Export and import of report definitions

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Export and import of report definitions

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The effective way in which cadett ELSA stores report definitions, results in export and import of report definitions being trivial. To import REP files, simply copy them from the SERVREP directory of the exporting installation to the SERVREP directory of the installation you are importing to, assuming that the report definitions are stored centrally in each installation. (The SERVREP directory normally has the path \ELSA\II\REPORTS\SERVREP).


(Local report definitions are stored in a directory called LOCREP, which is a sub-directory of the local workstation directory, in most cases located on the local hard disk named C:\ELSAWSX3 or similar).


In the importing installation, run the Report Generator and select the Collect command.


It is not more difficult than that.


Correspondingly, DXF forms may be imported by copying them from the \ELSA\II\REPORTS\DXF directory in the exporting installation to the same directory in the importing installation.


Regarding FMT forms, they are found in the \ELSA\II\REPORTS\FMT directory.