Prepare for AUTO-HIDE mode

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Prepare for AUTO-HIDE mode

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To prepare for AUTO-HIDE mode, please start by undocking the Symbol Insert Tool. Then give generous sizes both to the Symbol Insert Tool as a whole, and to the symbol thumbnails specifically. The figure below shows a typical example.


Figure 1164:  The Symbol Insert Tool is displayed on top the drawing area whenever it is needed.

Figure 1164:  The Symbol Insert Tool is displayed on top the drawing area whenever it is needed.


The second step is to activate AUTO-HIDE mode, which you do with the AUTO-HIDE mode button.


Figure 1165:  AUTO-HIDE mode activated

Figure 1165:  AUTO-HIDE mode activated


The third step is to hide the Symbol Insert Tool, for example using the X in the upper right corner of it.


Figure 1166:  Hide the Symbol Insert Tool

Figure 1166:  Hide the Symbol Insert Tool


When these steps are done, you are ready to use AUTO-HIDE mode. Please use the link for a description of how to do that.