Commands in the slide-out panel

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Commands in the slide-out panel

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Check layers and more. Legacy.



Standard AutoCAD PURGE command, which removes unreferenced definitions from the drawing sheet, thus reducing file size and improving performance.


Shift to previous sheet without saving

Open the previous sheet. Any changes made to the current sheet are discarded.


Shift to next sheet without saving

Open the next sheet. Any changes made to the current sheet are discarded.


Copy (CTRL_C)

Standard AutoCAD COPYCLIP command, used for Windows copy. Not suitable for use within the cadett ELSA environment.


Paste (CTRL_V)

Standard AutoCAD PASTECLIP command, used for Windows paste. Not suitable for use within the cadett ELSA environment.


Paste Special…

Standard AutoCAD PASTESPEC command, used for pasting specified files. Not suitable for use within the cadett ELSA environment.


Cut (CTRL_X)

Standard AutoCAD CUTCLIP command, used for Windows cut. Not suitable for use within the cadett ELSA environment.


Copy link

Standard AutoCAD COPYLINK command. Not suitable for use within the cadett ELSA environment.