Commands in the slide-out panel

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Commands in the slide-out panel

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Plot symbol library…

The Plot symbol library feature is used to create a nice-looking documentation of primarily user defined symbols. It can however plot any symbols in the same way, user defined or not.


Please refer to the separate Symbol Plot Utility topic, where this feature is described.


Multi terminal definition:

Insert attributes

Legacy feature


Multi terminal definition:

Insert graphical symbols…

Legacy feature

Multi terminal definition:


Legacy feature


Multi terminal definition:


Legacy feature


Split Elprocad multisheet drawing

These commands are used when converting Elprocad drawings for use in cadett ELSA.


Please refer to the Swedish document “cadett ELSA Tilläggsmanual - Elprocad-konvertering.pdf” where the process is described.


Convert single Elprocad symbols

Convert Elprocad drawing sheets

Symbol data control…

The Symbol data control feature enables you to check individual symbols for any differences between the symbol itself and the corresponding data in the symbol database. It also gives you an effective tool to fix deviation errors that you might find. Symbols missing in the symbol database can for example be fixed using this feature.


Block update commands

The Block update commands are used to replace one or multiple symbols with new versions of the same symbols, or with entirely different symbols. Please refer to the detailed description that is available using the link.


Recreate symbols

The Recreate symbols feature is used to scan all drawing sheets of an entire project for symbols with missing symbol definitions, and to recreate those symbol definitions.