Ignore the following terminal numbers

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Ignore the following terminal numbers

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Here you can specify terminal numbers, which the automatic terminal renumbering that may be performed from the Terminal list of Dynamic OnLine I should ignore. This means that when renumbering terminals using Dynamic OnLine I, it is possible to exclude certain terminals from that renumbering. That feature could for example be used for earth terminals.


If you want to enable that feature, you should enter the numbers of the terminals that want to be able to ignore here.


The way of defining the terminal numbers to ignore is with a comma (“,”) between them.






Assume that you have the following terminals:


01  02  03  05  07  N  PE  08  09  10  12  15  N  PE


If you choose to renumber them with start value 10 and step value 1 and to ignore N and PE when doing so, the result becomes:


10  11  12  13  14  N  PE  15  16  17  18  19  N  PE