Any sheet...

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Any sheet...

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The Any sheet... option is found in multiple places in the menu system. A couple of them are shown in the figure below.


Figure 996:  Two ways of selecting "Sheet shift to any sheet" from the menu.

Figure 996:  Two ways of selecting "Sheet shift to any sheet" from the menu.


You can of course also select the option from the legacy pull-down menu and toolbar menus. The quickest way of them all is however probably to simply press <CTRL_UP-ARROW> on the keyboard.


When activating this option, a dialogue box as shown in the figure below is displayed.


Figure 997:  The "Any sheet..." dialogue box

Figure 997:  The "Any sheet..." dialogue box


The basic concept is that you can navigate through all sheets of the current project with the help of previews and file names, select one of them and quickly shift to that particular sheet. When doing so, you can select whether to save the current sheet or not.


Please refer to the sub-topics that are listed below.


Dialogue overview

File list

Single or multiple sheet preview

Navigating between available sheets

Save current sheet before sheet shift

