Example 2: Not active

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Example 2: Not active

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The figures below illustrates the behaviour when Replace connection number in help symbol with * is not active.


Figure 336: There are two break contacts in the contact mirror, but we need three.

Figure 336: There are two break contacts in the contact mirror, but we need three.


Figure 337: The contact mirror is deleted. The original contact numbers remain.

Figure 337: The contact mirror is deleted. The original contact numbers remain.


Figure 338: The same mistake as before has been made. However, the original connection numbers still remain, despite the error. This may be somewhat confusing and the error is not obvious, but no information has been lost.

Figure 338: The same mistake as before has been made. However, the original connection numbers still remain, despite the error. This may be somewhat confusing and the error is not obvious, but no information has been lost.


Figure 339: A correct contact mirror is in place and no re-booking has occured.

Figure 339: A correct contact mirror is in place and no re-booking has occured.