Insert function object for contact

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Insert function object for contact

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Figure 868: The "OK" button

Figure 868: The "OK" button


After clicking the OK button, as shown in the figure above, you are asked to insert the function object in a suitable position. When you have done that, you return to the Contact dialogue box, where you can define the next contact.


If you have already defined all the contacts you want to have, you should use the Cancel button.


Positioning the function object correctly is in fact not trivial. Therefore, a detailed description of how the insertion points are placed is provided below.


In principle, there are four separate cases:


Vertical with graphics

Vertical without graphics

Horizontal with graphics

Horizontal without graphics


It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so instead of spreading the text about how the insertion points of the function objects are placed, we illustrate this with the graphic table below, where the insertion points are marked with red crosses.




With graphics



Without graphics




Please note that change-over contacts are "bigger" than make and break contacts in the respect that the graphics occupy more space.