Device list summarised by item designation (0X_E_EPB002)

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Device list summarised by item designation (0X_E_EPB002)

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In a device list summarised by item designation there will be one line for each unique combination of device and item designation. Each line will have a quantity column. If you have for instance three devices of the same type within the same item designation, like three fuses for a 3-phase protection, they will be presented in one single line with “3” in the quantity column.


The information comes from the *2.DBF TARGET database, which has a relation to *G.DBF.


A filter where !SUMTYPE (or !ANTALSTYP) must be equal to BEZ ensures that this very type of device list is generated.


Figure 1461:  This filter creates a device list summarized by item designation.

Figure 1461:  This filter creates a device list summarized by item designation.


The report is sorted on plant, location, component type letter code and counting number. Page break is performed for plant and location.


Figure 1462:  The sorting of 0X_E_EPB002

Figure 1462:  The sorting of 0X_E_EPB002