Copy or move projects

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Copy or move projects

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In much the same way that you can copy and move groups, you can also copy and move projects. However, there are some significant differences.


The most important thing to remember here, is that we are not talking about actually moving or copying anything. The only things that are moved or copied, are references to the projects. No physical copying or moving is done. To "copy" in this context, therefore means to create multiple references to the same project.


Copying or moving projects works in the same way as copying or moving groups, which is described in the previous section, named Copy or move groups.


Figure 109:  Here, the project named "Demo IEC1355 English" is dragged and dropped in the "User projects" group.

Figure 109:  Here, the project named "Demo IEC1355 English" is dragged and dropped in the "User projects" group.


Figure 110:  When the dragged project is dropped, a menu like the one showed here is displayed.

Figure 110:  When the dragged project is dropped, a menu like the one showed here is displayed.


The basic principle is that you drag a project with the left mouse button pressed down, and drop it in a desired group where you release the left mouse button. When you do, a menu is displayed where you can select to either move or copy the reference to the project. A third option is also available, namely to cancel the operation.