General description

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General description

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Three basic functions are supported:


Replace one single symbol (one single insert) with another one retaining attribute values. The symbol that replaces the old one might be a new version of the same symbol or a completely different one. If the same symbol is inserted multiple times in the same sheet, only the selected one is replaced.


Replace all blocks with a specified name in the current sheet with another one retaining attribute values. The symbol that replaces the old one might be a new version of the same symbol or a completely different one. If the same symbol is inserted multiple times in the same sheet, all of them are replaced.


Replace all symbols in the current sheet with current versions of the same symbols.


On top of that, two additional features can be added when needed.


The first additional feature is the possibility to configure the behaviour using the ACAD.INI configuration file located in the current symbol library. In that configuration, it is possible to specify that the positions, including rotation and justification, layer and text height, of certain attributes should be retained. When layers are concerned, it is also possible to define that certain attributes placed on a specific layer should be moved to another layer.


The second additional feature is available for single symbols and specified blocks, namely to include a line repair and a line break in the replacement of symbols. The advantage with using that feature is that the symbol that is replaced doesn’t need to be identical in size with the symbol that it is replaced with. The disadvantage is that if the lines that connect to the symbol are not located on the same layer, the layers might not always be retained.


The table below lists all available combinations.



Rebreak lines



Single selected With line break No config



Replace single selected symbols

Single selected No line break No config



Named symbols With line break With config



Replace symbols specified by names

Named symbols With line break No config



Named symbols No line break With config



Named symbols No line break No config



Filtered symbols No line break With config



All symbols according to a filter are updated, including macros like terminals

Filtered symbols No line break No config

