Extended layer setting tab

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Extended layer setting tab

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Figure 1046:  The "Extended layer-setting" tab before any settings have been added

Figure 1046:  The "Extended layer-setting" tab before any settings have been added


In this tab, user defined extended layer settings can be created and maintained. Arbitrary layers, defined by their names where the asterisk wild card is supported both in beginning and in end, can be turned off or on, and be frozen or thawed, at the users wish.


The standard layer setting that is specified in the Settings tab will be activated first for each sheet. After that, any specified extended layer setting will be activated. This means that you only need to include the differences between your preferred layer setting and the closest standard layer setting in the extended layer setting.


If you do not want any extended layer setting to be applied, please select None in the drop-down list.


To turn a layer ON, please check the On/Off check box.

To turn a layer OFF, please uncheck the On/Off check box.

To FREEZE a layer, please check the Freeze/Thaw check box.

To THAW a layer, please uncheck the Freeze/Thaw check box.

To leave a layer as it is, please remove the name of it from the list.


To create a new extended layer setting, please select Create new in the drop-down list. A dialogue box is then displayed in which you can specify the name of the new setting.


Please refer to the three following sub-topics for more details:


Creating a new extended layer setting

Using an existing extended layer setting

Deleting an existing extended layer setting