According to selected numbering algorithm

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According to selected numbering algorithm

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Using numbering algorithms, you can create a more flexible numbering, for instance terminal numbers containing letters or other characters which are not digits. A requirement for that is however that you have created a suitable numbering algorithm in advance, or that you have access to one in some other way.


In the same way as you do when numbering terminals using start and step values, you can number all terminals in the dialogue or just some of them at a time, when using selected algorithms. If you do not select any terminals, the numbering will affect all terminals in the dialogue. If you select only certain terminals in the dialogue, the numbering will only include them.


Figure 1371:  Number terminals with a selected algorithm

Figure 1371:  Number terminals with a selected algorithm


Select the Selected algorithm option in the Number acc. to section.


In the lower part of the dialogue below the headline Numbering algorithm:, you select a suitable numbering algorithm.


Click the Number button and thereafter the OK button to transfer the new terminal numbers to the terminal list and to the circuit diagram.