The report definition

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The report definition

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The report definition defines the following, among other things:


The name of the report definition.


Which database file the report information should be collected from. Of course, this depends on the nature of the report. For example, the information for a wire-list is collected from another kind of database file than the information for a table of contents.


Which “form” to use. The form shows what the report will look like.


A filter, meaning a definition of what kind of information to be included and what kind information to not be included.


Sorting, that is the order in which the information will be presented.


At delivery of cadett ELSA several ready-to-use report definitions are included. You can also create report definitions yourself. They can vary more or less from the report definitions that are included at delivery.


Figure 1399:  The three main parts of a report definition

Figure 1399:  The three main parts of a report definition


Report definitions contains three main parts, as is shown in the figure above.



In the Name and composition part, you will find:


The name of the report definition

Which database file the information should be collected from

Which form that should be used

What should happen with the finished report

A few other details



In the Filter part, you will find definitions of which information that should be included:


Example 1:
In a device list it might in some cases be a good idea to exclude terminals and cables.


Example 2:
In an internal connection list, it is probably a good idea to exclude external connections.



In the Sorting part you will find definitions of:


Which order the information in the report should be presented

When page and/or row breaks should be made