Cable list (one-way) (0X_E_EMB001)

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Cable list (one-way) (0X_E_EMB001)

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A cable list is a list where each cable is presented in one single line. That means that cable cores are not a part of a list of this kind. It is a list where a cable is regarded as one single entity.


The information about the cables is fetched from the first cable core of each cable. Information about the cable itself, such as the item designation and the type of cable, is presented, as well as information about from where and to where the cable is connected. The latter information is typically a complete terminal group name or a complete item designation, with plant and location included. Connection numbers or terminal numbers are not included.


The information in this report comes from the *A.DBF database, which has multiple relations to *G.DBF.


The filter defines that only the first cable core of each cable is included, meaning one single line for each cable.


Figure 1481:  Only the first cable core of each cable is included. The form does not include information about core numbers or individual connection numbers. The result will be a report where cables are handled as single entities.

Figure 1481:  Only the first cable core of each cable is included. The form does not include information about core numbers or individual connection numbers. The result will be a report where cables are handled as single entities.


The sorting is made on the complete item designation of the cables.


Figure 1482:  Sorting is made on the complete cable item designation only.

Figure 1482:  Sorting is made on the complete cable item designation only.



Technical note, limitation

If a cable connects multiple terminal groups or multiple devices, a list of this type may be regarded as incomplete, since only one terminal group or device on each side is included. However, cadett ELSA offers a solution to that problem. That solution is not a part of this report definition, but can easily be activated if needed.


Please refer to the topic named Cable lists with multiple devices in each end, where the solution is described.