Terminal groups

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Terminal groups

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A terminal group is presented in one single line with a special icon, as shown in the figure below. This comprehensive level - the terminal group - is purely a matter of presentation. No catalogue information is presented on this level. The terminal group is not a device of its own, but a group of several devices which can be of mixed types.


To access individual terminals in the terminal group, you click the plus sign to the left, in a corresponding way as for resource groups. It is then possible to access the terminals that constitute the real devices.


Figure 1316:  Terminal groups are displayed as shown here, where the individual terminals constitute the physical devices.

Figure 1316:  Terminal groups are displayed as shown here, where the individual terminals constitute the physical devices.


It is on this level that the catalogue information is presented. This terminal level is a direct correspondent to the comprehensive level for conventional devices.


Please note that the individual terminals can be specified as resource groups or with composite indexes. In other words, there may be a third level here.


Due to several weighty reasons, no editing of the terminals through the device list is allowed. It is completely blocked. To summarise the reasons behind this, a consequence of the inheritance mechanism for terminal group name and index, is that it is often impossible to predict the exact effect such a change would have. Predictability is a requirement, which is why editing of terminals must be done in the circuit diagram or through the Symbol list, which provides the information that is needed to foresee the results that the change will lead to.