Directory options

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Directory options

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You select which one of the alternative options to use with the respective radio buttons, which are explained by the table below.




SOURCE directory

The generated PDF file will contain drawing sheets (DXF files) located in the SOURCE directory of the current project.


TARGET directory

The generated PDF file will contain drawing sheets (DXF files) located in the TARGET directory of the current project.



The generated PDF file will contain drawing sheets (DXF files) both from the SOURCE directory and from the TARGET directory of the current project.


Current directory

The generated PDF file will contain drawing sheets that are located in the directory where the current drawing sheet is located.


In other words, if the currently open drawing sheet is located in the SOURCE directory, the PDF file will contain drawing sheets from the SOURCE directory. If, on the other hand, the currently open drawing sheet is located in the TARGET directory, like a report, the PDF file will instead contain drawing sheets from the TARGET directory.