Display command line end (;= <RETURN>)

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Display command line end (;= <RETURN>)

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If you activate this BETA feature, you will most likely find it more difficult to read your script sequences, a fact that speaks for itself, and is a strong argument for not doing so.


The semicolon used to symbolize the RETURN key, is replaced with “ <RETURN> ” in display of the script sequence content in the header, main part, and footer sections of the Script Generator.


Please refer to the two figures below.


Figure 1561:  The main part of a standard script sequence as it is normally displayed

Figure 1561:  The main part of a standard script sequence as it is normally displayed


Figure 1562:  The main part of the same script sequence as it is displayed when the "Display command line end" feature is active. It is hardly an improvement, or do you think otherwise?

Figure 1562:  The main part of the same script sequence as it is displayed when the "Display command line end" feature is active. It is hardly an improvement, or do you think otherwise?