Directory to place generated PDF file in

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Directory to place generated PDF file in

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Figure 1028:  The "Directory to place generated PDF file in" section

Figure 1028:  The "Directory to place generated PDF file in" section


In this section, you can specify where the generated PDF file should be placed. You have four options at your disposal, which are all described in detail by the table below. You select which one to use with the respective radio button.




SOURCE directory

The generated PDF file will be placed in the SOURCE directory of the current project. Please consider the file naming settings that are valid for the current project.


TARGET directory

The generated PDF file will be placed in the TARGET directory of the current project. Please consider the file naming settings that are valid for the current project.


Current directory

The generated PDF file will be placed in the same directory as the currently open drawing sheet is located in. Normally, that is either the SOURCE or the TARGET directory of the current project. Please consider the file naming settings that are valid for the current project.


Specified directory/folder

This option gives you the possibility to place the generated PDF file in any directory. You type the name of that directory manually in the field below.





C:\My PDF files\2020


If you specify a directory that does not exist, it will be created automatically, if that is possible to do.