Commands in the slide-out panel

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Commands in the slide-out panel

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AutoCAD File New…

AutoCAD standard command NEW (creates new empty drawing without saving it).


AutoCAD File Open…

AutoCAD standard command OPEN (used to open DWG and other files).


AutoCAD File Save…

AutoCAD standard command SAVE (saves current sheet as DWG).


AutoCAD File Saveas…

AutoCAD standard command SAVEAS (saves current sheet with specified name and format).


AutoCAD File Export…

AutoCAD standard command EXPORT (export drawing sheets to alien formats).


AutoCAD File Recover…

AutoCAD standard command RECOVER (repairs damaged drawing files).


AutoCAD Font Compile…

AutoCAD standard command COMPILE (compiles SHP font source files to a SHX files).


Shift to previous sheet without saving

Open the previous sheet. Any changes made to the current sheet are discarded.


Please refer to a dedicated and detailed description in the Sheet Shift feature topic.


Shift to next sheet without saving

Open the next sheet. Any changes made to the current sheet are discarded.


Please refer to a dedicated and detailed description in the Sheet Shift feature topic.