The Report Generator

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The Report Generator

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The Report Generator gives you the possibility to create complete lists, for example device lists and wire lists. These reports and lists can be made up in two different formats. The first format is DXF (AutoCAD) i.e. in the form of AutoCAD drawing sheets. The second is text documents. Those reports are called FMT reports.


Figure 20:  A report generated by the Report Generator

Figure 20:  A report generated by the Report Generator


A report is defined by a so-called report definition. This definition specifies that a certain type of information should be fetched from the PDS, that this information should be arranged in a certain way etc. Furthermore it specifies that a certain form should be used. The form is filled in by the Report Generator using information from a database of some kind. In this way you will get a complete filled-in report for say a terminal list, a device list, a wire list or something similar.