The consequences of opening a project

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The consequences of opening a project

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When a project is opened, using one of the methods described above, the following happen:


1.The project icon is changed to signal that the project has indeed been opened.

Figure 120:  The icons of a closed project are shown on the top, and of an opened project in the bottom.

Figure 120:  The icons of a closed project are shown on the top, and of an opened project in the bottom.


2.The name of the project is displayed in the upper part of the cadett ELSA window.

Figure 121:  The name of the project that is open is displayed in the upper edge of the cadett ELSA main window.

Figure 121:  The name of the project that is open is displayed in the upper edge of the cadett ELSA main window.


3.The icons of modules that require an open project, like the Drawing Manager and the Report Generator, will no longer be greyed out.

Figure 122:  Shown at the top is how the module icons look when no project is open. Shown at the bottom is how they look once a project is open.

Figure 122:  Shown at the top is how the module icons look when no project is open. Shown at the bottom is how they look once a project is open.


4.Other users are blocked from opening the project.


5.All modules "know" in which directories to perform their tasks, and thereby which drawing sheets to process.