Cable core list (one-way) (0X_E_EMB003)

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Cable core list (one-way) (0X_E_EMB003)

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This is a typical cable core list, meaning a cable list that presents all cable cores of each cable, with information about the connection of each core.


The information comes from the *A.DBF, which has multiple relations to *G.DBF.


Spare cable cores are included. A spare cable core is defined as a cable core that is not specified graphically in the circuit diagrams, but rather defined by an algorithm assigned via the catalogue to the cable type defined for the cable through its index.


Sorting is made first on the complete item designation of the entire cable. The cable cores are then sorted numerically.


Figure 1484:  Sorting on cable item designation and cable core number

Figure 1484:  Sorting on cable item designation and cable core number


The filter specifies that cable core only, not any wires, should be included in the report. Spare cable cores (!FBTYP = 8) are included.


Figure 1485:  All cable cores, including spares, are included. 6=first used cable core, 7=all other used cable cores, 8=spare cable core (unused core).

Figure 1485:  All cable cores, including spares, are included. 6=first used cable core, 7=all other used cable cores, 8=spare cable core (unused core).