, especially when using white back- ground colour (LKSH* and SKSH*). - In previous versions, the dialogue box for manual wire-numbering could get lost when encountering certain undesirable character combinations. This issue has been resolved. Copy from another sheet feature ------------------------------- - The recently added feature used to copy parts of other drawing sheets without exiting the current sheet, could previously - if cancelled - create inconsistencies in the OnLine databases. That problem has been resolved. QuickPDF -------- - In previous versions, undesirable content of the DXF files could in some cases result in the QuickPDF feature getting lost and therefore present some sheets as empty instead of with the actual content. That problem has been resolved. Algorithm assignments --------------------- - The algorithm assignment database (*J.DBF) located in the SOURCE directory of a project, was in some cases in previous versions left open when exiting the project. This in turn could in some cases cause problems, when for example deleting the project. This problem has been resolved. Cabinet layout -------------- - The spacing between cabinet layout symbols could in some previous versions end up being double the specified width. That error has been resolved. - Algorithm assignments using generalized terminal group names in- stead of specific ones, like ”X3” instead of for instance ”=A1+D3-X3”, were in the previous version not recognized by the automatic insert feature, resulting in spare terminals defined that way not being automatically inserted. That shortcoming has now been eliminated. cadett ELSA R40 - (Release 40 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-12-21 ========== Installation ------------ - When updating an existing cadett ELSA version, the installation is typically made in the same directory as the previous version. An automatic renaming of the old main folder is performed by the installation program, in order to create a backup from which ex- isting user data is later imported. In this process, the work- station definitions of the previous installation is copied to the new version, in order to allow the software to be started, which in turn is required to be able to import user data from the pre- vious version. (The workstation definitions are stored in a data- base file called STATIONS.DBF located in the SYSTEM subfolder of the cadett ELSA main folder). If the copying of this file fails – for one reason or the other – the error message that is displayed has now been made much more visible, using a dedicated dialogue box. Previously the error message in this situation was so gentle that it could be overlooked, which in turn could make the conse- quences of the problem, the fact that the software could not be started after the installation, a complete surprise and also seemingly a mystery. - The update procedure for the MGVER.DBF database file for each workstation in connection with updates of the central installa- tion has been improved. MGVER.DBF contains search paths for many important files used by cadett ELSA, among other important infor- mation. Previously, problems with changes in existing definitions could occur, even though adding new definitions worked fine. That problem could result in an error when starting cadett ELSA after update to cadett ELSA R40, where the SYSMSG.DBF database file has been moved from the central installation to the workstation. This problem has now been resolved. AutoCAD ------- - The previous revision did not work properly with AutoCAD 2018 due to an incorrect ARX file. When opening the first sheet, the ini- tialization of the drawing environment was interrupted with an error message. This issue has been resolved with a correction of the mentioned ARX file (Dialog2264.arx). Script Generator ---------------- - When editing script sequences in a network environment, the script sequence that is being edited is locked for other users to edit. When the script sequence is saved or the editing is can- celled, the lock is supposed to be removed. That didn’t work properly in R40.0.1.0 but it does now. cadett ELSA R40 - (Release 40 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-01-29 ========== Project Module -------------- - When creating a new project with the “Copy drawing sheets” fea- ture active, the default filter for file copying has been extend- ed to include PDF and INI files. By including INI files, option definitions will by default be included. The effect of including PDF is obvious. Installation ------------ - If an old SETTINGS.INI file was present in the central WS direc- tory of a network installation, newly created workstations did not always work properly. Even though that was an unusual situa- tion – such a file does normally not exist in that directory – it was annoying when it occurred. The most common cause of this problem was local installations being converted to network in- stallations, or imported to network installations, without con- sidering all aspects of workstation data. Now, any such file is ignored when new workstations are created. Thereby the problem is avoided. - Previously, if the workstation code specification in the SETTINGS.INI configuration file located in the workstation direc- tory was incorrect, the file locking feature did not work proper- ly, which could for example create problems in the Script Genera- tor. Now, the workstation code is automatically corrected when needed. - Search paths defined in the workstations of network installations were still in R40.0.1.1 not always updated properly when the cen- tral installation was updated. That could result in the work- station not running correctly after an update, until a manual ad- justment was made. The automatic update procedure has now been improved in such a way that the situation in question will not turn up again. - Automatic collect of imported numbering algorithms could previ- ously sometimes fail, resulting in features dependent on user de- fined algorithms not working properly until a manual collect was performed after an update of the software. An automatic merge of the database which contains the references to the algorithms has now been added, which makes this collect unnecessary. Drawing environment ------------------- - The layers KAB_HIDE, WIR_HIDE and CAB_HIDE are now turned off and frozen by default. This affects the standard layer settings com- mands, among other things. - The ZOOM Aerial view command has been discontinued in AutoCAD and has therefore been removed from the menu. - The command that sets Legacy IEC113 layer colours has been ad- justed. Previously some colours were set incorrectly. - The command that sets Legacy DIN layer colours has been adjusted. Previously some colours were set incorrectly. - The command that sets background independent layer colours has been adjusted. Previously some colours were not set. - The command that sets white backgrund colour and adapts layer colours has been adjusted. Previously some colours were not set. - The "MOVE SYMBOLS" command previously gave an ugly error message when no symbols where selected, like when trying to use the com- mand on lines or attribute definitions only. That does no longer happen. - The tooltip for the “Copy/edit” command in the slide-out menu of the “Modify” panel of the “Home” tab in the ribbon menu was pre- viously incorrect. It is now correct instead. - The “Attribute Display” commands in the ribbon menu, were previ- ously not so easy to distinguish as one would want them to be. Now, the menu has been improved with descriptive texts and tooltips. (The commands in question are found in the slide-out part of the “Draw” panel in the “Home” tab of the ribbon menu). - Two commands used to update filtered symbols with or without con- figuration have been slightly adjusted (CAELCFGUPDATEINSERTS and CAELUPDATEINSERTS): o In the pull-down menu, these commands were referred to as “Update all blocks”. The filter was fixed to “*”. The de- scription has now been changed to “Update filtered symbols” and the default filter has been removed, meaning that the user will be able to specify it. o In the ribbon menu, these commands were referred to as “Up- date filtered blocks”, but the filter was still fixed to “*”. The description has now been changed to “Update fil- tered symbols” and the filter has been removed, leaving specifying the filter to the user. o An error that sometimes caused these commands to stop work- ing when facing potential references has been corrected. o Both commands have been extended to support update of prop- erty symbols according to current settings in MAC14.INI, in a similar way as terminals, cables and other symbol macros already have been supported. - The “Extended Attribute Editing” command did previously not turn the snap off for the object selection, which made hitting the correct objects a bit tricky sometimes. Now it does, which makes the command substantially easier to use. OnLine Engine ------------- - When copying main symbols, the automatic generation of item des- ignations could sometimes give an incorrect result, where for ex- ample the next unused item designation was not generated, but in- stead an item designation with an unnecessary high counting num- ber. The problem was caused by an inadequate initialization and is now resolved. - The command for automatic generation of new item designations for all main symbols in the current sheet, did previously not update help symbols properly, which the corresponding command for the entire project did. Now both commands update help symbols cor- rectly. Report Generator ---------------- - Copying of a local report definition to a central was previously blocked if a central definition already existed. After deleting the central definition, the copying was possible but did unfortu- nately not always produce a correct result. Now it is always pos- sible to make such a copy, even if that means that an over- writing is necessary, and the result is also correct. - The DXF forms of all standard device lists, including ordering lists, have been adjusted to support standard text lengths from the sample catalogues that are included at delivery. Previously, some columns were too narrow for some descriptions and other texts. - Under some adverse circumstances, the last page of a report could previously be omitted, when the last sheet shift and the end of the report were mixed up. That problem has been resolved. - When starting the report generator, an incorrect error message stating that NVARDEC.DBF was not found, could previously be dis- played. The real reason behind the message was in fact that the search path to an entirely different database file was missing, namely the AUTOLST.DBF (which contains report definitions for ca0dett ELSA 5.5 and earlier, meaning pre-Windows cadett ELSA versions). AUTOLST.DBF has now been completely discontinued. Drawing frames, project samples and standard prototype projects --------------------------------------------------------------- - The DC block, which stores document code and drawing frame infor- mation in drawing sheets, was previously incorrectly located in layer 0, which resulted in annoying warnings in the OnLine proto- col. This block has now been moved to layer BLANKETT. This change affects standard drawing frames (ELSA390E, ELSA390S and ELSA390D), many DXF forms, and all IEC1082 and IEC1346 demonstra- tion projects, which are using the ELSA390 drawing frames. Please note that the content of the demonstration projects is not updated when using the incremental update (the patch). To update the demonstration projects, a complete installation is needed. OnLine Protocol --------------- - The automatic sheet shift feature for OnLine Protocol error dis- play, did previously not work properly in AutoCAD 2020 and 2021, even though it worked perfectly in AutoCAD 2018 and 2019. After the shift of sheet, the error markings were not visible. That problem had been caused by a change in behavior between AutoCAD 2019 and 2020. Now, the feature has been rewritten to support the behavior of all current AutoCAD versions. Cross-referenced objects ------------------------ - The “cross-referenced objects” feature did previously not fully support cross-references where document class code was included, like in the IEC1355 project samples. That resulted in the same behaviour as for projects with separator character independent item designations, with a dialogue box showing all referenced ob- jects for selection, instead of directly displaying the object that a selected cross-reference was referring to. Now, full sup- port for document class code in cross-references has been intro- duced. Script Generator ---------------- - The standard script sequence 0PDF_FREEGEN_HYPERLINKS previously contained an error that under certain conditions prevented it from running. It has now been corrected. - Existing script sequences for adjustment of layer colours have been adjusted and new ones have been added. It is now easy not only to set layer colours according to current standards, but al- so to set them according to old legacy practises if needed. The following script sequences are affected: o 0FIX_LAYERS This script sequence has been discontinued and should no longer be used. o 0FIX_LAYERS_ELSA390 This script sequence replaces the above-mentioned 0FIX_LAYERS and should be used to set the colours to the current standard, regardless of symbol library. The new col- our standard supports both black and white back-ground col- our in all symbol libraries. o 0FIX_LAYERS_IEC1082_LEGACY This is a new script sequence that sets the colours of all layers according to legacy IEC1082 settings. Typical for this old standard, is that white back-ground colour is poor- ly supported. o 0FIX_LAYERS_IEC113_LEGACY This is a new script sequence that sets the colours of all layers according to legacy IEC113 settings (used for the legacy IEC symbol library). o 0FIX_LAYERS_DIN5_LEGACY This is a new script sequence that sets the colours of all layers according to legacy DIN5 settings. Dynamic OnLine I ---------------- - The editing of standard colours, which can be made in the dia- logue box for editing of wire properties in the wire-list tab of Dynamic OnLine I, has been simplified and improved. Previously some colours were defined as “standard colours” and were not pos- sible to edit. All colours are now equal and can be edited at the preference of the user. An annoying bug which resulted in the creation of an empty standard colour has also been corrected. Remote check-out and check-in TRAVEL feature -------------------------------------------- - An entirely new feature only available in cadett ELSA Enterprise has been added. It supports check-out and check-in of projects directly from and to a remote network installation of cadett ELSA, when working remotely in a local TRAVEL solution. The same connection that is used for remote import is used for the new feature as well. That means that an IP connection with the serv- er, like for instance a VPN connection, is sufficient. No file access is required. Any project on the server can be checked-out to the local installation, and when the work is done, checked in again. The commands used for the new feature are available in the context menu of the project module (right-click menu). The new feature replaces a somewhat clumsy and complicated proce- dure necessary to use in old versions, where a project was first checked-out on the server, then imported to the local installa- tion, worked on there, exported from the local installation, and finally checked-in on the server. Please note however that, for compatibility reasons, the commands used for the old procedure are still available. cadett ELSA R40 - (Release 40 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-05-11 ========== Script Generator ---------------- - An error in the Script Generator in previous R40 revisions, could sometimes lead to sub-routines ($) not being called as they should. That error has been resolved. New feature: SilentPDF ---------------------- - A BETA version of a new feature that creates PDF files in an en- tirely new way has been added. The new feature is named SilentPDF and makes it possible to generate PDF files for multiple projects at once, without starting the Drawing Environment. On top of that, the generation process is silent and transparent, meaning that the user can continue his or her work in cadett ELSA using the Drawing Environment or any other part of cadett ELSA while the generation is done. There are two ways of starting the new feature: 1. Select any number of projects in the Project Module, right- click and select "Create PDF file". A dialogue box presents the list of selected projects. In that dialogue box, you can adjust the settings and start the generation. 2. Without selecting any projects in the Project Module, right- click and select "Create PDF file". The same dialogue box as in the alternative described above appears, in this situa- tion without any selected projects. You can then select which projects to generate PDF files for directly in the di- alogue, control the settings, and finally start the genera- tion. Autodesk Vault integration -------------------------- - The cadett ELSA-Autodesk Vault integration now supports Autodesk Vault 2022. cadett ELSA R40 - (Release 40 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-07-06 ========== Script Generator ---------------- - Debug messages shown when running the Script Generator have been removed. Report Generator ---------------- - A few Excel report definitions and report forms have been updated with contemporary EXCLUSIVE settings. The following report defi- nitions and associated files have been affected: o Description: EXCEL: Wire list (English) REP file ..: 0EECO101.REP FMT form ..: 0EECO101.FMT o Description: EXCEL: Cable core list (English) REP file ..: 0EECO202.REP FMT form ..: 0EECO202.FMT o Description: EXCEL: Device List (English) REP file ..: 0EEDE102.REP FMT form ..: 0EEDE102.FMT o Description: EXCEL: List of changed wires (English) REP file ..: 0E_E_CON1_I_REV.REP FMT form ..: 0EECO133.FMT o Description: EXCEL: List of changed cable cores (English) REP file ..: 0E_E_CON2_CABLECORE_REV.REP FMT form ..: 0EECO203.FMT o Description: EXCEL: List of changed devices (English) REP file ..: 0E_E_DEV2_QUANTITY_REV.REP FMT form ..: 0EEDE103.FMT cadett ELSA R40 - (Release 40 - Revision 1.4) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-08-18 ========== cadett ELSA R41 =============== Report Generator ---------------- - In previous revisions, when the combined lengths of the fields that were part of the sorting exceeded approximately 254 charac- ters, in an incorrect sorting could occur. That problem has been resolved. - A new feature has been added to the report definitions. It is now possible to specify a lexicon in the report definition. That lex- icon can be used for so-called “Immediate Report Translation” (a report being translated in the same process as it is created). Previously an INI file were used to specify the lexicon to use. Please refer to chapter 14, page 134, in “cadett ELSA Additional Manual - New Features in R37.pdf”. - Previously, when using report variables for redundancy reduction of plant and/or location (like !POST<*AP:NR>), an error could sometimes occur if plant and/or location were empty. That nui- sance has been abolished. Dynamic OnLine I ---------------- - Changing dimension in the property dialogue of the Wire list in Dynamic OnLine I, did not always work properly in previous ver- sions. Now it does. Translator III -------------- - The Translator has been optimized for performance in several ways. One of those, is that languages that are not in use, will now not be displayed. A language not in use is defined as a lan- guage where the language name begins with “LANGUAGE”. By default, such names are used for unused languages. If you for one reason or the other use a language named LANGUAGE19 or similar, you simply should rename it to something else, to be able to continue using it. Renaming languages is done using the “Edit languages…” command found in the “Module” pull-down menu. - Another performanvce optimization is that the default column width is now fixed. For large lexicons, that gives a substantial gain in performance. - Double-clicking the column limiter in the headline of a lexicon should adjust the width of the associated column, in relation to the current content. It previously did not, but now it does. Project Module -------------- - The performance of the Project Module has been enhanced by sever- al measures. If the number of projects that you have in cadett ELSA is large, you will notice that cadett ELSA now starts quick- er than before, since the presentation of the tree structure takes less time. Autodesk Vault integration -------------------------- - A missing reference error has been resolved for Autodesk Vault 2022. AutoCAD support --------------- - Full support for AutoCAD 2022 has been added. - The support for AutoCAD 2018 has been discontinued. General ------- - For some changes of cadett ELSA settings, such as switching the language, the software needs to be restarted. That restart is supposed to be automatic. In most cases it has been, but some- times the automatic restart failed in previous versions. A manual restart was then needed. That problem has now been resolved, and the restart will always be done automatically, when needed. Software based license management system ---------------------------------------- - Full support for a software-based license management system, as an alternative to the hardware locks, has been added. The license server is of the same type as many other well-known software products use (FlexLM). It is possible to upgrade existing hard- ware lock licenses to the new license system, at a cost. It is also possible to continue using existing hardware locks. The sup- port for them will continue. Cabinet layout -------------- - The “Terminal Tool” did previously not support multiple terminals with identical terminal numbers. If such existed, only one of them was displayed. Now, they are all shown. Installation ------------ - Prematurely terminating an installation of cadett ELSA could pre- viously, under some circumstances, have some unintentional side- effects. That problem has been resolved. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - Import of legacy lexicons from the previous generation translator - the Translator II that was available in cadett ELSA between versions 6.0 and R33 - did previously not always get the search paths correct. That problem could result in unnecessary error messages during import. The data were however imported correctly. The search path problem has now been resolved. cadett ELSA R41 - (Release 41 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-10-14 ========== FlexLM software-based licensing ------------------------------- - When using FlexLM software-based licensing for cadett ELSA, li- cense borrowing is now supported. License borrowing means that you can borrow a license from a license server for temporary use, for example when travelling. Licenses are always borrowed for a specific period, which is decided when borrowing is made. A bor- rowed license can be returned at any time. If the license has not been returned when the specified period ends, the borrowed li- cense is automatically returned, meaning that it will stop work- ing on the computer to which it has been borrowed, and it will start to work on the server from which the license was borrowed. To borrow a license or return a license that you have previously borrowed, you start an EXE file located in the main directory of cadett ELSA. The name of the EXE file is "cadett_ELSA_License_Borrow.exe". Solo eXs 2020 ------------- - "Solo eXs 2020" is the embedded AutoCAD OEM based CAD engine of cadett ELSA Solo and cadett ELSA LT. The dialogue box that is displayed when starting Solo eXs 2020 the first time, in which the user specifies the name or IP ad- dress of the license server, previously was not dpi aware, which for some combinations of screen resolutions and scaling, could make the dialogue box difficult to use. It is now dpi aware, and thereby adapts to current screen settings in a proper way. Remote TRAVEL ------------- - "Remote TRAVEL", which is supported by cadett ELSA Enterprise on- ly, is used from a local installation to directly check-out and check-in projects remotely from and to a cadett ELSA server. Remote check-in and check-out is always done for one project at a time. If multiple projects are selected, "Remote TRAVEL" is now greyed out in the context menu of the detailed projects list in the Pro- ject Module. This will reduce confusion. Since remote check-in and check-out can only be done from a local installation, the command is also greyed out in workstations to network installations. That will also reduce confusion. Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - The Symbol Insert Tool has been extended with a search feature, that makes it possible to make a free search for symbol names and descriptions. The new feature is activated using a new button in the Symbol Insert Tool. - Tooltips have finally been implemented in the Symbol Insert Tool. The buttons, which can be somewhat confusing until you get famil- iar with their functionality, are now equipped with explanatory texts in the form of tooltips. - The buttons of the Symbol Insert Tool have been made larger and the icons have been replaced with new ones that have a higher resolution. That makes them prettier to watch. Symbol Generator ---------------- - Thumbnails for new symbols created using the Symbol Generator, have been greatly improved. They previously tended to be too small. That has been fixed. An annoying vertical line tended to be present in the right border of the image. That line has now been eliminated. When using black background colour, the thumb- nails tended to be completely unreadable. That has been fixed. Dynamic contact mirrors (contact mirrors with connection number defined in attributes) were previously presented with attribute names instead of default connection numbers, which was confusing. That issue has also been resolved. All these measures together, eliminates the need for postpro- cessing using the Script Generator to fix thumbnails of newly created symbols. However, an improved Script Sequence to fix thumbnails of previously created symbols has also been added. Please refer to the Scrip Generator section. Drawing Environment ------------------- - Copying multiple hyper dynamic contact mirrors at once could pre- viously cause problems, for example with the mirrors being mixed up. That problem has been resolved. - When multiple hyper dynamic contact mirrors where part of the same sub-circuit, problems could previously occur, like the ones that are described above for copying. That was also true for COPY and PASTE, which is the simplest form of sub-circuit handling. Those kinds of problems have now been eliminated. - A new COPY CIRCUIT command has been added. The old one, which is still left untouched, use a default file (TEMP.DWG located in the WS directory). The new command asks for the file name. The loca- tion of the created file is however still always the WS directo- ry. The new command is primarily aimed at customised menus. The name of the command is "CaelElsaNet19". It will take three parameters. The first one is the file name, which should be spec- ified without file type and search path. The second and third pa- rameters are the object selection and the insertion point. Menu texts ---------- - Many text improvements have been made in the menus of cadett ELSA, primarily for the English language, in connection with the development of the new web-based OnLine Reference manual. Script Generator ---------------- - The Script Sequence named "0REFRESH_SYMBOL_BITMAP", which is used to refresh the bitmaps of existing symbols in the symbol library, has been heavily improved. It is now much faster, but it also produces thumbnails with higher quality. - An entirely new feature of the Script Sequence is that dynamic contact mirrors are presented with their default connection num- bers, instead of the attribute names as before. That will improve the user experience in the Symbol Insert Tool, when identifying a specific dynamic contact mirror now becomes much easier. Catalogue --------- - The symbol view in the Catalogue, has been heavily improved. Pre- vious versions did not fully support the thumbnails of recent DWG formats. That resulted in newly created symbols not being pre- sented correctly. A new viewer, that share the same technology as the Symbol Insert Tool uses, has now solved that problem, while simultaneously enhancing the quality far beyond what the old viewer was capable of, even when it was functioning at its best. Consequently, existing symbols with poor thumbnails will be dis- played as bad as they are in the Symbol Insert Tool. On the other hand, when you update the thumbnails, either manual- ly using the Symbol Generator, or automatically using the "0REFRESH_SYMBOL_BITMAP" Script Sequence, the view of the symbols in question will be equally enhanced in both the Catalogue and the Symbol Insert Tool. Another enhancement is that the background colour of the symbol view will now follow the setting that the Symbol Insert Tool has when the Catalogue is started. In other words, to change the background colour, you need to adjust it in the Symbol Insert Tool and then restart cadett ELSA. Drawing Manager --------------- - The Drawing Manager previously did not effectively prevent creat- ing a new drawing sheet with an occupied file name. If that was done, problems arose. The "New" command has now been slightly modified to eliminate the possibility of such problems. "New" will from now on always place newly created drawing sheets after any existing ones that share the same document code. To place new drawing sheets anywhere else than last, the "New between" command must be used. cadett ELSA R41 - (Release 41 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-02-24 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - Colours for alternate pen widths in the “cadett ELSA Layer han- dling…” dialogue box have been updated to better comply with the current IEC1082 layer set: 0.18 mm uses colour 30 (orange) 0.25 mm uses colour 72 (dark green) 0.35 mm uses colour 10 (red) 0.50 mm uses colour 12 (dark red) 0.70 mm uses colour 160 (bright blue) - Two terminal strip symbols have been corrected since their con- nection data was incorrect (LXPLINT2 and LYPLINT2). - The positions of electrical data and remark in the main symbols for generic symbols have been adjusted. - English texts in multiple Drawing Environment dialogue boxes have been adjusted. - When inserting a symbol using the "Insert using catalogue..." feature, and then from the displayed dialogue box using the "Select" button, directly selecting a different index from the catalogue than the one initially selected, the second selected index was not transferred to the symbol, due to a file locking issue, which has now been resolved. Documentation ------------- - A new fully updated Tutorial has been added. It is found here: \ELSA\MANUAL\ENGLISH\cadett ELSA R41 Tutorial.pdf - A new installation and configuration guide for cadett ELSA FlexLM licensing has been added. It is found here: cadett ELSA R41 Software licenses - Installation and configura- tion guide.pdf Symbol Generator ---------------- - The Symbol object has been updated for all three supported lan- guages, regarding prompts and headlines. Script Generator ---------------- - The Script Generator could in previous versions sometimes lose contact with sub-routine script sequences, like the ones used for layer settings when plotting or creating PDF files. That problem has now been resolved. OnLine Engine ------------- - The headlines of the OnLine dialogue boxes were previously hard to read for some languages and text sizes. That issue has been resolved. Report Generator ---------------- - A combination of composite indexes with a module other than 1, could previously in some instances result in an incorrect quanti- ty in certain variants of device lists. That error has been re- solved. cadett ELSA R41 - (Release 41 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-10-12 ========== cadett ELSA R42 =============== The R42 is the most extensive update of cadett ELSA in the last 20 years. Not since cadett ELSA 7.0 in 2002 have such big changes been made. The news focuses on performance, especially for large data volumes, and for high network load. A brand new project module is perhaps the most prominent improvement. The performance improvements in this release are primarily accom- plished by minimizing the network traffic, which is done by letting the server do the processing needed for files on the server. That in turn requires that the server must have access to the project files (the project directories) with the same search paths as the work- station has. The by far best way of fulfilling this requirement, is to place the project folders on the same server where cadett ELSA is installed – the main cadett ELSA server. If the project directories are located on another server than the main cadett ELSA server, access to the file server from the main ca- dett ELSA server is required, with the same mapping and access rights as the workstations have. Please note that an installation like that will suffer from inferior performance. In an optimised in- stallation, the project directories are always placed on the main cadett ELSA server. If you currently have project directories on a separate server, we strongly recommend that you move them to the main cadett ELSA server. As the project module is the main entrance to cadett ELSA, and that module has been completely replaced in the R42, customisations might be affected. If you have any customisations, you should test them against the new release before updating your main installation, so that you can implement any needed adjustments beforehand. The main project module API interface in R42 is compatible with old- er versions. Changes needed for the new release should be limited to a minimum, but a test is always recommended. AutoCAD support --------------- - Support for AutoCAD 2019 has been discontinued. - Support for Solo eXs 2020 has been discontinued. - Support for AutoCAD 2023 has been introduced. - Support for Solo eXs 2022 has been introduced. Operating system support ------------------------ - Support for Windows 11 has been introduced. Windows 10 is still supported. - Support for Windows Server 2022 has been introduced. R42 thereby supports Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, and 2012. The next re- lease of cadett ELSA will no longer support Windows Server 2012. General system design --------------------- - Executable files have been moved from server to workstation for improved performance and security. - Processing of central files are now to greater extent than before made directly on the server, instead of on the workstation, thus reducing the network traffic and thereby improving overall per- formance. - A new more effective installation verification technology im- proves performance and increases security. - Local files are now checked and verified, not only central ones as before. This is especially important since a larger portion of the involved files are now local. - The bit map files for the drawing environment menu have been moved from the server to the workstation to reduce network traf- fic and thereby improve performance. - The bit map files for macros, cabinet layout symbols, and more, have also been moved from the server to the workstation, for the same reason as stated above. - Support has been introduced for updating local files at any time, even when no central update has been made. By manually adding a new date to the “server.eis” central file, such an update is forced. Project module -------------- - The project module of cadett ELSA R41, was introduced in its first version already in cadett ELSA 5.0 (R18) back in 1998. In other words, it is about time for a generational change, and here it is! The old project module has been discontinued and replaced with a brand-new project module, developed from scratch, but still of course fully compatible with the old one. Superior performance, functionality, and user-friendliness are achieved with contempo- rary technology. The main new features and other properties of the new project module are listed below. o Heavily improved performance, especially when the number of projects is large o A new user interface has been implemented, which is much quicker than the old one, and much clearer, with status icons that differs between different kinds of projects, locking, and separately from that, the kind of lock, when applicable. - The first icon shows if a project is unlocked, locked, or if you have opened it. - The second icon is used for locked projects, to show which kind of lock the project has, for example that it is opened by another workstation, that it has been checked out for remote travel, checked in to Autodesk Vault or any other kind of lock. - The third icon shows what kind of project you are deal- ing with, like an ordinary project, a super or sub- project, a project in local mode, or something else. o When creating new projects, Basic preferences and user de- fined projects parameters are directly accessible, reducing the need to edit project parameters after the project has been created. o An entirely new feature makes it possible to restore deleted projects. It is now possible to undo deletion of projects, which at times might be an almost priceless feature. o Yet another entirely new feature makes it possible to dis- play the most recently used projects, for quick and conven- ient access. o Export and import of projects as EZP files have been made much more efficient and safer with entirely new routines. o Local mode is now much quicker to activate. Similarly, it is much quicker to reset standard mode. The procedure is also safer than before. Local mode is used to increase performance in slow network environments. o Revisions are now created with entirely new software. Creat- ing revisions is much faster and safer. A comment (“revision description”) can now be added for each new revision. o An entirely new user-friendly dialogue box for editing of project parameters has been implemented. User defined pro- ject parameters have been moved to an easily accessible sep- arate tab, second from the left. o The file name composition has been moved back to the main dialogue, thereby making those settings easier to access. o An entirely new quick search feature for projects has been introduced. It is located above the detailed projects list to the right in the project module. o An entirely new quick search feature for groups has been in- troduced. It is located above the tree view to the left in the project module. o A new feature makes it possible to directly display a list of the drawing sheets within a selected project, without opening the Drawing Manager. The drawing sheet list is dis- played to the right of the detailed projects list in the project module. When a drawing sheet in the list is select- ed, a preview of that drawing sheet is displayed below the list. A quick preview is thereby available without even opening the Drawing Manager. Please note however that this feature is not suitable for slow network environments. If performance issues are encoun- tered, deactivating the feature is strongly recommended. o It is now possible to open a drawing sheet directly from the list of drawing sheets in the project module, without first activating the Drawing Manager, if that list is active. This is a quick shortcut that should be used as such, and not as the primary means of accessing drawing sheets, which will continue to be the Drawing Manager. o The short project name has been decimated to act less as a name, and more as an internal identification of a project, a “project id”. The default short project name is therefore created as a timestamp to ensure that it is unique. The software in general has been adjusted, and will be further adjusted, to refer to projects by the long project name in first hand. The short project name will in coming updates and releases be less and less visible for the user. In the current version it is however still possible for the user to control the short project name when a new project is creat- ed. Changing the short project name of an existing project is however not possible anymore, since that would be a vio- lation of the new role that the short project name has been given. (Instead, you can create a new project and move the content to that). Drawing Environment ------------------- - A new dedicated and much more effective user interface for PLC help symbols (I/O symbols) has been introduced. From the standard OnLine help symbol dialogue, a new dedicated PLC I/O symbol dia- logue box is displayed by pressing the “Edit all attributes…” button. The dedicated dialogue box displays the complete item designation, I/O number, symbolic address, connection point num- bers for up to 12 connection points, and up to 7 text lines. The item designation is edited in the main dialogue box, not the ded- icated PLC dialogue. All other information mentioned above is ed- itable in the dedicated dialogue, together with any additional attributes, which are presented with attribute name, attribute prompt and attribute value, where the latter is editable. - A new dedicated and much more effective user interface for PLC mirror symbols has been introduced. From the standard OnLine mir- ror symbol dialogue, a new dedicated PLC mirror dialogue box is displayed by pressing the “Edit all attributes…” button. The ded- icated dialogue box contains a grid with one line for each chan- nel. Channel number and function code (like “#DI1”) are fixed. I/O number, symbolic address, connection point numbers, and text lines are directly editable. In the lower part of the new dia- logue, below the grid, any additional attributes are presented with attribute name, attribute prompt and attribute value, where the latter is editable. Up to 12 connection points per channel can be presented in the grid. Please note however that only col- umns for existing connection points are displayed. For a #DI2 PLC mirror for example, with digital inputs with 2 connection points per channel, only two connection point number columns will be present in the grid. - The command that loads AutoCAD standard menu has been adjusted to fully support the current Solo eXs 2022 version. - The cross-referenced objects feature is now fully supported also in projects with separator character independent item designa- tions. - A dedicated ribbon menu for tables is now activated automatically when a table cell is selected. - A dedicated ribbon menu for multiline text editing is in a simi- lar way automatically activated when a multiline text is select- ed. - The “Copy circuit” command now supports “pick first”, meaning that it is now possible to select objects before the command is executed, instead of the other way around, which is the standard procedure. Quick PDF --------- - QuickPDF now supports hyperlinks, even in projects with separator character independent item designations. A new check-box to acti- vate the feature has been added to the main dialogue box. SilentPDF --------- - It has been made possible to use the long project name as file- name for the generated PDF files. Script Generator ---------------- - In previous revisions, the DATEI file name variable sometimes re- turned the filename with file type, sometimes without. The Script Generator has now been adjusted so that the behaviour is always consistent, and DATEI always return the filename with search path but without filetype. - Script sequences that convert DXF to DWG do no longer stop if DWG files already exist. Any existing DWG files with identical names are instead overwritten. Installation ------------ - The installer has been modified to support installation files larger than 2 GB. The initial decompression is now made using a different more contemporary tool than before. - The default background colour of the Drawing Environment has been changed from black to white. - The default background colour of the viewer in the Drawing Manag- er has been changed from black to white. - The default background colour of the Symbol Insert Tool has been changed from black to white. Solo eXs 2022 licensing ----------------------- - cadett ELSA LT and cadett ELSA Solo are delivered with an embed- ded CAD Engine based on AutoCAD OEM 2022. It is called Solo eXs 2022. Solo eXs 2022 uses a new license server, similar but not identical to FlexLM, which was used by the previous version, Solo eXs 2020. - Installation, configuration, and license management with the new license server is described in full detail in a document located in “\ELSA\MANUAL\ENGLISH”. It is called “cadett ELSA Solo eXs 2022 licensing - Installation and configuration guide.pdf”. Drawing frames -------------- - The standard drawing frames ELSA390E, ELSA390S and ELSA390D has been adjusted so that the DC block is now placed in the BLANKETT layer, thereby avoiding the warning that was previously issued in the OnLine protocol. Miscellaneous ------------- - The hard quit feature (“Hard_quit_cadett_ELSA.exe”) has been cor- rected. It was not always functioning properly in the previous revision. - Multiple minor adjustments and corrections (“bug fixes”) have been implemented as well. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-20 ========== Project module -------------- - Creating new projects without copying content of SOURCE directory has been corrected. - When editing the composition of file names in the project parameters, the number of segments parameter is now always correctly updated. - The icon presentation for prototype projects has been corrected. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The “Copy circuit” command now supports object selection before the command is issued, as alternative to the standard procedure, where the command comes first. - Translations for PLC dialogues in the Drawing Environment have been corrected. QuickPDF -------- - A feature that automatically creates necessary virtual printer configurations for PDF generation (PDF_CADETT.PC3 and PS_CADETT.PC3 as well as the corresponding PMP files) has been added to QuickPDF. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-22 ========== Installation ------------ - An error in the registration process for the Project Data Server (PDS) could previously lead to a failure in new installations, while existing ones worked fine. This problem has been rectified. - The Project module has been modified to automatically release the project database when an import from another cadett ELSA is per- formed in local installations, in the same way as was already done in network installations. This modification eliminates po- tential problems when updating local installations. - The workstation update routines have been adjusted to avoid cre- ating unnecessary subdirectories of the BIN directory. QuickPDF -------- - The new feature that was added in the previous revision and which automatically creates necessary plotter configurations for virtu- al printers needed for PDF generation, has been completed with text messages in all three supported languages. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-01-11 ========== OnLine Engine ------------- - The SUPERBOOK database that in conventional projects is used for PLC's, was previously not always updated correctly, when no changes in the drawing sheets had occurred. As consequence of that, some hyperlinks could sometimes be missing in PDF's gener- ated by the new QuickPDF feature. That problem has now been re- solved. Project module -------------- - Under certain circumstances, the management of the composition of separator character independent item designations in the project parameters, could previously give an incorrect result. That issue has been resolved. - Some error messages related to the management of project parame- ters have been updated with more precise wording in English, Swe- dish, and German. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-01-16 ========== Report Generator ---------------- - The feature that allows indexes in help symbols with specified resource categories to be ignored if a corresponding main symbol exists, like for instance cabinet layout, was previously not al- ways working properly. Now it does. - So-called "immediate report translation" using a lexicon that was not active in the Translator could previously sometimes give an incorrect result. Now, it does not matter which lexicon is ac- tive. Translator ---------- - So-called "immediate report translation" using a lexicon that was not active in the Translator could previously sometimes give an incorrect result. Now, it does not matter which lexicon is ac- tive. - A new possibility to translate the TARGET directory as an alter- native to the SOURCE, directly with the OPEN key has been added. Previously, translations in the TARGET directory could be made from the Drawing Manager only. Now, a dialogue box gives the op- portunity to select which directory to translate, directly in the Translator. - When initiating a translation from the Drawing Manager, the se- quence in which the choices of lexicon, setting and languages were made was significant, which constituted a confusing nui- sance. Now, the sequence does not matter at all. - A timing issue could previously cause translations initiated from the Drawing Manager to sometimes miss certain texts. That problem has been resolved. - Previously, if a filter was active in the Translator, the results of translations that were made when that was the case, were af- fected. Now, an active filter does not affect translations. The entire content of the selected lexicon will always be used. Project module -------------- - Changes in the project parameters that control which masks to use for the SOURCE and/or the TARGET directories were previously not always saved correctly. That error has been resolved. - Changes in the project parameters that control which layers to treat as electrical, were previously not always saved correctly. That error has been resolved. - The handling of project parameters controlling separator charac- ters for separator character independent item designations has been improved. - The handling of group memberships among the project parameters (the last tab) has been improved and simplified. - The "Recreate OnLine databases" command that can be selected in the context menu in the detailed projects list in the Project Module, does now only affect the currently active project. Other- wise, the command is greyed out, to reduce the risk of confusion and to increase predictability. A message has been added when the operation is finished, for the same reasons. - The additional list of drawing sheets that can be presented to the right in the Project Module, is now sorted on filename. Pre- viously it was not sorted, which depending on current circum- stances sometimes could seem somewhat random. Drawing Environment ------------------- - Multiple errors and nuisances have been eliminated in the AutoCAD menu, especially in the Classic workspaces: o A few icons were previously missing. They have been re- stored. o The default positions of all toolbars are now organised in an orderly manner, replacing the somewhat chaotic arrange- ment that was previously used. o The DIN5 single line symbol toolbar previously had a name that did not clearly state that I belongs to DIN5 only, which could cause confusion. The new name contains the word "DIN5" in all supported languages. o The set of commands that are found in the symbol macro re- source categories (a-f) in the Symbol Insert Tool have been adjusted for some symbol libraries (ISO1219, DIN5 and JIC): - Some missing icons have been added. - Some commands that did not belong in some symbol libraries have been removed from there. - A new snap and grid toolbar has been added for ISO1219. It sup- ports steps that are better suited for the 2 mm snap that is used in ISO1219, than the standard 2.5 mm that is common for all other symbol libraries. - When switching from a project using one symbol library to a pro- ject that uses another, the choice of workspace was previously forgotten. The consequence was that you always ended up with the default workspace for the current symbol library, which is the ribbon menu. Fur users who prefer the legacy Classic workspace, that was of course a nuisance. Now, the behaviour has been changed, so that the choice between Classic or Ribbon is remembered, even when switching from one symbol library to another. Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - Inserting a symbol that had been found using the search feature did previously not always work properly. Now it does. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.4) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-02-02 ========== Project Module -------------- - When entering the "Connections 1" tab of the project parameters in a project that lack numbering algorithm assignments, problems could previously occur. That will not happen anymore. - The display of file name composition in the project parameters of unconverted projects (from R31 or older) was incorrect in earlier R42 revisions. Now, when editing the project parameters of such a project, a message explaining the situation will be displayed telling the user to enter the Drawing Manager to trigger an auto- matic conversion of the parameters. - When selecting to change the name of a group far down in the tree structure, the dialogue box used to edit the name could previous- ly sometimes end up too low on the screen, so that parts of it was inaccessible. To avoid that problem, the dialogue box is now always initially displayed in the middle of the screen. - A new command in the "Module" pull-down menu, makes it possible to easily adjust the main project directory. The main project di- rectory is where projects are placed by default, like "X:\PROJ" or similar. The initial location of that directory is defined during installation of cadett ELSA. The new command is called "Setting of main project directory". - The project parameters for "Document number" and "Customer num- ber" were unfortunately mixed up in the "New project" dialogue box in previous R42 revisions. They have now been corrected. - The additional list of drawing sheets that can be presented to the right in the Project Module, is now always sorted on file- name. Previously it was not always sorted, which depending on the circumstances could result in a sequence that could appear ran- dom. - The button that is used to configure user defined project parame- ters could previously end up "outside the window", if the project parameters dialogue box was shrunk too much. That will not happen anymore. - The "Restore project" and "Cancel" buttons in the "Restore delet- ed projects" dialogue box, could previously end up "outside the window", if the dialogue was shrunk too much. That will not hap- pen anymore. - The date format that is defined in the project parameters is se- lectable from a drop-down list where the presented alternatives are defined in a database file called DATEFORM.DBF, which is found in the \ELSA\SYSTEM directory on the server. It is possible for the user to add additional date formats in that database file. In previous versions of cadett ELSA, there has been no dis- tinction between the representation of months and minutes. Both were represented with the letter "m". From now on, "month" is represented with an upper case "M", while "minute" is represented with a lower case "m". Old standard formats transferred to pro- ject parameters are however still interpreted as before, for com- patibility reasons. Example of old format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (ambiguous) Example of new format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss (unambiguous) - The possibility to select date format for the date of creation of a project in the very process of creating it, has been resurrect- ed. In R41 and older it was possible to do so, and now it is again. - In the project parameters dialogue, modifying composition of po- tential reference names, previously could sometimes be a chal- lenge, when plant and location were not selectable, as they should be. Now they always are. - The project parameters that control handling of main symbols without index (radio buttons for Case_1 and Case_2 located in the "General" tab) was previously not working correctly. Now they are. SYMMERGE feature ---------------- - The SYMMERGE feature, which is described in the R30.0.2.0 sec- tion, has been reintroduced. It was absent in R42.0.1.0 - R42.0.1.4. Drawing Environment ------------------- - A symbol named SRC in the IEC1082 symbol library (the RC circuit in resource category "A") was previously missing one of its two connection points. That connection point has now been resurrect- ed. - The dialogue box that is used to edit PLC data in PLC mirrors, previously had problems with mirrors for I/O's with more than three connection points for each channel. Those problems have now been resolved. - The "Close" command in the "File" pull-down menu, can now once again be used to close a project, in the same way as in R41 and older. - When setting standard IEC1082 background independent layer col- ours using one of the appropriate commands that is offered in the Drawing Environment for the purpose, the colour of layer DEKOR35 was in some cases not affected, leaving the colour of it unchanged, regardless of that being correct or not. Now the correct colour is always set, which is number 10 (red). - Inserting a sub-circuit with a combination of dialogue boxes for each symbol and generating new item designations, previously resulted in two sets of dialogue boxes. Now, you will only get one dialogue for each symbol, which of course is more reasonable. - The two commands for automatic item designation generation for existing symbols which are found in the "Tools" panel of the "Tools" tab in the ribbon menu in the Drawing Environment, did not work properly in the previous revisions, due to a search path problem. That problem has been resolved. - The dialogue box used to edit PLC mirror data in the Drawing En- vironment has been extended to support column-wise automatic num- bering of selected attributes. Row-wise numbering is still sup- ported, as an alternative. Report Generator ---------------- - The "Prepare super project for report generation" feature that is used in super projects to create TARGET databases for reports covering an entire super project, and for regeneration of OnLine and super project databases throughout an entire super project, was not available in the "Module" pull-down menu in previous R42 revisions. Now it is, provided that a super project is active and that you are running cadett ELSA Enterprise. - The "Prepare super project for report generation" feature now better handles empty sub-projects (sub-projects with no drawing sheets in them). - The "Prepare super project for report generation" feature now us- es two passes to accomplish a complete regeneration, including an associated drawing sheet update during pass two, when the option "OnLine, super project and selected TARGET db" is selected. - The "Prepare super project for report generation" feature can now be used for a complete database regeneration, without simultane- ously creating any TARGET databases. That mode is accomplished by not selecting any TARGET databases, and using the "OnLine, super project and selected TARGET db" option. - Several improvements "behind the scenes" have been made to ensure a smoother and more reliable execution for the "Prepare super project for report generation" feature. Integrations and other customisations ------------------------------------- - Please note that "HOOK.DLL" and "HOOK.INI" have a different loca- tion in R42, than in R41 and older. These custom files should now be placed in the "\ELSA\WS\BIN" directory on the server. They are automatically copied from there to the corresponding local direc- tory, from where they are executed. This new way of handling these files gives better performance and data security. Script generator ---------------- - The 0FIX_LAYERS_ELSA390 script sequence has been completed to in- clude setting the correct colour for layer DEKOR35, which previ- ous versions of it did not. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.5) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-03-31 ========== Project Module -------------- - In the previous revision, an error in the Spider service could in some cases cause the presentation of projects in the Project Mod- ule to be incomplete. That error has been corrected. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.6) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-04-04 ========== External Connection Diagram --------------------------- - KABGRAF III is a brand-new feature developed from the ground for generation of External Connection Diagrams. It constitutes the third generation KABGRAF in cadett ELSA. The second generation (KABGRAF II) is still available in the software for compatibility reasons. The new feature is started from the Symbol Insert Tool, in Re- source Category "c - Miscellaneous". Distinctive features of the new function include: o Extremely fast o Same configurability as generation II o Option to choose which cables are to be generated and to manually place these as desired o Option to generate all cables fully automatically o No "rat nests". The new external wiring diagram follows the cables, not the terminals. This avoids crossing cable cores. o Support for special automatic marking of protective earth Symbol library -------------- - A new set of symbols for KABGRAF III (generation of external con- nection diagram) have been added in the IEC, IEC1082 and DIN5A symbol libraries. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The "Tools" panel in the "Tools" tab of the Ribbon menu has been rearranged and completed. - A new command - "SnapFix" - has been added to the "Tools" tab mentioned above. The "SnapFix" command moves selected objects to a specified snap, preferably 2.5 mm. Substandard drawing sheets with incorrect or no snap can thus be quickly improved to such an extent that they become useful for further editing. Otherwise, the normal course of action would rather have been to discard them. - The "SnapFix" command has also been added to the drop-down menus and to the toolbars. - A problem with the dictionary in AutoCAD 2023 could previously lead to an annoying error message when entering the first com- mands after opening the first drawing sheet. The dictionary prob- lem has now been solved and the error message is therefore as gone as the nuisance of it is. - An entirely new panel - "Dynamic Tools" - has been added to the "Tools" tab of the ribbon menu. Initially, the new panel contains two commands: o Plant database Beta o Boundary Box Edit These two commands are described separately below. Plant database BETA ------------------- - A BETA version of a new plant database with a pick list function is now available for testing. The new feature is started from the new Dynamic Tools panel found in the Tools tab of the Ribbon menu. The Plant database offers the possibility to predefine devices and to use the list of both predefined and existing devices as a picklist for symbols to var- ious document types such as circuit diagrams and cabinet layouts. Boundary Box Edit ----------------- - In the new revision of cadett ELSA, the "Boundary Box Edit..." com- mand has been given a much more prominent position in the menu, as described above. "Boundary Box Edit..." offers a very powerful means of editing all the boundary boxes and generic symbols of an entire project with one single dialogue box affecting them all. Automatic Item Designation Generation ------------------------------------- - Two commands listed below are available in the Drawing Environ- ment to generate item designations automatically for existing symbols. These two commands have now been moved to the "Tools" slide-out panel of the "Tools" tab in the ribbon menu. In the previous revision, this feature was not working properly, but now it does. o "Generate item designations in the current sheet..." o "Generate item designations in the entire project..." Recreate symbols ---------------- - The "Recreate symbols" feature, which is started from the "Sym- bols" slide-out panel in the "Tools" tab of the ribbon menu, is now well-tested and established as a very useful tool. Therefore, it is no longer classified as "Beta". Block diagram ------------- - A Block Diagram Module has been available in cadett ELSA for sev- eral years now, but it has required a customised menu to be available for the user. Now, the Block Diagram Module is directly available in the standard menu as a separate Document Type, in parallel with "Circuit diagram", "Cabinet Layout", "Wiring dia- gram", and "Cable/harness diagram". Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - A new feature in the Symbol Insert Tool makes it possible to choose that only symbols in the selected Resource Category should be displayed. The standard behaviour, which has previously been the only option, is to display the symbols in the selected cate- gory, including all sub-categories. Two new radio buttons to the left makes it easy to make your choice. The new mode offers better performance when the number of symbols is large, and the network is slow. - The "Repeat previous insert" command is found in the "c - Miscel- laneous" resource category in the Symbol Insert Tool and is used to repeat the previous catalogue insert. It did not work properly in the last revisions, but now it does. Extended PLC database --------------------- - An entirely new "Extended PLC database" offers a range of new functionality. The new PLC database is activated with a new project parameter found in the "General" tab of the project parameters. In the "Miscellaneous" section, you now find a new sub-section named "Management of PLC data", and in that a new check-box labelled "Use separate extended PLC database", which is used to activate the feature. When the new database is activated, the behaviour for PLC I/O symbols and PLC mirrors changes significantly, primarily to offer better predictability and safety, but also to offer new function- ality.' The PLC database contains I/O list information, such as connec- tion point numbers, I/O numbers, symbolic addresses, and infor- mation texts. The new database is the primary source of that in- formation, meaning that both PLC mirror symbols and I/O symbols will reflect the content of the PLC database. When changes are made that involve PLC information, the old version of the infor- mation is kept in the PLC database, alongside the new version. This makes it possible to view old information, and to restore that information, for example if changes have been made uninten- tionally. This is especially valuable in super projects where multiple users are involved simultaneously in the design process. An example of the new behaviour is the following: Imagine a PLC documented with a main symbol, a PLC mirror and some I/O symbols with a lot of I/O information. Further imagine that you delete all those symbols. The old behaviour would mean that the PLC information was lost. The new PLC database will how- ever keep the information. Therefore, if you insert a new PLC mirror and give it the same item designation as the old one had, the mirror will be automatically filled with the information from the PLC database. The same thing will happen with I/O symbols as well. Please note that you must activate the new feature in the project parameters if you want to utilise the new feature. By default, the old behaviour without PLC database will remain. cadett ELSA - Autodesk Vault integration ---------------------------------------- - When using Autodesk Vault 2022 in the previous revision, it was not possible to check-out projects. That functionality has now been restored. Catalogue --------- - The widths of the columns in the survey of the Catalogue module are automatically adjusted when opening a catalogue. In previous revisions, the adjustment only took the field content into ac- count, which resulted in very narrow columns for empty fields. Now, both the content and the header are considered. Thereby, it is always possible to read the header from start. Solo eXs 2022 ------------- - In previous R42 revisions, the Solo eXs 2022 could sometimes crash when first started after installation until user access rights were adjusted. That kind of adjustment is no longer need- ed. Project module -------------- - An attempt to delete an erase protected project previously did not result in any error message. If the user tried again, the software crashed. That error has now been corrected. - A project in the root of the tree structure that was deleted, was previously still visible. Now it is not. - In the "Cross-references" section of the "Cross-references and potentials" tab of the Project parameters, you find a sub-section named "Content of cross-reference part" 'Text'". Changes made to the text that is entered there was not saved correctly in the previous revision, but now it is. Revision handling ----------------- - When comparing two revisions of the same project, the definition of which project is supposed to be "before", and which one is "after" the changes was not always obvious. Now it is. The older revision is automatically regarded as "before". Dynamic OnLine II ----------------- - Editing terminal numbers in Dynamic OnLine II could previously sometimes give surprising and undesired results. A better tool for that kind of editing is the Terminal list of Dynamic OnLine I, which is the preferred tool. Terminal number editing in Dynam- ic OnLine II is now greyed out. QuickPDF -------- - The green box surrounding cross-references with hyperlinks was previously sometimes perceived as too tight. In the new revision, more space is given between the box and the text inside, which enhances readability. - Newer versions of GhostScript are now supported without previous limitations, such as incorrect linetype for the green hyperlink box. Script generator ---------------- - A new script sequence named "0PDF_HIGH_QUALITY" has been added. The new sequence supports "Line Merge" in the "PDF_CADETT.PC3" virtual printer. That feature is active in the printer definition that is created automatically after installation. "Line Merge" offers better graphical quality especially for logotypes and oth- er complicated graphical objects. The new script sequence is much faster than previous PDF genera- tion script sequences, but of course not as quick as the QuickPDF feature. WAN mode -------- - A new so-called "WAN mode" of running cadett ELSA in WAN environ- ments - such as over VPN - is under development. The new mode is an alternative to thin-client solutions, which has been the standard solution until now. The main advantage of "WAN mode" is that latency is not a concern. To achieve a good user experience, a relatively low latency is necessary for thin clients. When us- ing WAN mode, the software is executed locally. Latency is there- fore not a concern. WAN mode will be available in cadett ELSA Enterprise only. A Beta version available for testing is included in the current revision of cadett ELSA Enterprise. If you are interested in par- ticipating in the Beta testing, please contact cadett for infor- mation about how the feature can be activated. Cabinet layout -------------- - The "Terminal Tool", which is started from the "Draw" panel of the "Cabinet layout" "Document type" tab of the ribbon menu, has been in use for a long time and is now both well-tested and es- tablished as a powerful and highly appreciated tool. The "beta" status has therefore been revoked. Consistency check ----------------- - The "Consistency check" feature that is started from the "Tools" tab of the "Drawing Aids" panel in the ribbon menu, has lost its "Beta" status, due to long and successful service as well as a high level of appreciation from the users of it. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 1.7) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-07-06 ========== Extended WAN mode BETA feature ------------------------------ - The BETA WAN mode feature that was introduced in R42.0.1.7 has been further extended with additional functionality. OnLine Engine ------------- - If a global designation like function (plant), location or product (circuit) were empty in previous revisions and item designations in multiple levels were active, a “>” (or “<” when applicable) was automatically added to corresponding designations in affected symbols. Even though that cannot be regarded as incorrect, it is still arguably unnecessary and therefore potentially confusing. In the new revision, no such “>” (or “<”) is inserted. Example: Function (plant) in the upper left corner is left empty. If a device still has a function designation like “=A1”, it was previously necessary to define that as “>=A1” when using item designations in multiple levels. Now, only “=A1” will do. - The default colour theme of AutoCAD is “Dark”. Since the ribbon menu is designed for a “Light” colour theme, cadett ELSA is therefore now automatically adjusting the theme, thereby avoiding that menu icons are displayed in a less than optimal way. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 2.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-08-16 ========== Project Module -------------- - In the previous revision, the Project Module could sometimes directly after start under certain circumstances end up in a situation where the tree structure or the projects where not displayed correctly. This was caused by a bug that has now been corrected. - The project export feature that stores entire projects in single EZP files, is not able to create EZP files on network drives. Therefore, a control has been added that gives a proper error message if the user nevertheless attempts such an export. Drawing Environment ------------------- - In the previous revision, the initialisation of the Symbol Insert Tool could under certain conditions, most commonly when having multiple workstations towards different servers on the same computer, crash when starting the Drawing Envi- ronment. This was caused by a software error that has now been resolved. - The wheel menu that is used for the general attribute ad- justment tool, was previously always displayed in the centre of the screen. It was possible to move it around on the screen, but when the command was activated the next time, it was always the menu was back in the screen centre. In the new revision, the wheel menu will instead be displayed in the position in which it was the last time the command was ended. - The general attribute adjustment tool (the wheel menu) now supports editing of texts and attribute definitions, as well as attributes. - The line break feature for symbols in the Drawing Environ- ment is configurable using the ACAD.INI configuration file, in which it is possible to specify certain symbols and lay- ers that should be excluded from line breaking, such as ca- bles, shields, and mechanical links. Previously, the number of such exceptions was limited. Now it is not. Drawing Manager --------------- - The Drawing Manager has until now been limited to only han- dle files with a maximum file name length equal to the length that has been specified in the mask file. It has not been possible to collect files with longer file names than so. In the new revision, that restriction has been changed so that the maximum length is now always 80 characters. This is especially useful for PDF files, Excel sheets and similar documents, which can be very convenient to handle in the Drawing Manager. Installation ------------ - The secondary installer for AutoCAD 2023 did previously not start if AutoCAD was started from cadett ELSA the first time after installation with another user than the one that had made the installation. The result was that AutoCAD did not initialize correctly. That nuisance has now been eliminated. OnLine Engine ------------- - The “OnLine connection number / mirror symbol dialogue” box has been improved. That dialogue box is activated with the “Select” button for connection numbers in the main OnLine dialogue box. The width of the “Conn.numbers / booking” list has been increased for better readability, especially for PLC’s, where more information may need to be presented than for simple contacts in relays and contactors. Block Diagram Module -------------------- - A software bug could previously cause the Block Diagram Mod- ule to fail reading xRecord information from drawing sheets. That error has been corrected. WAN mode -------- - The automatic local mode feature that is part of WAN mode has been improved with exceptions for prototype and system projects. The “Drawing frames” or “DXF forms” project, will therefore no longer be set in local mode when opened, even if automatic local mode is active. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 2.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-10-05 ========== Report Generator ---------------- - The Report Generator now decides the filename length for generated reports from the project parameters of the current project instead of from the length of the filename field in the *Z.DBF database, to be compatible with the new flexible filename length feature of the Drawing Manager. OnLine Engine ------------- - The OnLine Engine has been made more resistant of interfer- ence from antivirus software, by adding a retest procedure when opening certain databases that typically could be tem- porarily blocked by real-time file access checking, thereby resulting in OnLine errors. It is however always recommended to add an exception for real-time file access check for the local workstation directory, the cadett ELSA main directory and the project main directory, both on the server and on the workstation. On the server, the exception should be set for both the physical and the logical path. - Preparations for some coming new features have been made by addition of a few new functions in the Engine. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 2.2) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-10-09 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - The "SnapFix..." command found in the "Tools" panel of the "Tools" tab in the ribbon menu, has been given a proper de- fault snap of 2.5 mm. Previously, the default was 0, which never is a reasonable choice. - The "SnapFix..." command is now supported in Solo, which it unfortunately was not in the previous revision. - The attribute adjustment tool (the wheel menu) can now be repeated by pressing the key. Previously, it was necessary to select the command from the menu, each time. Cabinet layout -------------- - Under some circumstances, the "automatic insert" feature for terminals could previously fail to correctly consider existing terminals. That error has been resolved. Drawing Manager --------------- - The routines used to automatically convert project parame- ters for projects older than R33 have been updated to be compatible with the newly introduced ability of the Drawing Manager to handle files with file names longer than the file length that is configured for the project. QuickPDF -------- - The QuickPDF feature has yet again been extended with addi- tional functionality. This time, support has been added for hyperlinks when "Content of PDF file" is set to "Current di- rectory" and the current directory happens to be the SOURCE directory of the current project. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 2.3) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-11-10 ========== Drawing Environment ------------------- - "SnapFix" support in Solo that was announced in the pre- vious revision, unfortunately and unintentionally turned out to be somewhat of a vapourware. However, in the cur- rent revision, it actually works. Plant database Beta ------------------- - Importing Excel documents to the "Plant database Beta" was not working in the previous revision. Now it does. cadett ELSA R42 - (Release 42 - Revision 2.4) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-11-16 ========== cadett ELSA R43 =============== AutoCAD support --------------- - Support for AutoCAD 2024 (R24.3) has been introduced. - Support for AutoCAD 2020 (R23.1) has been discontinued. - Consequently, cadett ELSA R43 supports AutoCAD 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Additionally, Solo eXs 2022 is supported in cadett ELSA R43 LT, cadett ELSA R43 Professional Solo, and cadett ELSA R43 Enterprise Solo. Solo eXs 2022 ------------- - The installer for Solo eXs 2022 has been updated with a new graphically pleasing slideshow that appears when the package is unzipped. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The "Any sheet..." option in the sheet shift feature, could previ- ously run into performance problems when handling large drawing sheet files, such as large cabinet layouts and similar, because of a memory release delay in the viewer. A new way of releasing the memory has now improved performance dramatically. Plot symbol library utility --------------------------- - The "Plot symbol library..." utility which is started from the slide-out "Symbols" panel of the "Tools" tab in the ribbon menu, could previously fail to find the drawing frame, depending on how old the settings of the projects in which the procedure was exe- cuted were. Now, it will always find the drawing frame. OnLine Engine ------------- - The DXF clip files for wire number symbols in \ELSA\SUPPORT\ have been supplemented and adjusted. Subfolders for AutoCAD version 22 (AutoCAD R32-R38 with market names 2018-2024) have been added and supplemented with corresponding DXF clip files. The date and time of some clip files for AutoCAD version 19 (AutoCAD R27-R28 with market names 2013-2014) have been corrected. Previously, they appeared to come from the 17th century. Admittedly, they are old, but not that old. Symbol libraries ---------------- - Preparations have been made for a new symbol library, which will be introduced in a later revision of cadett ELSA R43. The new li- brary will be denoted IEC1714 according to the most recent IEC standard. Drawing Manager --------------- - To improve the experience of the user interface in the Drawing Manager, a modernised selection of default colours has been im- plemented. After updating to R43, the colours will automatically be set to the new defaults. After that, it is possible to config- ure the colours according to personal preferences individually for each workstation, in the same way as in earlier versions. - A control mechanism has been added, which ensures that a proper and informative error message is displayed when attempting to create new drawing sheets in absence of required document code trees. Previously in that situation, a somewhat bland error mes- sage was displayed, which unfortunately gave little guidance as to what needed to be done to move forward. - The viewer could previously run into performance problems when handling large drawing sheet files, such as large cabinet layouts and similar. A delay occurred when memory was released before the next sheet was loaded. A new way of releasing the memory has now improved performance dramatically. - If definitions of document codes that were included in the cur- rent file name composition were missing, an error occurred in the previous version, when attempting to create new drawing sheets. That error prevented new drawing sheets from being created and the error message that was displayed unfortunately did not give much guidance as to the actions needed to resolve the issue. The error message that is given in this situation, has now been heav- ily improved, giving detailed information about the situation. Additionally, even if the error occurs, it is now possible to create new drawing sheets anyway, even if the missing document codes are then left empty. Catalogue --------- - The default colours used in the Catalogue have been adjusted to follow the same pattern as in the Drawing Manager, even though the difference compared to the previous default, is much smaller there. Translator III -------------- - The default colours used in the Translator III have been adjusted to follow the same pattern as in the Drawing Manager, and in the Catalogue. The difference in the Translator compared to the pre- vious default, is however even smaller in the Translator than in the Catalogue. Project Module -------------- - The display of file name composition in the Drawing Manager 1 tab of the project parameters often failed in the previous version, making a restart of the software necessary to be able to edit the composition. The dialogue has now been improved to reduce the risk of this happening again. - In the process of creating a new project, it is possible to manu- ally adjust the short project name. In the field in which that is done, it was previously not possible to use the key. Now it is. - A manually specified short project name containing the dash/minus character ("-") was considered an error in the previous version, while it was not in versions before that. Dash/minus is now yet again allowed in short project names. - If any projects are still in local mode when exiting cadett ELSA, a dialogue box will now automatically turn up asking the user if he/she wants to restore the projects in question. In that way, forgetting to restore projects from local mode has been made much more unlikely. - Characters like apostrophe ("'") in the name of tree groups could previously prevent the tree view from being displayed correctly. The Project Module does not have problems with such characters anymore. - In the composition of cross-references, which is defined in the "Cross-references and potentials" tab of the project parameters, a segment could previously in some situations get lost, which of course constituted a nuisance. That problem has been resolved. cadett ELSA R43 - (Release 43 - Revision 1.0) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-12-08 ========== Installation ------------ - In the previous revision, the default AutoCAD profile name could after installation of a new workstation in some situations be in- correct. Now it will instead be correct. - In the previous revision, a problem could occur when having mul- tiple workstations for multiple servers installed on the same computer, and a connection to the last used server was missing. In that situation, when starting a workstation where the connec- tion did exist, the Drawing Environment could fail to initialize properly. This special case has now been taken care of, and properly installed workstations will work fine, even if other workstations that do not are also present. - Using separate drive letters for cadett ELSA's main directory and the project main directory is not recommended, but nevertheless supported. However, the installer did previously not catch a set- up like that as default for an update, which created a risk of forgetting the second drive letter, with a subsequent risk of the Spider not being able to access projects after restarting the server. The installer has now been modified to use both existing drive letters when applicable as defaults when installing a new version, thus reducing the risk of a defective update. Import from other cadett ELSA ----------------------------- - The feature that is used to import user data from the previous version when updating cadett ELSA to a new version, previously asked for each selected symbol library if the symbol library set- tings should be overwritten with imported settings. Now, you will instead get one single question, where the answer will be valid for all selected symbol libraries, thereby saving time during updates. Project Module -------------- - In the "Tree structure" tab of the Project parameters dialogue box, the "Allow the project to be member of more than one group" check-box did previously not have the effect that it was supposed to have. Now it has. - Unpacked revisions of sub-projects in super projects could previ- ously end up with incorrect directories, thus referring to the wrong SOURCE. That problem has been resolved. - Previously, when importing EZP files containing projects where revisions were included and giving the imported project a new short project name, the revisions where not correctly updated ac- cordingly. Now they are. - The tab for user defined project parameters has been improved, so that the button used to configure those parameters will always be visible. Previously, the dialogue could be shrunk so much that the button was not visible. That is not possible anymore. - Projects with short project names containing dash ("-") or under- score ("_") could not be created in the previous revision, and in R42, while they could in R41 and earlier. Now, it is once again possible to create such projects. - The export and import feature for EZP files, did previously not support projects with short project names containing dash ("-") or underscore ("_"). Now it does. - A new function that reads the entire tree structure has been add- ed to the Application Programming Interface (API). Dynamic OnLine I ---------------- - The wire-list was previously not always automatically collected after performing an "insert" of adjusted wires. In some situa- tions that could lead to secondary problems. The behaviour has now been changed so that "collect" is always executed directly after "insert", thus eliminating such problems. Multi-user projects ------------------- - Activating Dynamic OnLine I with the icon next to the Drawing Manager, instead of from the Drawing Environment, could previous- ly fail, if another user simultaneously was editing the first drawing sheet of the project. The same problem could occur with the Report Generator, when generating TARGET databases for report generation. That short-coming has now been eliminated. Script Generator ---------------- - PDF generation with the Script Generator can now be done without having any third-party software, like FreePDF or GhostScript, in- stalled. Everything that is needed is included in cadett ELSA. Old script sequences made for GhostScript will however still work as before. - The standard script sequence 0PDF_HIGH_QUALITY is updated to use the new technology without GhostScript. You are encouraged to up- date your own PDF generation script sequences in the same way. - The connection point button is no longer available for sub- circuits since it does not make any sense for them. Sub-circuits cannot have connection points. Catalogue --------- - The overall performance of the catalogue has been improved. It is now faster than it was before. Drawing Manager --------------- - The overall performance of the catalogue has been improved. It is now faster than it was before. - Pasting perfectly correct drawing sheets could in the previous revision sometimes cause a false error message about missing doc- ument codes. That error message will no longer be seen. - Old previously unconverted projects from cadett ELSA R32 or old- er, where the *Z.DBF database for one reason or the other was missing, could previously be incorrectly converted, when the as- sumption that was made about the file name length turned up to be incorrect. The converter has now been adjusted, so that the assumption is based on a more complete data set. The risk of as- suming an incorrect number and a subsequent incorrect conversion has therefore been heavily reduced. Translator III -------------- - The overall performance of the Translator has been improved. It is now faster than it was before. Report Generator ---------------- - The editor for report variable declarations has been improved performance-wise. It is now faster than it was before. QuickPDF -------- - The QuickPDF feature has been heavily updated with both improve- ments of existing functionality, and the addition of new possi- bilities. - GhostScript is not used anymore. Everything that is needed is now included in the delivery of cadett ELSA. - The performance of the QuickPDF feature has been improved. It is now even quicker! - The name of the feature has been changed to QuickPDF in all lan- guage settings. The terms "Snabb-PDF" (Swedish) and "Schnelles- PDF" (German) have been replaced with "QuickPDF" in all lan- guages. - A new button has been added to the Generate PDF tab, which allows for manual selection of files to include. - A new tab with extended filter settings has been added, where the user can create filters using both attribute values from for ex- ample the title fields, and values from the Drawing Manager, to determine which files to include or not. Complex logical expres- sions can be created, to give exactly the result that you want to have. - Extended filter settings can be saved under arbitrary names and retrieved when needed. - A new tab with extended file name settings has been added, where the user can create complex settings for how the PDF file should be named, and even to split the project in multiple PDF files, if there is a need for that. The names may consist of information that is retrieved either from attributes within the drawing sheets or fields in the Drawing Manager. - Extended file name settings can be saved under arbitrary names and retrieved when needed. - Extended layer settings, and logotype settings, were supported already in previous versions. Now, such settings can not only be created anytime you like, but also deleted if they are unwanted. - A possibility to create "Complete QuickPDF settings" and save them under arbitrary names has been added. Such a setting in- cludes all settings, including extended layer settings, logotype settings, extended filter settings, and extended filter settings. Everything is saved under one single name and can be retrieved anytime, at the users wish. Drawing Environment ------------------- - The "cadett ELSA Layer handling..." command, has been corrected. Changing décor layers to line widths such as 0.25 mm was not working properly in previous versions. Now it works as intended. - Support for object selection of texts and attribute definitions with both window and crossing has been added to the Attribute Ad- justment Tool. - The two commands to decrease and increase text heights of attrib- utes have been extended so that they now also support texts and attribute definitions. - The Attribute Adjustment Tool could previously run into problems when trying to rotate attribute definitions. That operation now works perfectly fine. - The handling of Generic symbol has been changed so that the rela- tionship between the main symbol and the frame only depends on their positions. Previously, an entanglement was created when a Generic symbol was created. That behaviour could be almost as confusing as the entanglement phenomenon found within quantum me- chanics. Even Einstein had problems with that... - The command ATTIPEDIT is now fully supported by the OnLine En- gine. Consistency check ----------------- - The consistency check feature has been extended so that it now recognises multiple terminals sharing the same terminal number within the same terminal group. A warning is hence issued. Solo eXs 2022 ------------- - Previously, an error message could sometimes be issued when starting Solo eXs 2022 from the Drawing Manager. The error was caused by a timing issue. When restarting the software, it in most cases worked flawlessly. This nuisance has been eliminated. OnLine Engine ------------- - The colours in the presentation of the "Connection view" have been updated according to current standards to better support white background colour. This improves the visibility, using both white and black backgrounds. (Yellow has been replaced with or- ange, green with dark green, and cyan with light blue. Red is still red, however). - The OnLine protocol could previously run into problems in the ra- re case of a project lacking both errors and warnings. Now, per- fection is no longer a problem. Plot symbol library utility --------------------------- - The utility that is used to document symbol libraries, especially user defined symbols, and which is found in the Drawing Environ- ment, could previously in some cases have difficulties to find the drawing frame, depending on the status of the current pro- ject. Now, it will always find the drawing frame, as long as it exists. Symbol Insert Tool ------------------ - The Symbol Insert Tool has been improved performance-wise. It is now faster than it was before. Symbol Generator ---------------- - Editing existing mirror symbols, like contact mirrors, could pre- viously fail under certain circumstances. The Symbol Generator is however now immune against those. - The dialogue used to add contacts to contact mirrors has been im- proved. It now simply looks nicer, and the background colour in the preview of predefined graphic blocks now follows the current background colour settings for other features. Previously, it was always black. - "Advanced mode" is no longer available for sub-circuits since it does not make any sense for those. - "Advanced mode" was previously not available for PLC main sym- bols, PLC help symbols, cable main symbols, and cable help sym- bols. Now it is since it may very well be useful for those kinds of symbols. - WAN mode is now fully supported by the Symbol Generator. This means that symbols that are created when running in WAN mode are stored centrally, and that the local symbol library is automati- cally and directly updated accordingly. - The check-box for "Icon generation with Zoom" has been removed since the slide files that it was referring to are no longer in use. - When deleting symbol definitions, the confirmation dialogue box was previously always in Swedish, even when running the software in English or German. Now it will correctly follow the chosen language. General ------- - Previously, the Spider service could crash if the Drawing Envi- ronment of cadett ELSA was started outside of cadett ELSA, like when starting AutoCAD with the profile of cadett ELSA, which is not working well and should therefore be avoided. Nevertheless, the Spider will now survive even that unfortunate situation. cadett ELSA R43 - (Release 43 - Revision 1.1) is ready --------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-04-15 ==========